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10546820 No.10546820 [Reply] [Original]

Why do insecure Californians insist on bringing up In-n-out every time 5 guys is brought up? In-n-out burgers aren't even that awesome to begin with, they are only popular because they were much better than other burgers around at the time like McDonald's or BK. If In-n-out burgers were so amazing, you wouldn't be able to have one in your hands 3 minutes after ordering one.

>> No.10546821

why are you so insecure that you make a thread about californians? just ignore them you dumbass.

>> No.10546824

why are you so insecure that you made a comment about a comment in a thread?

>> No.10546826

I've never been to In-n-Out, but it probably is better than 5 Guys. That's not saying much, though, because 5 Guys sucks ass.

>> No.10546828

>In-n-out burgers aren't even that awesome to begin with
>If In-n-out burgers were so amazing, you wouldn't be able to have one in your hands 3 minutes after ordering one.
The last time I was at In-n-out it took almost 15 min to fill my order, and they had at least 20 employees on duty. One 40 year old manager and 19 18 year olds.

>> No.10546831

That happens in fast food from time to time though. I could go to in-n-out during on or off peak hours and it takes less than 5 minutes to get a meal.

>> No.10546833

that's hot

>> No.10546840

Because they're roasty coasties and have literally no culture or identity other than Hollywood and a mediocre burger chain.

>> No.10546847

That's a lot of burger sauce

>> No.10546849

It was off peak (~ 3:30pm) but it was right next to the the UCLA campus. Maybe one could get a 3 min burger right when they open.

>> No.10546852

Because no one in california is actually from california so they struggle with their identity and compensate by yelling about anything, literally anything, local.

>> No.10546855

My issue is that 5 guys burgers are sopping wet if you get them "all the way" It's way better w/ just cheese, tomato and raw onion. Other wise it's a sopping mess of water run off and sauce that disintegrates 1/2 way before you're done. But this is a problem for a lot of places, more != better. The cajun fries ARE better than 95% of burger places though.

>> No.10546864

5 goys is fucking SOGGY dude, every single time. even if you cut down on the toppings you ask them to add, it gets soggy. why? because their procedure is fucking stupid. watch how they make their burgers next time. it's not optimal for a good burger. the meat should be juicy but the fucking bread shouldn't get destroyed from sogginess. the don't seal the meat to lock in the juices. it's just a really sloppy, fucked up, overpriced burger. only idiots buy this shit.

p.s. in CA we have tons of other unique, small burger shops that do charbroiled, fresh off the grill. you've only heard of in-n-out because that's the biggest most trendiest here.

i also don't like shake-shack. all you East coast twats have shit taste in burgers.

>> No.10546869

yep, and i've tried to keep it the bare minimum of toppings but it's still soggy with ketchup, mustard, and the juices from the burger. yes, their meat is very juicy, perhaps TOO juicy, and they don't hit it at a high heat first to seal it, thus the juices run all over the place and soaks into the buns. they probably fucked up the stacking order of the lettuce/tomato as well.

>> No.10546875

>seal the meat to lock in the juices

>> No.10546879

>i also don't like shake-shack. all you East coast twats have shit taste in burgers
>t. calicuck who is insecure about the superiority of NY

>> No.10546885
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>> No.10546888

I tend to just do lettuce, tomato, mayo, raw onion, and jalapeno, so I've never had an issue. I would say they do use thin buns, so I could see how it would be an issue. I think I prefer it, because I find most buns to be shitty extra bread anyway, unless it's at some really nice burger place that uses a really good brioche or something.

>> No.10546892

Now you just sound autistic. And you don't put ketchup ON the burger. It's fine that you don't like 5 guys, but your reasoning is just so fucked.

>> No.10546894

>If In-n-out burgers were so amazing, you wouldn't be able to have one in your hands 3 minutes after ordering one.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10547058

>If In-n-out burgers were so amazing, you wouldn't be able to have one in your hands 3 minutes after ordering one.

Unless you catch them right when they open, this isn't a thing.

>> No.10547063

americans, individually, have no achievements or culture so they have to substitute in whatever their favorite corporate brands are

>> No.10547071

Awwww, the non-American is trying to banter with us like it's people.

>> No.10547080

Are in and out burgers better than what a burger or jack in the boxes.

>> No.10547084

>The cajun fries ARE better than 95% of burger places though.
the powder they use never adheres properly because they leave their fries sitting out and they get super dry, and they season them to-order but make them way in advance. it just results in a dusty mess

>> No.10547086

he's not wrong though, "I'm better than you because a different brand of mass market garbage is available in my area" is a /ck/ staple

real countries have arguments over the best way to make rendang or whose cheese is superior

meanwhile here we are squabbling over five guys vs in and out, it's really pretty terrible and if you disagree you're the problem

>> No.10547087

definitely better than jack in the box, that place is disgusting.

>> No.10547164

>or whose cheese is superior
quebec supremacy, gas the flyovers

>> No.10547180

five guys is greasy high school stadium food and does not hold a candle to other burger focusing joints.

>> No.10547183

>high school stadium
How disgusting. I'm glad I went to an effete college preparatory where kids who were into sports were ostracized

>> No.10547189

Nearly every author you read in school was into sports. Also anyone who's into, say, baseball or cricket is a nerd.

>> No.10547205

Yeah and? Some of them were mass murderers or slavers or whatever. Are you suggesting that it's intellectually sound to burn books because you don't like the person who wrote them? That there's some sort of hypocrisy in reading a thing, and not wanting to be surrounded by people of the type who wrote a thing?

That isn't how educated people live their lives.

>> No.10547212

I live in Indiana and I've only seen a Shake Shack once when in Chicago.

On the other hand we have Culvers and Stake and Shake so I don't really care.

>> No.10547256

>seal the meat to lock in the juices
that's a meme you idiot

>> No.10547271


>> No.10547651

why are you so insecure that you made a comment about a guy making a comment making a comment comment

>> No.10547685

>That isn't how educated people live their lives

Educated people don't waste their time shit posting, anon.

>> No.10547737

>can get 2-3 double-doubles for the price of one five guys burger
In-N-Out isn't the best, but its certainly the most cost effective. Also, Five Guys sucks ass.

>> No.10547953

Don't go to the In N Out at UCLA since most of the employees are students and they generally don't give a fuck about your eating experience.

>> No.10547971

Thanks for proving you know absolutely fucking NOTHING about California.

>> No.10547990

See >>10547971

>> No.10548261
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Don't mind me, just being the best fast food burger chain

>> No.10548320

Because In N Out is better

>> No.10548325

>paying 10.00 plus tax for an overpriced double cheesburger when you can get a 4x4 for 6
Sorry not American enough for me

>> No.10548524

You know we have 5 Guys in California too, right? And it sucks.

>> No.10548566

Five guys tastes better but too pricey.
In-n-out tastes like sonic.

>> No.10548590

They use the same supplier for the patties so that would make sense.

>> No.10549063

those are good burgers walter

>> No.10549074

Normally I just hear people trashing in n out and praising whataburger/culvers

>> No.10549079

Source please I wasted my time googling that

Do you have some insider beef info?

>> No.10549106

Shut the fuck up, Donny

>> No.10549221

In n out is nice when I'm cycling keto because 4x4 protein style is my holy Grail. In all other circumstances 5guys is vastly superior. Though animal fries are great.

>> No.10549247

5 Guys is too fucking greasy

>> No.10549306

One of these just opened in my middle of nowhere town. What's good there, nigga?

>> No.10549410

I don’t care for fast food but I appreciate that in and out puts bible verses on their burgers

>> No.10549448

We have both in California...
In and Out is fine but Five Guys was boring shit

>> No.10549457

Good argument

>> No.10549565

Californian here and this shit fuckin pisses me off whenever i talk to other locals. In-n-out is "okay" tier and we can get it whenever stop shitting on good food chains because "muh entitlement".

>> No.10549575

Just as good as your ignorant, uninformed, unfounded opinion. Saying no one is actually from California is as stupid and moronic as saying no one is actually from Texas, or Wisconsin, or Massachusetts, or any other fucking state. Not to mention that people anywhere, everywhere should take MORE pride in their local businesses, products, and communities, because that's how you actually improve the economy. But you doubt you're intelligent enough to grasp those kinds of concepts, dumbass.

>> No.10549611

I'll give you some of my burger sauce

>> No.10549625
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In-N-Out is alright and far better than many international chain joints like BK or Maccas.

It's def in the league of regional mid-high quality establishments. Better than the big guys but often times on par with smaller chains.

Except Five Guys which is beyond overrated, just like In-N-Out but with more hypebeast promoters.

>> No.10549643

God damn you're triggered. Must be a transplant. I'm all for local business, I just choose not to be a prick about it like you.

>> No.10549674

Californians are cancerous faggots.

I just want a western bacon carls jr burger, but I have to live in hardees turf :(

>> No.10549687


>all you can “east” coast

>> No.10549767

why are you comment guy that insecure would be how the if what comment made him be that really say?