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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10529559 No.10529559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why won't they season food? Why won't they add spices?

>> No.10529569

why won't they stop stealing? why won't they get high school diploma?

>> No.10529572
File: 537 KB, 870x1088, 633DBF6C-FE36-464E-A73A-0DCFC8791080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why they put avocado on toast?

>> No.10529573

Underdeveloped taste buds. They typically have sensitive little girl mouths.

>> No.10529576

Great thread op

>> No.10529577

Is this image supposed to be making fun of white people? Or making fun of the people who make fun of white people? I don't even know anymore.

>> No.10529581

wtf but black people love lawry's

>> No.10529586

must be all that seasoned food

>> No.10529587

I've never met a white person who didn't l like spice or spicy food or try to one up one another on who can eat the spiciest shit.

Where the fuck does this dumb meme come from??

>> No.10529588

>eating the lemon rind

>> No.10529601

White Americans sometimes don't season food correctly.
Black people over season or improperly season fairly often.
Mexicans seem to be ok.
Indians massive amounts of seasoning is everything
Japs and Asians are pretty alright on seasoning but the Chinese over salt shit.
The French butter shit up pretty insanely.
Brits are just trash.
Russians I mean well it's just potatoes and rice and stuff.

>> No.10529619

My girlfriend is a ginger and the stereotypical white girl. She once told me that the water she was drinking was too spicy. To this day, I don't know if she was fucking kidding or not.

>> No.10529719

Niggers and their massive inferiority complex.

>> No.10529721

Literally this.

>> No.10529726

it was probably made by a white person to rustle some jimmies

>> No.10529727

Oh that old meme called competition?

It's been around since people.

>> No.10530815

>bitching about garlic salt
It's really good for cooking pasta noodles.

>> No.10530849
File: 27 KB, 311x421, Popeye murderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about your gf's skin color.

It's about you dating retards because you can't attract a quality mate, mate.

>> No.10530879

I don’t get this meme. Europeans expanded, conquered and enslaved to find new food. The Romans’ to find salt and pepper. The British to find curry and paprika, the Portuguese to find a new source of ingredients and spices.

>> No.10530882 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 480x270, wh-Te_destroyed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my wh*Te ass is on fire!!!!

>> No.10530894

Sooooo, your secret to seasoning is salt, salt, msg, salt, msg, salt salt? That's pretty piss-poor cooking.

>> No.10530976

Funny how you only ever see the one with the swastika armband edited in.

>> No.10530988

>everyone who likes garlic salt on noodles is a nazi
Well now that we've clarified that I can rest easy.

>> No.10530990

I dunno, as a white dude I enjoy foods with herbs and spices in them, but I still have yet to get to the point where jalapenos seem mild like people say they are rather than seeming fairly hot.

>> No.10530995

pretty ironic that the nigger resorts to violence and the nazi wanted to talk.
really makes you think who truly is the monster here.

>> No.10531027

It's not based in reality.
Shitskins are so anally devastated by their inferiority that they have to make something up just to try and salvage what's left of their pride.
Without this they'd probably just kill themselves.

>> No.10531034

The nazi. Get deaded you weak faggot

>> No.10531075

Kill yourselves or go back to wherever it is you came from and shit up that place instead

>> No.10531162

Why won't they be able to create a functioning civilization for thousands of years with aid from the riches nations of the earth?

>> No.10531165

>when the only thing you can brag about as a race is putting more spices in your food

>> No.10531171

honestly the whole white people can't season is the dumbest fucking meme

>> No.10531173

it's clearly making fun of the people who say white people can't season food

>> No.10531182

>be nordic chad (blue eyed and blond)
>need to add half a bottle of tabasco to dishes or I don't even feel anything anymore
>adding strong spices everywhere I can
>can only eat the strongest, smellies, saltiest blue cheeses because anything else tastes of flavorless cardbord
>see this thread


>> No.10531187
File: 69 KB, 504x352, eastindia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people invented colonialism just to get their hands on spices.

>> No.10531208

African slaves were given shitty cuts of meat that needed to be heavily seasoned to mask it's less than ideal taste (also partly due to how they had to cook it). Good meat doesn't need raping with old bay to make it taste good

>> No.10531273

I'll play devil's advocate and say that avocado toast isn't bad at all, I just can't imagine anyone of sound mind being able to justify paying $12 for it.

>> No.10531293

Because we don't eat roadkills that need shittone of spices to be eatable

>> No.10531303

>The people who tell me I don't season food enough are the same people who put so much salt on everything they make that it's nearly inedible

I don't understand how people over salt the fuck out of EVERYTHING. Heavy smoking and eating 5x the amount of salt you should be getting in a week every night?

>> No.10531309

Looks more like black people seasonings.

>> No.10531322

>I want to grow old and get alzheimers
Fuck off buddy, if you ain't dead by the time you're 40 you ain't right.

>> No.10531441

Get a better hot sauce, Tabasco is basically vinegar.

>> No.10531472
File: 78 KB, 659x506, 1521020812948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to the conclusion that "Black Cooking" is just making your food deadly. If you want to go to THAT extreme; I can eat bland food. I'll outlive you and your children.

>> No.10531478

You don't no shit why boi. I've seen a facebook pic of a nigress putting like 1kg of sugar on top of tomato sauce in spaghetti.

>> No.10531487

Shieeeet black queen SLAAAAAAYYY. Im no becky.

>> No.10531491

Only time I have eaten good white people food is when they were actual chefs, firefighters or actually knew their ethnic background.

Since when do Asian people not get high school diplomas, they're smarter than wipipo when they manage to get here.

>> No.10531506

>Only time I have eaten good white people food is when they were actual chefs, firefighters or actually knew their ethnic background.

As opposed to every asian knowing how to make good food or cook good?

Get a grip noodle eating chink. If it wasn't for us, you'd still be starving like your chink peasant ancestors.

Really, if you want to see how non-whites are inferior, check how ungrateful they are. Literal animals that bite their feeder's hand.

>> No.10531507

>black people
Nignogs drown their food in butter and/or lard instead of adding actual seasoning, kinda like how white people slather mayo and cheese on everything.

>> No.10531516

Why can't OP not be a faggot? Why must he always try to overdoes on dick?

>> No.10531518

>they're smarter than wipipo when they manage to get here.
>be pressured by family to become a nolife hardcore student
>listen to what the teacher says then write it up in an exam
>haha i iz le smurt
Ok, han.

What if we look at white inventions and chinese inventions? You know, things that involve actual intellect.

Should we talk about how your people didn't figure out firearms despite knowing gunpowder for thousands of years and how we figured them out barely after getting to know it? Or about how your people can only make subpar copycat western products industrially?

>> No.10531519

blacks can't cook, though

>> No.10531557

Are you having a stroke?