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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 653x490, stickyjim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10541492 No.10541492 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite local dish:
Cooked pasta in rich cheese sauce.
Here in Minnesota we call this dish "Sticky Jim Hotdish"

What are your favorite regional recipes, /ck/?

>> No.10541498

Try seasoning it with arsenic next time anon.

>> No.10541510
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pretty obscure but we often have pounded beef, pork or venison coated with flour, egg and bread crumbs fried in oil often with a side of potato sticks deep fried in oil.
where I am from we call it the "Little Meat Island with Sticks".

>> No.10541532

Why would you suggest that? Arsenic has a rotten, sulfurous taste. What they need is the sweetness of lead acetate.

>> No.10541541

I'm sorry anon, you're right. I figured the more nutty flavor would add spice, but I see I was mistaken.

>> No.10541576

sounds good, I'll have to try it sometime!

>> No.10541596

That's macaroni and cheese
That's schnitzel

>> No.10541613

stop making up words

>> No.10541687

Here in Utah we have these baked open-faced sandwiches, consisting of crusty flat bread, tomato sauce, and mozerella. You can church them up adding cured meat and veggies.

One sandwich can feed a large family. You know how Mormons are lmao.

We call them Hot N Readys. We pick them up at a joint called Little Caesar's.

>> No.10541729

Arsenic is flavorless, which is why it was favoured by assassins.

You stupid millennial cunts are so poorly educated that even your best attempts at memeing are utterly beneath contempt.

>> No.10541764
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this whole thread is a clusterfuck

>> No.10541840
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The pinnacle of Australian culinary arts

>> No.10541851

Slug burgers. Cheap and delicious

>> No.10541903

This is something McDonald's here started serving recently

>> No.10541904
File: 60 KB, 640x640, Beef-rollers with swirl n cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a dish consisting of beef blended with onion and breadcrumbs, and those are rolled into a ball and then fried.
Together with it you usually have potato-dough and a condiment made oit of the meatsauce from the beefballs and some white powder you find sometimes.
Very popular dish here, it's usually known by the name "beef-rollers with swirl n cream"

>> No.10541930

Missed an opportunity to just call it pota-dough.

>> No.10541956
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Hello friends.

>> No.10541971

Mämmi is nice, I love it, can only be purchased during easter in sweden though
Well fuck, didn't think of that.

>> No.10542013

Made a french exchange student try it. One bite and she went to spill the rest away

>> No.10542032

Was she indecisive about trying it first or did she surrender directly? Don't understand how you can dislike such a healthy, good tasting desert.

>> No.10542162

>You can church them up
what the fuck

>> No.10542177
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>> No.10542189

St cloud here, sometimes we like to fag it up by sprinkling Jimmies all over the top.

>> No.10542191

Reminder to hide all "give normal foods wacky names" threads for a better and more fulfilling /ck/ browsing experience! Thank you for your time!

>> No.10542200

Yeah I know, didn't bother correcting myself though since people know what I mean anyway.

>> No.10542697
File: 8 KB, 250x208, goncern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you have to specify that the pasta is cooked?

>> No.10542711

No need, I already spritzed it with some dihydrogen monoxide. Really brightens the flavors.

>> No.10542712

english doesn't pronounce double consonants anyway

>> No.10542714

Looks like some of you never tried good soul food, the only real american invention.

soul food >>>>>>>> any other food

>> No.10542724
File: 175 KB, 490x368, Black Superemacy Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like some of you never tried good soul food, the only real american invention.


This guy knows things.

>> No.10542733
File: 121 KB, 1000x750, lobster_roll_whoopie_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*saves your summer*

>> No.10542736


>you can church them up

using this term now

>> No.10542737
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Here in Michigan we cook up a can of tomatoes (maybe some sausage or ground chuck) with garlic and onion and season with oregano and basil and then pour it on on long noodles.

We call it "Purple Gang Hot Strings"

>> No.10542795
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Here in south jersey we put ham in bread my old grandma is Italian so she makes it like they do in the old country.
If you want to try a real one you have to go to Chalbronis ,Gasafindos is good but it's not traditional.
We call it a "Taltalinoga"

>> No.10542802

Hide all American threads?

>> No.10542838
File: 69 KB, 616x462, IMG_0176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas here y'all we have a thing called a "Tekki Wammer"

>> No.10542850

Considering all "american" threads are obsessed garbage, yes.

>> No.10543068
File: 240 KB, 640x480, Milanesa_napolitana_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best shit
prove me wrong

>> No.10543425

>putting jimmies on his Sticky Jim

Try visiting the mall on Ramadan you stupid fuck

>> No.10543554
File: 72 KB, 540x540, cursed image hot dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw blacks love soul food (mostly fried chicken), but saying that blacks love fried chicken is racist