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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10518999 No.10518999 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /ck/?


>> No.10519009

Shrimp. I feel like they're bland on their own, compared to the other things listed.

>> No.10519010


>> No.10519012


>> No.10519013 [DELETED] 

Fried chicken because I am not black

>> No.10519014 [DELETED] 

Steak. I love steak but it gets fucked up more than all of the rest combined.

>> No.10519019 [DELETED] 

Ribs. Overrated trash you have to be a redneck or nigger to enjoy.

>> No.10519024


Friend chicken > shrimp > steak > ribs

>> No.10519032


>> No.10519068

>eating sea roaches

>> No.10519071


>> No.10519074


>> No.10519079 [DELETED] 

It's way overated

>> No.10519088

ribs, easily. fuck that shit, it's never made well

>> No.10519090

All beef or just steak? If it's just steak I'd say steak. If not, shrimp for sure.

>> No.10519110

Shrimp is nasty sea bug shit. How do people like that shit

>> No.10519114
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seabug fans BTFO

>> No.10519118


>> No.10519122

Literally children.

>> No.10519129

shrimps, easily.

>> No.10519131

Found the hipsters

>> No.10519135

Except crustaceans are literally the insects of the ocean. Enjoy your bottom-feeding trash-animals, you tasteless swine.

>> No.10519145

>a grown man wastes his time on /ck/

>> No.10519174

>adult man who eats shit eating sea bugs is proud of posting on a Cambodian paper mache image board during his weekend freetime

>> No.10519200
File: 1.82 MB, 1184x1078, gavin mcguiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A delicious rack of ribs, grilled to perfection and slathered in barbecue sauce
>A nice porterhouse steak cooked to your liking, topped with mushrooms and drizzled with butter
>A chicken dipped in breading, spices and herbs and deep fried - the perfect comfort food
>A sea bug thing that doesn't even look like it came from planet earth that only rednecks who are too poor to afford scallops enjoy, drowned in nigger-tier Old Bay.

>> No.10519210

maybe im a foodlet from what u guys have said above but i could probably remove both ribs and steak from my life and not notice it. Steaks i do not enjoy that much since im a massive pussy and eat medium well. and ribs are litteraly 50% bone 30% fat, shrimp i use for stir fries and fried chicken is my go to ez meal (not homemade)

>> No.10519212
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Adios camarones

>> No.10519241
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>> No.10519360


>> No.10519375

foe chicken is worse than friend chicken

>> No.10519379

Shrimp, easily.

>> No.10519380
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, Critical Faggot Leak Lockdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fack u m8te

>> No.10519381

they are too messy and not worth the hassle

>> No.10519389

It’s not like cleaning yourself is an option, anon.

>> No.10519410

I eat none of those to begin with

Im vegan

>> No.10519416

i cant take a bath in molten soap and i would still never feel clean after the bbq sauce
i like the taste and i have never had good ribs that slide off the bone
its kinda like when you order a burger and its one of those retarded tall ones you can even pick up

>> No.10519430

I'd have to go with shrimp too, even though I like eating cold shrimp-cocktails. Someone needs to remake this chart with a harder option, shrimp just doesn't stack up to the others. But what is the newer, harder option? I don't want to say burgers, or lamb or something... I actually wanna say bacon would be the "equal" option.

>> No.10519434

Shrimip > Steak > Fried Chicken > Ribs

>> No.10519438

Steak. Hardly ever eat it anyway

>> No.10519441

but what about cheat day?

>> No.10519444

ribs > fried chicken > shrimp >>> steak

>> No.10519447

Wife’s bull won’t let me

>> No.10519452
File: 2.89 MB, 512x640, 1522443385409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eliminating shrimp is the only one of those that has catastrophic ecological implications since they're an entire species as opposed to just a method of preparing a certain cut

so I pick shrimp.

>> No.10519453

Shrimp easily. Wouldn't think twice. I'm not a rib guy, but they are delicious whereas shrimp are only a decent occasional choice.

>> No.10519455
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>> No.10519490

I've never understood the appeal of steak. 10 times out of 10 I'd rather have a burger.

>> No.10519500

I have a shellfish allergy. Shrimp it is, no questions asked.

>> No.10519510

You must like your steak cooked well, then, because it tastes like hamburger like that. Once you grow up you'll appreciate purer meat.

>> No.10519514

I've only ever eaten rare and medium rare steaks. And I usually cook my burgers medium.

>> No.10519523

it tastes like hamburger anyways
its the same meat prepared the same way

>> No.10519524


They commit the sin of being both messy and mediocre at the same time. I seriously don't get the appeal of them.

>> No.10519538

Seriously, 99.9999% of the time they are not even cooked in the right way people bleat on about, over half of the things are either bone or chunks of disgusting gristle and even in the cases where they slide off the bone easily they don't taste that good to justify even half the problems they have.

If such a thing as a meme food ever existed, it would be ribs.

>> No.10519547

obviously fried chicken

>> No.10519551
File: 77 KB, 3072x1152, ADMIXTURE_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak = shrimp > chicken > ribs

>> No.10519555

Ribs are just less efficient pulled pork, so ribs.

>> No.10519566

did you honestly think shrimp wouldn't be kicked out?

>> No.10519580

The results of this strawpoll show that ck is primarily either filled with plebs or niggers

>> No.10519596

>>10519024 kys

>> No.10519600

This. How often do you people eat ribs?
I haven't had ribs in probably 3 or 4 years.
I eat shrimp at least once a month.

>> No.10519605

Instead of ribs and shrimp it should have been like ham and bacon or something.

>> No.10519624


That was easy.

>> No.10519639
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>> No.10519797

I'll keep steak and shrimp. The other two can go.

>> No.10519812


Fried chicken since I am not of the black variety.

>> No.10519817
File: 636 KB, 1456x2184, bvrhyx6guau01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans don't have cheat days. Vegans are the purest of ethical Chads.

>> No.10519827

>Vegans don't have cheat days.
liar. i'm vegan and have plenty of cheat days during the week.

>> No.10519841

How is that even a question? McChicken can eat my ass.

>> No.10519842


>> No.10519884


>> No.10519897

Found the nigger.

>> No.10519922

Steak. It's the biggest fucking meme food in existence, it's overhyped to hell and back. It's just meat, and people bitch at you if you do anything with it. Every single steak is exactly the same because people get asshurt if you change it. Every single steak is the same.
With shrimp, ribs, and chicken, the sky's the limit. There's so many different varieties of fried chicken, and ribs are fucking infinite. Shrimp's kinda lame, but not as lame as steak. Try to make steak interesting and you'll have a bunch of fags crying and moaning about "MUH STEAK".

>> No.10520071

Goodbye ribs. Miss you never.

>> No.10520087


I like them deep fried, but not all that well. they are expensive in this land locked area. Also, removing shrimp also means I'm "saving" many species of animal. I don't like ribs, but I like steak and love chicken.

>> No.10520151 [DELETED] 

Fried chicken. Fuck black people for rapping outside my apartment building and making fun of me for having allergies and playing female characters in video games.

>> No.10520183


fried chicken -> steak -> shrimp -> ribs desu famalami

>> No.10520193
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Rednecks eat ribs more often you goofy bitch

>> No.10520194
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>Fuck black people for rapping outside my apartment building

>> No.10520238
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Yeah, fuck seabugs. Rubbery garbage

>> No.10520243

stop overcooking it you dumbfuck.

>> No.10520247

>FRIED chicken
It has to go as long as I can cook chicken other ways. Idiots in this thread trying to toss shrimp...

>> No.10520270

fried chicken. as much as I do love fried chicken, it's been a hell of a week and people have pushed so much fried chicken at me it's ridiculous.

>> No.10520290

fried chicken is one of the only foods where I get the insatiable craving every couple months or so

>> No.10520370

i thought we had this conversation
its called a t-bone you retarded american

>> No.10520594

underrated post

I'm half convinced that everyone who sings the praises about steak is just doing it because steak is a self propelled cult of personalityesque meme.

>aww shit yeah I love this chunk of medium, well done or raw meat that has thick strands of fat in it, wtf are u gay lamo

>> No.10520600

Steak, easily.

>> No.10520860

you know that > means greater than right

>> No.10521089

>"one has to go"
>able to choose multiple options
S h i g g y

>> No.10521257 [DELETED] 

i would choose fried chicken
all the niggers will go extinct afterewards

>> No.10521267

porterhouse is further up and contains more of the loin. its the same thing but from a different position.

>> No.10521268

You're not entirely wrong, but a lot of seafood is like that, honestly. Also, if you haven't been on the coast and had legit fresh shrimp, cooked with the heads on to seal in the juices, you haven't had good shrimp.

>> No.10521282

Everybody saying shrimp has shit taste and is most likely a smelly fat fuck.

>> No.10521284

>it's the same thing but from a different position

>> No.10521289

All of them. Meat is murder

>> No.10521291


>> No.10521310
File: 106 KB, 665x250, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what's confusing you dude. Do you have an issue with people calling champagne, champagne and not sparkling wine because it's from a specific place.

>> No.10521315


The USDA recognizes and regulates Porterhouses as a special category of T-bones. If a T-bone’s filet fall short of the 1.25 inch mark, it can only be labelled as a T-bone steak. It is important to note that a T-bone’s filet must be at least 0.25 inches thick in order to be sold as a T-bone. Otherwise, it might just be sold as a bone-on NY Strip or a “Club” steak.

All squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares.

>> No.10521318

>retarded faggot
i know i shouldn't expect much from you but at least learn the meaning of the words you use.

>> No.10521323

Shrimp easily
I enjoy it but for some reason I think meat we get from the sea is much filthier and much harder to get fresh unless you live next to an ocean

>> No.10521340

shrimp are fucking disgusting little sea cockroaches. only niggers and retards eat them for any reason other than subsistence.

>> No.10521342

You have to murder animals to get meat. I am not the confused one here.

>> No.10521356

you have already convinced me of your retardedness. there is no need to double down.

>> No.10521384

I can live without fried chicken. Now if you'd said roasted chicken then it'd be ribs having to go.

>> No.10521410

Fried Chicken, it would be fun to watch the ensuing chimpouts.

>> No.10521486

I thought the easy answer was shrimp but popcorn shrimp are delicious.

>> No.10521656

I want to say fried chicken, but I live in Australia and we don't have good fried chicken joints here so I guess I don't really know what I'm missing out on.
People who say shrimp are retarded.

>> No.10521677

i'd send ribs and steak away if i could

>> No.10521756


>> No.10522110

the only correct choice

>> No.10522125

Ribs for sure. There's superior meat for bbq.

>> No.10522145

Ribs because I don't eat pig meat

>> No.10522164

ribs > shrimp > steak > fried chicken

>> No.10522167

>having fried chicken as first
literally 56%

>> No.10522212

ribs. i rarely eat them anyway.

>> No.10522230

I never ate shrimps in my life so I guess shrimps. Even if they would taste better than the other 3 foods they are sea bugs, and only poor people eat insects.

>> No.10522232

Steaks>fried chicken>shrimp>ribs

>> No.10522283

shrimp, crabs, and lobsters are cockroaches of the ocean

they eat human feces

>> No.10522291


>> No.10522319

How does it feel to be eternally wrong

>> No.10522330
File: 63 KB, 650x403, timg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT 56% murrifats whose only experience with shrimp is awful shrimp cocktail or nigger fried shrimp.
Ever had Chinese braised shrimp? Prawn Curry? Mantis Shrimp? Come on.

Also, you'd be surprised to realize how many recipes prawn shells are essential in to make seafood stock and such. Shrimp is amazing.

>> No.10522361

>Chinese braised shrimp?
>Prawn Curry?
>Mantis Shrimp?

>> No.10522403
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I hate all of you. What are we going to do with all the cocktail sauce of there isn't any shrimp!?!?

>> No.10522410

Give it to your picky nephew and tell him it's ketchup.

>> No.10522419

I'm allergic to shrimp so that's an easy one

>> No.10522445

If I have ribs I can live without steak.

>> No.10522456

If I can still eat chicken that's not ruined with pulverized nutritionless grain meal or fried in artery-clogging refined seed oils, then the answer is fried chicken.

>> No.10522679
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this is the real question

>> No.10522683

Shrimp, meme overpriced garbage. Only thing I would miss them for would be a free, easily caught bait for fishing.

>> No.10522688

shrimp because there are plenty of other substitute crustaceans to eat, i'll happily have crayfish, crab, or lobster to fill the culinary shrimp niche.

>> No.10522698
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To people defending shrimp, maybe it is how we season it. What is the proper way to add sauce to shrimp?

>> No.10522699

fried chicken

>> No.10522711

fried chicken a shit compared to the rest

>> No.10522717

you grill/bbq them with whatever herbs/spices/marinade and then dip them in sauce

>> No.10522719

Since trips, I will answer with honesty as an executive chef in NJ's famous restaurant district. Fried chicken can go. It is a poor recipe in general and very boring when eaten frequently. It is also very specific compared to the other options. That's just logical thinking and whoever made this pic collage was not thinking. Shrimp can be substituted in A LOT of dishes. It is VERY NEUTRAL for most as they are farmed and can actually be the savior of humanity I'd say as long as we have water and living.

>> No.10522729

To be fair, the taste of ribs can be replicated pretty easily with any bone-in cut of pork. Rest has a pretty unique taste.

>> No.10522739
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Shrimp. Because I'm allergic to them.

>> No.10522770 [DELETED] 

Fuck you'll niggers who voted ribs

>> No.10522850 [DELETED] 

Fuck shrimps
Niggertard choice

>> No.10522863

Shrimp > Fried Chicken

I make both of those myself. Shrimp most often, as they've obviously got the most variety in it, whereas fried chicken is fried chicken. Shrimp can go in any variety of Italian, Chinese, Indian, etc.

Ribs > Steak

Never cook either of these, but I'll have ribs now and again if I don't fancy anything else on a menu. Steak I just don't get. I don't enjoy it at all.

>> No.10523083

Does this mean just the food in its current form, or in all uses? Cutting out just fried chicken wouldn't limit meal choices much at all.

>> No.10523253

Fried chicken, closely followed by ribs.

There are tons of other ways to cook chicken and at least you don't get rid of an entire type of food. Turkey could make a stand in too. I'd miss ribs, but steak is a damn staple food. Shrimp is great too, but mostly it's used in so many dishes as paste f.e. it would have too much of an impact.

So fuck fried chicken.

>> No.10523831

Spare ribs aren't the only rib to exist you hick. Baby-back are a white man's dish.

>> No.10523982

>has to go forever
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10524020

Prawns. Fucking disgusting vomit inducing cockroaches.

>> No.10524041

Found the Tar Heel!

>> No.10524047

Why is doggo scare?

>> No.10524055

Alternative 5th choice: You get all four, but every other food that can be considered "meat" goes away.

>> No.10524063

Why are ribs so popular? Prawns are clearly the best choice to keep, far more versatile.

>> No.10524147

steak is overrated as fuck. bye.

>> No.10524162

never gave a fuck about shrimp

>> No.10524302

bye fried chicken, nigger food was never good

>> No.10524306

shrimp easily. that's the trash of the sea

>> No.10524313

People who say shrimp is bland have never eaten any good shrimp or seafood in general. When you live somewhere far from the sea, you will NEVER get good seafood.
I grew up a few blocks from the beach, fresh fish and seafood was an everyday thing, it was goddamn delicious but when I moved up north... seafood was complete shit, everything frozen, everything had tons of chemicals so it won't go bad, that's why you people are defending fucking fried chicken over delicious shrimp
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.10524329

This sounds like the opening lyric to some yet-unwritten rap song.

>> No.10524352

shrimp because im not a subhuman who eats sea bugs

>> No.10524381

Fuck ribs.

>> No.10524393

Steak. It's highly overrated. I cook one once in a while when I'm feeling lazy and want to get dinner done quick w/o a lot of time cooking or prepping but it's generally boring.

>inb4 you don't know how to cook a steak or use shitty grades.
Wrong. I buy prime ribeyes and cook in a blazing hot iron skillet on an outdoor propane burner pumping massive BTU's to rare or medium rare.

>> No.10524397

I get rid of fried chicken which also takes out the mcchicken

>> No.10524485

Shrimp has the highest ratio of protein to weight out of any food except for pure whey powder. Kill yourselves you fat DYELs.

>> No.10524490

Ribs are overrated.

>> No.10524608

I'd miss any, but I'd miss fried chicken the least.

>> No.10524615

obvious choice desu

>> No.10524620

Steak, so autists on /ck/ can stop arguing on how to cook what is basically a shittier, dry roast.

>> No.10524635

I would say shrimp like everyone else, but because of 4chan I'm going to say fried chicken.

We remove tendies, nuggers, mcchickens, and niggers all in one fell swoop.

>> No.10524726

>Eating pork

>> No.10524732

>ribs are only pork

>> No.10524759

9 times out of 10 they are

>> No.10524767

If you're eating beef ribs I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a swine ain't one

>> No.10524777

I like both, but I think beef ribs are slightly better. Usually more meat, more tender, and more juicy. But if I'm eating barbeque I'll probably have some of both anyways.

Not him btw

>> No.10524805

yeah i don't like/really eat pork ribs. don't eat shrimp either. so i say steak our fried chicken.

>> No.10524808

all of them

>> No.10524816

Fried chicken. I’m just not that big of a fan of it.

>> No.10524827

Gonna have to go with ribs. Not something I have very often, but a lot of the taste and texture can work with a smoked pork loin out something of the sort. I think you'd be missing out on more by dropping one of the others.

>> No.10524835

I remember gagging eating Shrimp when I still ate meat, so that one.

>> No.10524938


you will be missed

>> No.10525047

Simple faggot, clam strips

>> No.10525070

steak without hesitation

steak is bland and sad

>> No.10525093

Skrimps fo sho

>> No.10525097

>Sound clip of Bubba from forest Gump listing shirmp as beat builds
>beat drops
>Nigga, I never gave a fuck about shrimp
>Cuz I'm filthy fucking rich ya fucking simp
>po ass nigga eating po boy
>while I'm dickin ya ho, boy
>sea bugs pack no wallop
>wannabe ass scallop

>> No.10525105

steak, my gums hurt after chewing too much and it gets between your teeth more often than other cuts

>> No.10525159


>> No.10525170

I can eat delicious shrimp, steak and ribs on my diet. Only fatass brainlet nigs and rednecks wouldn't choose to lose fried chicken

>> No.10525228

Yeah, which is why you never eat well done (aka burnt rubber) steak. Medium rare is the only way to eat it.

>> No.10525621

It took me too long to realize but fried chicken is obvious. especially if in my life that means I'll never have to see another tendie or mcnuggers meme

>> No.10527425
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>all those plebs voting shrimp
Tasteless fags, shrimp is the most versatile food of the bunch. Oh and sea-bug poster, fuck you, i'd eat bugs with glee

>> No.10527441

Of those? Shrimp. Fried chicken is in second place because as long as there's grilled chicken I think I'd be ok.

>> No.10527494 [DELETED] 

The chicken isn't your friend.

>> No.10527502

Kill shrimp. Shrimp are a basic bitch’s idea of good shellfish, nobody needs it.

>> No.10527546

Yeah, fuck that garbage.

>> No.10527552
File: 742 KB, 480x480, proof dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, fried chicken.
I like you but I can easily replace you by frying something else.

>> No.10527680

I'm vegan and for me, every day is cheat day

>> No.10527700

squid is infinitely better

>> No.10527722

Shrimp, no contest, fuck seafood.

>> No.10527735

If ribs were any good you wouldn't have to smoke them for 8 hours and slather them with sauce. You can get the same flavor from a steak, with the added benefit that your meal isn't 75% bone.

>> No.10527822

I'll notice you Anon

>> No.10527834

ribs and steak are superior to chicken in every possible way. They are more visually appealing, their preparation provides a higher level of sensory satisfaction as does consuming them.

>> No.10527844

way overrated

>> No.10527849

shrimp > fried chicken > pork > steak

>> No.10527863

fuck shrimp and ribs. fried chicken should be limited to tenders. no bullshit, just eat, simplicity.

>> No.10527868

shrimp, no doubt.

>> No.10527892

i love getting unlimited scrimp at red lobsters

>> No.10527913

I'm allergic but I can't stop.

>> No.10528374

fried chicken
everything else is goat
fried chicken is just fried batter and a protein

>> No.10528382

>Old Bay
literally only an yank thing

>> No.10528399


why should i bother with shrimps when i can have chad lobster

>> No.10528455

Ribs by a fucking mile.
>little to no meat
>always covered in horrible sauces
Fuck them to hell.

>> No.10528470

I hate shrimp more than ribs, but this is decidedly true. Ribs are the single most overrated part of the pig, which is most delicious animal by far. If ribs were banned tomorrow my life would not change at all.

>> No.10528480


>> No.10528489


>> No.10528551

Chicken, so the black population will drop dramatically.

>> No.10528633

Ribs, only because of shrimp tempura

>> No.10528643


>> No.10529068

I think I'd have to give up ribs. It's just that I eat them the least out of the 4.

>> No.10529085

Only americans will get mad at you

>> No.10529092

>implying the opinion of a 3rd-worlder is relevant.

>> No.10529100

I'm going to go with fried chicken, mostly because you can still satisfy most of your fried chicken needs by making fried any other kind of meat. Ribs, steak and shrimp are much harder to substitute for

>> No.10529978

Steak. I've never been crazy about it. I'll eat it and enjoy it if it's really good, but I don't feel any strong desire about it. I guess that means no more steak sandwiches or anything but whatever. Brisket doesn't count right?

Those other ones, however, are things I would not enjoy missing out on.

>> No.10530113

shrimp, how is that even a question

>> No.10530252

You agree that your opinion is irrelevant then

>> No.10530391

Shrimp. You kill like 50000 sea cockroaches for a decent meal, and even then it's mostly based around the sauce and butter.

>> No.10531285

Can't eat shrimp since I'm allergic because it causes my lips and gums to go numb, besides, the meat is bland as fuck anyways.

>> No.10531340

Fuck off cunt. Cook those bad boys on the BBQ with a few spices and they will taste better than any steak.

>> No.10531425

I would have picked fried chicken because it's very limited in scope and chicken parm is close enough, but I can't help but wonder if your average /ck/ poster actually lets their taste and dietary choices be swayed by memes. I get the 'deens meme going huge, I can attribute that to people trying new shit, liking it, and looking for more thus perpetuating the meme. The whole seabug thing on the contrary seems like just purely memes dictating taste. Half the time /ck/ will argue that it only matters if food is sanitary and tastes good, but there's a bunch of people repeating the argument that they'd the cockroaches of the sea and that makes them for poor people and icky.

Intenstines are also icky in a very similar way, but natural sausage casings are generally more expensive, and organic vegetables grown in some small-scale joint where the fertilizer could very well be manure are generally prized. Just about any cheap starch is poor people food, but I haven't seen anyone complain about that. So neither being poor people food nor being icky is off, but if it's both then it's somehow horrible. This level of hate on seabugs wasn't here until a few months ago, so I can only assume most people thought shrimp were good or at least didn't mind them. I can only imagine it's;
>collective shitposting looking for (you)s but there's better ways
>people read a meme repeatedly and actually start thinking shrimp are gross
If it's the latter, we can actually meme all of the fat NEETs here into fitness.

>> No.10531644

One that gets it right

>> No.10531650

No shrimp paste or shells for stock would be a bigger loss than ribs. Who even eats ribs more than once or twice a year apart from amerifats?

>> No.10531689

ribs, wouldn't even miss em

>> No.10531998
File: 59 KB, 658x662, sad freg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u ete fren chikun?

>> No.10532002

Shrimp. Fuck em, my area is known for shrims and they're overpriced for it's goodness. Then you have these monkeys fight for them like they've never ate shrimp before.

>> No.10532037

crawfish > shrimp
So shrimp can go

>> No.10532046

Sea Roaches.

>> No.10534277

Ribs, i fucking hate ribs

>> No.10534414

Ribs. They're garbage; more sauce and bone than meat.

>> No.10534427

which is true, I still think seabugs should go first

>> No.10534956


>> No.10534967

>hate ribs

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.10535016

Ribs, easy.
Try not being landlocked flyovers, shrimp haters.

>> No.10535027

fuck shrimp 1% of shrimp is really good and 99% of shrimp is fucking krill-tier garbage

anyone who doesn't like ribs is a fucking faggot

>> No.10535048

All steak?
Same thing.
Not as bad as the other two, until
>Fried Chicken
made me think this is all very simplistic and OP believes there is one way to fry chicken, BBQ is all there is for ribs. I hope OP realizes there's many traditional ways to prepare all kinds of ribs from cows, deer, elk, antelope, pigs, boars, and that snake are pretty much all ribs, and a bunch of other critters we eat have ribs. Steak is not limited to beef steak that is grilled or whatever it is that OP is thinking. I can't even begin to understand the thought process. Are you stoned a lot, OP?

>> No.10535318

Is regular chicken safe then?

>> No.10535336


>> No.10535342

I don't eat any of these.

>> No.10535950

"Ribs" are literally nothing. That amounts to one single dish, basically. A small handful of preparations at least.
Shrimp is an excellent component in many of the great dishes. Shrimp scampi. Shrimp Fried rice. Fried shrimp.
How is there even any comparison? Shrimp is obviously the most important food out of all of them, assuming "steak" doesn't mean all beef. Ribs are nothing.

Stop eating shrimp at the airport.

>> No.10536376

Fried chicken is the only one that should stay anyway. The rest tastes like shit.

>> No.10536430

Steak desu

>> No.10536434

Man, I'd love to get my hands on some of your shit. It sounds delicious.

>> No.10536719
File: 67 KB, 1064x884, 1CF456FE-4BFC-4AC7-A45E-DA52273D6400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who have never had my super secret family shrimp gravy poured over rice or mashed potatoes.

Absolute kek. You degenerates can never appreciate the taste of good shrimp recipes that isn’t cocktail shrimps, shrimp pasta or popcorn shrimp. Feel bad for you desu

>> No.10536887

Its not doggo its a Michael J Fox

>> No.10536953


I also rarely eat them, but when they're properly done they're amazing. I had completely amazing ribs once and I'll never forget it. A place in Delaware called "Bethany Blues".


>He doesn't eat the sea bugs

>> No.10538878


>> No.10539188

>only americans enjoy ribs
you'll have to pry polenta and costine from my cold dead hands you fucking faggot

>> No.10539192

fried chicken hands down

>> No.10539214

are most of you memeing this shit?
is this one of those "shrimp are the bugs of the ocean"?

>> No.10539219

Shrimp easily, I'd be rather content with never eating another one of those sea bugs again (though they are tasty)

>> No.10539253

>which of these four foods would you rather give up?
>the healthiest one
>it's alien appearance revolts me

wanna know how I know you're american?

>> No.10539276

Shrimp, easy

>> No.10539291

Steak and shrimp are both overrated shit but shrimp moreso.

>> No.10539312
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>> No.10539321

not him but whatever gets you to sleep at night.

>> No.10539342

I don't think I've ever once thought about Americans beside from whenever they're running around screaming online how they aren't fatties

>> No.10539984
File: 16 KB, 480x318, 5bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what they tell themselves

>> No.10539997

>image of american
get yourself together. fuck.

>> No.10540015

>all the human trash from Louisiana and Australia
Shrimp sucks fuck off.

>> No.10540285

We talking all ribs or just pork ribs? If just pork, the ribs. Otherwise, I'd have to say... ribs.

>> No.10540289


>> No.10540299


I liked shrimp when I was a kid

>> No.10540842

ribs without a 2nd thought

>> No.10540852
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>> No.10540872

shrimp without question

>> No.10540925

Shrimp because I'm allergic to it. If I wasn't chicken, cause I remember shrimp being fucking awesome.

>> No.10541108

i don't like any of those besides shrimp

>> No.10541141

I haven't had ribs in years so I wouldn't notice if it was gone

>> No.10541177

anyone who says anything other than shrimp has only had shitty ribs made by their mom

>> No.10541181

i love eating shrimp but that doesn't mean the other ones are more worthy of being gone forever. how does this turn into an american thing?

>> No.10541182

Fried chicken is dogshit.

>> No.10541799

Steak>Fried Chicken>Shrimp>Ribs

>> No.10542643
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, mcmahon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, why are all these faggots dissing shrimp?
I bet y'all only tasted shitty frozen shrimp
Ribs gotta go

>> No.10542666


>> No.10542696

>Do you want to destroy more recipes you can possibly imagine banning shrimp, steak or chicken
>Or do you want to objectively make BBQ better by forcing people to BBQ real meats
Ribs are literally the shittiest barbecue meat.
You can barbecue a fucking pig knuckle and it comes out better than ribs.

>> No.10542703


>> No.10542772
File: 66 KB, 720x540, 1502215137678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shrimp on 50%
Stupid burgershits. America was a mistake.
I'd remove fried chicken and watch your nation starve.

>> No.10542867
File: 177 KB, 467x440, dick in a cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak is the most overrated meat in the history of meat

>> No.10542870

t. too poor to have ever eaten shrimp at a restaurant.

>> No.10543030

Fried chicken good bye

>> No.10543192
File: 50 KB, 250x220, shrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you come from China? If not, then shut the fuck up. Us burgers eat far more shrimp than you.