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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10529862 No.10529862 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best appetite suppressants besides coffee?
>t.fat fuck trying to lose about 30 pounds

>> No.10529865


>> No.10529867


>> No.10529868

A month of Paxil will help. Seriously, you won't care about food whatsoever, and you'll pop out of bed with energy, ambition and finish your To Do list each day.

Suppress appetite by always being correctly and fully hydrated so you don't confuse thirst for hunger. Drink or chew some fiber supplements to actually make you full. Eat fiber rich snacks like apples with sustaining protein and fats like peanut butter.

>> No.10529869
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>> No.10529870


>> No.10529872

Episodes of My 600 Pound Life

>> No.10529875

Pick up any of George Stella's cook books and follow them to a T. You can eat filling amounts while still being under your caloric needs (but for real you need to track calories too)

>> No.10530047


>> No.10530059

Liquid laxatives.

>> No.10530061

Eca stack easy to lose 30 pounds with.
I was 180 and went to 135 lol. 8 months

>> No.10530069


>> No.10530118

9 hours of sleep a night.

>> No.10530129

Proper mental stimulation.
And water. Lots of water.

>> No.10530143

Flex Hard, Carrot King

Also eat a bunch of horseshit like celery and plain popcorn if you are having trouble feeling full

>> No.10530160

Thinking of all the cool stuff you can buy if you don't waste your money on vending machine snacks. Spend it on plastic crap instead.

>> No.10530183


>> No.10530185


>> No.10530197

Have a nap for dinner

>> No.10530202

5-HTP can either suppress your appetite or boost it, depending on who you talk to.

>> No.10530205

Wrong, that makes you hungry
Green tea
Getting so depressed you just sleep instead of bothering to eat

>> No.10530234

I keep seeing this and it always seems so weird to me. Am I the only one who gets hungry from coffee?

>> No.10530238

If you don't eat for 2-3 days hunger pains subside to the point of becoming intrusive thoughts and not appetite.

>> No.10530249

if you put sugar in it yeah you will

>> No.10530263

I agree with everything except about the apples.
They're just sugarwater and soluble fiber. The insoluble fiber in the skin is almost neglible. There's a reason I can eat five or six apples in a row. On top of that, they're not very nutritious compared to most fruit.
Pick up some berries instead for dat fiber, or a if you really need a fruit you can hold in your hand, try persimmons. Dark colored fruits and vegetables are the most nutritious.

>> No.10530280

Hello /toy/

As someone who lost damn near 100 pounds, water. Drink water constantly, get a bottle and clip it to your belt and make it part of you. If you toss in some light exercise you'll be thin in no time

>> No.10530292

Don't remind me. There was a time I'd sometimes eat maybe 2K calories per week and not eat anything at all for a few days.

>> No.10530298
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don't buy unhealthy food. vegetables are not very calorie dense and you can have tons of them. don't do anything risky, and be safe if you do restrict calories. you'll eventually get to the point where you don't want as much as before because you'll feel full sooner.
>august last year: ok with eating a meal of large burger, fries, shake, the works
>last week, 80lbs smaller: choke down kid's size shake and nothing else
can't imagine going back.

you can do it anon! try to find what works, but it's important to be healthy about it. and don't stress having a comfort food once a week or so. I have something bad about once a week and know that 6/7 days of the week, I do well. also don't weigh yourself daily, or more than a week apart is my preference. sometimes longer. if it's psychological, try to attack the problem at the root. if it's physical (illness), try to see what could be recommended for your needs.
don't be ashamed to seek professional help if you really need it. there are centers all over the US at least that will be there for you. good luck and remember what motivates you. it feels great to be able to feel like you have your life back

>> No.10530301

Why does that happen?

>> No.10530302

>What are the best appetite suppressants besides coffee?
best appetite suppressant is a steady stream of glucose, which can be gotten by eating very low fat, high starch meals.

>> No.10530304

Stimulants, so amphetamines and amphetamine analogues.

>> No.10530308

Get dumped. Haven't eaten in 2 days.

>> No.10530339

Because you get an insulin spike then you crave food shortly after when your glucose depletes. Drink your coffee black or with cream only. Who needs sugar in coffee anyway? fatfucks, that's who

>> No.10530348
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-greek yogurt(low/no fat)
-most spicy foods
-pickled & or roasted veggies([pic-related], picked these up from BJs, & i love them)
-cucumber salad
-hard candies that u suck on & not eat like mr.owl, like jolly ranchers
-no fat/low fat feta cheese
-hot water & teas(hot ovaltine is awesome)
-i guess beef jerky is good

when i got 2 that point, i didnt feel hunger pains or anything, i would just legitimately 4get 2 eat 4 that day -- only thing that kept me a normal w8 was smoking

>> No.10530349

Diet soda

Ive also found brushing my teeth or chewing minty gum puts me off eating because minty mouth

>> No.10530354

oh, poor you. who the fuck cares about relationships in this day and age? get over it, wuss

>> No.10530398
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high protein snacks like pack of tuna, nuts, jerky etc.

protein is a more complex nutrient that takes your body longer to digest and therefore keeps you feeling full, longer.

/non troll answer

>> No.10530425

Flex Hard, Carrot King

For OP: Cardio. Gallons of water. Lots of dark leafy vegetables. Lean meat.

>> No.10530436

Chewing gum can help take the edge off if you're having cravings between meals and can be easily carried with you wherever you go. Drink water.

Pickled veggies are great.

>> No.10530445

just fucking lift and you can eat anything you want...but dont drink soda

>> No.10530449

I would suggest sardines instead of tuna since they are lower on the food chain and will therefore have less mercury concentration.

>> No.10530476


go to bed without dinner.

>> No.10530482

Hydroxycut, gives you a nice morning shit too.

>> No.10530551

Eat something really nasty so it destroys your appetite
like a shrimp with the poop in it

>> No.10530579

this could be clever bait because of how wrong it is. biting anyway: you can get a lot of benefits from exercise but you won't lose weight while eating a step above literal garbage. what matters is that you make a deficit accordingly, whether or not that's supplemented by exercise.

as for personal suppressants, I don't have any besides STRONG green tea and water. by strong, I mean using so much green tea that you can't justify buying anything of actual quality (I'm someone who values high quality tea). I used to have at least 5 to 10, sometimes more, bags to 16oz water, and the taste was shit. but:

>improved mood
>tons of energy
>constantly starving, eat one small handful (at most) of anything and be set for the hour

the starving aspect was weird. fine until your snack wears off and then hit with the absolute worst hunger pangs ever. it would go away almost as soon as food hit my mouth. the energy boost and improved mood was a big benefit though.
despite the feeling of starving, I was never as satisfied as I was with the tea. but doing this long term has to fuck with you. you don't need to do it like that but I can definitely get behind the recommendation

>> No.10530614

Brushing your teeth

>> No.10531874
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Flex hard, Carrot King.

>> No.10531914

Clenbuterol works pretty well.

>> No.10531926

Try intermittent fasting. It's easy after you get used to it.

>> No.10531932

Eat a spoonful of peanut butter, SLOWLY, whenever you're feeling the urge to snack.

>> No.10532067

butter or yohimbine hcl

>> No.10532205

Amphetamines and water

>> No.10532236

Losing weight is 80% diet retard

>> No.10532254
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3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine works best for me :3

>> No.10532281

Have a protein shake for breakfast, banana, orange juice, frozen fruit, protein powder.
Have some tea for lunch.
Eat a normal dinner.
The protein powder in the shake fills you up, makes you feel full.

>> No.10532405

cigarettes, loperamide, any sugar-free drink

>> No.10532411

Not eating sugar.

>> No.10532430

If you're trying to start another addiction, nicotine. If not just eat lots of super filling foods that are low calorie

>> No.10532441

Flex hard, Carrot King


>> No.10532565

Only stock the house with bland foods, drink a lot of water and don't eat more than a couple slices of toast each day for like 4 days. At that point you don't really feel as hungry as you may have beforehand and can kind of resume normal eating albeit with a reduced appetite. You could try a water fast with that shit tasting snake juice that /fit/ advocates, but drinking salt water isn't my idea of fun.

>> No.10532627
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Get the fuck out of the house.
I got a job working 4 12 hour days a week a few months back, the only thing I eat on work days are 3-4 protein meal bars and I walk most of the day. I've tried to stay out of the house and eat similarly on off days.
Dropped about 30lbs since then.

>> No.10532654

Thinking of all the cool stuff you can buy if you don't waste your money on vending machine snacks. Spend it on designer crap instead.

>> No.10532670

in no particular order
there are also several prescription meds like topiramate or phentermine, but of course youd need a prescription

>> No.10532847

Flex Hard, Carrot King!

>> No.10532859


>> No.10532865

Keto xD

>> No.10532916

Green Tea (without sugar of course)
restrict sugar intake
maybe try fasting, or One Meal A Day

>> No.10532918


>> No.10532938

Drink tea non stop. Only add small amounts of honey to sweeten it, like a tbls for a liter

>> No.10532940

Lipodrene suppresses appetite and gives you mega energy. Also get a script for adderall.

>> No.10532966

Does it really work or is it just a meme?

>> No.10532976

It works. You're just not hungry on it and have to force yourself to eat your meals purely for fuel.

>> No.10533015

On non-drug side, protein. Just make sure it's actual protein and not a bad meme like 'protein' candy bars.

As a bonus, it will discourage muscle wasting, so you lose more actual FAT, pound for pound.

>> No.10533057


>> No.10533071

I unironically shill Garcinia Cambogia. Research shows that it does in fact decrease appetite (and I can corroborate that), and also slightly helps burn fat when paired with diet and exercise.

You could also try drinking water when you're hungry, or eating more fiber rich foods.

>> No.10533076

>not a bad meme like 'protein' candy bars
Fuck you. Kirkland protein bars are the best thing to happen to me. Shedding pounds and building muscle like nothing else.

>> No.10533079

flex hard carrot king

>> No.10533080

Eggs, no japes

>> No.10533128

>What are the best appetite suppressants besides coffee?
Chocolate candy, lots and lots of chocolate candy.

>> No.10533154

that doesn't sound very efficient

>> No.10533161

because sugar is poison

>> No.10533178

this. eat /deenz/

>> No.10533195

flex hard carrot king

>> No.10533201

beef bouillon. hydration, but savoury.

>> No.10533238

Flex Hard, Carrot King!

>> No.10533254

Flex Hard, Carrot King!

>> No.10533381

Ephedrine if you can get it. Ask for bronkaid.

Pseudoephedrine also works, ask for mucinex d. Its pretty expensive so get generic.

Source: lost 70 lbs through purging and appetite suppresants

>> No.10534072

lmao, hypervigilant much? I was referring to the shitty ones which pretty much are a chocolate bar except the workers were told not to wash their hands after handling whey.

>> No.10534084

Get a high nicotine content vape and you'll never be hungry again.

>> No.10534148

>Seltzer water is great
>Keep high protein low carb snacks in the house
>Nicotine works if you use it
>chewing gum

>> No.10534196

crystal meth

>> No.10534823

Flex Hard, Carrot King!

>> No.10535372

Same here, I find often when I'm stimulated I just want to eat fucking everything

>> No.10535381
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Flex Hard, Carrot King

>> No.10535394

Vaping definitely satisfies my sweet tooth.

>> No.10535398

seeing your child murdered.

>> No.10535432

Exercise does have a way of making the dieting more meaningful, though. All that hard work for nothing if you fuck up.

>> No.10535438


>> No.10535439

Drink lots of water. Add fresh lemon juice to it. I found that I could stick to an intermittent fast better if I was drinking lemon water.

>> No.10535450

Flex hard, carrot king

>> No.10535555

Requested it in a drawthread. Here's another fill I got that I can't post here: >>>/y/2507531

That'd do it.

>> No.10535563


>> No.10535982
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Flex Hard, Carrot King!

Grow, Expand, Explode

>> No.10536281
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Was so surprised of the based /deanz/ shills on this board that I noticed a year or so ago. Been getting made fun of for eating the mighty dean for ages. I'm a cheap fuck and only buy the ones from Costco in olive oil and the occasional lith sprat.