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File: 22 KB, 300x199, 300px-Volailles_Bresse.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10570627 No.10570627 [Reply] [Original]

How come americans produce the best beef in the world but the best chicken is French and best pork is Spanish ?

Small countries shouldn't be able to compete, even in quality, against the biggest and richest producers in the world.

Anyway who eats Bresse chicken here and how is it ?

>> No.10570648

US standard supermarket beef is pretty good in comparison to others, but Japan kicks our ass when it comes to the high end stuff.

French chicken is exellent, as is nearly all French meat and produce but the Chinese take the chicken crown with Longgan.

>> No.10570669
File: 136 KB, 679x413, beef-grading-us-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best beef in the world
lmao delusional

>> No.10570676

Bresse is more famous I think. French meat has some very high end quality but no large production of it, their average beef on the other end is very low tier.

Japan is the same. Sure real Kobe Beef is excellent but on average, Texan beef is really superior to Japanese beef.

Canadian meats have very bad press in Europe

>> No.10570691

Bresse is more expensive and more used in high-end restaurants than Longgang chicken.

>> No.10570702

Why would you discuss "averages" when you're talking about the best? Especially in the context of naming exotic poultry breeds?

>> No.10570716

To be fair, when someone makes a claim like in the OP, it can be interpreted that this country happens to have produced the one single cow that happened to be the best, or that the country consistently produces the best top-tier beef, but it's also fair to say that if one country produces a very small amount of a fantastic good, while another consistently produces large quantities of a high-quality good, that's also part of the whole conversation.

If you want to get autistic about semantics, clearly definite your criteria and explain that you will have zero discourse deviating from how you've interpreted a question or comment.

>> No.10570726

I'm talking about being world famous. You can't really dominate when your production is so small most of the world won't ever get to eat it.

Bresse isn't "exotic", you'll find in any high-end restaurant or gourmet market around the world. Iberic Pata Negra is sold everywhere in the world at sometimes almost the price of solid gold but it's available. Kobe beef is even more rare so saying Japan dominates beef is kinda unfair. I'm sure hand picked Texan producers can also compete with Kobe beef but they're mixed with a lot of other texan producers and are less easy to identify.

>> No.10570740

>americans produce the best beef in the world but the best chicken is French and best pork is Spanish

according to whom

>> No.10570760

The best chefs in the world ordering meat for their restaurants

>> No.10570786

>How come americans produce the best beef in the world
but thats wrong. no one thinks american meat is luxurous or even acceptable

americans produce the most of it but then again america occupies a very, very large area, but even in canada, most of the meat bought isnt american

>> No.10570793

lmao dubious claim
but if true just another reason restaurants were a misteak

>> No.10570797

why does canadian meat have bad press?
mad cow?

canadian beef is fantastic

>> No.10570807

unsure if intentional, but I laughed all the same

>> No.10570809

>americans produce the best beef in the world
baiting isn't nice anon

>> No.10570813

What are you talking about ? Anyone can see what's the best restaurants are using, just look at their menu online. Why would they use subpar ingredients ? Robuchon often said the reason of his success isn't the talent or the imagination of his cooks but just finding and using the best ingredients in the world.

Because they're about to flood the European market thanks to a free-trade agreement and it's much cheaper because they don't have to follow the european directives on quality control, ban on GMO and chemicals or sanitary rules.

>> No.10570816

Of course, no one thinks anything American is anything, if they have an educated opinion. One must consider regional specialties like cheese from Wisconson, or beef from Texas. The US is a large country, and many of our states and certainly our regions are more comparable to countries in the context of quality of produced goods.

>> No.10570831
File: 842 KB, 500x540, C3216737-CE1C-4229-AB85-0B92346B7930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only anon with an opinion backed by fact, bless

>> No.10570843

Cali has a good reputation on vegetables I think

>> No.10570850


>> No.10570856

I Thouht argentinian beef was the best simce the country is full of meadows for the cows to graze.

>> No.10570911

I've bresse twice in France and I will say that the chicken I raise in my backyard were comparable. Their diets consist of pecans, bugs and whatever else they forage. They get all the fruit scraps, plus broccoli which they love and I sprinkle millet every so and so.

Really love those little bitches. Get along great with the dog and the feral cats have stopped shitting in my garden because they do not fuck around with the cats. 4-5 of them will run up and protect their space extremely fast. I always feel slightly bad when I snap their necks, but they are raised for food.

>> No.10570986

I can guarantee one thing, the whole pork bellys from canada are far superior to even the local tennessee pasteured hogs in terms of fat to lean. Ffs, even Polish pork is much better since I can't get canadian pork in the US after drumpf's fucking tariffs.

>> No.10571012

Well that's high praise since chicken you raise yourself tends to be better has they have more space,less stress and more time to grow.

I'd like to try their capon, they give them a whole year and sell them only around Christmas.

And yeah, cats strangely don't fuck around with chicken but some dogs do. My cats on another hand are born rabbit killers.

>> No.10571027

Well try Corsican black pigs or Iberian pata negra, bellota, cebo or sellano. That's fucking art.

>> No.10571216

>How come americans produce the best beef in the world

>> No.10572303

American meat is trash. Go with Aussie meat or maybe some wagyu if you're visiting Japan.

>> No.10572330
File: 10 KB, 186x356, 1524242046432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can only afford sausage grade bushmeat

>> No.10573368

>no yellow fat
Nah brah. Yellow fat means grass fed, which often points to a superior product. Not all the time, but most of the time. And dark cuts usually means healthier meat like shank meat.

>> No.10573384

Australian beef is best

>> No.10573392

>How come americans

>> No.10573403
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, a1-f1-m19268-1cc1fd40d40d026bb34b22d228bfb76a5cbddb15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobe beef is great. 10/10 would eat again.

>> No.10573409

I have never heard of French chicken or American beef etc being praised as top quality. Surely most countries have their own share of both cheap and high quality meat. Do you really think a Michelin star restaurant in Italy imports chicken from France?

>> No.10573446


Canada's beef is regarded as very high quality high grade meat flown into luxury resorts in mexico and luxury casinos in vegas as well as many high end restaurants across the world.

Your so brainwashed and full of shit. How the fuck did you dumb assholes ever think as a loosely feuding union you could ever retain your sovereignty is beyond me.

>> No.10573470

>best chicken is French and best pork is Spanish
This is all false. Chicken is a fucking chicken. One can raise it as I do myself and it will be the best in the world. Pork is fucking pork. Best pork is obviously local farm pork but it pretty much tastes the same everywhere. The most used pig breed commercially was developed in America to cater AMERICANS and their environment. AMerican #1

>> No.10573499

French beef is too lean to be really good

>> No.10573539

>best beef is japan
>best chicken is japan
>best pork is Italy

>> No.10573565

Fat beef is disgusting when you eat your meat rare or blue.
High grade French beef is lean and tender.

>> No.10573645

Don't forget best whiskey

>> No.10573666

>Japan kicks our ass when it comes to the high end stuff

lolwut, their beef is nothing but regular shit jacked up to $3,000 dollars.

>> No.10573712

Best beef is New Zealand, unless you want to be paying 80 dollars a steak for some meme cut.
I haven't had chicken anywhere but NZ, AUS and Germany, but think it was tied NZ/AUS. They tasted quite different, but I couldn't decide on a better one.
I wish I could buy venison.
Does the quality (not type) of seafood vary by (first world) country? I get that places other than new zealand don't have the meme fish hoki, but you also have utter abominations like monkfish.

>> No.10573775

>Small countries shouldn't be able to compete, even in quality, against the biggest and richest producers in the world.
Culinary and agricultural traditions.

>> No.10573792

>grain fed beef
>best beef in the world
wew lad
try aus, nz, or uruguay/argentina

>> No.10575834

>Do you really think a Michelin star restaurant in Italy imports chicken from France?

>> No.10575842

Even your food manga say best Chicken is French.

>> No.10575849

>The best chicken
Who gives a fuck lol

>> No.10575858

Go Alberta!

>> No.10575863

>Do you think this restaurant ranked by the french uses french chicken

>> No.10575889
File: 136 KB, 480x320, teppan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan makes the best beef.

>> No.10575893

Great bump. Thanks for this.

>> No.10576040

No they don’t. Wagyu is too fatty to make a good steak, and the flavor is more mild than I like. If you want a ridiculously rich steak, there are wagyu angus breeds, but it’s still too rich IMO. I would like to see how the flavor of a wagyu turns out when it is raised similarly to western breeds. The Japanese are crazy enough to claim that isn’t even possible.

>> No.10576047

Also, we have heritage breeds that are amazing, they’re just niche markets.

>> No.10576066

op is a retard who has probably never even left his country, but considers himself an expert in the global beef market for some reason

>> No.10576253

Tastebuds ?

>> No.10576307
File: 309 KB, 458x303, 1516751884017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no yellow fat permitted
Yellow fat means the cow was grass-fed, you leaftards. Day of the rake when?!

>> No.10576316

>Canadian grading
>all standards are literally exactly the same except the marbling
So it appears Canada doesn't really understand the point of grades

>> No.10576324

If you are in Bresse, drive a few kilometres and you'll end up in Charolais. Try the Charolais beef, it's great. The beasts produce high-quality meat, way better than anything else you'll get around the country, even when you buy Charolaise in supermarkets. I haven't eaten any american meat so I can't compare with it.
t. Frenchman whose family comes from Charolais.

>> No.10576326

Canadian beef tastes rubbery. Proably because it gets so cold in your frozen socialist shithole.

>> No.10576335

No, NZ beef is mediocre at best. They should stick to sheep.

>> No.10577041

Your only valid point is the standards in Japanese agriculture. Americans are so lazy they stopped improving their livestock system.

>> No.10577052
File: 89 KB, 303x211, CornFedvsGrassFedBeef-steaksonly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

falling for the grass fed meme