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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10559190 No.10559190 [Reply] [Original]

Spaghetti with sauce and garlic bread is the best food on God's green earth. It's simple, it's classic, I could eat it for every meal and never get tired of it. Name a better food, I seriously doubt you could.

>> No.10559318

>sauce mixed with noods
>not enough cheese
you think this is a game?

>> No.10559622

Do you mix your sauce with the pasta or just put it on top? What are we suppose to do?

And how much sauce to pasta? Is it suppose to be just a little and to look white still or look more red and swimming in it?

>> No.10559633

I'm so fucking tired of Italians and their food autism
>this wheat dish must be served this exact way or else it's bad REEEEEEEEE

>> No.10559672

wheat with a side of wheat. enjoy your clogged arteries

>> No.10559673

but what about Spaghetti with no sauce and plain bread, eh ?

>> No.10559690

Pasta topping tiers:
God mode:
>olive oil, pepper, and parmesan
Great tier
>alferedo sauce
Shit tier
>tomato sauce
Prove me wrong
>you can't

>> No.10559701

>starch with a side of starch
It's good, don't get me wrong, but there are numerous dishes better put together than this.

>> No.10559808

But the way it's done in OP pic is how Italians do it, retard. The guy you're replying to is just a dumb American who thinks you're supposed to just dump a pot of sauce on top of dry pasta.

>> No.10559885

Add good meatballs and I will agree

>> No.10559902

You see, I hear the exact opposite from some people who think they know what "real" Italian food is because they met a half Italian person 40 years ago
My point is, why the fuck does it matter if it's dry and you plop sauce on it, mix it first, add fucking whatever to it
I can get being specific about specific meals--like chicken pot pie has to have chicken and be in a pastry or dough to be a chicken pot pie--but getting specific over pasta with a sauce is like getting autistic about the order of milk and cereal

>> No.10559919

>I'm so fucking tired of 4chan and their autism
>>this ______ must be done this exact way or else it's bad REEEEEEEEE


>> No.10559926

Finishing pasta by cooking it in the sauce tastes better because the sauce soaks into the pasta. There is an objective reason why it's preferable.

>> No.10559935

>My point is, why the fuck does it matter if it's dry and you plop sauce on it, mix it first, add fucking whatever to it
It matters quite a lot, dum-dum.

>> No.10559948

>he didn't get his 11 servings of grains in today

Heh, carblet

>> No.10560100

I like tomato sauce better than alfredo. Can't prove it but neither can you, nigger.

>> No.10560152
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pread pudding

>> No.10560163

You dont always have to be eating blanced healthy meals you fucking nerd.

>> No.10560164

Why not just cook the dry pasta in the sauce? I hear people cook lasanga that way.

>> No.10560181



>> No.10560194

You could do that if you started with an extremely runny sauce to compensate for the large amount of water absorbed by the pasta. Or if you are using fresh made pasta that doesn't need a lengthy cook to rehydrate it. In fact if you ever watched the old (original) Iron Chef show, Chef Kobe would often handmake fresh pasta and would cook it directly in the sauce.

But it's easier to parboil dried pasta and then finish it in the sauce.

>> No.10560322

I didn't say you did. I'm saying that "starch with a side of starch" as a meal is poorly put together.

>> No.10560388
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It's remarkable how many people on this board don't know this.

>> No.10560410

What would a mexican know about saucing pasta?

>> No.10560421


Is eating bread with pasta a poor person thing? I've never understood it. It's not even like I have a problem with carbs, I just don't understand why you'd put a carb on top of a carb, instead of doing some sausage or meatballs, or a side of some roasted veggies or even a salad.

>> No.10560423

So you're eating boiled stringy flour with baked flour and you think you're special? Mix your starches up. beans and bread is far better.

>> No.10560429

Carb overdose.

>> No.10560441

Do not talk shit about J. Kenji you fucking cretin.

>> No.10560466

Not really a class thing, it's just a great combination.

>> No.10560656

>not making a small serving of pasta
>not putting the bread on the bottom
>not smothering it in sauce and eating some bastardized open faced spaghetti sandwich

>> No.10560688

beans are literally just poor people food. Only useful for cheap nutrients without concern for flavor

>> No.10561367

>not eating protein
>calls others nerd

>> No.10561525

who are you talking to? I didn't call anyone nerd, you nerd

>> No.10561706

i literally eat pasta every day and most of the time for both lunch+dinner. it's great, sometimes you want sausage or beef in sauce but the basic combo of basil, tomato, and noodle is unmatched

as for bread, sorry, I like to get some bread during cooking so i can taste test the sauce and fill my stomach a bit. it's a good process.. i guess i prefer making cooking the experience rather than eating so i take like an hour to cook a 5 minute meal. in that way, eating bread during is just enhancing the whole thing for me

>> No.10562353

I usually make an ENORMOUS pot of spaghetti pasta, also known as a big sunday gravy, and save it to eat throughout the week for dinner with pasta, chicken parm, as pizza sauce, really whatever I feel like. It's great and saved me a ton of money for a couple years. might go back to it one day.

>> No.10562413

>what would a japanese-german-mexican who married a colombian know about saucing pasta?

>> No.10562419

>no beef meatballs

>> No.10562507

Can confirm this is the correct way.

>> No.10562699

My family is from northern italy (lago di como/ossuccio) and nobody there eats his pasta the way you think. A typical meal would be:
>spaghetti,lightly sauced as an appetizer
>the main course, often meat and polenta or roasted veggies
>a couple bottles of red whine, water and gazzosa (basically sprite)

Garlic bread is not a thing there.

>> No.10562711

*red wine

>> No.10562712

Nah bro I'm pretty compulsively contrarian but in this case I really have to agree with you. Nothing better.

>> No.10562713

Shrimp scampi with pashetti and lottsa butter pls ma'am

>> No.10563578

how many fucking paragraphs does this asshole need to get their point across? for fucks sake it's like I'm reading a womans blog instead of about spaghetti

>> No.10563601

i'll bet you have plenty of whine

>> No.10563631

>but getting specific over pasta with a sauce is like getting autistic about the order of milk and cereal
I agree with you that the pasta sauce mixing autism is stupid. But there is absolutely no way in HELL anyone is convincing me that its ok to put the milk in first. Surely you're trolling. If the milk goes in first you have to add cereal slowly to avoid splashing milk all over the damn place, plus you can't ensure even distribution of milk anywhere near as easily. I've never met anyone in my life who puts milk in first. Why on earth would you do that? Retarded as fuck end of story

>> No.10563963

retarded bait, can't greentext, confirmed newfag brainlet retard.

>> No.10563966

Fried siskonmakkara with sweet chili sauce.

>> No.10564013
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i'm with you, op. i love it.

but give me a ton of meat sauce. and let the noodles soak it all up. just stew in it.

>> No.10564028

Lol amerifat

>> No.10564045

lasagne is the superior pasta dish. a crispy baked top hiding soft delicious pasta and meats below

pizza with a meat topping is the apex tomato-starring food. skip the noodles and just get to the bloody point -- meat, cheese, vegetables.

>> No.10564070

>cooking your pasta all at once is somehow cheaper than cooking it per-meal

do americans really think like this?

>> No.10564091
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bolognese was the first thing I ever learned to make and the only thing I can make that I would call 'good'

also, I have a chub of ground meat with the date of april 19th on it. i know expiration dates are bullshit, so, it should be fine to cook this as long as it doesn't smell/isn't green, right?

I didn't want to make a new thread, so I thought I'd just ask here.

>> No.10564094

give it a whiff and if it smells ok use it

>> No.10564100

make meatballs

>> No.10564130
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Thanks guys, appreciate it.

>> No.10564240

Ground meat gets bad faster and more intensely than pieces of meat. If it smells even a tiny bit strange DO NOT eat that shit or you will deely regret it. Then again, it might be a good way for you to learn.

>> No.10564302
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>Americans proudly post their spaghetti
>It's ketchup with noodles

>> No.10564327

Personally, nothing gets stale and leaves a bad taste in my mouth after a few days faster than meals using tomato (sauce).

If I had to eat one thing for every meal, it'd obviously be steak.

I sure hope that's bait.