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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10547371 No.10547371 [Reply] [Original]

>country famous for its teas
>serves it totally wrong: hot, and often with milk
Can the brits do anything right?

>> No.10547386

tea is best served according to personal preference
also, it's cold in britain most of the time, so hot drinks are more appropriate than cold drinks

>> No.10547405

But milk goes well with a lot of the varieties of Indian black teas that we enjoy? Why am I even replying to this thread?

>> No.10547408


Because you're a needy little prat

>> No.10547728


>> No.10547735


>> No.10547774

tea is supposed to be hot.

you're right that the milk part is retarded though.

>> No.10547775

has just been revoked

>> No.10548062
File: 73 KB, 624x416, INLINE-lan-fong-yuen-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians enjoy milk with tea too though.

Like Hong Kong milk tea, Thai Iced Tea, etc.

>> No.10548098

Hong Kong style milk tea was appropriated from the English under their colonial rule.

But if Asian cultures can enjoy tea with milk, then "milk not belonging in tea" is entirely subjective and not objective.

>> No.10548125

>Can the brits do anything right?

Of course. Just not when it comes to food.

>> No.10548157

Yeah, British tea and food kinda sucks.

I'm born and bred British, but haven't eaten proper British food because all other cultures Do it better. And migration means that Turkish, Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, cuisines are so readily available.

Can't fault a Sheppard's pie or full English though.

>> No.10548160

It's not like U.K is know for high class or quality tea, just drinking copious amounts of it. Just like Nordics are known to drink a ton of coffee, but not for their high quality coffee like Mediterranean countries.

>> No.10548169

They also mix sweetened condensed creams with their coffees which give it a vastly different tatse

>> No.10548182
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Just add water.

>> No.10548378

Migration is irrelevant. Japan has loads of pizza and fried chicken without Italian and yank migration

>> No.10548425

>hong kong
influenced by bongs
basically asian niggers

>> No.10548430

>milk in tea
just admit you're babbies that need everything to be sweet. brits are the amerilards of europe after all.

>> No.10548443

What would be the point of having something like an assam without milk? It's a great tea but nobody drinks it that way for good reason

>> No.10548458

>drinking assam tea

>> No.10548466
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Drink proper black teas you faggot. Assam is fucking gross. English/Irish breakfast are basically all just assam.

>> No.10548471

What are you? A finn who only drinks black coffee?

>> No.10548493
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>> No.10548506

I doubt they have climate to grow tea.

>> No.10548518
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I bet your breath stinks

>> No.10548527

Milk makes your breath stink more than clear tea because your oral bacteria feeds on the carbohydrates in it.

>> No.10548529

nah, i eat very little sugar and floss/brush daily. i know it's a hard concept for bongs to understand, because as i said you're the amerilards of europe

>> No.10548546

the acidity of the tea dissolves the milk dumbass

>> No.10548558
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>when sugar dissolves, it magically disappears

>> No.10548866

>milk = sugar
dumb 130iq poster

>> No.10548871

milk contains sugar, retard. it doesn't just vanish when you pour it into tea.

>> No.10548878

>milk contains sugar
just like your bread right? dumb american

>> No.10548881


>> No.10548916

nobody was talking about milk except you

>> No.10548917

Read the reply chain, dipshit.

>> No.10548927

An English girl I met on FB came to stay with me for a week and made herself some tea in the mornings. She put the tea bag in the boiled water, swirled it around for like a few seconds, then takes it out, is this how the Brits normally do it?

Asked if she was supposed to let it steep for a few minutes and she looked at me like I was *'avin' a laugh* or *takin' the piss*

>> No.10548929

she was supposed to pray towards mecca while the tea steeped

>> No.10548946

That's simply because of mass americanisation. It's not the same effect for other cultural foods.

Very few authentic Turkish restaurants in California compared to London, simply because there are fewer Turkish migrants in the former.

>> No.10549001

If I'm making a cuppa at home I try and leave it in for 4-5 minutes. Sometimes you walk away and forget about it though and you're left with a bitter, sad tea.

If I'm at work i furiously mash the teabag around with a stirrer for a few seconds and shuffle back to my desk.

>> No.10549019

>If I'm making a cuppa at home I try and leave it in for 4-5 minutes.
This is how I thought it should usually be done but she made some comment about Americans when I brought it up

>> No.10549021

We exploit minorities pretty efficiently.

>> No.10549025

To be fair, milk tea is a good starting point. Helps break the bitterness and mask the strength of the taste. It's sort of the same concept with chai, though chai can be touted as some herbal remedy.

>> No.10549049

If you're using bags of black tea, 3-4 minutes is pretty standard. 5 is pushing it.
Has nothing to do with Americans, that's just the physics of how it works. How much tea can really be extracted in a few second? Your girlfriend might be retarded.

>> No.10549064

>Your girlfriend might be retarded
She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed in that kind of way (which one is?), but the britishness was irresistible

>> No.10549075

I guess gongfu style brewing only takes a few seconds, but you need to use a super high tea to water ratio for it to work. There isn't nearly enough in a teabag to do gongfu.

>> No.10549080
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>If you're using bags of black tea, 3-4 minutes is pretty standard. 5 is pushing it.

>> No.10549094

I'm aware of the frequently incorrect instructions on packages of tea. Doesn't change what I said.

>> No.10549107

please refer to ISO 3103 before you embarrass yourself again


>> No.10549128

>Brewing time is six minutes.
absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.10549137


>> No.10549150

the brits only brew their coffee for that long because they usually have it with milk

>> No.10549477

if you can't make a cup of builder's tea you can fuck off

>> No.10549493

Why would you want to?

>> No.10549518

so you're not a laughing stock amongst every blue collar worker and every tradesman in the country

>> No.10549529

>caring about being a laughing stock among a bunch of uneducated faggots

>> No.10549540

>look at me i can make my special tea
>folded a hundred times like in my anime
it's not hard to do
if you can't do the most simple task like a fucking standard cup of tea, as expected by 99% of people who drink it, why would anyone trust you to do something else?

>> No.10549555

What the fuck do you think bread is, my dude? Bread and all carbohydrates are sugars fundamentally.

>> No.10549706

>a fucking standard cup of tea,
It's amazingly stupid that you think the fruitcake Britbong style of tea is the standard.
Tea is a Chinese thing, little dude. Japan basically only drinks one kind of green tea and it's not even that great.

>> No.10549723

>he thinks 99% of people who drink tea put milk in it
>what is the entire population of China
>what is the entire population of Japan
>what is most of India
Dumber than an American.

>> No.10549753

i'm british
this is how british people tend to drink their tea
if you are unable to do something as insanely simple as make the standard cup of tea, as expected, then you are a complete fucking moron and won't be trusted with anything more important than opening a door for the lads who are doing actual work around you
nobody in this country cares how great your special foreign tea is
they want a brew, and they want it now
if you're asked to make a brew, and can't give the standard cup of tea, you will be treated like the retard you are

>> No.10549786

>hey anon, put the kettle on for the lads, two teas mate
>actually, these teabags are not the ideal method, authentic tea as made by the japanese is best brewed with a-
>steve, can you make the tea? and get this twat off the site before someone gets hurt

>> No.10549814

>the standard cup of tea
Why do you keep saying this when the British cup of tea isn't the standard?

>> No.10549843

if you look back in the reply chain (or at the op), you'll see british tea is the subject being discussed
there aren't many competent people over the age of 18 who couldn't figure that one out before posting
i wouldn't trust you to turn an electric kettle on

>> No.10549856

>if you look back in the reply chain (or at the op), you'll see british tea is the subject being discussed
Yes, and in no way does that mean that the fruitcake Britbong cup of tea is the standard.

>> No.10549872

british people are retarded, though. why would anyone want to drink a preparation of tea designed by retards?

you doctor it up so much you might as well just drink coffee instead.

>> No.10549876

it is the standard in britain
which is the subject being discussed
which country's tea do you think we're discussing?
i didn't say global standard, i said standard
do you need the word "cup" to be specified as well?
there are various sizes of cup
which size do you think we are discussing?

>> No.10549885

>i said standard
It is not the standard cup of tea.
>do you need the word "cup" to be specified as well?
You specified the word "cup" numerous times.
>there are various sizes of cup
No, there is only one size of cup.

>> No.10549889

>hurr i can't make a retarded cup of tea
>hence i am less retarded
tell us all about your superior cup of tea then, and don't forget to explain how it's relevant to the thread

>> No.10549890

milk and sugar in tea is for stupid faggots lmao

>> No.10549892

literally anyone can make the british cup of tea. why do you keep pretending anyone would have trouble with it?

>> No.10549893

Explaining how British tea sucks ass and why other teas are better is very relevant to the thread, little dude.

>> No.10549907

wow mate i asked for a cup of tea, not a pint of autism

>> No.10549911

t. fruitcake britbong

>> No.10549927

so if i asked you for a cup of tea, i would get a literal cup of tea?
250ml of tea?
because google says a standard mug is 350ml

>> No.10549929

how did you figure out that i'm british?
i left so few clues

>> No.10549937

>ask for a cup of tea
>expect a mug
t. retarded britbong

>> No.10549950

>um there aren't any cups is it okay if i give you a mug of tea instead?

>> No.10549954

>using a tiny little 1g bag of tea in a 350ml mug
jesus christ, brits not only drink shit tea but they're pussies too lmao

>> No.10549966

>the strength of a cup of tea depends only on the volume of the liquid
literally cannot be trusted to make a cup of tea

>> No.10549974

You have terrible reading comprehension.

>> No.10549981

Do you literally pour water up to the brim of a mug? The heck?

>> No.10549994
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>drinking shitty english breakfast
>not drinking amazing chinese blacks instead

>> No.10550000

The whole reason the introduction of tea to india was so tremendously successful is because the tea was great. Bold malty flavours that were very welcome in a country without much fascination with coffee.

>> No.10550028


>> No.10550033


>> No.10550037


>> No.10550059
File: 2.17 MB, 640x360, streaker victory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can the brits do anything right?

Yes, conquer 1/4 of the entire planet

>> No.10550089



>> No.10550130
File: 1.14 MB, 1841x1227, 1523926804984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting your world view from memes

England is still a based place

yes I do have a posting license for this comment

>> No.10551402


>> No.10551477

That unironically looks like a more fun place to be than anywhere in America

>> No.10551540

Man you Americans sure are pissed off about tea.
It's bloody herb water and the taxation bullshit was 200 years ago

>> No.10552486

I can't be overstated just how special this photo is

>> No.10552497

>country famous for its teas
colonial pillaging

>> No.10552500

This sort of tea was given to factory workers, usually with two sugars. It was to give them enough energy to carry throughout the day without a meal. This is where this sort of tea has its lineage.

>> No.10552768

Wish people in the UK didn't put British food down so much, just because it's not got a French name or something doesn't mean it's not nice.

>> No.10552786

Most of those sorts of posts are made by SEETHING Americans anyway.

>> No.10552790
File: 293 KB, 800x543, BiscuitTea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you Johnny Foreigner types are so primitive you still dunk biscuits into your tea, instead of simply buying biscuit flavour tea in the first place.

Savages, it's about time we taught you lot a jolly good lesson once more.

>> No.10552802

East Frisea also driks tea with milk but they don't stir it and also drop a piece of rock candy inside. It puts thier tea on three layers of taste: at first you have the strong top part, then you have a milder middle untill you reach the sweet bottom.

>> No.10552805

sounds gay.

>> No.10552814
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>> No.10552860

Northerner's don't count as English

>> No.10552861


Scaldin' hot m8ee

>> No.10552886

There's not an Englishman left in London

>> No.10552889

Clearly never been to the square mile.

>> No.10553340

need to try this desu

>> No.10553361

This, the south is about as white as america

>> No.10553403

It's not because of the name, it's because it's objectively bad compared to most countries
a simple tartiflette blows your entire cuisine out of the water, unfortunately
this is evidenced by the fact that most good restaurants in england serve foreign food, while most in france, italy or spain serve the local cuisine

>> No.10553408

>most in france, italy or spain
that's an understatement, it's like 98%

>> No.10553458

Black tea and milk is a great combo. Some herbal teas taste nice with milk as well.

There are so many types of teas. No need to hate

>> No.10553472

>i furiously mash the teabag around with a stirrer for a few seconds
I've been told that stirring vs not stirring a teabag while brewing makes absolutely no difference.

>> No.10553482

Did you ever consider that so many brits put down their own food because its fashionable to hate your own country?

>> No.10553654

typical 140iq poster spotted

>> No.10553689


>> No.10553723
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the brits were colonized by indians

that's why they like milk in their tea and shitty tasting food

>> No.10553731
File: 34 KB, 355x334, 51lo7-k2JLL._SX355SX355_SY334_CR,0,0,355,334_PIbundle-6,TopRight,0,0_SX355_SY334_CR,0,0,355,334_SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best brand of green tea? This shit here tastes like grass

>> No.10553738

lol. there is no good brand of bagged green tea.

go to yunnan sourcing and order something loose, then learn how to steep it properly. i recommend zhu ye qing, or maybe first flush mao feng.

>> No.10553819


The City isn't london in a way that the greater shithole of london is.

>> No.10553862


>asia is an authority on food

Asia has trash taste and will eat virtually anything

>> No.10553876


Thats called a creamer dumbass

>> No.10553949

But even they wont eat american 'food' unless they have to

>> No.10554004

To be fair, everyone does tea wrong with the exception of Arnold Palmer

>> No.10554046

You've never been to Asia have you

>> No.10554273

That looks like a bigger shithole that a backwoods town in Georgia. Do you fucking bongs just spit gum all over the street and side walk? Do you not have some sort of street cleaning service or even the ability to clean the fuckin' graffiti off your businesses?

That shit is all entirely standard in even towns with a population of less than 500. Y'all really are turning into a third world country.

>> No.10554426

Holy kek

>> No.10554435

Lots of Chinese restaurants here in Italy

>> No.10554464

I’ve heard american infrastructure is shit-tier compared to european.

>> No.10554482
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I forgot how assblasted thirdies get about brits

>> No.10554506

>being this clueless about what's going on around you

>> No.10554517
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see people assblasted about brits you know you've got thirdies

>> No.10554524

No, that's not correct.

>> No.10554538
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>thirdies in denial

They sure are miffed since they've ofen been conquered by the bongs

>> No.10554557

You need to see a doctor.

>> No.10554592
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Always funny seeing reddos on /ck/

>> No.10555579

Depends on the state, but most Southern States have very well maintained infrastructure. It's generally the states that rely solely on tolls to pay for their maintenance like your major tourist attraction states like FL, NY, PA, CL, et cetera. Places like TN, TX, GA tend to have very good clean roads by comparison.

>the south is about as white as america
which part of the americas? very big difference even if you're talking about the north and south of the US

>> No.10555587

Do British people actually put milk in their tea? No wonder they're the leader in obesity, sheesh.

>> No.10556390

>major tourist attraction states
what the fuck are you talking about, man?

>> No.10556507

got to a southern inner city. there are a fuck ton of minorities.

>> No.10556551

No we can't.We founded America and look how that turned out

>> No.10557254

>Agitation has no effect on dissolution and diffusion

>> No.10557261

I wouldn't steep a tea bag for more than a minute. Too many small pieces in those.

>> No.10557268

No you didn't. It was never losted.

>> No.10557273

>pouring the tea into the milk
Globalization was a mistake

>> No.10557284


nice false flag

>> No.10557354
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Got called racist in greggs earlier lads

>> No.10557399

Tell us what happened lad

>> No.10557410

I don't drink my coffee with milk and I brew it for that long. Unsweetened, very strong black coffee is great. Coffee with any milk in it tastes like a dessert to me.

When it comes to tea and Assam/English style blends, I also brew tea for about six minutes or so in a teapot, but I only use loose leaf because fuck teabags.

I drink other kinds of tea than the typical assam blends and I prepare those differently. But I mostly drink a typical English style blend or straight assam in the pot, with a tiny dash of milk in after pouring

>> No.10557429

>only use loose leaf
>brew tea for about six minutes
You are a waste of oxygen

>> No.10557597

>be britbong
>don't use milk in tea
>/ck/ btfo

>> No.10557626
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>> No.10557692

>brewing loose black tea for 6 minutes
it wouldn't even taste like tea at that point. it would just be bitter sludge water.

>> No.10557698

I got called racist in greggs

>> No.10557717
File: 319 KB, 1200x751, FLUYT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Britain, the country of tea
>It's actually the Dutch that claimed the best tea, rooibos
Get fucked, britfags.

>> No.10557747

rooibos isn't tea, though.

>> No.10557764

Maybe, but who cares about semantics when it tastes better?

>> No.10557778

>pinecone semen
>tastes better than oolong from china
spotted the retard

>> No.10557806
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>pinecone semen

>> No.10557816

rooibos tastes like pinecones

>> No.10557819

Rooibos tastes like shit and isn't even caffeinated.

Stop drinking bagged garbage.

>> No.10557896

Ye but why

>> No.10558135

I was being racist

>> No.10558157

>one kind of green tea
>not even that great
wrong again nigger

>> No.10558173

90% of the tea in Japan is sencha and matcha. he's not that far off the mark.

chinese tea is immensely more varied.

>> No.10558715

China has more land, so what did you expect you mongo?

>> No.10558790

You're a little dumb, aren't you?

China has more land, but that's obviously not why they have a wider variety of tea. There's nothing that actually keeps Japan from producing black, white and oolong teas. It's all the same god damn plant. But instead they keep producing only green tea.

>> No.10558851

the guy was acting like tea aficionados commonly drink "special tea like in my anime", which isn't actually true because japanese tea is only a very, very small part of the tea world.

read the fucking reply chain. no one is shitting on japan for having less tea.

>> No.10560842

>Clearly american
>Thinking they know tea