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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10546734 No.10546734 [Reply] [Original]

Al/ck/ thread, the older you get the more it hurts edition.

>> No.10546736

There's already two up you stupid drunk bastard.

>> No.10546739

cringe thread
all your loved ones are better off without you addicts
this is food and cooking

>> No.10546900

fuckin wow that was an intense one

>> No.10546924

man I went full carnage yesterday. it's like I deliberatly trashed everything in reach

>> No.10547394

I am not allowing you to behave like that again.

>> No.10547422

save me dude

>> No.10547472

The dubbs will guide you.

If not you might want to take a walk or make a nice bicycle ride.

>> No.10547497
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>> No.10547508

brehs, contain you are shelves

>> No.10547510
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>> No.10547512

was sober for 5 days, kept posting here every evening about thinking of going to a bar, didn't go though untill yesterday, got completely wasted now I woke up and went to buy vodka

>> No.10547534

how new are you? you can't link outside 4chan like that

>> No.10547539

I was telling my friend about my embarrassing drunken experiences and he just said 'You don't let that bother you do you,'. Really put things into perspective for me. I think I'm so used to fucking up I'm desensitized to it now. I'm such a mess I'm a oblivious to it now

>> No.10547555

dude cooking & food is about alcoholism you retard, i went to cooking school and all the people there were alcoholics too.

It's about us not having wives who cook and clean and raise children. So we are lonely alcoholics

>> No.10547733

To be honest most normies would find this almost acceptable. It's weekend drinking at its finished if you weren't going to carry on after that bottle of Vodka.

>> No.10547784

Woke up with ‘I love you’ typed into a text to this girl with a boyfriend I’ve been seeing. Wewww good thing I’m not dumb enough to send ithat even when I’m drinking

>> No.10547785
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I'm drinking my bottle of vodka from a coke bottle btw, cause my parents are home and i cant smuggle in a vodka bottle in

>> No.10547811

Drinking from a plastic bottle too so the unscrewing of the cap doesn't make that distinctive sound. Smuggling in bottles of strong liqour works with a backpack but you have to move very slow and awkwardly not too hear the liquid moving around in the bottle.

Stash is in a drawer.

>> No.10547828

Leaving house with a backpack tells everything. I used to do that when i was 18-19, if i leave with a backpack my mom will instantly talk shit to me about drinking

>> No.10547850

Luckily I've only moved back recently so before I've never done any bottle backpack smuggling. Also use my backpack for lunch when I go out to work.

Yeh it seems safe.
Drinking till blackout and waking with the lights on, clothes on in bed doesn't feel safe though.

>> No.10547937


Why the fuck is everybody the same !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck my life, tell that bitch I'm insane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10548158

sometimes the vomit passes right through you and the stomach acid burns your ass

>> No.10548418

Woke up with shit in my bed

>> No.10548488

passed out for 2 hours now just woe up again

>> No.10548531

Welp. Checked my phone calls and turns out I called her last night, she was at work so it was only 4 minutes, who knows what the fuck I said. Called me ex too apparently, she didn’t pick up though thank god. It’s been a long time since I did the drunk dial thing, what an absolute shit head

>> No.10548539

alcohol is not sod anymore, theres not much vodka left anymore. I guess im going to the bar again

>> No.10548687

finished vodka and i will probably go to bar again, woke up too late i will have to spend money at bar on expensive beer, shitty music and stuff

>> No.10548768

na bro normies think drinking alone is a problem

>> No.10548773
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Let's laugh at normies together (pic related - normie trash who should die)

>> No.10548779

how much

>> No.10548786

yeah I went on a bender a few weeks ago and ended up on facebook stalking my exes at least I didn't do anything. dangerous game having the internet around you

>> No.10548790


>> No.10548794

I took a righteous dump that involved at least half an ounce of semi-coagulated blood

get on my level

>> No.10548820
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It has the blue ribbon for a reason ya know. It's because Pabst is the best!

>> No.10548826

I only know of destruction.

>> No.10548849

What's everyone drinking tonight?

>> No.10548852

Vodka. I just finished it and gonna go to bar again

>> No.10548875
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Dutch gin basically. Supposed to be older than gin, cheaper too, also 35% instead of 40%. More neutral taste. Less burn.

Yeh it gud breh.

>> No.10548920

I bought a bottle a Laphroaig 10 and liked it a lot. I don't know shit about scotch, what should I get next? I liked that one a lot but I'm also open to trying something different. I'd rather stay around $40 or below.

>> No.10548923

water. I'm detoxing. Sweating my ass off sitting still.

Alcoholism is great fun

>> No.10548941

under $40 options are limited. Glenlivet and Glenfiddich are two common cheap ones. The blends are all typically rotgut.

Cragganmore used to be my favorite but I think it's well over $50.

>> No.10548958

Hang in there, Anon.

>> No.10548962

yeah because everyone is smart after a fifth

>> No.10548968

should i go to bar and finish destroying myself?

>> No.10548979

idk bars in my area won't serve you if you're completely trashed

>> No.10548985

What's a reasonable price range then? What would you recommend if I spent a little more?

>> No.10548989

They do here but i'm not completely trashed, need a few more points to sleep

>> No.10549020

well I'd get off 4chan and hurry down there before you sober up

>> No.10549022

Should I go finish destroying myself, Lads?

>> No.10549081


>> No.10549087

gonna go smoke a cig now and leaving in a few mins

>> No.10549127

im not sure if im leaving im drunk enough should probably just go sleep and buy cheaper beer tomorrow in the shop

>> No.10549129
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bushmills reporting in
I drink it almost every weekend but it was on sale for $17 today

>> No.10549130

What do you guys like to do when you've had a few drinks? I just sit and vibe to music myself

>> No.10549165

me too i woke up, finished my vodka and just vibing to russian music now, thinking if i should go to bar to finish myself or not

>> No.10549214

why is running out of weed so frantic and scary? i instantly drink

>> No.10549257

same here dude, just music

>> No.10549261

me too i listen to destruction songs and chug alcohol and think about death

>> No.10549268

I'm sad with and without it, sometimes i think about the the thing with that you are more sensible for this cancer because of your descent. I'm becoming more and more like my father regadrid drunkings so maybe there must it could be true in some way

>> No.10549269

Yeah, I just listen to music and write with my online friends.

I have a important test in 2 days but I'm just getting wasted, honestly feels like I'm wasting my life away but it feels good

>> No.10549277

You have depression. I am never sad with it. I am listening to cheerful lithuanian music and dancing in my chair even though i finished my booze, i'm gonna go to bar in 20mins at 00:00 though

>> No.10549294

please try some proper slavic music

>> No.10549317

That's like some /pol/ tier neckbeard racist retard song lol

>> No.10549334

guilty pleasures, have a nice night at the bar!

>> No.10549337

Ive never had the DTs or withdrawals and took 3 months off a year ago. Gf is in mexico for 10 weeks for school and right now her class is at an indigenous village with no electricity or wifi for 4 days. I havent had much of tolerance cause ive been taking it really easy since my 3 days off but when i do drink i feel like i really fucked up my liver back. Echoing milk thistle anon, Ive been going nuts with milk thistle, turmeric, and ginger pills along with apple cider vinegar and cruciferous greens. This shit help or what? Also i get tips at work tonight, aint gonna buy a 6 pack or go to the bar, I promise ;)

>> No.10549338

Lol. Leaving in 9 mins

>> No.10549342

Lol me too. But ive only been drinking for 7 years, sometimes i get pain in left back side (kidney) after drinking

>> No.10549344

lol lol lol^^

>> No.10549354

Yup. Lol.

>> No.10549371

Best of luck man stay strong

>> No.10549378

Likely because it's illegal where you live and there's a certain rush that accompanies buying. I can empathize completely if that's the case.

>> No.10549389

Leaving now, gonna go finish myself at the bar, its 12 at night here. Cya guys

>> No.10549400

You're mentally addicted my man. You've used it as a crutch for so long that your brain goes into a withdrawal of sorts except because marijuana isn't physically addictive, the effects you suffer are purely mental. Let me guess, when you sleep you have weird dreams that center around you finding bud? Do you feel constantly anxious or sad for no reason whatsoever?

>> No.10549405

playing this on repeat lads


>> No.10549487

Why did you have to hijack other al/ck/ thread OP?
Kind of annoying that you couldn't start your day without killing other thread, which was going fine btw.
Am I the autistic one for being annoyed that it had to be you as OP or are you the autistic one for needing the attention?
Maybe both of us? Also, I'm not OP of other thread, I just wish you didn't always do this. You don't need to be OP anon. Srs, the world will keep spinning.

>> No.10549489


I sing a lot, a whole lot. Probably not well either. I get on Comedy Night and roast people. I talk to friends on discord and probably out myself as an alcool

>> No.10549499

Actually sounds kinda fun anon.

>> No.10549505

Yeah he always does that. He's pretty much our /b/ autismo version of the log guy. You won't be able to change his level of autism so it's better to just accept that he MUST start every thread, even if another thread is doing great guns. I think it's all he has to live for anon.

>> No.10549522

no, i just get stressed out wanting more. i think it's because it's such a fucking nightmare finding the stuff. if it was available easily i don't know if i'd give a shit. right now i'm anxious because i could probably get more but it's a fucking retarded mission and i hate it.

>> No.10549530

Stop whinging, you sound like an angry teenager. Threads without a silhouette die every single time in favour of those which use it. Every thread for years uses it then you come along and assert that you no longer want it? And don't even link the new thread in the old one, so nobody knows it exists and can't find it in the catalogue because there's no proper pic? Lurk moar.

>> No.10549535

Oh and this is maybe the third thread I've started in 2 years. I only started it because you fucked it up, and someone was inevitably going to correct it.

>> No.10549549

It's just what he does. Deal with it as we all have. He will never change so best you do.
Kek yeah I'm talking about this guy. Other thread seemed to be doing fine by all accounts, but yeah either his autistic level as the other anon said or just his alcoholism has made him 'the guy' for starting all al/ck/ threads
Just learn to deal with it like we all have.
It's his thing. Every day. Every time.

>> No.10549550

Could the teens ITT go back to arguing on /b/ please?

>> No.10549551

Top kek. I didn't start other thread, but clearly you took major offence to it.

>> No.10549556

Shush now, you're too irritable to talk to

>> No.10549559

OP please just be happy you win.
Other guy, please just let him win.

>> No.10549576

Jesus is this truly the thread of the person I've been posting in all these months? You appear to be an annoying asshole.

>> No.10549592

>thread of the person
I don't know what you're asking. As I said I've started like 3 threads in 2 years. Is that what you mean by "thread of the person"?
Stop whining now, seriously, it doesn't fit in here, screaming kids stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.10549598

Jesus can you both just....

>> No.10549605

exactly, either such each others dicks or stop already. You're arguing over nothing.

>> No.10549615

man it's quite hard to balance the al/ck/ life with a real life. I am trying though

>> No.10549634

They always eventually catch on. You just gotta mitigate the damage, try not to get fired, and I can't tell you about holding onto your relationships because I fucking failed at that. Good luck.

>> No.10549635

Has anyone else lost their license and is too scared to get it back? I've lost it twice now, and if I relapse I'm totally out of control, I'll just do it again, so I suppose I'm now walking for life. Third offence is mandatory prison. Fuck that infinitely.

>> No.10549647

you should look into this thing called Uber.

>> No.10549653

not the same at all

>> No.10549673

Why is it so difficult to not drink and drive? Or at least not get get caught drinking and driving?

>> No.10549683

I don't know what I'm doing once I black out. I just wake up and horrific shit has apparently happened.

>> No.10549686

yeah. I don't trust myself to have money or legal access to a car. I am sitting out my OUI for the next few months.

>> No.10549693

I've driven whilst drunk a good few times more than one. I find it disgusting to hear it on to when one kills some innocent but it could have been me.
I was only caught twice however. Once when 4.5x over the limit when I was about to leave the country so other than the fine it was no biggie bc Insta license in Japan.
Other time I parked to eat food, and drove into door of other cr when parking but zero shits given so started eating. Was only 1/3 through food when cops arrived so I'm still mad about that, bc they wouldn't let me finish.

>> No.10549709

Yeah it's horrific. I narrowly avoided prison last time, I was drinking so ridiculously hard that I had to have 500ml of vodka just to get to court without withdrawing. Took me a good year to even consider cutting back booze after that, don't think I'd survive it again, especially not if the first 5 years of it are behind bars.

>> No.10549725

I never lost my license like you did, but I can definitely relate to the blacking out thing. One night I remember being at a bar and suddenly waking up DEEP in the fucking ghetto. How I ever found my way out without some shit going down, I'll never know. I guess fortunately even the cops don't go into the neighborhoods I had gone into.

One time I rode a bicycle to the bar and woke up in the drunk tank. That was fun. They told me I was just walking out in the street screaming at cars.

>> No.10549732

People who've stopped, how is it possible to build a life from the shit and ashes which remain once you've actually managed to quit? Life feels totally pointless.

>> No.10549742

Nearly a full year of what I consider sober. Only had a pint in that time to sooth a bad tooth over a weekend before I could get into a dentist. Still smoke pot. I will always be a drunk. I cannot go near it. One drop and I cannot stop until it is impossible to drink. Just how it is. No need to test it.

>> No.10549748

It is pointless and something will always be missing. You just get used to it being shit. The option is dying.

>> No.10549749

I don't drink that much anymore, but it seriously is the only thing I currently do in life right now. I'm like bottoming out and can't take interest in anything at all, no friends, no job, no life.
I've quit before and I could do it again but I just don't. Seriously no direction at all right now. None.

>> No.10549759

>You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.

t. Tupac

>> No.10549761

i think i might rather drink tbqh. life is so fucking slow-paced and retarded. my concern is that while drinking i feel motivated to go on because life would be worth living if i could just stop drinking. now i don't know if i'll still feel that, because i've been off daily/unhealthy amounts of booze since january and i can't stand it.

>> No.10549764

One time I was pretty drunk and the girl at the bar warned me not to drive home (2 min drive) so I drove opposite way to get food.
Managed to smash front passenger wheel on sidewalk and while the tyre was intact, the shaft was broken so badly that I couldn't even get the tyre off in my drunken state. Fell asleep on sidewalk after giving up trying to change it. Woke up with people walking over me. Car wouldn't drive and phone was flat by this stage so I knocked on the closest door.
My limited Japanese could explain that my car was fucked. Truck came and toed car home about 5am and wife was not impressed.
She must have loved me, because she didn't divorce me until almost 5 years later.

>> No.10549770

I wish I knew where to get fucking pot that isn't weird for a 35-year-old to be. I am a social recluse and kind of a square except for alcohol and occasionally fucking. Even my elderly aunt and uncle blaze up. Me, I'd probably just walk up to an off-duty cop and say, "excuse me, kind sir, but can you direct me to someone who can facilitate the purchase of some illegal marijuana, please?"

I have smoked, I just live in a small-ass suburb and have never had a regular dealer.

>> No.10549771

it sucks in the moment, but long term it is better without it. I think so most the time anyway. For what it's worth. Pot helps and should be legal everywhere eventually.

>> No.10549784

I'd never have stopped without weed. Even members of parliament in the UK now are saying that the laws are so utterly retarded that people should just ignore them. You can get weed on dark marketplaces.

>> No.10549788

Went out to the bar one night and came to and I'd driven my car into my house. Lost my wife and career and everything and am posting from prison right now.

>> No.10549793

must be an interesting prison to have 4chan access

>> No.10549794

well i mean obviously there are no phones in prison, so what's your point?

>> No.10549802

Once it's legal everywhere I think I'll try to force myself to find a strain I like. I mean I hate weed and have had nothing but hundreds of bad experiences with it but seriously there just has to be a variety that would agree with me doesn't there?

>> No.10549810

How on earth did you not end up in jail?
If Japan wasn't such a peaceful country I bet police would have driven past and you would have been fucked. You dodged a bulled there.

>> No.10549816

I like sativa. It helps reestablish connections with things you used to find fun before booze took over. Life is the same bitch when you run out of weed though. Be mindful and remember, it is all just brain chemistry and shit changes.

>> No.10549835

I worry that things will get too cerebral for me as they usually do with weed when considering sativas, haven't had one in as long as I can remember. The last time I smoked like let's see, 5 years ago the last thing I had was some kind of indica, it wasn't terrible. I'm just really sensitive to marijuana highs and it can become far too much quickly, so I tried to smoke as small of amounts as possible.

>> No.10549862
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Im feeling the love

>> No.10549871

all I know is I do not enjoy hobbies like games and music without some sort of mood fuel. For me, sativa is it.

>> No.10549935

my tolerance hits a brick wall after a few weeks and smoking a quarter a day won't get me high. that's when i relapse. smoking weed is like a comfy but short-lived holiday from alcohol.

>> No.10549964

I'm back. drank beer at the bar and lots 6 euros at slot machines

>> No.10549971

puked on my way home btw

>> No.10549978

>Shop closes in 3 mins
>5 min walk away
Made it, no waking tomorrow feeling like the universe is ending.

>> No.10549997

whats alck irc

>> No.10549998

space out your ups bro. Cant be high always, or it is not high anymore.

>> No.10550004

nah i'd have to stay sober some days, or drink some days. like fuck am i staying sober. i just smoke until it no longer does anything, then go back to drinking.

>> No.10550022

How the fuck do I buy wine? I'm 20 but I live in shit can America send me to war at 18 but can't drink till 21. I have a fake id but I get nervous everytime and I have a baby face should I just get a bum to get it for me.

>> No.10550040

Try asking your parents.
Just be like "Hey to be honest with you I feel like having a few drinks tonight, mind going to the store and picking up a bottle of wine for me?"

>> No.10550050

WE're gona see whos laughing in 5 years when i die from alcoholism me or alice

>> No.10550053

>get drunk
>start flaming people all night
Can't help it

>> No.10550054
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this whore btw kice

>> No.10550063
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>> No.10550071

You haven't hit bottom yet. You will though. We all do. Best of luck and be as safe as you can manage.

>> No.10550079

There’s no such thing as bottom, you can always get worse.

>> No.10550085

I'd like to violently fuck her face

>> No.10550086

you hit bottom when you stop digging :^)

>> No.10550102

Are you suggesting that all alcoholics quit?

>> No.10550106
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>there's no such thing as bottom

>> No.10550149

Do it !!! Her skype is "noggawogga"

>> No.10550190

Is just brew booze in that situation. I dunno why so few do so. Yeast, apple juice, ferment, drink.

>> No.10550222

Was considering this with other fruits as well but idk won't it taste like ass. Also you can buy the grape juice from California and Chile I believe of several varietals of grapes. It's pretty suprising that you can make alcohol relatively easily yet people never think of doing it. Also you seem to think I'm in some dire need of an alcohol fix I am not just want to try it out.

>> No.10550259

>got a sore throat, can barley swallow
>drink straight whiskey
>feels like a desert fucked my throat
it's my birthday so i'll suffer in silence and on here.

>> No.10550266

yeah, i'd gargle warm salt water, as you have a throat infection. If it gets too painful you'll have to see a doctor and get antibiotics.

>> No.10550274
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damn i forgot about salt water. thanks and cheers

>> No.10550280
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Np, happy birthday bro

>> No.10550288
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So basically the reason I drink is I have this whore who stalks me, she never replied to me in the last 5 years but she keeps stalking me, i tried deleting her and she just freaks out and stalks me harder, messages me from random accounts on runescape or adds my skype from some random fake account if i delete her, I don't know how to get rid of her, she is a toxic, negative subhuman personality girl that i do not want in my life and she acts like i am the love of her life and she keeps stalking me. How the fuck do I get rid of her? I

>> No.10550291
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thanks, for once im not the guy in that picture, im going out later. first time on my birthday in 2 years.

>> No.10550306

Have fun man, drink responsibly! ..... Phaahahahaha

>> No.10550315

2:11 where I am. Happy saturday, lads! What are we drinking?

>> No.10550321

Just ignore her and she will eventually go away

>> No.10550330

Start dating her, be really awesome the first couple of dates, then just be a huge disgusting asshole after that. That's how all of my relationships ended. It helps if everyone she knows has a low opinion of you too.

>> No.10550341

>spend entire four day vacation crazily drunk and watching anime music, Chinese dancing girls, and playing Spergtech
>I've also stopped having any hangovers
I'm not sure whether things have simply evened out or gotten fantastically better.

>> No.10550365

Not sure about that but I'm thinking of going to england, i know where her dead mom is buried, I'm thinking about digging her grave out, pissing on her dead mom and shitting on her and then send pics of that to alice

>> No.10550376

Intentional name drop or nah?

>> No.10550380

What do you mea? her name is Alice Carter and she is a 23yo retarded whore from Lincoln, England

>> No.10550381

Yep, daily boozer, don't get hangovers.

>> No.10550385

I'll take that as a solid "yes"

>> No.10550391

take a few days off and the hangovers will come back. I used to drink for months on end without getting hung over

>> No.10550414

I just finished a massive bender by eating 4 super fatty sausages with kewpie Mayo.
Hoping I can hide it by Monday.
I still have 12 shots left but if I use them before tomorrow I know I'll be in massive trouble.
Hoping the rest of you are doing much better.

>> No.10550424

Don't. It's always those last few that put you over into the danger zone, even if you're a longtime drinker. Whoever you're trying to hide it from will know. Stop your bender, and only take a couple small sips to keep aches at bay if you wake up in the middle of the night, and you should be reasonably functional.

>> No.10550432

Super fatty food is the only correct way to end a bender. Ever tried falafel? Fucking glorious.

>> No.10550437
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Drink at least 2 glasses of water before you go to bed. Thank me later!

>> No.10550440

Does a tablespoon of salt help or is that a myth?

>> No.10550446

I don't.... I don't know. I know gatorade has salt in it and that helps with hangovers, so maybe adding salt will help.

Only one way to find out.

>> No.10550449

Look at this fat retarded whore who stalks me and laugh at her lmfao. Kill yourself alice, I wonder what you gonna do when i'm finally a truck driver out in europe not playing runescape anymore lmao. How will you stalk me? Lmfoa

>> No.10550454

I've heard yogurt before bed after night of party time can help alleviate stomach issues. Does anyone know whether the milk thistle thing is bullshit or not?

>> No.10550455
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>> No.10550461


>> No.10550463

Ugly fucking whore who cant even show her full face because she knows shes ugly lmfao

>> No.10550469

>fucking a succubus
You're fault broski

>> No.10550471

take a vitamin and drink a glass of water. salt is a myth

>> No.10550473

Been having a spoon of salt along with a shitload of water every night at the end of a bender as well as the morning after and I've had mixed results. It is logical, since the hangover is the results of a water/salt deficient in the body. Does gatorade have caffeine? That helps immensely.

>> No.10550477

im not fucking anything just being stalked by some ugly girl lmao

>> No.10550478

Milk thistle contains a chemical called siylmarin or something close to that (I can't recall the exact spelling). It does protect the liver, but only if you are taking it long term. It doesn't do shit for hangovers.

>> No.10550482

I usually have stomach problems after a bender, and yoghurt (and dairy in general) helps when I have the flu or whatever other nasty shit that causes stomach problems. Didn't think of that, will try it out tomorrow. Thanks anon.

>> No.10550483

How do you that is actually the person that is stalking you, and not some random freak dude. Is online pictures all you have to go off of? How did you even get into this situation, is someone trying to extort money out of you or something lol

>> No.10550486

Fairly cute

>> No.10550487

I just do, lol. Its a very very long story

>> No.10550493

Ok, I'll give it a try. Thanks anon.

>> No.10550495

I don't think I can help you man, sorry. Maybe just go on vacation without internet somewhere for a week or so

>> No.10550497

no shes just obsessed with me and shit, long story cba to tell everything. Anyway she's retarde and I just laugh at her but its still annoying

>> No.10550503

OH I will actually leave soon, im getting my license back and then going for C+E. I'm gonna be a truck driver so i'll be making big money and plus she ownt be able to contact me, it's all cool

>> No.10550507

Nice bro, sounds like it worked out. Just don't drink when you're driving a big rig

>> No.10550508

just pretend you like her and treat her with respect, text her 3 times a day, she'll be gone in 3 days

>> No.10550513

>Just don't drink when you're driving a big rig
I'm gonna drink even more when I'm a truck driver ! You have no idea how much lithuanian truckers drink on weekends, lol

>> No.10550520

I just mean not to drink when actually driving, or at least don't be drunk when driving

>> No.10550526

They should make special driving licenses for drunk drivers. Chug a bottle of vodka, blow 2.00+ into the alcotester then take the exam, if you pass - you get a special license of a drunk driver, which lets you drive drunk legally

>> No.10550530

XD bruh. Oh well, if you run into a family of 4 head on you will spend the rest of your life in jail. Fine with me, just as long as it is not my family.

FUck you!

>> No.10550533

Fuck families. I dont need to drive for that, I could just get a gun if i was american and go on a shooting/killing spree lol

>> No.10550536

>lithuanian drivers
>drink on weekends
Those lads drive drunk or stoned all the time, brother.

>> No.10550541

What's your fucking problem dude...

>> No.10550546

"special" drunk drivers license? No wonder the soviet bitch-states are so fucked.

>> No.10550552

Shut the fuck up dumb americans

>> No.10550556

Lol fuck you, gopnik scum.

>> No.10550563

GO fuck yourself douche bag. Drive off a fucking cliff you god damn scum bag. No body insults my country and gets away with it! :p

>> No.10550576

You american? If so, what's a good whiskey according to you?

>> No.10550579

Yack Yaniels

>> No.10550584

JD is ok with coke and lime. Their single barrel is great, and Gentleman Jack's is ok.

Grandma would fucking slaughter me if she heard about this.

>> No.10550665

Fuck Lithuania

>> No.10550670

What about Macedonia?

>> No.10550760

Same thing, who cares

>> No.10550848

WTF is up with this shit website again, I can't even refresh the catalog.

Fucking Asian moot is ruining this websbite that was already ruined

>> No.10550861

Just refreshed fine.
Not sure anon.
Koot will not be happy to hear you septa of him in such a way.

>> No.10550866


>> No.10550919

vodka and soda water is getting really old, really fast

stomach can barely handle even the weakest mixes, think it's caught on

>> No.10550937

Give it 4 days max and you will be gtg again if you are anything like me.

>> No.10550946

I've been drinking for a while and am pretty hungry. Any tips?

>> No.10550952

Anyone else notice their benders can't last nearly as long and recovery is 10x more hard mode?

>> No.10550957

I always leave quick eating food in the fridge for this reason

>> No.10550960

I'd recommend fatty food of any kind that is easy af to prepare.
I'm currently waiting for water to boil to make 2 minute noodles with copious amounts of butter and cheese. Hoping my belly is gtg once I wake but I've had so much to drink I'm not very hopeful at all.
Good luck anon!

>> No.10550962

Salt the fuck out that and it'll be tasty as heck

>> No.10550963

i stopped drinking a while ago. it makes it special again when i do. had a beer last gsp fight and thats it. rehab didnt do shit to me to stop, what did it is the thought there is bisphemol in the beer cans and booze in general increase chance of getting all sort of cancers.. i dont have a lot of joy in my life , was thinking how could i do without that... fake fun , euphoria: who cares if its fun its a nice body feel and its one of the few good things in my life, right... well i just stop cold turkey anyway. it didnt make sense when i was drinking every 2 days for 20 years, doesnt have to make sense why i stop. idk, no fucking idea what i am doing. it is what it is.

>> No.10550964

Can you give examples?
I'm just thinking yogurt and cheese platter but I'm drunk.

>> No.10550969

My blood pressure is through the roof but yolo, a salting I shall go.
Ty anon.

>> No.10550977

I like savory things. Or carby things.
Shit like pasta
I have porkchops in the fridge now, should I get hungry. But I reckon I will not tonight.

Dips and sauces are also my go to. Hummus and pita. Great drunk food.
Crackers and cheese is a great choice. Though you may find yourself eating 1000 calories of it before you realize what you're doing

>> No.10550978

>take uber to walmart to buy beer and other household shit
>not drunk but feeling nice and warm
>drinking vodka and chewing gum so I know no one can smell it on me
>cashier asks "whats one fun thing you are doing this weekend?"
>have a couple beers, cut my grass, and work on my deck
>"well if I only had a man like you around..."
>instinctively say "you can if you want" and smile
>she smiles and winks at me
How come only when I'm buzzed or loaded can I pickup women?

I can't even speak to women sober, But drunk I'm witty, funny, and confident.

God damn you alcohol

>> No.10550991

Nice share (crowd of aa claps)
But Srs whatever works for you man. I wish I was you. I have no reason to live so I drink stupid amounts daily until my body shuts down, then rinse repeat.
If only I had the strength you have to actually abstain. Believe it or not, you are winning at life.

>> No.10550997

Wew what a post to unpack
>riding an uber while sober
>flirting cashier
>35+ dad level weekend
>cashier actually flirts back instead of just looking disgusted

As for your question, being drunk makes everything easy. Up until the point where it makes it worse

>> No.10551009

I wish you were my wife right now. Or husband if being bottom is not your thing.
I mean I'm not even gay so we don't ever need to touch, or ever sex or even make eye contact, but if I can go halvesies with you on shopping each week and you can do the shopping, I think I'd be in heaven.
Simple food but super yum and ready in an instant. That's you and me bro. (Weird fist bump)

>> No.10551022

Yeah, anon you should have went back in and bought her roses, she is such a catch.
I bet she is writing in her diary right now how upset she is about missing out on the one.
But Srs, it's not much pain to just ask for a number. Even if she says no, you can autistically say you were not serious and poop on the counter for her to have to clean up.

>> No.10551024

I used to live that totally heterosexual not-gay-at-all life with my best bro for years when were in college
It was great. Two guys. Having fun. Looking after each other.
If we lived 80 years ago, it'd be fine. Two bachelors joining forces. But now, it's all "hehhehehe you bunch are fags right?"

Let me tell you all, living with your best friend is the greatest.

It all ended when he got married. That sucked a lot

>> No.10551026

I wasn't sober, I'm 32, and responsible so I don't drive drunk like an asshole.

>> No.10551046

Is red ale good? Or what? Fucking RED ale? WTF.

>> No.10551053

Nigga you're drunk as fuck
But yes, red ale is great.

>> No.10551058

you don't care about using uber?
guess i'd rather be an asshole than a faggot

>> No.10551059

Man, that sounds awesome.
My experience was just playing waaaay too much basketball and smoking weed daily while spending all my time being a beta fag chasing this tail I saw in my first class on day one until her foster parents came over to my place in 3rd year and caught us smoking up.
I met her several years later with her dyke gf. I should have guessed bc even though she was hot as hell, she always played rugby and basketball with me and took the hits and elbows like a bro.
Still, she fucked like a champ. Miss her. Just don't tell my wife.

>> No.10551066

What's wrong with Uber? it's cheaper than using a Taxi

>> No.10551067
File: 855 KB, 400x225, black.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing waaaay too much basketball and smoking weed daily

>> No.10551069

What a series of plot twists mate

>> No.10551079

Lol nah just went to uni in a relatively small town, and I'm stupid tall. White af homie. No hopps so I can confirm.

>> No.10551082


Does anyone else love the blue and purple haze just before the sun rises,,,actually talking wasted weather now from europe..beautiful shit..skoll

>> No.10551089

I don't really know, never been in one. But I picture being chauffeured around in a Prius by a 90 pound soiboi majoring in women's studies.

>> No.10551094

I hate the early sun because it reminds me that this revery that I have is over
Back to reality
Back to being a worker

>> No.10551097

Then be quiet, because you obviously don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10551119

I love it bc it means my detox night terrors are over or while on my bender it's only a few hours until my local bottle shop opens for my reup.

>> No.10551121

its mostly 30-40 year old indian dudes driving hatchback bmws (for some reason i cant understand at all) around my way

>> No.10551122

Hey we all friends here anon. Maybe he just lives way out where and uber would literally coat $3.50 to just get there.

>> No.10551124


>> No.10551137

Yeah I live in a 90% white city but most uber drivers are Indian.
I don't mind it bc now with the star rating they try sand keep their cars stink-free.
I wish they would provide food whilst they drive bc damn I love Indian food. I also wish they could learn to poo in loo.

>> No.10551147

You just keep me hangin on

>> No.10551150

Hey, that's racist!
As of 2017, only 50% of the Indian population doesn't poo in a loo.
That's less than 20% of the worlds population so it's almost nothing.
I bet you hate black people too, because where all steal and where all in jail and where all can't even speak the white mans language. Dumbass.

>> No.10551176

>still a half billion people who aren't potty trained
Yeah God should just nuke us already and wipe the planets ass once and for all

>> No.10551185

sometimes I wonder if I'll drink myself to death first or maybe an extinction event will happen first. It would be something to see if the latter

>> No.10551195

What's Al/ck/

>> No.10551200

The endgame content. Oh man I am proper trashed.

>> No.10551214

I'm expecting the latter but I'm drinking hard enough to expect the former.

>> No.10551216

The only part of 4chan that is over 25

>> No.10551221

Samesies! I should not be alive with this much alcohol flowing through my veins.

>> No.10551222

What does it stand for?

>> No.10551230

Different for every al/ck/. Some people trying to claw their way back. Others trying to ride it out of this life. All just trying to find their way home.

>> No.10551232

thanks. a few other things that help to keep abstaining is anger ; most people are shit especially those who do crimes for their booze, most people drink too and i am not like most people so might as well add another difference
to the list and stop drinking. anger and disdain really help to break the allure of getting a buzz on. but i dont give a fuck about total abstinence, i feel i should do whatever i want whenever i want like maybe 1 drink every season or whatever but it can get tricky like last time i had that beer it was strong and had a wee buzz like it was one of the first times i got tipsy and the thought cross my mind: "it would almost be stupid to lose that buzz i should keep this going" then to deflate that i just thought of how silly that process is, its like, i'm better than freaking gooby wondering if i am being tricked again. i have heard of some dudes in rehab who really fakely overdo the "contempt for the drinkers" card, like, it's obviously they are hamming it up to convince themselves ... they will go and complain that people have a glass of wine on tv are normalizing drinking, that dangerous social poison etc... but really its obvious those who are zealots like that will be part of the 90% or whatever of addicts who relapse within months of saying dumb shit like this. there is some pleasure to get out of that kind of self control and natural disdain for those who cause themselves harm... but you got to be real about it, it's a good thing to be proud to be strong at that level and feel a quiet contempt of the healthy for those who are unhealthy by their own weakness , it's kind of nietzschean, not a thing you can fake. you should give it a try, just stop cold turkey and try disdain as a fuel to keep you going.

>> No.10551251

I'm talking about the word, not the meaning, the physical word that's made up w/ letters

>> No.10551259

m8, pls

>> No.10551290

I always thought of myself as semi-intelligent. Above average for sure.
After leaving home at 17 (my step father didn't only hate me, his own kids left at the same age or younger) I was happy and worked hard and made friends.
Now I'm 40 and I have zero irl friends and whilst my family members tell me they love me, I know they don't. I don't blame them.
I'm a waste of space.

>> No.10551300

beer tastes pre shit tbqhfam

>> No.10551314

first time getting drunk since high school, it's feeling pretty good, though I'm alone in my apartment. just feeling good overall, I'm loose and I don't really care about my less than satisfactory life situation. could see this becoming a major stumbling block if I'm not careful with moderating it

anyway how are you all doing

>> No.10551315

Your family doesn't love you because you use the word "whilst". Go ahead, ask them.

>> No.10551350

at least they lie to you. my family tells me straight that i'm a useless piece of shit.

>> No.10551357

chronic pain is life-ruining. 4 time sin the night i woke up screaming in my sleep because i tried to turn over. takes me like 15 mins each time, and hurts so fucking much i'm covered in sweat by the end of it. 8 years of this spinal pain. it'll never go away. i am kil.

>> No.10551360

Lying is worse. At least they make the decision more clear to leave if they tell you how they really feel.

>> No.10551372

I feel for you, bro. Does booze help at all?

>> No.10551385


Jesus Christ, is that Sciatic shit? I can't even lay on one side or the other anymore because it ends up shooting down past my knees and numbing my feet.

>> No.10551391

Only in that it's easier to lose consciousness if i drink myself stupid. other than than it's just further punishment. chronic pain is a proper nightmare.
same part of the back. "sacroiliac joint dysfunction" is as specific as docs have got. every morning i wake up in so much pain i can't take full breaths for like the first hour, i lay here rolling left and right in agony, sweating with pain and screaming, trying not to suffocate. a full breath will cripple my lower back. absolute torture.

>> No.10551400


you need fucking fentanyl. I've had a small sample of the like of that and I feel sorry for myself.

Dope yourself if you can.

>> No.10551401

i was put on morphine and tramadol at first, but can't get shit now. i got flagged as a "drug seeker" a couple of years ago, so i cannot get a damn thing prescribed now. probably not ever.

>> No.10551405

family problems are impossible to solve just gtfo

>> No.10551406

Are you sure you are not just whining, and docs gave you a diagnosis to shut you up and let other docs know you seek pain meds like a bitch in labor because you are an addict?

>> No.10551415


You stupid cunt. Anyone with the language this guy has is in real chronic pain. I was crushed by a truck when I was 9 years old. My entire life has been dictated by that and now in my 40s the chickens are coming home to roost. I know what this guy is feeling. My pelvis was crushed and my right hip never healed symmetrically. Now every morning I get a wake up call.

You can stop being a stupid cunt any time now.

>> No.10551421

My old buddy used to have that. I think it got a bit better when he bought an expensive bed but I'm not too sure. He seemed to be less fucked up on painkillers the last year we were in contact.

Anyone else here quit social network stuff because it just got out of hands when drinking? Drunken calls to old friends and messages to ladies and all that usual shit. Now I just keep a short list of old friends in a messaging app and I write less weird shit.
I think it has helped me to go into more isolation.
Came back to my old place here a month ago, different country and not many great memories. Knife cuts all over the walls in some places from when I lost it last year during a bender. So far I feel less depressed than I have before and even though I still drink I keep to beer and so far it's working out alright. I know that if I ever went back to my jim beam habit I would be fucked over.
t. blog

>> No.10551433

You are so brave. Cunt.

"I hurt so bad I can barely type like I want to fight some guy online. I better drink some more. My owies deserve it"

Fuck you.

>> No.10551447


whatever, kid. when you come across like a stupid cocksucker, stop doing that.

>> No.10551464

i don't take requests. How about you stop drinking and whining. If you have actual illness, see a doctor. I used to be a drunk, and am still an alcoholic. I just don't drink anymore, and I do not whine to excuse my behaviour. It doesn't.

>> No.10551470


you're a true alpha. Just don't shoot up a bar when you realize you're an incel. You're not smart, you're not powerful. You're just an angry asshole judging others. When that sours you, don't shoot people.

>> No.10551473

I don't know. I've only tasted real pain and not sure if mocking someone who may be in it is good karma.

>> No.10551480

I do judge whiners in a drunk thread because I have been there. I can smell the pathology. Your hug party won't help you find bottom. Stop lying and get help.

>> No.10551491


The world is real and solid. Live in it.

>> No.10551492

You must be a gold medal winner at the Special Olympics. Congratulatios!

>> No.10551493


You live everyone elses life. Want me to get you a London Free Press announcing my near death accident? 1982, I was great for 20 years and then my body collapsed. I was the "worst" trauma victim in canada in that year that lived.

We have no fucking problems you utterly stupid cunt.

I'll suck it up for your stupid cunt self.

>> No.10551495

You must be a drunk to spell and insult so shitty.

>> No.10551498

being a degenerate boozer because of your mommy or daddy issues is not even in the same ballpark as someone in serious chronic pain, lad.

>> No.10551502

So, who linked the place on /b/? Bunch of LARPing kids today and yesterday.

>> No.10551503


Tell a doctor.

>> No.10551509

You have no problems? You are whining in a drunk thread on 4chan.

>> No.10551513

I had brain cancer. I got over it.

>> No.10551527

let me guess... I am full of shit with my brain cancer and still being an alcoholic, but that guy's back ache and need to drink is real? Again, fuck you tough guy whiner. Get help.

>> No.10551534


Yeah, my country spent millions of dollars saving my life and I never talked to a doctor after I healed.

That happened. The fucking internet is mystifying.

>> No.10551539

No one cares about your brain cancer and boozing.
Who is whining here?

>> No.10551541

if you are healed, why do you drink?

>> No.10551544

i do not drink. I am an alcoholic. WHo give a shit about a back ache?

>> No.10551550

I think you're drunk right now.
What do you think about that?

>> No.10551552


Well, my pelvis was crushed, I lost a nut, damaged left kidney, degloved left leg, illiac artery needed to be patched right tib/fib general skin grafts everywhere.

I had a 6 group team work on me or I would have died. 3 months in hospital.

I'm fine now. Totes fucking fine, idiot.

>> No.10551555

I think I do not trust the thought process of a whiny drunk trying to justify their behaviour. I have been dry for years. How about you, hunchback?

>> No.10551557

except you are a drunk, and acting tough on line despite admitting you are brittle as shit.

>> No.10551561


No idea what you're getting at. Your point?

>> No.10551563

What's worse is that you are an angry, self absorbed drunk and that trips are wasted on you.

>> No.10551569

>end up in hospital second time this year
>broke again, stealing lemon extract to stave off withdrawal
>drive to my beta father's house as last resort
>betadad lets stepmom tell me to gtfo or she's leaving. him
>fuel needle on car points to E
>nephews happen to show up for a visit
>they take me to my estranged sister's house
>sis scores me some Valium to taper with
>helps me get a job and lets me crash until back on my feet
Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places, lads.

>> No.10551570

alcoholic... not a drunk. Sober and not making excuses.

>> No.10551573

You're at least 7 years older than me
Do you have any advice?

>> No.10551576


I know you're just some stupid asshole young fuck up. But do you know what happens when you drink with joint pain? It dessicates the joint, which means you don't feel the joint pain that is normally there. That's why people with rheumatoid arthritis drink and ostioarthritis people DRINK.

>> No.10551578

if it is anything other than don't break your pelvis and stop drinking, he is retarded.

>> No.10551579

yeah, damn. such a thin line between comfy and horrific. so many boozers end up homeless before they even realise they're in trouble.

>> No.10551582

no... they go to the doctor. You drink because you like being drunk.

>> No.10551584


If you have traumatic bone injuries, I don't. I've gingered myself as much as I could. Don't gain weight. Excercise I guess. Lots of B12. I don't know There's nothing good.

>> No.10551587

I am 43. Thanks for asking polite. Fucking whiner. You are not sharing. You are justifying and whining.

>> No.10551592


Doctors know everything. It's great. I've probably known at least 50 doctors. They're residents, interns and confused miserable people. You don't know the medical community.

>> No.10551596

every time you say any variation of whining you have to take another shot, okay?

>> No.10551608

I've lived in my car, trains, a tent, and straight up on the streets of Portland when my tent was stolen, and then in my car again when I got back to my home state. The streets were the worst. Shit happened I can't even talk about. It wasn't until I lost the tent that I realized that I was probably going to die horribly. Unless you count the times I was in severe withdrawal. I will always fear that one day I'll put my dumb ass there again.

>> No.10551610
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This is my leg. This is what a degloved leg looks like 25 years later. There's no pain involved. It's fun.

>> No.10551612
File: 71 KB, 592x386, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 4 of detox, had about 15 nightmares where my home was invaded or I got murdered within the span of an hour of trying to sleep. Still sweating my ass off.

>> No.10551614

I always wanted a camper van (RV) so I could just live like some retarded drunken snail and not fear homelessness, then lost my license. It'd have to be a tent in the woods now, and erecting a tent without permission from the land owner is illegal in the uk, so it'd be eternal hassle. I don't know that I'd have anything left to live for if I became homeless. I feel like I'd just find the tallest building and check out.

>> No.10551620

yeah horrible. the nightmares are surreal, even with benzos. so vivid it'd take me like an hour to feel fully sure they were just dreams.

>> No.10551635
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, reviewbrah2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more like sleep paralysis for me. I've had it enough times that I usually realize it pretty quick. It's still absolute misery and I can't sleep more than an hour at a time without waking up, having auditory hallucinations, or the sleep paralysis murder dreams

>> No.10551641

Wow, the cops must be pretty routine traffic stop-happy in the UK. I haven't been pulled over since 2009 despite having no license.

>> No.10551646

One more thing to look forward to for me tomorrow. At least I'm not that deep in. Those dreams of people without faces are something else though.

>> No.10551654

you can drive from one side of england to the other in afternoon. tiny place, saturated with cameras and people looking to earn good boy points by reporting everything to the police. I've been banned twice since 2009.

>> No.10551665

That's what whites look like
Looks like chicken
Will you stand still when I put butter and spice under your skin?

>> No.10551709

New thread.

>> No.10552062

Day 2
I'm the guy with very bad blood results.
Everything sucks

>> No.10553175

Rum 54% as usual