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10521175 No.10521175 [Reply] [Original]

Is port a meme? It tastes so much like sugar.

>> No.10521177

beer, wine, and cheese are all memes.

>> No.10521201

Wuba luba dub dubz confirms it

>> No.10521344
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What's a good port? I haven't had one in years and I really miss it.

>> No.10521497

Imagine being this stupid. Just TRY to imagine. I bet you can't. I can't.

>> No.10521657

>tastes so much like sugar
I'm English we typically use the phrase "sweet"

>> No.10521854
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>> No.10522009
File: 66 KB, 595x799, julie-bell-conan-the-barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be me, 16 or 17 going out partying with buddies
> have mom buy me a bottle of port wine
> because Conan always drank the stuff!
> none of my buddies want any, drink it all myself
> tastes like rancid grape juice, choke it down anyway
> get all fucked up, puke
> hung over for two days straight

Wine - Never again.

>> No.10522014

it's a dessert wine you mongrel

>> No.10522039

Are memes a meme? How many memes would a memechuck meme if a memechuck could meme memes?

How many memes does it take to meme in a memebulb?

>> No.10522043
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>> No.10522044

This. All cheese tastes different. Wine and beer are all the same shit

>> No.10522047

>wine and beer are all the same shit
spoken like a true yuropoor

>> No.10522086

I'm from WA (second largest wine producer in the states), and I live near the vineyards where there are wineries and microbreweries in every building

>> No.10522189

Taylor Fladgate is the go to.

>> No.10522194

you just KNOW

>> No.10522327

this. dont tell me you were drinking the stuff while eating a steak or some shit

>> No.10522453

Sherry >>> Port

Port tastes like it tries too hard.

>> No.10522666

>Europe, origin and producer of most of wine and beer
>would ever make such claim
Do Americans really tell themselves this?

>turns out it's an amerilard, which does make total sense..

Stick to hotdogs and hamburgers guys, it's really the only thing you're good at.

>> No.10523463

europe doesn't do craft beer much and hence one region makes 10 varieties of the same style of beer typically (belgium excluded)

>> No.10524075
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Port is a dessert wine that has extra sugar added. It is generally served in a small glass with dessert or as a digestif after dinner. If you drank a whole bottle in one sitting it would , most likely, make you feel pretty crappy.

Kopke is a good port. Ruby is what I like

>> No.10524108

I don’t enjoy sweets because I am an adult

I don’t drink wine because im not a woman or a homo

>> No.10524172

>Is port a meme?

No, it's a fortified wine.

>> No.10524180


t. 13 year old boy.

>> No.10524197

i like to drink beer, booze and wine, but i like wine the most because of the buz

>> No.10524225

>he hasn't gone full /medmode/ by drinking only red wine and lifting weights in the nude
You'll never make it breh

>> No.10524541

did you just assume my gender?

>> No.10524552

a glass of port with some chocolate cake tastes amazing.

>> No.10524560

>im an adult i cant have sweet things!!!!


>> No.10524572


>> No.10524613

there might be a little dust on the bottle

>> No.10524634

thanks for proving my point

>> No.10524648

Why is it always the dumb americans who don't know shit about anything the first to comment like they're experts?

>> No.10524822

You're doing it wrong kiddo

>> No.10524880

formerly Smeemd

>> No.10525089

port is fortified wine

you know what else is fortified wine?

all bumwines

>> No.10525122

Oh no! I'm going to change my tastes immediately!

>> No.10525123

this made me laugh more than it should have.
thanks for that.

>> No.10525127

you have no taste lol.

>> No.10525147

Sacre Bleu! My dignity. Curse you, your devilish wit has won the day! I will be executing myself shortly for not drinking your favorite wine

>> No.10525163

I mean its wine, its just juice for large adult women

>> No.10525182

Glad you've seen the light, wino

>> No.10525310

Wrong nigger,
they don't add sugar to port to make it the way it is. Its all wine production. Port wine is made as a base wine that goes through fermentation, when desired sugar amount is reached, alcohol base also known as Aquardente a neutral grape spirit is added, to arrest fermentation, add alcohol content and thus stopping fermentation the wine will have remained residual sugar that wasn't consumed during fermentation

>> No.10525333

If the sugar is added before fermentation and not allowed to ferment, or added after fermentation is it really any different?

>> No.10525348


Such an enticing story; please tell more

>> No.10525380

that still sounds like added sugar to me

>> No.10525478

Not technically added, but yeah, it has way more grape sugar in it than normal wine. Bad port/fortified wine can be cloyingly sweet, and when they're good, it's only meant to be enjoyed as a small pour at the end of a meal, no more than 75ml.

>> No.10525667

Yeah it is dickface because you're not putting in any sugar they just stop the breakdown of the grape pulp halfway through the process

>> No.10525693

>because you're not putting in any sugar
what do you think fruit juice is?

>> No.10525768

Way to go straight ad hominem..,

You are correct in your (straight from Wikipedia) retort.

That being said your argument would have had more force if you had just discussed the error or, at least, written something in your own words to add to the statement.

As it was, you little skidmark, you just came across as an insufferable little soy-bitch that posses an intellect so meager, you twat, that you had to lead off with racial epithets. I don’t feel badly for you, however. I’m sure you enjoy combing this Mongolian cock-gargling image board incessantly so that you point out errors and belittle others in order to distract yourself from the internal dismay caused by the knowledge that the doctor that treats your micropenis for galling can barely keep a straight face because it is permanently stained Cheeto (TM) orange

I hope you enjoy Port wine as much as I do.



>> No.10525775

"""rationalist""" spotted

>> No.10525812

nice copypasta, where'd you find it?

>> No.10525814

I’m really glad I’m not autistic, I’m the reposter you replied too. Yes I’m going to belittle someone for not knowing something. Look at the great response I got blessed with.

>> No.10525817

Also something i forgot to touch on, I got my information from World of Wine sweetie ;)

>> No.10525873

"Port wine is typically richer, sweeter, heavier, and higher in alcohol content than unfortified wines. This is caused by the addition of distilled grape spirits to fortify the wine and halt fermentation before all the sugar is converted to alcohol, and results in a wine that is usually 19% to 20% alcohol." -wikipedia

Although with all alcohol, whether something that's called something has to be made in the way it's thought to be made by the common man is dependent on labeling laws, which is why, for example, Jose Cuervo Especial "tequila" gets away with being 49% vodka, so perhaps rotgut-tier port can be called something to the effect of "Port (a blend)" once the vodka and granular sucrose is dumped in

>> No.10525974

What is if not all liquor but a clear alcohol then diluted, adding aromatics, and perhaps aging in a vessel. Technically everything is vodka. But with port production the base spirit added to cease fermentation is created from grapes as well.

Port wine that is shit is made the same way, but usually in ways to enhance production, I.e the grapes are machine harvested vs hand picked, or another example would be hand sorted vs. machine sorting, the quality of vessel used to age port, etc and so forth.

>> No.10526332

Aren't places like Germany and Ireland some sort of beer Mecca.

>> No.10526483

transparency doesn't mean vodka since "vodka" nowadays has the goal of as complete rectification per price as possible, so even if a liquor's column-distilled it still has flavor that shouldn't and won't be in vodka

>> No.10526674

no doubt the retard poured a full glass for himself

>> No.10526708

>drinking port wine out of a wine goblet

Some things are made to be taken in moderation, Amerifat.

>> No.10526727

To be fair, if it's meant to be a ruse it was pretty awful.

>> No.10526943

I'll second this.

>> No.10526945

What's that Jewish wine? It's super sweet, practically like grapejuice spiked with a thimble of vodka.

>> No.10527148

Jewish style of wine or jewish brand? As for brands, fairly popular ones that I know of include Manischewitz and Mogen David

>> No.10527598

Kopke is mass produced stuff and really isn't good. It's average. If you can't get better then it certainly is good relatively speaking.

>> No.10527685
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Before asking this, ask yourself if you enjoy it?
If yes; why ask?
If no; why ask?
I'm not a big port fan, but the minerally coastal stuff is quite fun

>> No.10528848

I don't like the savory salty sherries though

>> No.10528869

the only ports I've tried so far have been from kopke, graham's, dow's, and sandeman

Where to go from here?

>> No.10528875
File: 308 KB, 413x373, 1505108579995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the port race after a boat club dinner

>> No.10528889

Clearly a Boris Vallejo painting. Also I don't think it's supposed to be Conan but a wine advertisement

>> No.10528897

Warres Otima's 10-year is the best bang-for-buck port
Tawny ports in general are way better

drink better port

give Sauternes or Tokaji Aszu a try, similar desserty styles, more white-fruit and honey than grape juice

>> No.10528937

Tokaji sounds interesting

>> No.10529886

rot in hell you filthy fucking urchin