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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 750x940, 1524711038293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10563119 No.10563119 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is evil /ck/

>> No.10563122

>the began spammer's weekly ban expired again

>> No.10563126


Yeah, the internet police unironically need to get on top of regulating fake news like your OP pic.

>> No.10563135

>pus is just white blood cells, which are actually good for you and boost your immune system
>135 million is an insignificant amount
If anything, we need more pus in our milk.

>> No.10563139
File: 30 KB, 600x519, MEN-JJ10-dairy-cow-3-milk-glass-on-post jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil is right, OP. Just look at this majestic beauty.
>an ice cold glass hits the spot
>you can warm it up to help you sleep
>you can flavor it
>you can cook and bake with it
>it's fucking tasty
>excellent mouthfeel
>is your bro, will combat capsaicin
>cows feel better when they're milked, every glass is a promise of a happy cow
>nutritious as fuck
>protein gainz
>natural sugars for ubermensch, only weak third worlders can't tolerate it
It's absolutely sinful.

>> No.10563141

I like how they always use tricky language too. "Pus" for instance instead of "white blood cells" (spoiler: animal products contain animal products)

>> No.10563145

The white blood cells in milk wont fo anything for your immune system, theyll be denatured and digested in your stomach like any other animal product.

>> No.10563159
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>> No.10563162
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>> No.10563170
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>fake news
Why is it fake only truth here

>> No.10563182
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>> No.10563193
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>> No.10563201
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>> No.10563202

How did they do this and how do I do it to my gf

>> No.10563221

>why is it fake only truth here

Why do you spam these pics when you clearly don't even speak English? You're seriously just trolling, right?

>> No.10563223

Your gf should leave your dumb abusive ass

>> No.10563226
File: 177 KB, 776x767, friendly cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk isn't a meal to me.
Ironically, it is to a calf, though.

>> No.10563229

And you are a fool who knows nothing enjoy you milk why don't you double your intake :) see if I care

>> No.10563231

Torture? Most human women would kill for titties like that.

>> No.10563234

You obviously do care or you wouldn't have made this thread.

>> No.10563240

Yes, well you are my friends /ck/ and I just want you to eat well and be more healthier.

>> No.10563243

Why should I care about an ignorant fool like you ? I would be better off spending my time on people who want to know the truth have a good day

>> No.10563246

true, there is also findings on the air we breathes in contains oxygen which is HARMFUL & POISONOUS to us. better stop breathing bros

>> No.10563250

tfw no pet cow to lounge around with before it's execution

>> No.10563259

I'm not your friend, and I'm truly sorry that you somehow got that impression.

>> No.10563262
File: 47 KB, 810x605, milk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10563272

This cat knows what's up.

>> No.10563280

You're not me.

I'm sorry, but some types of friendships do not require consent. They are fated.

>> No.10563288
File: 36 KB, 409x540, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like a nasty infection.
If only that cow had lived free in the wild where nobody ever gets sick.

Damn right.

>> No.10563398

She's only a 36ddd

how do I help her up her numbers?

>> No.10563944


See image related in post below... "only species" surrrre


>> No.10563947

there's that pic with piece of dick when you need it

>> No.10563953

Humans are also the only species that sit around in offices staring at computers all day.

>> No.10563954
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I got u fampai

>> No.10563969 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10564000

>are you still driving cars?
>humans are the only species who extract and refine petroleum for use as a fuel

>> No.10564006

>>10563969 god i wish that was me

>> No.10564009

>Humans are the only species to drink milk into adulthood
>This is bad

>> No.10564023

>Casein is TOXIC for humans
human breast milk protein is almost half casein though

>> No.10564033
File: 19 KB, 320x320, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really got the appeal of drinking milk. Cheese, butter, sour cream and tons of dairy are great, but plain milk is consistently disappointing.

>> No.10564035

Its a meme based on a study thats quoted often but never read. Cliff notes
>Does this compound in peanuts kill people when digested alongside animal proteins
>First run lets use these lab rats like every scientist ever, except lets do like 4 tons of peanuts worth of this compound per rat 3 times a week
>The longest living rat didnt get casein, guess its bad for humans too
>Despite the shortest living rats not getting any casein at all
>And the fact that these rats get cancer directly from casein, something thats been a known confounder
>pls dont read the second half of the study with the chimp populations

>> No.10564042

are you drinking american """milk"""? because that's not milk, it's petroleum byproducts added to water to thicken it, then colored white. it's not milk.

>> No.10564047

The only thing makes me feel better about dumb people saying normal things cause cancer is being able to prosecute those who say normal things cure cancer as part of my job.

>> No.10564067

Are you sure it's not actually semen you like the taste of? Lots of europeans make that mistake.

>> No.10564148

There's a strong correlation between arteriosclerosis and milk consumption. Because of this, older adults should try to avoid consuming dairy products. Children on the other hand should drink milk since they need the calcium for their growing skeleton. Milk is also an excellent source of magnesium, which is essential when developing muscles.

>> No.10564176
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>> No.10564178

>>cows feel better when they're milked, every glass is a promise of a happy cow
because they're artificially forced to be constantly producing it

>> No.10564179
File: 4 KB, 192x263, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's genuinely hilarious

>> No.10564193

based petroleum byproducts poster

>> No.10564197

Quitting dairy helped clear my skin up. I still eat cheese though on occasion

>> No.10564203


Vegans are pretty much latent furries. They're both socially stunted weirdos.

>> No.10564362

>caring about t levels
lol, if you are so "manly" then why dont you act like it instead of relying on arbitrary numbers

>> No.10564894
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>> No.10564920

the truth

>> No.10565035

No, that's Malk™.

>> No.10565528

It's tasty, fuck the lactose-tolerance jealous weaklings that can't handle it.

>> No.10566880

So what about all the people around the world that also drink goat/sheep/horse/buffalo milk?

>> No.10566921

God, vegans are retarded

>> No.10566935

something along the lines of
>lotsa fenugreek
>lotsa fennel
>lotsa daily sucking (once lactation is induced don't suck or squeeze too hard or you'll suck out the milk-producing cells in the ducts or some shit, it's bad for long-term milcc)
>experiment with birth control but don't rely on it as it could fuck her mood and sex drive
>fenugreek fenugreek fenugreek
>just look up the shit they recommend to ladies struggling to lactate when they're pregnant and do that x F

>> No.10566940

as far as i know this can be infinitely scaled up and the more you progressively increase sucking/feeding the more they'll produce with seemingly no end, i've seen anecdotes of men with wives who produce nearly a liter of milk a day after months/years of consistent effort. however they may get saggier once you stop

>> No.10566948

Humans that lived in colder climate were depending on drinking milk for the fat and neutrient that it contained. This is why snowniggers can drink milk without a problem while your regular negro can't. It's simply evolution.

>> No.10567054

Boomer is a mistake

>> No.10567073

oh no
"toxins" and pus cells
enjoy living in your fucking bubble and ending up allergic to your own blood before dying from a staph infection at 23

>> No.10567075

You ever give an animal a bowl of milk? They fucking love that shit. If animals had the propensity to get milk on their own they'd be doing it non stop

>> No.10567229

shhh, you're forcing the faggot to come to grips with their willful ignorance of their faggotry. But that's all, it doesn't change their behavior.
Just kill them.

>> No.10567540

>milk is responsible for tooth decay
That's where I draw the line.

>> No.10567602

As expected, milk shills are going full force in this thread. I guess eating like a baby makes you stay at a babys intelectual level too.

>> No.10567609

>everyone not in my cult is a shill
Truly, the vegan mind is fascinating.

>> No.10567610

Im not a vegan

>> No.10567611

You need bacteria and fungi to survive you fuck

>> No.10567620

This and puera mirifica. It's such a potent estrogen it can give women ovarian cancer.

>> No.10567632

Wait, I really like fenugreek and fennel and use them often. Are they like soy except with a real effect instead of a pseudoscientific one?

>> No.10568015

Is it safe to give dogs milk? My two labs just had a puppy, hes almost 4 months old. Could i give him a bowl of alta dena 2% and watch him be strong?

>> No.10568031

>eat fruit or food with added sugar
>skin breaks out
>drink milk
>skin is fine
maybe different people have different dietary needs, and the 25% of the global population that evolved to consume dairy can be fine with it

>> No.10568045

>eating like a baby
Sometimes I have to wonder if this is some kind of pro-milk shilling by making anti-milk people look dumb, because it's a bad argument and insulting people usually doesn't work. If you care about the cows and cleanliness of milk, "animal-free milk" would probably convince more people to something to help them. It's not a milk alternative but real milk being made in a similar way that lab-grown meat is.

>> No.10568984
File: 94 KB, 480x360, Its_Evil-Dont_Touch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10568993
File: 14 KB, 300x152, USN-Boomer_Challange_Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it?

>> No.10569145
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>> No.10569210

Do I have to start eating cow brains again to protest veganism?

>> No.10569214

Gross I don't want to drink only half a dick!

>> No.10569235

This propaganda is hilariously bad.
Like, bad to the point that it looks like something an omnivore made to make vegans look stupid.

>> No.10569239

either infected or the cow hasnt been milked. Stop with those cringy pics taken out of context....

>> No.10569242

Veal brains are better but its not very good in general

>> No.10569249

>He doesn't want his Vitamin R
What are you, gay?

>> No.10569293

Oh, this is the other way that these people resemble a religion: Really stupid superstitions.

>> No.10569907
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>> No.10570582

Americans drowning in milk is bad but milk itself is ok. Good for baking

>> No.10570664

OH FUCK, SERIOUSLY? Do Americans really do things?

>> No.10570783

The mere idea that estrogen somehow goes from your stomach into your endocrine system without being broken down by stomach acid first is completely ludicrous. Take a biology class or two, sheesh..

>> No.10570901

THIs argument always made me laugh. Like a dog doesn’t go crazy when you fill their bowl with cows milk. Humans are the only animals smart enough to extract milk to drink whenever we want.

>> No.10572835

Please dont fish-post at me

>> No.10572866

>i'm not the stoopid one because poe's law