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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10530543 No.10530543 [Reply] [Original]

>b-but I went to culinary school

>> No.10530569

Trade schools are such a scam, I can't think of any non-degree education where you don't end up unemployable and in debt.

>> No.10530575 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10530610

machinist? welding? mechanical engineer? electrician? plumber? literally anything where there are literal companies willing to pay for your education if you stick on with them?

>> No.10530634

Those fields have all been flooded.

There's literally one mechanical engineer opening in my area. That's it. Unless you want to be a truck driver or work for minimum wage as a cashier.

I love all the jobs these days that require 3-5 certifications for 10USD/hr. What? To entitled to drop nearly a grand in education on a low wage job opportunity you may not get?

>> No.10530645
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Holy shit, took me a second. A+++ filename.

>> No.10530650

There is literally a shortage in every area of my business in every single residential and commercial construction contractor, I hear on the radio ads literally begging for help and that they will pay for your schooling, and I drive past metal and other industrial shops with help needed signs. There is a national dialogue for lack of tradesmen, and all subcontractors are being fought for.

Maybe you have to move, but you're being a petulant child by claiming your bullshit victim narrative.

>> No.10530653

Welcome to late capitalism, friend. Enjoy your stay, things aren't going to change

>> No.10530705

Trucking companies that train you for free basically treat you like indentured slaves for 2 years and they make sure you don't get your license until the very last second so you don't walk away 7 months in as an employable asset who can work anywhere that needs class a license holders.

Imagine being packed in 2 drivers to a truck to make sure you're always rolling and being away from home for months at a time.
Also if you leave before 2 years you're in the hole for 8000 minus the months you worked for them.
I imagine other "paid training" companies do the same shit.

>> No.10530754

I think you're full of shit and the only people advertising are the diploma mills, and burnt out areas you couldn't pay me to move into because I'd be just as stuck there as I am here.

I'm saving up to move back to the midwest where there are actually job opportunities and not just lies.

>> No.10530763


>> No.10530765

Lmao, bruh, nothing matters, Morty. School is dumb. There aren’t any jobs.

>> No.10530769

sounds like a good anime

>> No.10530770

How to communism? What do?

>> No.10530771

There is a national labor shortage for tradesmen in this country. I mean, I don't know why we're going back and forth when this is a literal fact, so what the fuck are you trying to prove?

>> No.10530813

You have to go back.

>> No.10530899

meanwhile teenagers are becoming millionares on youtube

>> No.10530913

lmao the trades are practically empty right now you fucking retard
there's barely any apprentices anymore because kids have been being fed this "you need a college degree or you'll be digging ditches for the rest of your life" lie since the fucking 80s

>> No.10530925

Like 5 of them. Get over it. It's basically the same ratio of psychopaths running the top 5 most profitable corporations. Unless you suddenly have a problem with western capitalism?

>> No.10530926
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>the trades

>> No.10530931

Killing yourself is a good start to being a communist.

>> No.10530932

Thanks to the availability of niche markets the liberal arts are thriving in the age of the internet. No there arent as many ultra stars. But the mid level creative is doing better than ever.

>> No.10530947

Proof, other than the YouTube creators you get mad at?

>> No.10530954

Keep believing that communism will work and maybe it will someday. If not well you can always dream about it working at night :)

>> No.10530965

indie films
"freelance" graphic designers
tv industry people for netflix, amazon, youtube
the new stand up comedy boom
the podcast boom

Thanks to the fact that it is a worldwide market it is easier than ever to live decently as a creative. You get 30k fans worldwide and you make it decent without being made fun of as a fucking plumber.

>> No.10531008

literally communist college kids will just end up cucking themselves because they grew up in a privileged bourgeois family who were able to afford their prissy brainlet liberal arts degrees. they will all miss their capitalism when there aren't anymore smart cars and green companies that can exist and the government war machine just goes to war for oil.

>> No.10531026

Non american here
Can anyone explain this debt thing?
I am from a third world country, so when we are not able to pay for education we don’t get education. Getting yourself in debt like that seems so stupid, can’t you work on a McDonalds or something so you can pay for your education?

>> No.10531042

Pay at McDonald's, gas stations, movie theaters, working tills, etc etc etc barely pay enough for you to live, if that in some areas.

Education is so fucking expensive loans can be almost as much as rent.

>> No.10531043

So you have no actual proof other than being mad at young people not wasting their lives at a regular job like you? Hope much of the population do you actually think is taken up by this group you pulled out of your gross ass?

>> No.10531055

You're arguing with the wrong person. I'm a screenwriting major.

>> No.10531063

Answer my second question, faggot. I don't care who you are. What percentage do you think actually makes a living that way

>> No.10531078

Considering that 33% of the population is retarded and another 20% are nearly retarded with few people who are creative combined with intelligent. I'd say in entertainment not counting gentleman's clubs and nightclubs there are probably 1-2% of the population in the US involved. The most common job is driver because an iq of 95 is all that is necessary.

>> No.10531087

Don’t these people get their parents to pay? Can’t they work while living with their parents to reduce debt as much as possible? Or enter college a few years late?

>> No.10531089

So you've proven nothing but the fact that a negligible amount of the population makes money from just arts while spewing more made up statistics about "IQ"
I'll bet you think the bell curve is real

>> No.10531091

Becoming a brickie then.

>> No.10531097

They hook you in when you are in high school. They stay away from words like "repayment" and "interest accumulation."
They get you with the idea that higher education will get you into the 1% by the time you're 30 and you can do it by getting a loan. Unfortunately, everyone starts out at minimum wage no matter the job so unless they kiss the proper asses or suck the right dicks, theyre gonna be paying off that debt for decades.

Not only this, the guidance counselors at schools are paid to shill student loans. Commercials, movies, radio, and even social media are sponsored by banks and loaners. Your parents are taught all of this too, so they can start drilling it into your head.

ive only had one job, and ive had it since i was 14. Now i make $30/hr and with no kids or wife, im perpetually loling at my friends who married in high school and are posting about how hard it is paying off all their debt and bills with their starbucks wage lmao

>> No.10531101

Your rhetoric is dogshit just like your mind. It reeks of your lack of aspiration and your surplus of perspiration. Your thesis is "Few people do it therefore I can't." And you know what? You're right. You can't.

>> No.10531106

And you live in the town you grew up in and admitted to being completely alone. Neither of you win, bitch

>> No.10531108

In America, its taboo to live with parents if youre over 17.
And most parents dont think far enough ahead to save for their kids college. Or just dont want to.

>> No.10531117

Never said I couldn't. The original coward I picked a fight with was upset young people were going to YouTube for all their income and I asserted that like ten people do that and you came in like a faggot tornado to defend his point despite being the type of person he doesn't like. I don't give a single shit about a Logan Paul getting money. I have my own life to live. But when a dumb bitch goes into conniptions because all the same young people are starting podcasts and doing tide pod challenges, I'm going to call their dumb ass out

>> No.10531140

I go on vacation every 4 months, i have no debt and no real responsibilities, i can buy literally anything i want (like my collection of 9.8 graded comics signed by Stan Lee, or home theater with 75" suhd with sonos sound system)
And if i were to quit my job right now, i have enough saved to continue my living style for over a year.

But ya, go you college bro maybe you'll get laid

>> No.10531143

You just bragged about your comic book collection. I have zero envy for your lifestyle you fucking loser

>> No.10531179

I didn't have parents to pay, my grandfather helped with about a quarter of my loan but I paid him back. I was fortunate enough to house sit, so minimal "rent", I was paying utilities and repairs and improvements on a very nice house but it had some severe issues while I was there that cost a pretty penny. It was really goddamned stressful working so far from the house and living so far from school, but nice living in a high-end home by myself though.

Again, just nothing in my area. Nothing. And I'm currently too poor to even move. I only keep internet to keep my damned sanity and communicate and search for jobs. My life fell apart for reasons I'd rather not discuss and I'm trying to put it back together. I'm cramming for another position right now that would sum up to about 60K a year if I can get it. They haven't been able to fill that void for 6 months, but I'm not sure I'm qualified, so I'm doing all the research I can.

>> No.10531268

>not getting the fuck away from your parents ASAP
What are you, a loser?
>his parents didn't tell him to fuck off the day he turned 18
Are your parents losers too? lmao

Having been raised in the US during my formative years right up to early high school, the above is one of handful of things I actually don't like about the US (everything else is great); parents and children become nearly fucking enemies as soon as the kids become teenagers. Like the 13-year-old-range rebellion phase never finds closure. Kids are literally dying to get away from their parents, parents are counting the days till they can kick their kid out. I know that I'm arguing from a purely anecdotal points, but from overhearing so many of my parent's friends at dinner parties this was almost always the case.

It wouldn't actually be more than a pet peeve if it wasn't for the whole nursing home thing. Mom and dad used to work in one, and I visited frequently. Holy Hell there is nothing more depressing on Earth than a US nursing home. Parents who've done literally nothing wrong are thrown in against their will upon reaching whatever age, and they never get a visit. Not a single one. When they finally died the bodies were usually buried without there even being a funeral.

Little kid me would always walk around asking old faggots in wheelchairs if they hand any war stories. I could see actual fire in their eyes when they started telling me about how much commie ass they kicked in 'nam if they were on the younger side or getting banzai'd if they were older. The stories were always amazing but believable, goes to show the gallantry your everyman is capable of. Then it was time for me to leave. They went from ridiculously happy to compete anguish in an instant. Turns out I was usually the last person from outside the home they ever talked to.

>> No.10531351

>food & cooking

>> No.10531382

Based topicposter

>> No.10532267

Stop living in the middle of nowhere and be willing to move, especially if you have no family yet. Apply for jobs out of your town or state and tell them you're willing to move. If its an important job like mechanical engineer they can work with you.

>> No.10532317

>can’t you work on a McDonalds or something so you can pay for your education?
We used to be able to. My uncle was able to fund his college education by working during the summer. Then our government stepped in trying to make it more affordable, and like they typically do have made things worse instead. With loans guaranteed by the state, colleges and universities started jacking up the prices so the average person needs to get into toxic debt if they want their degree. The student can't pay it back? Not like the university cares, it's between you and the state now, and the state will go after you relentlessly

>> No.10532339
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tl;dr, nerd

>> No.10532349

>why aren't there any good jobs in my town of 400 people???
kys flyovers

>> No.10532350

Not even close. Maybe with retards that get fired after 3 months but actual skilled people are in very short supply.

>> No.10532407

Fuck you.

>> No.10532434
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Keep telling yourself that the money will trickle down and maybe one day it will :) And if not, well, you can always dream about Reagan at night ;)

>> No.10532449

Since when does money not trickle down?

If Richy McMoneybags spends his cash on fancy cars, mansions, and lavish vacations then that money ends up going to the people who built, sold, and serviced his rolls royce, the workers who built and maintain the mansion, and the people who own to the hotels, drive the limos, etc, on his vacation.
If instead Richy McMoneybags puts all his money in the bank then the bank loans it out (at a 10:1 ratio thanks to fractional reserve banking).

Just where exactly do you think money goes if it doesn't trickle down?

>> No.10532454

never heard of anyone whos 17 and still with their parents being mocked lol dude in america at 17 most people are in their final year at highschool

>> No.10532460


>> No.10532480
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Still, trickle down economics is much more realistic and helpful than a Communist dream of happily dividing all the wealth equally between every individual

>> No.10532496

And what did Richy do to deserve a mansion most often? Be born to it, or have other unearned advantages? This is stupid. There are enough resources in this reality so that everyone can have a mansion, yet we still make mobile homes. Why? You class based understanding of economics is archaic slavemaster talk. We should be further evolved than this. The only reason we are not is that those with advantages use that advantage largely to defend their castles. I do not think you are even the same sort of animal as me.

>> No.10532505

LMAO this is what McCucks actually believe! Trust me, you would have been NOTHING whether you were born to a richfag or the trailer trash that you actually were. Everything in life is earned, and you have done nothing to warrant success.

>> No.10532515

You said nothing but put effort to shape it into an insult. You could have just made fart noises dummy. My situation in life is fine. If it wasn't I'd put in the effort to change it. Your oracle skills are shit Richy.

>> No.10532516
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>Salty minimum-wage loser
>Is Communist
Like clockwork. Need I say more?

Rich people have much more to lose and wealthier people were surveyed to have just as much stress and unhappiness as the poorest people in America. Please don't perpetuate the "rich families stay rich forever" myth.

>> No.10532520

Yeah its taboo to live with your parents while youre still in gradeschool.
Fuckin retard

>> No.10532525
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>My situation in life is fine
Suuure. Only NEET losers complain about rich people and zealously preach Communism online.

Let me see your recent paycheck buddy

>> No.10532534

I ain't your buddy faggot... and if it came down to it in a rough situation, you'd be my food. Money is not the all powerful signifier you seem to worship. You should evolve. It is not so scary.

>> No.10532547
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We don't worship money; we just know its importance and work our best to accumulate it.

Money is not the root of all evil. The love of money is. Most level headed middle/lower-upper class people are not insane money-loving and greedy people. Many worked and studied their asses off to be in their position. Me and my immigrant family did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. We used to live in a basement for 2 years.

Step up in life and maybe you'll join the coveted middle-class club like us.

>> No.10532552

This is probably bait, but I work in construction. There aren't enough qualified tradesmen in any field, from carpentry, to electrical, to general labor. Electricians with the union out east can make over $100/h with shift differentials etc. The problem is too many faggots going to college, getting some pointless degree, and sitting on their ass unemployed afterwards. If anything, the problem is the opposite. Too many snowflakes who think they're above working with their hands, and can't do anything practical.

>> No.10532559

I thought it's really hard to get into a union

>> No.10532562

I am also a tradesman... mason. Before that I was a public school teacher. I am middle class.

>> No.10532599


>> No.10532661

I pull 80k a year after taxes. What would you call it? Or would you just laugh like a special little guy?

>> No.10532683
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>> No.10532685

This guy is a liar and probably is employed in one of those fields.

>> No.10532702

Let's see some believable paperwork

>> No.10532707
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>he isn't a tradie.
Oh shit. This doesn't apply to you does it? I thought /ck/ was the elite, masculine $300K+pa board.

>> No.10532709

sure, let me dox myself for some insulting troll to call me a liar over. Where do you think you are newfaggot?

>> No.10532714

that's what I thought. Shut the fuck up you stupid NEET commie

>> No.10532723

There are plenty of welding and electrician jobs, people just don't feel like relocating.

>> No.10532737

Everyone look at the guy flailing at conclusions like an arm flapping child. Just make fart noises with your mouth instead of trying to talk. It suits you better.

>> No.10532930
File: 129 KB, 900x729, your communist teacher in high school that gave you autism and you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone can have a mansion

>> No.10532962

why did you turn to faggotry, nigger?

>> No.10532967

Why not? Why do we make shitbox cars when we know how to do better if not to enforce a class structure? Seems like we are just wasting metal to me. Is your system better just because it is the one you were born into and choose to defend out of selfishness? Silly and shameful..

>> No.10532971

A corrupting force called logic.

>> No.10533012

because you'd be fucking over the workers who maintain the complex machinery that makes the higher end cars
isn't it funny how every political stance on the left half of the compass, from mild liberalism to full blown communism, tends to completely fuck over the people it tries to help by clumsily and recklessly using the government to interfere with the near-infinitely complex social phenomenon known as the free market?

>> No.10533017

logic does not take into account human desires because desires are inherently illogical. Your 'logic' of economics will fail every time because of it. people will starve, non-believers will be mass murdered and it will go down in history as another 'not real commie' story.

>> No.10533041

I also advocate eugenics for those not ready for a cashless society where all work solely for the benefit and advancement of society. Money is dumb. Resources and effort are tangible. Money is a idea, and a bad one at that.

>> No.10533047

you have already convinced me you are retarded. no need in tripling down.

>> No.10533054

maybe not 17 but it's looked down upon to still live with your parents, society calls you a bum or leech even if you help pay rent or bills

>> No.10533078

more fart noise from asshole face.

>> No.10533094

>>advancement of society
what does your idiotic post on a Laosian macrame forum have to do with that?

>>Money is a bad idea
It's a fucking fantastic idea because it's the most efficient method of allowing people with different needs to benefit from each other's skills.

I.e. if you are a farmer and I am a construction worker, that might work out: I can build your barn and you can give me food in exchange. But what if I need your food and you have no need for construction work at the moment? Money solves that problem since I can pay you and then you can use that money for whatever you do need.

>> No.10533115
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Really janny? Talk about triggered

>> No.10533121

This is not Jesus times. We are more advanced than what you are positing, and would be far more advanced still without money and the production of inefficient bullshit simply to make it "cheaper" so "poor" people can "buy" it. The things in quotes are constructs that suppress evolution. Tard.

>> No.10533203

get a load of this redditor

>> No.10533259

where do you guys live? ive kinda been floating around for a while and this legitimately sounds like an opportunity for me

>> No.10533270
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>Money is dumb!!!
>Fails to come up with a convincing alternative

>> No.10533282

My father did HVAC and makes upwards of 90,000 a year
Welders in my hometown can expect to make that much (Asheville NC)

>> No.10533284

get a job first and I'll listen to your highly-emotional opinions

>> No.10533285

you missed the "working for the betterment and growth of all" thing. I understand. Not everyone is a reader.

>> No.10533290

I am a mason, and used to teach.

>> No.10533298

Ok so if trades are a meme, and getting a fucking degree is a meme, what exactly can I do to better myself? I work a low skill, low wage job and its just soul crushing and I've had enough. I would go back to school and put myself in debt just so I don't have to deal with 50 hours of wage slavery a week, like its honestly wearing on me that bad

>> No.10533334

That's not really a plan. It's just like someone saying "I wish for a society where everyone is happy :))"

So what? You're just reciting a communist trance mantra, not a blueprint. Also greed and selfishness is not really a genetic thing you can eliminate. Better try to teach people to change (if it's possible to begin with) rather than performing "eugenics."

>> No.10533351

but eugenics would eliminate it. you can breed out and weed out traits like greed and selfishness by playing to them with penalties such as death. Money has always been a bad idea, and humans can get on fine without it.

>> No.10533356

At least have photos of any indication of wealth. I don't need your damn bank account statement

>> No.10533360

>>weed out selfishness
Good luck with that.

Why not harness that power instead of trying to surpress it?

Nobody is claiming money is perfect, but it's the most efficient system there is.

>> No.10533366

No. Go fuck yourself. I do not post pictures. You will have to argue concepts and not try to "catch" me in a "lie" based on your unfounded belief that I cannot support myself comfortably. Your tactics of debate are shit.

>> No.10533370

Why would you want to erase selfishness from humanity? Selfishness is what drives excellence and innovation. Important inventors and rulers throughout history didn't do things for the "common good" they did it for self gain and recognition.

I don't want to be an insectoid drone doing things for the hive

>> No.10533388
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Not even a watch? No car with blurred out plates? then fuck off you stupid neet. People with """""80k""" don't have seething hate for "richies" (a dumb /leftypol/ buzzword at that)

Tell me which unemployed person in the photo is you

>> No.10533394

>smoothbrain commie wants to remove peoples desires.
Kill Your self faggot.

>> No.10533405

Just admit it, you're lying on the internet to make your beliefs seem more valid, its ok. We all know you're some college conservative who drives around in the pick up truck daddy bought you and you feel oppressed on a day to day basis because you can't wear your MAGA hat without the rainbow haired libbys giving you death glares

>> No.10533415

I do not do requests, and you cannot pay me to do so. You got no leverage here pussy.

>> No.10533420

Swiss bank accounts

>> No.10533425

You think money and man developed at the same time? Who paid for the invention of the wheel and the mastery of fire. Dumb argument.

>> No.10533432

your mind reading skills are still shit professor x

>> No.10533445

Invention of the wheel and fire are all for survival. Self gain. You think it was for a communist "common beneift" of humanity?

>> No.10533448

Just don't waste your money and live with someone, i fail to see how can people complain so much about not being able to get a good job, americans disgust me.

>> No.10533454

>/k/ /fa/ /tg/ /tv/

>> No.10533459

again, we survived without them for a long time. Necessity is in fact the mother of invention... not coin. You are playing to my point.

>> No.10533472


>> No.10533480

I'm not talking about money. We're talking about selfishness. I don't even mention money at all in my original comment.

Yes, necessity is the driver, BUT necessity to help you and your tribe's survival (e.g. the selfishness you're saying we should evolve out of). That's what drove the mastery of fire.

>> No.10533491

Then we agree here. Hi. How is your day going?

>> No.10533507

you should do it for eugenics and the betterment of humanity.

>> No.10533511

it's spelled - F A G G O T

>> No.10533518

Um I was disagreeing that you can't eliminate selfishness/"greed" through eugenics, and I was arguing that eliminating selfishness is ultimately a bad thing.

You went off course with your lecturing on money.

>> No.10533520

perhaps people "should" but we know empirically that people *won't*. Hence why harnessing greed works so much better than trying to eliminate it.

>> No.10533531

would not the drive to continue to exist fall under selfishness?

I am on course... The conversation was about the damaging effects of money on society. You are the one nudging the wheel.

>> No.10533533

can sorta spell... can't read or argue for shit.

>> No.10533545

>And what did Richy do to deserve a mansion most often?
That's an entirely different conversation. I was simply talking about trickle-down economics, not how someone became rich in the first place.

Sure, a lot of people somehow get "lucky" and end up with a bunch of money via inheritence, or whatever. Yet the saying "a fool and his money are soon parted" is very true. You hear about it on the news constantly--lottery winners, movie stars, hit musicians, star athletes, etc, often end up bankrupt if they can't manage their money properly.

>> No.10533550

I see you bitch about money a lot but I have yet to see you suggest anything better.

>> No.10533561

only building the very best of things which all have access to. You are making me restate things I have already restated.

>> No.10533570

That doesn't replace money at all.
For example, I need food to eat. Today Except I am not a farmer or a hunter. How do you propose I get my food if not with money?

>>buildng the best of things
How do we decide what's "best"?
What if what we need is "more" rather than "best"?

>> No.10533574

why do you continue arguing with a tard? anon will never be able to answer that question.
see >>10533561

>> No.10533579

you are right, and this is another example of why money is a senseless invention. The real argument here is that people with money fear that without money no one will work to better humanity. You think less of people than I do. That is a common way of thinking for your kind.

>> No.10533597

Why don't you stop posting here and go better humanity then?

>> No.10533605

I do not want to replace it, I want it gone. I think we are better than that and do not need a dangling carrot to chase to improve our species. The improvment is the reward.

>> No.10533608

I do not do requests, and you cannot pay me to. You leave.

>> No.10533615

"Improvement" doesn't feed me.
You haven't answered the question. I need food. So does everyone else. How do you propose the system feeds us, if not via us buying food with money?

>>I think we are better than that
The proliferation of fast food and shitty consumerist culture would suggest that you are, in fact, mistaken.

>> No.10533621

Hunter-gatherer cultures were for the most part egalitarian and "communist" since the survival of the group (hence individual) depended on sharing the fruits of their mode of production. It was the advent of societies based on large scale grain production that caused the packrat mammalian evolutionary past to come to the forefront and institutionalize the notion of private property with the bloated priest class sanctioning it.

You believe, like Pangloss, your world is the best of all possible worlds when in reality, capitalism and exponential tech growth w/o commensurate social institution growth will inevitably lead to the destruction of the only known habitable planet in the universe, or at the very least increase the current level of living hell it's become.

>> No.10533627

>>you leave
I'm not the one claiming that we should drop everything in favor of improving the species

>>I do not do requests
It's not my request, anon. It's what you keep preaching. I'm not telling you to leave. I'm asking you to explain why you haven't already left in order to persue your grand plan of betterment?

>> No.10533634

I am doing it here right now in a small way on my day off. It is raining where I am and as a stone mason I am just relaxing and talking.

>> No.10533635

Money grew out of kingships.

>> No.10533636

money and property and kingships... it is all about subjugation.

>> No.10533638

Which trade school should I go /ck/?

I guess I do like mechanical stuff

>> No.10533667

I learned more and better through apprenticeship. Find a shop doing what you want to do, and ask how you can help. Be willing and polite, and someone will take you on.

>> No.10533738

People with Downs arent inherently useless, i wwent to a culinary-school for disabled people due to being nearly deaf and while there was no way to hold a conversation with those potatoes i couldn't deny they could do basic-tasks pretty damn well be it washing dishes or frying fries'n sheit.

I do admit trade-school atleast on culinary was pretty damn useless though, i basically learned fucking nothing until it was time to go interning somewhere doing real work for free.

>> No.10533854

Most of that is because of government regulations retard not capitalism

>> No.10533868

both governments and money are illusory nonsense we will eventually grow out of. If you doubt this, your genes won't make it much further. Religion has numbered days too.

>> No.10533880

t. Buttcoin bagholder

>> No.10533895

Yikes, sounds like someone’s already too invested in the trades meme and it’s too late for him to change his mind!

For everyone else, learn from his mistake or die miserable. Tradecucks are sad and sorry rednecks who max out at $30k a year, and often don’t even get to retire.

>> No.10533906

Not that guy, but I retired from teaching and went into the trades, You are ignorant. Not trying to be mean, and I bet you are not trying to be dumb. We are both just succeeding despite ourselves.

>> No.10533923

Larp. Nobody retires from a sedintary job to do manual labor. If you had said it was the other way around I would maybe believe you, but even then the way you just say “the trades” instead of what you actually did makes it sound like you’re talking out of your ass about a romanticized ideal you don’t even understand.

>> No.10533930

Have you gotten far in life supposing and making shit up to suit your beliefs like this? Nothing I wrote is untrue. I will not prove this to you because you do not matter to me at all. Don't ask.

>> No.10533943

Went to university and got my Bachelor's for 80k. Left with about 40k in debt.

Couldn't find job based on my degree (I blame myself for not networking in college more, though), wound up at CVS as a pharm tech for 3 years. Hated every second of it.

Became interested in aviation. Took out another 80k loan to fly, didn't like it, but enjoyed every other aspect of it. Got an aircraft dispatcher license instead for a 10th of the price and was hired by a regional airline within 3 months of graduating.

I don't make a lot of money now, but after a few years experience I can apply for a major airline and start making 80-100k a year.

College is a meme, but I don't regret doing it. Trades make you more money with less debt though.

>> No.10533978

Due to the cost of universities and the housing market, it's not uncommon for students and recent grads to live with their parents well into their 20s.

>> No.10534020

>removing desires and selfishness that inherently has advanced the human race because some people's feelings were hurt along the way

Congrats, commie, you just ended the human race. If people want for nothing, there's no reason to pursue anything to better yourself. If there's no reason to better yourself, then there's no reason to exist and you might as well kill yourself.

Which you should do, by the way, because you're immensely retarded, even by leftist standards.

>> No.10534029

You have a dogshit opinion of humans. Anon does not. This is most likely because you are a bad person or young and stupid.

>> No.10534073

I have a high opinion of my species actually.

We have dominated this planet as the apex superpredator to the point where we have the luxury to have this discussion at near the speed of light.

Why? Because of the innate human desire to survive and the means to make the most of our intelligence that nature has gifted us to bend to our will. Humans are indeed social animals, but we also have wants and desires to better our standing in the tribe and provide for those closest to us, i.e. the family unit.

You suggesting that removing drive and desire would make everyone happy is an incredibly childish concept and why communism and extreme forms of socialism has not and will never work.

You have not offered up another solution, you merely insult the other anons here and wax poetic about theories which when put into practice have failed time and again. You are a disgrace to the species and should take your own advice and just kill yourself if you're such a utilitarian realist as you claim.

If you're a troll, though, I commend you because you baited everyone in this thread.

>> No.10534086

Not drive and desire... money and class systems. I stopped reading what you said at this point. You do not get it and just want to beat me. You can't. You are defending a flawed argument and trying to twist mine.

>> No.10534150

Really easy, you literally fill out a form and that's it.
T. Carpenter

>> No.10534166

ha you have faith in humanity?look at this newfag shit summer came early.

>> No.10534174

dubs cofirm,looks like god thinks your a fag too.enjoy hellfire you queer.

>> No.10534200

Just because you want to suck me off, that does not make me gay, that just makes you a wishful thinker. Check em.

>> No.10534310

Commanon kicked this threads ass. Just saying. Great troll.

>> No.10534326

Don't you have any culinary degrees at university level? We do in my country, and they guarantee jobs unless you're a complete fucking moron.

>> No.10534378

And cue the evangelicals throwing up their hands, gnashing their teeth and wailing about the "fact" they've been saved for being jackasses because they can mumble incantations that absolve them of guilt. The human virus better wake up in the near future.

>> No.10534389

what we have is culinary institutes, and while they have different renown levels what really matters is your ability as a chef. I know a guy who spend 120k to get a degree from a prestigious culinary institute and he's working at a fucking outback steakhouse

>> No.10534394

some of us will. The rest... well, we will get their belongings when we use them for fuel.

>> No.10534419

Guaranteeing a job in the food service industry doesn’t mean shit when cooks are paid maybe half of what most other trades are paid at any equivalent skill/training/experience/education level. Unless those guys a being hired straight into management positions, it would be like IT schools guaranteeing jobs and then putting most of their students into modem factory assembly lines (and they’ll still get paid more than many cooks).

>> No.10534446

>mechanical engineer
>a trade
What the heck Ameristan?

>> No.10534707

The original points you made in this thread were about money you confoundingly retarded goalpost-mover.

Making everyone an equal class and getting rid of money in favor of an obligation to take equal care of each other in the totality of society DOES NOT WORK.

People inherently want to better their standing so that they better their chances of survival in order to reproduce and pass on their genes. Removing this selfish drive (since you want it to have a negative connotation) will end the species or have society collapse into hierarchies anyway.

Humans aren't fucking ants, except maybe the Chinese.

>> No.10534715

What in the fuck are you talking about with regards to my post?

No really, not memeing, what the actual fuck did you mean by this?

>> No.10534718

Chinese people are not humans asshole.

>> No.10534767

We can at least agree on that.

>> No.10534783

no we can't.

>> No.10534857
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>> No.10535012

when /ck/ has more career advice than /biz/ aka /crypto/

>> No.10535066

Because when you apply for a job online nowadays, your application can get instantly rejected if you don't have a degree, even if you're more than qualified for the job. Because there's so many people applying for one job, hiring managers and recruiters don't have time to look through every resume or application, so they use a bullshit applicant tracking system to filter out what they want and dont want.

If the application asks "what is your highest education" and you don't select Bachelors, your application is moved to the reject pile.

And forget about emailing your application/resume/cover letter directly to a manager or an employee to bypass the system, you'll be instantly rejected for "not following the directions". Besides, you couldn't find the email or phone number of a manager if you wanted to because you can't find this info on the company's website.

>> No.10535124

>mechanical engineer
That's a 4 year bachelors, yo.

>> No.10535159

itt: faggots bitch and literally make up lies about the job market as an excuse for their own failure

you people are the fucking worst. i bet everyone in this thread is a burden on their friends or family, while simultaneously maintaining an insane mental acrobatics act to justify your own shittiness.

i hope you die and so does your family

>> No.10535177

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahah fuck you nigger I was a welder in NC and I made $20/hour when I quit. Started at fucking $12.

If anybody is going to fall for the trade meme, do something like plumbing or hvac. Welding is a joke

>> No.10535183

another oracle... not everyone has a life or outlook as shitty as you. Get over it.

>> No.10535197

intuition fail

i'm successful as fuck. it was easy. i just have to deal with people just like you fuckin losers everyday who would rather circlejerk each other on 4chan mutually justifying their own failed lives than actually do anything constructive.

>> No.10535212

it was self evident in your post fucktard. Go be successful elsewhere.

>> No.10535224

go fucking kill yourself and save your friends and family from having to put up with your retarded dysfunctional shit

>> No.10535232

you mad? you seem mad?

Kidding. No one cares if you are mad.

>> No.10535233
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So is culinary school fun?

>> No.10535242

no one cares about your excuses you fucking failure

>> No.10535273
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>le capitalism boogeyman Xd
Nigger kike, You have no idea how economics works. That is no a result of capitalism in the least - it’s a result of a dictatorship believe it or not

>> No.10535284


yes, but working in kitchens and restaurants is not fun. that's why i went to culinary and got a job in the brewery industry

>> No.10535292

You are a fucking dumbass if you need this spoon-fed to you. You’re a waste of resources to be kept alive

>> No.10535300


>> No.10535313

>work in factory
>run 5 million dollar industrial carton printer
>Make $35.20 an hour plus ot pay if i wanna stay after
>trades are memes
Ok bud

>> No.10536356


>> No.10536384

immigrant from where?
it matters.

>> No.10536388

Programs that prepare you for industry certifications that are actually worth a damn are themselves worth a damn.
For example taking classes to pass your CCNA or your ASE Master tech.

>> No.10536397

BS, the only trade job I can think of that doesn't have massive shortages is refrigerator repair, and that's only because there were literally multi-year waits on repairs for years so the market adjusted to a more disposable model where companies would buy shittier units and toss and replace when they broke.

>> No.10536404

this guy sounds communist but im not sure.
i mean i like hitler and the NSDAP and capitalists AND communists suck.
Yes, a life without money sounds nice but in order for that to happen we need to remove large portions of the population.

>> No.10536450


Implying I can't just throw a rock out the window and not hit a cisco nigger with a CCNA

That's like the lowest cert before the CNET. You want to make money? Get good at VOIP.

>> No.10536460

Because it takes effort (capital, labor, resources, technology) to make those things and money is somewhat a measure of effort. Money allocates societal resources in a more efficient fashion.

>> No.10536462

You misspelled DBA

>> No.10536506

It's a prereq for an entry level job and therefore has value. The CCENT isn't. I'm not even a ciscofag just citing an example.
You mean working with Poo's on cobbled together erp systems or a vanity title for a glorified lamp babysitter? Either way I'd rather eat shit.

>> No.10537203

Communist... Futurist... whatever. Same thing, right?

Effort is something that we are building towards automating. This is inevitable and closer every second.

>> No.10537221

In America college is way more expensive. Boomer parents don't care about paying for their children's education in most cases and the culture is to try and kick them out on their own the second they blow out their candles on their 18th birthday cake to build character or something.

>> No.10537263

>tfw all these plebs with their college degrees and trades making $70k/year at most meanwhile I'm master chef at Wendy's with a 10 inch dick and $300k/year salary.

>> No.10537270

>appendix carry without a holster
RIP that dude's BBC when he NDs into his own dick

>> No.10537282

Fuck communism.
Education, health and food should be free to every citizen, except the lazy ass niggers that don't work. Simple. Note that, even a capitalist society could exist within this configuration... People would still earn wages, it would still exist social classes and people would still cry about capitalism being mean, but it would be more fair play for everybody.

>> No.10537293

>b-but I went to culinary school
yeah but you still have down syndrome you mong

>> No.10537299

Damn. Someone help this man already

>> No.10537316

Dude, if someone want to understand americans they just need to watch simpsons till the season 10. It's a documentary about americans.

But, it's a good story and I bet you're mexican....if not, asian.

>> No.10537317

That's why more and more adults are living at home with their parents, right?

>> No.10537326

sounds an awful lot like china buddy

>> No.10537929
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is that supposed to be a critic or an empty commentary?

Assuming it's a critic, China is gangbanging USA in their own game. It's called Socialist market economy.
>but it's slavery
What's mortgage, debts and the current health system in USA?

The sad story behind the cooking industry is that, capitalism distorted it's main purpose. Nowadays, it's all getting rich cooking fancy dishes, posting in instagram to get famous and getting more clients, that'll post on their instagram to show how well they live their lifes and how they can spend a grand on a single meal.

>> No.10537975


wtf I have friends who make over 90k a year doing trades, it's huge money here

>> No.10537989

Kill yourself

>> No.10537990

If I wanted to work in a restaurant and have a chill job, what would be the best option. I've had friends that were servers and they tell me that it's a miserable experience, maybe I could be a busboy?

>> No.10537993

>Because when you apply for a job online nowadays
I can drive 5 minutes beyond my front door and find at least 3 fucking signs on the side of the road with a phone number looking for entry level assembly/construction, that's how much they need people to do real work. God you fucking retards sound like teenagers
>Daaaad nobody at the mall is hiring I give up

>> No.10537999

That's called Mexican carry you fucking nogunz

>> No.10538002

It's still a form of appendix carry

>> No.10538066


if you want a chill job, stay FAAAR away from front of house. you're best bet is to be a dishwasher.

>> No.10538071

Get your license from a trucking school, faggot.

>> No.10538081

>servers and they tell me that it's a miserable experience
Were they roasties who cried on social media every time someone paid them $10 instead of $12 for carrying a plate 20 feet?
If you wait at a busy restaurant and are halfway amiable you can fucking collect.

>> No.10538141

I'm not that guy but you sound mad as fuck. Also nobody gives a shit if you read comics anymore, grandpa. Pretty much everyone loves comic book heros now.

>> No.10538153
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>pay large amount for associates in applied science
>spend a decade in the field before you even make 19.00/hr and benefits
>skills are barely applicable to other jobs and the job market is so competitive you're lucky to find work
Being a chef or cook in the US is suffering. Horrible wages, on call all the time, rarely any benefits, oftentimes you only get the job if you know someone regardless of your qualifications. Your degree means shit, but is necessary for the job. Company, state, city, and county regulations may want or require other regulations.

And once you've been there too long or worked fine dining, working in a shitty establishment is hard because you're overqualified.

>> No.10538182

>I imagine other "paid training" companies do the same shit.
Boohoo you have to sign a contract and fulfill the terms of the contract by working for pay in order to get a free fucking education? That must be really hard. That's practically slavery.

>> No.10538464

but ill be too tired to do anything after a day of physical labor. i wanna work in a comfy lab even if i cap out at 50k

>> No.10538497
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>implying physical laborers, especially cooks, aren't getting raked over the coals right now

>> No.10539717

>all those fields are flooded
meanwhile ill get 1000 dollars every machinist and tech i get hired there

>> No.10539732

what is machinist and how do

>> No.10539745

idk where in the usa u live but almost all my friends live either with or at one of their parents properties

>> No.10539756

it is the top tier blue collar job i am one it pretty cool

>> No.10539792

>works for no pay
now whos the fucking communist.

>> No.10539818

Hur durr I don't wanna put actual effort into looking for a trade to work in. Hur durr.
Nigger I taught myself how to weld when I turned 18 working as a Helper on a job site, I put in the time on my breaks and after work to practice and finally got hired on as a welder not long after. I've been in multiple states and can get a job in any of those states and plenty others.

Change your work ethic and do something about it other then whine on some Japanese anime board you fucking weeb.

>> No.10539839

Were you working in a fab shop?

>> No.10539882

Someone who runs a machine in a fab shop, be it a press brake, shear, cnc punch, cnc router, and etc.

>> No.10540056

Yes and parents hate them for it. Its just that their only option is literally letting them live as hobos and die on the streets due to the situation they fostered.

>> No.10540095

Being a condescending fuckfence does not improve your penis size. I'm checking local within 45 minutes every day looking for any opportunity other than the Dollar Tree.

Go hang your success story somewhere else.

>> No.10540184
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Communism also doesn't work.

Nothing will work because humans are contemptible creatures who will actively fuck themselves and everybody around them over for perceived immediate gratification.

We should never have moved beyond isolated rural communities. Having 90% of the population focused on subsistence farming was the only way to curb and filter the cultural garbage of this species.

>> No.10540330

>my area
>this applies to the whole country
cry more beta bitch
glad other anons bitched you out

>> No.10541503

I agree with this guy ----> I love The Maxx

>> No.10541782

t. Eurocuck falseflagging

>> No.10541843
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t. Pol Pot

>> No.10542941

Pol Pot wanted an agrarian socialist state, which is still a form of socialism, and thus subject to the abhorrence of the human species.

We CANNOT be trusted with our own future. Society itself was a mistake from the very start.

Even perfected Anarcho-Agrarianism only 'works' because it mitigates and limits our ability to create pointless scrap code and damage ourselves by forcing us to prioritise surviving over living.

>> No.10542966
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t. Patriot on meth