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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10526486 No.10526486 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10526489

Very comforting and very delicious.

>> No.10526491

Good if authentic

>> No.10526493

Very discomforting and absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10526497

Don't get me wrong, I love tex mex and shit too, but most mexican restaurants are garbage. The one upside of all the mass immigration of mexicans are the latino markets that pop up with really good and authentic food.

>> No.10526498

big if true

>> No.10526500
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Mexican here.
imo It is slightly overrated.

>> No.10526501

americanized can be good, so can authentic. what the fuck are you trying to get from this fucking thread?

>> No.10526506

Get me right, I hate mex tex and pee too, and some mexican pubs are trash. The two downside of some the volume emigration are not the hispanic markets that pop down with pretty bad and inauthentic food.

>> No.10526507

>What does /ck/ think of mexican food?

>> No.10526510

Small if false

>> No.10526513

You have no friends.

>> No.10526518

I have yes friends

>> No.10526544

Who needs friends when you have bean burritos?

>> No.10526563

You do not want enemies if I do not have meat tacos!

>> No.10526572
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>> No.10526580

like taco bell

>> No.10526581

good if good
bad if bad

>> No.10526587

fuck you

>> No.10526632

best food desu

>> No.10526642

>Who needs friends when you have bean burritos?
But then again, who can have friends when they have bean burritos?

>> No.10526651

Never tried much out side of tacos but the food looks delicious

>> No.10526678

I enjoyed street tacos before they were a hipster meme

>> No.10526725


Mexicans came to the US and fell in love with cheddar. That's made it so much better. I love good rice and beans. Carne asada, carnitas, or adobada is amazing. All depends on how well it's prepared. Most Mexican food in the US is barely more palatable than Taco Bell.

>> No.10526728


>I liked that band before it became popular

hipster faggot.

>> No.10526737

I don't know of any good Mexican restaurants here in Australia. We have Montezumas and Taco Boy and the like, but I wouldn't recommend them. I'm actually amazed how they can make food taste like boiled cardboard that still burns the lining out of my mouth.

>> No.10526864

Nothing better than getting some tacos from hole in the wall restaurant

>> No.10527203

I enjoyed atheism before it was a r*ddit fetish

>> No.10527281

No. Like jack in the crack tacos

>> No.10527471
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>> No.10527481

Fake chicano shit. Flautas are not served with arroz in Mexico pinche puto

>> No.10527501

getting chipotle later today la

>> No.10527504

We're just starting to get Taco Bell restaurants in the UK and they are amazing. How close are they to authentic Mexican street cuisine?

>> No.10527519

Depends on what part of Mexico. And Border food is a different thing entirely.
I mostly like it.

>> No.10527647

I can make a decent taco, spanish rice, arroz verde, tostadas, Refried beans, pico de gallo, gucamole, and a few other small odds and ends. The one thing i have neer been successful at is enchiladas. They either end up with the meat falling out or the shells becoming a wet soggy mess or some other issue and nothing like what i get in a restaurant.

>> No.10527656

They aren't. It's more an approximation of Tex-Mex but fast food tex mex sorta like a fast food hambuger or frozen pizzas. It can remind you of the real thing but it's always lacking.

>> No.10529270

I’ll be honest, I hate niggers and spics.

Whenever Pablo comes up to me to take my order, I say “Yeah I’ll take the fajita, while your at it, go back to your fucking shithole, Juan. Go behead someone, rather than steal my nations money!”

Anyone else do this?

>> No.10529282
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I like Dominican food better

>> No.10529298

nah, i like people who work and pay taxes. i'm guessing you do neither.

>> No.10529300
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Mexican food can be good but it's underwhelming most of the time. A lot of its good dishes were commercialized to the point where you're better off with another cuisine. There is nothing special about Mexican food

>> No.10529327


>> No.10529357

I love Mexican food. I never get tired of it.

>> No.10529362

Wow. What do you have going on there?

>> No.10529463

Mashed platano, salami, queso frito, and onions sautéed with vinegar or lemon or something, but really good.

>> No.10529507

Honestly its because American's food sense was dulled for a very long time.

>> No.10529517


are you fucking kidding me? its the same shit tier colonial food as every other latin country

>> No.10529733

It looks incredible

>> No.10529740
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Agreed. Only go for old fashioned.

>> No.10529824

It's one of the greatest cuisines in the world, on par with Chinese.

However texmex is the most revolting fusion food in the world. Stop drowning rice filled tortillas in queso and calling it a burrito Sherryl!

>> No.10529857
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I went to NZ about 12 years ago and thought a good Mexican restaurant would be a huge hit there.
I just made some carne asada tacos with corn tortillas, sauteed pepper and onion and cilantro with lime juice. Good shit.

>> No.10529889

>I went to NZ about 12 years ago and thought a good Mexican restaurant would be a huge hit there.
moving to NZ about right now. they'll probably believe it's good and authentic, with my thick mexican accent

>> No.10529919
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>t. mejicano
your food is overrated and is not worth going out of the way for.

>> No.10529926
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you should make yourself yuca with eggs one day
thank me later