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File: 70 KB, 750x563, 1525354142282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10542124 No.10542124 [Reply] [Original]

>That will be 11.50 anon
Heres a 20 and two singles
Im suppose to get back 10.50
>Uhhhhh the machine says im suppose to give you 8.50
Yes and I gave you two singles, two plus 8.50 is 10.50
*Hands me back the two singles plus 8.50

And you kids mock boomers as being retarded

>> No.10542150

Sounds like he got you pretty good op. And you were mad enough to make a thread dedicated about it. Jesus

>> No.10542174

>paying with little pieces of paper
Why do boomers do this?

>> No.10542180
File: 59 KB, 900x900, 19znwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you just give him a 20 and not fuck with the two singles?
>I wanted a 10 dollar bill rrrreeee

Hands me back the two singles plus 8.50
So he gave you 10.50 at the end, who cares.

>RRRRREEEEEEEE I wanted a 10 dollar bill

>> No.10542185

I don't know why you'd make up a story on the internet but hey whatever.

>> No.10542210

>here's a 20 and two singles
Why. If you're so obsessed with keeping your wallet thin, just pay with a card or (((Google Pay))) off your phone

>> No.10542218

Because I'm also obsessed about big brother tracking my spending habits.

>> No.10542221 [DELETED] 

reported for being a nazi and hate speech

>> No.10542223

Use a credit card you fucking flyover

>> No.10542224

Fuck off, your retarded shit has been on 3 boards now.

>> No.10542229

two reasons:

Can't listen to anything the customers say in this situation. Scammers pull this shit all the time and they're good at it. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHgf5aOu9NE))

Even if I know it's legit, give me a second. Being a cashier is a very rote thing. I say the number on the screen, give you money equal to that number, you go away. If you hand me money late, it takes me a second to switch gears. And this mental freeze is compounded by the fact that the you've already done the math in your head and you're standing there staring at me.

>> No.10542240

It's called be considerate. Coins take space and are inconvenient to carry around. If the bill is 37.8 and I hand out 52.8 dollar the cashier should be able to figure out that he's supposed to return $25 to me.

>> No.10542260

You were gonna get fifty cents back either way, dumbass

>> No.10542266
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>Boomer lies about technology
Machines let you put in a custom amount, they would have put in $22 for $11.50 and the machine would have said
>Change: $10.50
Also get fucked boomer, this is why I always give you change I know it bothers your type

>> No.10542270

Five dollar is not fifty cents

>> No.10542276

Sorry anon, my till just got cleared out of notes from the lunch rush, I'll have to give you the rest in change :)

>> No.10542282

Even if OP's cashier had given them a $10 bill back they still would have gotten coins, fifty cents. You're a dumbass.

>> No.10542293 [DELETED] 

That's multiple cpins less than 8.5+2×1

>> No.10542306

That's multiple coins less than 8.5+2×1

>> No.10542312

>tfw I'm technically a millennial and this is completely common sense to me
My generation is garbage, but boomers kinda suck too.

loling at all these mad millennial trying to make their stupidity sound smart.

>> No.10542313

>Paying in cash
Do you live in africa or something?

>> No.10542316

$8.50 plus two singles still means they have fifty cents. Two quarters. You're a dumbass.

>> No.10542328

Wait America use banknote instead of coin for 1 dollar?

>> No.10542332

When were you born, anon?

>> No.10542335

Dollars are in bank notes, cents are in coins.

>> No.10542339


I say "Technically millennial" because back when that term was first coined, it referred to people who would be coming of age around the turn of the century, then it was expanded to include everybody born near or after that point.

>> No.10542424
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>wont raise minimum wage to encourage harder work
>"why wont employees read my mind?"

>> No.10542427

>using cash
I bet you still write checks too, don't you?

>> No.10542460
File: 773 KB, 260x221, 1416509448455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you pay with a 20 then after the transaction give them the 8 dollars plus two dollars from your wallet and ask for a 10 politely?

>> No.10542466


If I was the op i would given you a 5 dollar bill 3 ones, 2 quarters, a roll of pennies, 8 dimes a nickle, 5 pennies and then 5 dimes

>> No.10542470

>Being polite and respectful

Good one anon

T. Retail cuck

>> No.10542478

I'd call you a faggot, but that would be a legitimate insult to homosexuals.

>> No.10542485

Then what's a change?

>> No.10542489


I bet you get mad when we can't give you change for a hundred after you bought a 1 dollar candy bar

>> No.10542490

you would get 8.50 back then give them the 8 + 2 from your wallet and get a 10 back. you get the same result as OP without being an asshole

>> No.10542496

Did you tell her you wanted a tenner?
Then don't complain that she didn't magically read your fucking mind, dumbass. Some of us like having dollar bills for vending machines.

>> No.10542523

Do American people think it is not reasonable to expect cashier give back the exact delta between the bill and the amount of money being paid as change in the most simple fashion?

>> No.10542527


>> No.10542532

"in the most simple fashion" is differnt to everyone. is that more bills so that you can use vending machines or make smaller purchases later without breaking a larger bill? or is it as few bills as possible? coins or no coins? The worker is their to give you the service and accept payment not read your mind.

>> No.10542535

In this part of the world, even cashier would actively ask their customer do the have coins to make up for a 10 in change. To make small purchase? Everyone have lots of coins already and they would ask out if they really want that

>> No.10542548

in the US it's very automated to the register usually does the math and assumes the customer will pay with the next largest bill, not the next largest bill plus extra bills.

sometimes the register will have a sign that says "we need singles" or "no large bills over 50"

people with special needs/requests should ask verbally separate from the transaction as a courtesy and to avoid confusion.

>> No.10542550

Holy shit 52.8 - 37.8 = 15 not 25 you fucking retard. Maybe you should stick to paying for shit the normal way since you're too stupid to be as clever as you think you are.

>> No.10542556

lots of people with special needs are nonverbal, retard.

>> No.10542569

non-verbal people with special needs should have a caretaker, a dog, or a computer interface to ask for accommodations such as weird change from cashiers.

>> No.10542570

you shut up and eat my bait

>> No.10542577

who trolls the trolls?

>> No.10542611

Yeah that's 15. That's tens plus five regardless

>> No.10542623

haha stupid wypipo
>paying for shit
>not robbing stores

>> No.10542653

>goes on message board saying that millennials can't do math
>can't do math

>> No.10542660

haha stupid brown people
>enough said

>> No.10542669

>literally using cash
>expecting it not to be a pain in the ass for everyone involved
Get off the 4chins grandpa

>> No.10542690

What jobs do you think the retards of our generation get exactly?

>> No.10542692

I did this initially because I was super paranoid about flim-flam faggot niggers.
Now I just hate it when customers do this because it eats into my supply of non-1 dollar bills like nothing.

>> No.10542704

Forgot to say that rounding up coins to the nearest dollar is fine; they're bulky as shit.
Also fuck you for wanting your $200 cashback in 20s only.

>> No.10542819
File: 51 KB, 800x576, 1520013149816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit senpai
i'm completely fucking stunned and i think you should put on a rope scarf desu

>> No.10542854

I doubt your qualifications for thinking.

>> No.10542876

> I doubt your qualifications for thinking.
stopped reading right there

>> No.10542887

>stopped reading at the whole post
Good job friend

>> No.10542890

that is what the period is for, numbnuts.

>> No.10542909
File: 38 KB, 450x450, e69558401601d81c5b16a1a0a4e285ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millennial reasoning
Stores are always short on change, never on bills. This is friendly towards the store too, so they don't run out of change as fast. It used to be what stores wanted, so the more experienced clerks will even ask if you have 1.50 extra.

>> No.10542934

You know we do that explicitly to piss off tedious assfucks that won't let use robotically do our soul crushing job in peace.

>> No.10542947

HOLY shit senpai

>> No.10542973

Just ask if that's okay before you do it, dumbass. What if they don't have a $10 bill in the register?

>> No.10542990

>that is what the period is for, numbnuts.
stopped reading right there

>> No.10543020

I don't even know what you said.

>> No.10543033

Imagine being this braindead

>> No.10543055

Dollar coins exist in limited prints because Americans are retarded and dont like to be like the europoors and chinks that use coins for everything
I love using .50$ coins and $2 Bill's to fuck with tards

>> No.10543081


Are you a drug dealer or just an insane person?

Cash? Seriously

>> No.10543119

I had my money denied at a drive thu once... was a 10$ silver certificate. Dumbfucks thought it was counterfit or something.

>> No.10543129

I'll be honest with you anon, I dont even know what a silver certificate is
If its valid US currency I'm going to order like 50 from my bank for when I'm feeling especially autistic

>> No.10543166
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I worked at a gas station with an automatic cash system while studing
I never bothered to count money nor to give bills
People often got mad and blamed me I never cared.
Wew ,now Im working in a big office and laugh at those faggots complaining about a few bucks ,fucking poorfags

>> No.10543187

t. holds up the line to dig 87 cents out of his pocket

>> No.10543203

My uncle used to collect them. I mean, in the way that he would save it every time he came across one, not specifically ordering them. He had about $50 worth. He did the same thing with those old pennies with the wheat design on the back.

Personally, if I'm literally exchanging slips of paper and metal discs to perform a monetary transaction in the >current year, that's a failure on someone's part.

>> No.10543205

they are bills that are worth the amount of silver (10$ in this case) from the date they were minted. It was actually worth more than 10 dollars, and is legal tender.

>> No.10543233

this, I worked in a small shop and had to run to the bank to get small bills every other day, never ran out of 20s though

>> No.10543244

Yea I googled it, and after sifting through the 1000 boomer bait tier "check your wallet now for this bill and you could be a millionaire" articles I figured out they are ancient collectables
Not worth the hassle, $2 bill will rustle enough jimmies to keep me going

>> No.10543250

I'm retarded. Can someone please explain the t. meme to me?

>> No.10543253

Scandinavian form of salutation.
Equivalent to yours sincerely or yours faithfully.

>> No.10543262

I once had a DC Chick-Fil-A cashier get their manager because they didn't believe $2 bills were real.

>> No.10543289

>he doesn't use contactless payment

>> No.10543293
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Imagine being such a normie pigskin you get this butt rustled by shitposting.

>> No.10543297

nah... they just thought you were a homo.

>> No.10543298

You should feel bad for making the shop to pay for the transaction fee

>> No.10543303

no. I won't do as you ask. Learn your role in life

>> No.10543324

You more than likely handed this kid the two singles AFTER HE RUNG IN THE FUCKING 20. Stop doing that. It fucks up the flow of getting your shit and getting out. Old people always do the most annoying shit at the register, like handing more money after the fact and not letting the cashier know they're getting additional change/bills. You hold up everyone in line by being an annoying old fucktard. If our drawer is short because someone scammed us out of money, we lose our job.

>> No.10543436
File: 180 KB, 1280x861, hongkong-harbour-xlarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
>"the west" only has a functioning civilization

>> No.10543502

>not being mean to newfags
t. nice guy

>> No.10543510
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>> No.10543528

>implying that all of the buildings and infrastructure in Hong Kong weren't built while under western rule.

>> No.10543581

>just opened for the day
>Boomer buys 50 cent bag of peanuts and tries to pay with a 100
>Tell the Boomer that I have to go make change
>Sit in the office for a minute, take as long as possible
>By the time I get back there's a line
>"Here's your change for 100 sir, it's 99.50, have a nice day"

The glares from other customers as this Boomer left fueled me for the rest of the day. One day I'm going to break them of this stupid habit.

>> No.10543618
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Thanks guys!
t. helped-out anon-kun

>> No.10543630

Maybe if you Boomer's weren't all a generation of sociopaths you wouldn't be acting like a dick and then blaming millenials for the problems you created.

>> No.10543664
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>working drive thru payment window (typically the first window of a 2 window drive thru, the 2nd window is where they give you your food)
>OK ma'am your total is going to come out to $13.02
>customer fumbles around in wallet, pulls out a 20
>i notice she has a collection of what appears to be a bunch of "drive thru spare change" in her cup holder
>uh, ma'am, do you have 2 pennies in there?
>she looks at me in disgust for a moment, apparently in shock that I would request such a thing. She's looking at me like I asked for her first born child
>she obliges, looks around her car for some change (not sure how she forgot about/didn't notice her huge change collection)
>finally gets 2 pennies out
>I give her back 7 bucks
>her eyes widen, looks like she's visibly shaken
>"ohmaigawd that's amazing I didn't know you could do that, does it work with all money?"
>u-uh I don't follow you miss, do you mean with different currencies? Yes it works with pesos
>"no I mean can you do that with any amount of change?"
>say yes, she pulls up to the 2nd window, and before the next car can pull up go to my manager tell him to mail my last check to my house cuz I quit

I enrolled in community College like a week after I quit. I then finished an associate's degree, transfered to a 4 year university, and recently graduated with a bachelor's. I'd like to think that lady saved my life and changed it for the better.

>> No.10543689

It's a restaurant, not a bank, you entitled prick.

>> No.10543752


>> No.10543770

>boomers always try to pay with exact change
>takes like 5 minutes to get the change together
>thinks they're doing me a favor for not making me count change when I could've done it 10x as fast as they did
The worst is when someone pays for their meal with coins and acts all offended when you have to count that shit out before they can walk off
Like sorry I'm not getting written up because you tried to short change me

>> No.10543782

If your time was actually valuable you wouldn't work in fast food

>> No.10543794

Then you cant complain when your order take 10 minutes to make because you wasted the time of the person who made your fucking food you entitled cunt

>> No.10543802

>fast food
>take ten minutes getting his change together to pay for a dollar sandwich
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10543820

>total is $5.78
>gives you the five then spends then takes an obscenely long time getting 3 quarters and 3 pennies together when they could've just given me $6 and gotten the remaining 22 cents back in like 5 seconds

>> No.10543836

This is why you work in retail.

>> No.10543871
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>> No.10543892

>grocery store loses half it's ultra thin margin to processing fees
>employees lazy shits that can't wrap their brains around change
>"Like, gah, why won't they pay me $20 an hour?"

>> No.10543921

What is inflation.

>> No.10543957

dont shitpost with my wife please

>> No.10543981

Boomers are fucking retarded. Millennials are also fucking retarded.
I don't know about gen Z but I don't have high hopes.

>> No.10543985


>> No.10543999
File: 232 KB, 640x352, 1_4z_8XZLPuC3ujkA9H_1GPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make minimum wage
>tips make it average out that I make around $22 an hour in a place where the wage is 10.50
>and I'm literally borderline retarded

>> No.10544008

that'll be 11.50
>here 20
I get the 8.50 change and hold it out to them
>oh hang on, I have two singles here. to make it easier on you
I have to wait while this asshole rummages around in their purse for the two singles and then have to put the change back and get them their new change. meanwhile people behind them hate them.
why are boomers fucking assholes?

>> No.10544021

There was no here's 20....oh wait....here's 2 more.

It was "here's 22".
>cue idiocy

>> No.10544063

>pay with credit card
>pay the same prices as everyone else
>get 2% back
>don't waste my time
>don't waste anyone else's time

cash payment is just a tax on stupidity

>> No.10544071

klaptorg sounds like a space nigger

>> No.10544080

>living in a third world country where dollar coins are common

>> No.10544089

In my experience cash is often faster than the card. There's never any issues with the machine reading the card or taking a long time to authorize.

Plus cash is a lot more useful: drug dealers accept it, it's useful for tips and bribes*, and big brother doesn't track how I spend it. All stores take cash, many don't take cards.

*By bribes I don't mean in the literal, criminal, sense. I mean things like tossing the employees a few bucks for assistance when loading lumber in my truck. Giving a kid a couple bucks to go do me a favor. Handing off to friends so they can snag me a 6-pack if they're going out to the store, and so on.

>> No.10544096

Stupid is the tens of millions in crushing debt. Maybe 15% of people use their CC properly.

>> No.10544098

I’m willing to bet you’re also single

>> No.10544102

companies are anal as shit about cash at registers. If you dont do exactly what the machine says or there is an inconsistency and somebody raises a stink about it you either get fired or go through a long ass investigation process

>> No.10544108

>hurr ive got a relationship I know the wisdom of the universe
fuck off retard

>> No.10544111


>> No.10544113

This, especially now that the "convenient chip reader" means you have to park your card in a slot for 20 seconds at 95% of the places that use it. I've had it randomly decline before and work the second time as well.

>> No.10544145

what I said was shit that I've had people pull on me almost daily. If you want to hand my extra to "make it easier" do it before I have change already done. customers are the fucking worst

>> No.10544148
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>be at Starbucks
>faggy little twink Asian boy is the cashier
>ask for a chocolate banana smoothie with 4 extra scoops of protein powder
>he starts raving about me going to the gym or whatever and complimenting my body
>I am obviously uncomfortable
>try to think of something to make him stop talking
>"why don't you stuff your mouth with cock and stop talking?"
>he shuts up and I go about my way
>later he comes to my table and asks for my phone number

>> No.10544153

>before I have change already done.
Yeah, that's a given.

>> No.10544215
File: 150 KB, 1600x1027, Western_front (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are millenial faggots so obsessed with handing over information about every aspect of their life to (((corporations)))?

>Oh hey, Jewgle, plz track my every movement
>Oh, hey Jewgle, can you track what I spend my money on, and where and when too?
>Jewgle, how about you record what I type into search engines?
>Can you scan the contents of my emails too please?
>How about ramming me up the ass with a gigantic fucking dragon dildo, that would be simply super too, thanks Jewgle

Fucking millenial scum, they should be rounded up and gassed.

>> No.10544364

>Just opened so i have no change in my drawer.
>Customer pays with a $100 on a $17 transaction

>> No.10544487

>when you tell someone you can't break 100s right now because your till is getting low and they get all uppity

>> No.10544506

All you gotta do to use it properly is pay your bill. I have mine on auto-pay because I realized I always wanted to pay it, but even when I was paying manually it was just clicking a single button in their mobile app with text notifications a week (and a day, just in case) in advance.

>> No.10544524

>REE change is an inconvenience and takes up SPAAAACE
Then use your fucking card?

>> No.10544552

>I love using .50$ coins and $2 Bill's to fuck with tards
Is this the boomer's idea of epin trolling?

>> No.10544559

Different country here, but where I kive, all the registers have 5,000mkd at the start.

>Just opened
>Pensioners waiting outside cuz they have fuck all to do and are up by 5AM
>buy a piece of bread and some sour milk (yogurt like thing)
> Comes up at 45mkd
>Hands me a 1,000mkd bill
>I dont even have 500's so I dont have to empty my register
>Argue bcuz I dont give a fuck
>this is every morning

Fuck old ppl

>> No.10544581

Boomers throw tantrums as much as children and it's even worse with refunds that's why I do it as quick as possible and claim the machine won't let me change anything, they don't understand computers so they buy it or are too scared to look ignorant and stupid
>I want to speak to your manager
>They don't know how to handle it and just use a card or leave

If they start boomer screeching I can make up shit as long as I don't bother my manager it's great
>What if someone wants something or like a discount?
>"Do it or don't I don't care just make something up so head office doesn't get a complaint"
Also never feel like you're being a burden when asking if we have a thing in the back, we don't look we just like the extra break time

>> No.10544621

>thanks for the tip, mister!

>> No.10544663

>/fit/ daydreams about getting an asian twink bf

>> No.10544667

>still paying with cash

>> No.10544759

Tbh I can't do basic arithmetic in my head and refuse to pay in cash because of this reason

t. test 86 IQ

>> No.10545066

>paying $22

>> No.10545077

That way you get a 10 back instead of multiple smaller bills.

>> No.10545098

Serving jobs exist for people like you, though. No one else wants to deal with idiots and their stupid requests/demands all day -- it's easier to get $20/hour doing normal desk work with normies.

>> No.10545124

Wow, 14 more IQ points and you'd be considered a MENSA genius!

>> No.10545182

All the people in this thread bitching about this. Increasing the amount that you pay with to make the change a multiple of 5 makes the entire transaction less error prone because there are less physical bills involved. Hell, every POS I ever worked allowed you to enter the exact amount received and it does the math for you. And when the customer is a tard and goes "oh wait, I think I have $2" after you entered it, you should have the basic arithmetic skills to go 8.50+2.00=10.50 in your fucking head. Maybe don't come to work stoned out of your mind and this would be an issue. And you faggot want "muh $15". Pathetic.

>> No.10545241

>chocolate banana

>> No.10545259

I never do this actually, at least I'd go with 20.5

>> No.10545280

Someone tried to do this to me when I worked at Safeway. He got frustrated when it didn't work so I told him to leave.

>> No.10545293
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What's wrong with chocolate banana bitch?

>> No.10545306

Millenials were a mistake.

>> No.10545824

wow you guys will literally argue about anything

>> No.10545837

not true.

>> No.10546002
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>> No.10546008

>when jew nigger doesn't want $1 bills because piggy bank full of it

>> No.10546014

proper training in situations like this is to immediately close the register and call a manager to hand count the entire drawer to ensure the guest ins't trying to do a quick cash scam.

the person running the till can be taken advantage of in busy situations by conversations just like this adding stress to an already busy rush time.

>> No.10546016


>> No.10546045

Do retards really fall for this shit?

>> No.10546233


I hate you

>> No.10546240


It's true you fucking RETARD

>> No.10546772

>can't get a job in your field and end up working that same window

>> No.10546786
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>> No.10546794

>above nigger intelligence
>can't do basic addition and subtraction
>do your tard wranglers know you use the computer?

>> No.10546799

This doesn't happen. Any POS software not cobbled together by some homeless guy for his stepbrother's wife's boyfriend lets you enter a tender amount. Why are you making shit up?

>> No.10546809

Actually, you're going to invite more errors by going outside of people's expectations. If someone's thinking the change is going to be under $10 and you're starting to fuck with that, they're more likely to panic and over-/under-think and fuck up your change. Anyone who has supervised cashiers for any decent amount of time will tell you this. It's also how shortchange artists work.

>> No.10546819

Some banks charge extra for dealing with less common tenders like $1 and .50¢ coins and $2 bills. Especially if you're a business and they think you can afford it.

>> No.10546822

Stores don't generally run out of $20 bills, but they run out of 10s all the fucking time. Of all the retail jobs I've worked, the only bills we've ever really run out of were 10s and singles.

>> No.10546839

t. Boomer

>> No.10546893

You know I was born in the 90s and I pay for everything with paper and metal coins....
My rationale is pretty straight forward on it.
The new economy is based on data, I want as few companies as possible to be making money off of mine.
Every electronic transaction, says something about you. It gives whatever banking institution you use data to sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars per user (wouldn't you rather get that money) to advertisers.
Cash is one of the many ways you can liberate your existence from the targeted ads.

>> No.10546903

I always get $25 of my weekly $100 in Galleons ($1 coins).
It's fun to use them at stores and I love telling stores it is illegal for them not to accept them to which the posted sheriff deputy nearby usually confirms to the ass mad cashier.
We have posted Sheriffs at most retail stores around here because of the opioid epidemic, people go nuts and try to steal anything to get there fix. It's sad.

>> No.10546905

This shit. I was born in the 80s, and when I started using the internet, the #1 rule everyone told you was never share your personal information online. 2 decades later, all the same people said SHARE ALL YOUR PERSONAL INFO ONLINE OR UR A FAG. Fuck that. I used made up information for all my store rewards cards, don't use Facebook, never log into Google (or even use it when I can avoid it). Even that isn't enough to stop them from profiling me. Everyone was fucking shocked and upset when the whole Cambridge Analytica thing came out, and I couldn't understand them. You all willingly gave out all this info, all the services told you they were going to use it and how, and then you get offended when they actually do it? This world is populated by braindead morons.

>> No.10546913

yo they have chocolate banana smoothies at starbucks since fuckin when

>> No.10546922

mango fucking snapple

>> No.10546929

My man when you work in the tech realm you get a very dark perception of the world.
You realize that our friend the Internet was slowly stabbing us all in the back and now most of us have a data profile the size of Texas.
I stopped giving out data for free after Cambridge Analytica.
I knew they were collecting the data before and using it recklessly but similarly to how I used to treat telephones before Snowden I thought "surely they aren't misusing my profile data."
What fucked with me was the fact this impacted our election and my same parents that used to tell me a pedophile was going to track down our address on Runescape were making political decisions based off of /pol/ tier MAGA shitposting on Fbook.
I've re-evaluated my entire digital life since that scandal. I avoid most tech, switched away from my android phone, stopped using facebook, twitter, etc.
It's probably too late to really save myself but they won't be collecting on me anymore.
Especially not how I spend my money because it shows trends in day to day life and location.

>> No.10546945

I don't really blame people younger than me who grew up with this stuff, but when AOL and other services really started to grow internet users, and especially when "social media" started to become a thing, everyone was talking about how they were going to use all this data to "revolutionize" politics, government, international trade, commerce, media consumption, et al. And the rubes were like, "ya OK just let me find out if my ex-gf Suzie is living a miserable life of shame and regret after she dumped me." And I was like, "fuck that, I'm donating to the EFF." And despite the fact that if you followed the news at all, you knew your data was being collected and used by fucking everyone who could aquire or pay for it, including governments, and everyone agreed to ignore it. Then suddenly it comes out that one election was influenced by the use of that data (and if you think that's the only election that was influenced, you're a fool), and suddenly everyone loses their shit. NIGGA THEY TOLD YOU THEY WOULD.

>> No.10546949

Yeah well I was in college and the social capital associated with social media was more important to me at that time than my privacy.
Now that I work my life away and just want to be left the fuck alone I am drawing barriers.
Plus I wrote a few papers in college about how social media's algorithms tends to make depressed people more depressed so I have noticed an improvement in mood since leaving.

>> No.10546955

Good on you. Also, I'm glad you're feeling better. Depression fucking sucks, and I guess now I know one more reason why.

>> No.10546970

It's wrong to buy such abomination on ,starbucks of all places
How fat are you?

>> No.10547003

So you'll inconvenience yourself to prevent companies from innocuously profiting off of you? Fucking retard

>> No.10547005

Check your address bar. This isn't lewrockwell.com

>> No.10547146

>things that never happened
Sounds like you gave them the 2 singles after you handed the 20
>what really happens
>OP gives 20 and two singles
>cashier presses TWO then TWO then ZERO then ZERO then CASH
>register pops open and a cashier gets a display reading "Change: $10.50"
>OP gets appropriate change back
Also use card you barbarian

>> No.10547154

I was born in the 70s and work in tech. You're not undoing this by gimping yourself out of having normal modern conveniences, and everyone is laughing at you. Change happened, get over it.

>> No.10547169

I don't think anyone cares rather or not I'm on Facebook or if I use cash which is still the most widely accepted form of payment.

>> No.10547170

Sup Cuckerberg.

>> No.10547233

>go to a restaurant
>everyone pulls out their card
>that one guy counts out wads of filthy snot-soaked bills
>uhh, can you bring... hmm well let's now spend 45 minutes calculating amounts instead of just letting the waiter use the computer
>snot filth gets all over everyone else's cards
This is you

>> No.10547261

Actually, the reason you always give them change is that it is your job, and that is your job because you are a lazy millenial

>> No.10547310
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>still using cash
i sincerely hope you don't do this

>> No.10547334

Cash is all I have, I do not have a tracking device either.

>> No.10547360


>> No.10547365

...how would raising minimum wage encourage harder working employees? Does it some how imply that they'll lose their job quicker? It's still minimum wage, the turn over rate should not change.

>> No.10547384

>I wrote a few papers in college about how social media's algorithms tends to make depressed people more depressed
any chance for a quick rundown?

>> No.10547401

It ranges by site but long story short Facebook let's user data be used by random companies and back in 2012 they let them manipulate peoples timelines to see how it impacted there emotions.
They got in a ton of trouble for that at the time but now targeted advertising on social media sites uses the same logic. They advertise to you what you want to have/be, not what you are. The sites will show you posts based off of your own and if you are sad all the time in your messenger chats etc. they will manipulate what you see to be similar to what the algorithm is merely tracking as 'Your interests.'
Long story short envy is a human emotion like it or not and social media leverages that particular emotion the most to get you to buy more shit or recently vote a certain way.

>> No.10547404

*their not there

Multi tasking so typos are prone to happen
I work from home

>> No.10547417

>giving in to the electronic jew
good goy

>> No.10547464

Since the raycease powlease handcuffed the two dindus for loitering in that Starbucks the other week.

>> No.10547566

I GUARANTEE they have plenty of information to profit off you even with you inconveniencing yourself with cash

>> No.10547570

these people are working a minimum wage job and you are asking them to do basic math. your the retard.

>> No.10547590

i doubt it. i have no social media account, use adblock, and hosts file.

>> No.10547702

>raise minimum wage to encourage harder work
wow ur dumb

>> No.10547836

how's your 500 FICO working out for you? You probably paid 3 times more than I did for your real estate. I fully paid for my home at age of 28.

>> No.10547851

Are you retarded? How would it not change?

>> No.10547879

>>How would it not change

Because there is absoloutely zero causality, or even correlation, between pay and how hard people work.

The only thing raising minimum wage acheives is firing some people in order to give raises to those who retain their jobs.

>> No.10547892

I'll have dumbasses who give me $100 and $50 bills for something that costs $5 when I don't have the fucking change for it, then they get pissy that I have to get more change from somewhere else. Burn in hell.

>> No.10548038

So OP is the guy who:

That comes out to $11.73
>OK here's a $20
Cool thanks, your change is-
>Oh wait, let me dig in my pocket I might have exact change
Uhhh ok, no problem
>Here's a dollar and twelve cents, keep the penny. Whew the line sure is long now!

>> No.10548094

>t. neet
if you have a job that you get paid at 6 bucks an hour to do half assed and the exact same job at 10 bucks an hour and youre still half assing it you bet im gonna fire the shit out of your retarded ass for getting paid more for still not doing your job well. there absolutely is a correlation. every hourly wage job ive ever worked has used raises in this way and everyone ive had work for me as a manager ive fired if i cant justify keeping them if im forced to pay them more for doing not even the bare minimum. its most definitely about who you keep so you can justify paying the increased minimum and often times that requires a lot of employee turnover

>> No.10548114

>Stores are always short on change, never on bills.
This is absolute fucking bullshit. I worked convenience retail for two years straight.

>> No.10548147

You can keep (or even give raises to) good employees as well as fire slackers without minium wage even existing.

>> No.10548194

I bet your manager just stockpiled a shitload of change and singles because he already knew his clerks were too dumb to the simplest of calculations.

>> No.10548232

I live in a country with five-ten-twenty denomination bills and I can tell you that we ran out of that shit 24/7.

>> No.10548251

Throw your change on the ground instead of taking it with you, so a smarter person can come and pick it up.

>> No.10548311
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Eternally BTFO

>> No.10548342

don't feed the hebrews.

>> No.10548478


>implying this happened

>what actually happened
>gives them the twenty
>they put it through, complete the sale
>till says 8.50 change

>> No.10548513

I'm old enough that I had to literally memorize and manually dial phone numbers once upon a time. But things got better so I stopped. Why are so many boomers retards who waste their own and everybody else's time trying to make things work as shittily as it did when they were kids?

>> No.10548534

Meanwhile you are completely fucking useless when your cell phone runs out of battery whereas I still know everyone's phone number by memory.

>>waste time
Cash is usually a lot faster than a credit card reader. No waiting for authorization, no failed chip reads, etc.

>> No.10548585

>that one autist who insists on wasting 20 minutes to work out splitting a bill in cash instead of just getting separate checks

>> No.10548599

>Paying with cash for anything in this day & age
Cashiers can't dip into my change when there's no change involved in a debit transaction :^)

>> No.10548625

I dated a girl who insisted on caculating out the tip down to the penny, doing long division by hand every time. she'd get totally triggered if anyone suggested simply rounding.

She was also OCD about the cans/packages of food in the pantry, as well as bottles of makeup and stuff in the bathroom. They had to be arranged in perfectly straight rows, with the packages rotated so the labels were all pointing forward.

>> No.10548672

>Cash is usually a lot faster than a credit card reader
If you really believe this, invest in a stopwatch. It may feel longer because you're sitting there waiting for it to finish instead of actively trying to get your shit together, but cash is actually far slower.

>> No.10548704

I have actually timed it for a research project I did in college a few years ago.

Most of the time they were equally fast. The employee operating the cash register was by far the largest variable.

However, there were more opportunities for fuckups with the card. The employee might not realize he had to press a button on his POS system. The system might take a long time to authorize, or might have trouble reading the card at which point the employee had to type it in.

The only potential fuckup for cash would be if the register didn't have suffiicent change in it. Also, my little study was before the prevalence of chip cards which take longer to read than the normal mag strip ones.

>> No.10548973

> its called being considerate
Stopped there cause every single fucking motherfucker above the age of 40 wants special treatment when all they deserve is logans fucking run, put yourself in a home you fucking waste of skin

>> No.10549016

>People above age 40 wants special treatment
As if I am. And people above age 40 do this more to me than otherwise

>> No.10549042
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Either way fuck you and fuck entitled old people.

>> No.10549044

Imagine your skin being the same color as your turds. Oh wait, you don't need to imagine it, do you?

>> No.10549229

Cash isn't tracable so your privacy won't be compromised and in fact is generally faster than the tracking cards. Sadly, it's you braindead millennials who welcome sucking at the tit of big daddy megaconglomeration who are embracing the proposed dream of our corporate overlords to eliminate cash entirely so everything you do will be known. You're generation is actively embracing dystopia because they offer you a free cheeseburger once in awhile.

>> No.10549262

did she bring that kind of ocd to bear on your relationship as well? like, you had to go out on a date to eat seafood every thursday at the same time

>> No.10549275

i enjoyed this post

>> No.10549307
File: 232 KB, 684x1740, privacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already opted out of data sharing. At this point, I'd rather have 2% cash back plus consumer protection plus convenience plus a list of my spending rather than any more privacy.

>> No.10549321

>I already opted out of data sharing

lol. I got a seriously needed laugh out of that. thanks, anon.

>> No.10549340

I'm not a terrorist or a druggie, so my privacy needs are quite a bit more modest than some.

>> No.10549347

She did have a thing for wanting to go the same restaurant every other friday. I think it would have been every friday but she/we could't afford that. That part didn't really bother me since they had damn good food.

>> No.10549385

Thats implying that workers are holding their effort hostage which is highly unlikely, at least for any reasonable amount. Its silly to imply that if you increased a job's wage by 50% that the employee can or will work 50% harder. A lot of jobs have caps on what you can get done regardless before you start sacrificing quality and customer service. Plus you don't need to raise wages to weed out slackers. You can do that now anyway.

>> No.10549415

You should legit not be allowed to make purchases with a bill over 10x the amount of what you purchased. It just holds up everyone.

>> No.10549419

I just think it's hilarious that you belive that "opting out" will actually accomplish anything.

The level of naievity is shocking.

>> No.10549425

The twink wanted to get his chocolate all over your banana.

>> No.10549449

This. I did retail a few months and thats how all the registers work. You literally just type in the amount you're handed and then it opens and tells you the difference you hand back. If they argue its because they're trying to scam you or you just didn't count at all.

>> No.10549465

>the generation just starting to go into the fray of the world are the reason it's shit and not the generations before them
I hope you're just shitposting

>> No.10549467

The are legally obligated to by the CARD Act (and by FTC privacy rules), and they seem to be quite assiduously following the other parts of the act in my experience. Not everything is a huge conspiracy.

>> No.10549490

>hand over bill
>cashier counts out bills
>potentially has to open a new stack of bills
>picks out coins
>potentially has to open a new roll of coins
>stick card in machine
>press button
>remove card
What shitty backwoods store are you going to where a card takes longer. No shit cash will faster.
>a few years ago
Problems with credit cards have always been present, the convenience of a credit card was that you don't have to carry a wad of cash and coins, just a single item. Only recently, even before the chip, did they start marketing the card as a faster option to cash, which I personally thought was stupid because I know how to work my cash.
The chip is a massive improvement.

>> No.10549517

That anonymous is a nutcase, but I can relate to being suspicious of a company telling me how they won't stoop to making as much money as they can despite what the law forbids. We're better at catching them do this now and the risk ranges from bad PR to horrible lawsuit, but they're too big to ever lose money. They break the law because they get away with it, that's the only reason they get caught in the first place, and they're so ingrained in our lives that people will still give them money for the smallest convenience.

>> No.10549548

Wrong your like ten years to old to be considered a millennial

>> No.10549564

Cards can legit take longer. If someone hands me a single bill its only a few seconds to type it in then hand them change. With cards they almost always take forever to type in their 4 digits and/or sign. Also sometimes boomers put in their card halfway into a purchase or way too early and they have to do it again.

>> No.10549569

>>conspiracy theorist nutcase

I never said anything of the sort, anon. In fact, your post summed up my position perfectly:

>>telling me how they won't stoop to making as much money as they can despite what the law forbids.
>>but they're too big to ever lose money. They break the law because they get away with it, that's the only reason they get caught in the first place,

I couldn't have said it better myself.

And nevermind the fact that the problems might have nothing to do with the actions of a company. The company might be 100% law abiding, but could be the vicitim of hacking or incompetence, just as we have seen countless times on the news.

>> No.10549574

The millennial generation starts at around 1980.

>> No.10549584

Google "millenial generation" and the only consistent thing you will find is that it has no consistent definition.

Baby boomers are the one and only generation with an agreed upon definition.

>> No.10549597

We have a guy who insists on only charging his card in multiples of $10, and then sorting out the rest with the massive amount of coins and crumpled bills in his pocket. He usually yells at newer employees who don't yet know what his quirk is, and as a manager I get called in to smooth things over with him all the goddamn time. Thing is, he's also really nice and gentle when he's not doing anything related to numbers.

>> No.10549608

I am a manager at a resale store and we stock a shitload of change and singles because we hand out a fuckton of money and also because people generally use the denomination closest to what the sale total is. So we hand out a bunch of change. Very few people who aren't old try to round up to get back a 5, 10, or 20. Maybe shitty stores with few daily transactions don't have to worry about keeping a decent change kitty, but we do.

>> No.10549616

It doesn't have a consisten definition, but people born in the 80s are frequently included, and no one thinks people born in the 70s are millennials.

>> No.10549627

>With cards they almost always take forever to type in their 4 digits and/or sign. Also sometimes boomers put in their card halfway into a purchase or way too early and they have to do it again.
>If someone hands me a single bill its only a few seconds to type it in then hand them change.
"Hold on, I've got a dime somewhere" "I thought I handed you six singles. Let me see if I have another dollar *coins jingling*" "*hands you a hundred* Give me back fives" "We don't take bills that high *now to reshelf all this crap*"
We've used coins and paper for hundreds of years, if they weren't a problem, credit cards wouldn't be so common. People will always complain about change.

>> No.10549631

>It doesn't have a consisten definition
What's the point of a definition if it's not consistent, fuckhole?

>> No.10549657

Typing digits, signing, and machine delays happen with EVERY credit card transaction.

The stuff you greentexted respresets idiots only, not every cash transaction.

>>if they weren't a problem credit cards wouldn't be so common
The reason why credit cards are so popular is because they people buy things that they can't afford, as well as things that would require carrying around obscene amounts of cash. they are also a lot handier for remote transactions than snail-mailing money orders or checks.

>> No.10549662
File: 47 KB, 634x292, millennials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always admit that you fucked up and walk it back. I fucking hate people who post wiki articles but you aren't worth the time to do better. Here you go.

>> No.10549676

if enough people make their own definitions there could be areas of overlap

words have slightly different definitions in different dictionaries. just because we don't have a single dictionary doesnt defeat the point of dictionaries

>> No.10549679

The vast majority of people who still use cash are old boomers who shuffle around trying to find coins to give exact change. The current generation typically uses cards because they value their time over pointless tradition. God forbid you have some old lady (its always them) come in with a check. They take eons to fill them out and then you have to scan them twice and check ID. By that time theres a line behind her.

>> No.10549685

>Citing wikipedia as if they are the official decider of a definition

>> No.10549692

>You could always admit that you fucked up and walk it back.

Why would I do that when your very own post proves me right?

>>there are no precise dates
>>demographers use a 20+ year period...
20 fucking years of differening opnion for a single generation? Wow, sure is specific.

>> No.10549702
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>Go to gas station during lunch with my room-temperature IQ coworker
>Literally every time, no matter how quickly, slowly, accurately, or inaccurately the cashier does their job, he makes trite comments about their performance
>From a man who had to cheat to get his HVAC license and told me he had to learn algebra on the street because schools didn't teach it then
I'm convinced this boomer shit has nothing to do at all with actual performance.
Obese, middle-aged dull people just need to feel like there's someone duller than they are, even if that person's the lady at the gas station.

>> No.10549707

Because I want a ten dollar bill, and these guys can use change. Unfortunately baristas at starbucks are too fucking retarded to understand how the world works.

>> No.10549711

>EVERY credit card transaction
See my previous post (>>10549490)
That exchange occurs at cashier. You insert the card, it reads the chip, it confirms the price and you're given options to cancel, go through with it, or type in your pin to go through with it. Simply going through with it immediately makes the purchase and you remove your card.

>> No.10549714

>1 post by this ID
good meme

>> No.10549716

This. 10s go fast af because everyone buys less than $10 dollars worth of stuff and pays with 20s or will give you 2 20s for $23 worth of shit.

>> No.10549730

>20 fucking years of differening opnion for a single generation? Wow, sure is specific.
I love when someone who's merely ignorant tries to defend himself by pretending he's actually retarded.

>> No.10549733

i dont think you understand what is meant by 20+ year period. thats quite a common range of time to delimit generations. that doesnt mean everyone's definition is pointing at 20 different years, it means most people agree this or that generation includes people born at year X to year X+20. EG:

>The Harvard Center uses 1965 to 1984 to define Gen X
>demographers and researchers typically use birth years starting from the early- to mid-1940s and ending anywhere from 1960 to 1964

>> No.10549734

>I'm convinced this boomer shit has nothing to do at all with actual performance.
Congratulations, you've realized this bullshit is just labels and retarded people have always existed.

>> No.10549735

>cash is inconvenient
Do people really unironically believe this?

>you can't pay in a restaurant and leave immediately
>"hey waiter can you split this bill 8 ways by item please?"
>you have to yell to the bartender the name on your card every time you make an order
>you have to spend extra time waiting for the card to come back to close out tab at bars also
>there are places that still don't accept cards, or have purchase minimums
>having to pay extra card processing fees at smaller places
>paying more for gas at places that charge more for cards vs cash
>can't ever use vending machines
>can't ever purchase anything without being tracked by 32 different websites and entities
If boomers are retarded, then their millenial spawn are subanimal IQ. And I know people who are this against cash will refuse to carry even $10

>> No.10549737

>I want a ten dollar bill
Why do you care?
>these guys can use change
Why would you care?

Neither of these two things should even register with you as even the remotest concern, which is the biggest reason why this practice disappeared.

>> No.10549739
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That sounds like the sort of shit what some 70+ old grandmas do at the register and everyone behind them in line rolls their eyes and sigh deeply for.

>> No.10549757

The fuck you talking about
>pass your phone over the reader
>transaction completes in approx. 2 seconds

>> No.10549760

>Do people really unironically believe this?
Explain paper bills. Explain coins not made from gold and silver.
>can't ever purchase anything without being tracked by 32 different websites and entities
Oh. You.

>> No.10549765


>> No.10549766

>>can't ever use vending machines
You still don't have reader-equipped vending machines?

>> No.10549777

No Japan, and we still can't buy used panties out of them either.

>> No.10549780

What about them? Cash can be convenient too, it's not outdated. It's retarded to be totally anti-cash; I use both cash and card myself. And just because you don't care about being tracked, doesn't mean that someone else is retarded for trying to avoid it if they can.

>> No.10549807

I feel like there's a strong correlation between 'there are places that still don't accept cards, or have purchase minimums' and the fact that you're listing tech problems that have had solutions for the better part of the decade.
So, yes, cash is more convenient if you frequent inept establishments that won't spring for an $80 handheld credit card scanner.

Also purchase minimums and processing fees are violations of the merchant agreement and you bet I'd report them for it if they tried that shit on me.

>> No.10549831

I'm not anti-cash, I'm pro-convenience. Every post I've replied to has been about how inconvenient cards are against the perfect physical money and I've simply pointed out cash has always been problematic and credit cards are relatively new and people always stumble with change and change always occurs. Just as I mentioned, people used gold and silver, then they changed those to lesser metals, then they made paper. Credit cards have been the next step for decades.
If this paranoia about digital currency survives the next few decades, it will be met with resistance when only so many places will accept cash.

>> No.10549841

>purchase minimums and processing fees are violations of the merchant agreement and you bet I'd report them

>> No.10549850

You dont realize how few places have that yet.

>> No.10549855

The notion that you're avoiding being tracked by paying cash is genuinely laughable.
Literally along the lines of looking for spooks in the bushes when you leave your house.
Unless you drive an 18+ year old car, make all your phone calls from a telephone booth, and are posting through TOR from your local library, choosing to pay for your Funyons with cash doesn't even break the 2% statistical margin of error for the ways you've been tracked today.

>> No.10549875

Almost everywhere near me does, but it's still embarrassing that one time when you pass your phone over, get nothing, and then the clerk explains it doesn't support that. It even had the Apple Pay sticker and it was just turned off for some reason.

>> No.10549897 [DELETED] 

And I'm sure it's retarded to tape up your computer's webcam and microphone, yet even the king of giving access to people's private data (Mark Zuckerberg) does it. Maybe it makes no dent on the ways HE gets tracked, but he's no crackpot tinfoil hattist either.

My point is to avoid it if I can. Just because I prefer paying in cash for privacy reasons, doesn't mean that I eschew all modern technology, or think I'm living off the grid by paying for my dragon dildos and soylent with greenbacks

>> No.10549912

And I'm sure it's retarded to tape up your computer's webcam and microphone, yet even the king of giving access to people's private data (Mark Zuckerberg) does it. Maybe it makes no dent on the ways HE gets tracked, but he's no crackpot tinfoil hattist either.

My point is to avoid it if I can. Just because I prefer paying in cash for privacy reasons, doesn't mean that I eschew all modern technology, or think I'm living off the grid by paying for my dragon dildos and soylent with greenbacks. Too bad basic reading comprehension skills can't be bought with cash or card

>> No.10549914

TOR is compromised by the feds, so scratch that

>> No.10549928

>My point is to avoid it if I can.
Their point has been that you're wasting the effort, you've effectively given yourself a placebo.

>> No.10549953

fuck off faggot the cash register is not you personal bank. oh boo hoo you will get a five and some ones back instead of a 10 or two 5's.

>> No.10549960

t. people living in NYC dont realize their fancy tech doesnt work in the other 99% of the world

>> No.10549967

>he thinks NYC has fancy tech


>> No.10549970

I do this also of course and have been on the receiving and giving end of this. Anybody that says money does not motivate work has either not worked or is a complete moron

>> No.10549972

The other 99% of the civilized world has had effective credit card payments for literally decades

>> No.10549976

>New York City
They eat out of the garbage and call it pizza.
Technology isn't restricted to location, only your customers.

>> No.10549979

They dont have shit where you can scan your phone to pay things.

>> No.10549993

>what's the point, you can't avoid it
>what's the point, you don't have anything to hide anyways
Unlike you, I haven't totally given up on the concept of having privacy, futile as you may believe my efforts to be

>> No.10550945
File: 1.20 MB, 1071x1200, __hakurei_reimu_hisui_reisen_udongein_inaba_and_sananana_cookie_touhou_manatsu_no_yo_no_inmu_and_touhou_drawn_by_yarumi_suina__716fc1f1507930a56b817a8b3d838a5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice projection. I'm 6'1 175lbs. Could probably manhandle your sorry 600lbs ass.
I checked grindr later that day and didn't see him. Fucking fags are always just all talk.

>> No.10551043

>not fat just a faggot
>a literal one

>> No.10551061 [DELETED] 

this cash shit is a common nigger scam where they claim you did or did not give them this or that bill. they know that fast food workers are mathematically illiterate and even less familiar with the concept of paper money

i'm not saying you're a scammer but this is exactly what crackheads do at burger king for a couple bucks

>> No.10551071

The way around this is to have the POS have the teller manually input cash given, then recalculate the change. Then it's on record of
the receipt of what the customer gave.

>> No.10552476

>photo of a city built by west.

>> No.10552642

the job makes you braindead and it is hell

>> No.10552649

>The way around this is to have the POS have the teller manually input cash given,
this is how all registers I've seen work. do americans not have this feature? can americans not count cash money?

>> No.10552650

t. chinaman

phone pay is only popular in the far east where they werent developed enough when credit and debit cards became big and just skipped that stage

>> No.10552655

>You still don't have reader-equipped vending machines?
these things never fucking work

>> No.10552668

First off fuck Mexicans and boomers coming in and buying 50¢ thing of peanuts at 6am with a hundred and then being mad. Second fuck retards, quick math is so easy and the POS literally let's you input tender so their mutt brains don't have to do basic subtraction. I literally had to explain to this fat goblin after I gave her a dime so I could just get a 5 back and not 4 ones and 93 cents that 10.10 - 5.07= 5.03, she literally didn't understand it. Also to the actual brainlets who will argue about scammers, you have to be a mouth breather to fall for that shit and if you're that much of a mouth breather you should have had it beaten into you buy your manager to count out their money to them and enter it exactly into the POS.

Most people working who have this problem are single mothers, minority women or stoners. Most POS let you input the tender given because everyone knows how retarded people are, but those retards who need it might be to lazy to use it then they get scammed. I work as a manager for a few gas stations and one of my employees gave a guy back 100$ in change. He pays with a 100$ which we have a safe that checks its real which large bills should immediately be deposited into. But she didn't do that put 60$ on the pump for him and 40$ back to him, then he came back when it didn't work and she reset it then the system went down and she gave him back the 100$ bill and the 60$ on the pump. She then tried to explain to me how this all made sense in her head, Mexican women are only good for cheaply cleaning your house.

>> No.10552742

I have Samsung pay so I almost always use that since chip readers fucking suck dick and never work. But with how many questions every fucking store has, cash is normally faster unless the cashier is completely braindead. Is this a debit card? Do you want cash back? Do you have a rewards card? Ten second ad for rewards card. Would you like to donate to children born without an anus? Enter your pin. Then 5-15 seconds to process. Cash and phone is the best, I literally cannot understand the retards I see who spend a minute doing a card payment for a 2$ candy bar just God damn run your debit as credit you fucks. It's almost as bad as old women using checks to buy groceries.

>> No.10552781

Never vote

>> No.10552868

Gas-station fag here
When people give me exact change or damn near to it i try my damnedest to give them more coins than they gave me. My favorite is when they expect me to round up to the nearest 0 or 5 and i give them 4 pennies instead and close my till.
>oh here i have a penny
>i wish i could but in order for me to do that id have to make a sale
Ha, chackmate boomers

>> No.10552880

>f fuck Mexicans and boomers coming in and buying 50¢ thing of peanuts at 6am with a hundred and then being mad.
look man it's the easiest way to launder drug money and money made under the table by helping baby boomers with their light construction projects

>> No.10552957
File: 500 KB, 954x1022, 1506341793793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 fucking years of differening opnion for a single generation? Wow, sure is specific.
Yes, given that roughly twenty year long spreads are typically the way that generations are measured. Good job trying to double down on your stupidity instead of just admitting you knew nothing of the subject and were wrong. Anyone who might have thought you weren't a complete pants on head retard no longer has any doubt.

>> No.10552993

>And you kids mock boomers as being retarded
Blame new math

>> No.10552996

what kind of faggot doesn't pay entirely in nickels

>> No.10553076


>> No.10553502

I work at a bank.

Banks do not give a flying fuck what you spend your money on. We make money on interest and overdraft fees.

>> No.10553529

Shhh, let the crazy loon have his delusions.

Regardless, you won't change his mind.

>> No.10553551

Theres a no singles allowed policy in my area

>> No.10554073

>he thinks raising the minimum wage is a good idea, or having minimum wage at all
Go look up the history of the minimum wage.

>> No.10554087
File: 516 KB, 221x231, 1495516828776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raise minimum wage to encourage harder work
It was funny until you realize that these "people" can vote now.

>> No.10554119

>303 replies
Impressive, very nice.

>> No.10554168

>Banks do not give a flying fuck what you spend your money on
Yours doesn't maybe, some certainly do
>American Express wouldn’t have been the first company to try cordoning off certain industries. Last year, CompuCredit, a subprime lender, got in trouble with the Federal Trade Commission for failing to disclose that it could reduce customers’ credit lines for using their cards at various establishments.
>What was on CompuCredit’s no-go list? Marriage counselors, tire retreading and repair shops, bars and nightclubs, pool halls, pawnshops and massage parlors, among others.

>> No.10554249

yeah dude, I don't want people to realize I am a huge turbo faggot who spends 15 dollars on a milkshake at startbucks at 8:04 am.

>> No.10554535

>It's fun to use them at stores and I love telling stores it is illegal for them not to accept them to which the posted sheriff deputy nearby usually confirms to the ass mad cashier.

What sort of sad ass life do you live? And do you just proceed to go home and watch cable reruns to justify that 250 dollar cable bill?

>> No.10554615

>hong kong
>a city that up until a few years ago was British

>> No.10554668
File: 177 KB, 960x540, 201352521342991578-960x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer a Shenzhen?
Not the guy you're arguing with, just someone with a passport who realizes that places that aren't in America aren't all spear-chuckers living in mud huts

>> No.10554671

>few years ago

>> No.10554698


>> No.10556661

can only assume that you are a faggot teller