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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 354x222, taste-sensitivities-picky-eater-1274x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10520957 No.10520957 [Reply] [Original]

>Favorite food is chicken tenders and fries.
>Will send tenders back if they don't have enough salt on them.
>Will send entire burger back if there is a pickle on his plate.
>Will only drink sarsaparilla.
>Won't eat anything with 'chunks' in in it because it looks like vomit.
>This includes chili, pasta sauce and ice cream with stuff in it.
>Puts pureed pizza sauce on pasta.
>Only eats fast food quality pepperoni pizza and will claim that pizzeria quality pizza has worse 'ingredients' but will never explain what he means by this.
>Despises all vegetables except for spinach which he only eats by itself.
>Will criticize others for eating things he doesn't like.
>When eating out he will actively shit talk your food and constantly ask why you can't just eat like him.
>Will refuse food offered to him and will even call it disgusting looking to the face of the person who made it.
>Doesn't like savory.
>Doesn't like spicy.
>Doesn't like cheese.
>Won't try anything new.
>Is delusionally insulted if you call out his shit tastes.

I dare you to describe a more infuriating culinary philistine.

>> No.10520974

Did you just make this thread to be mad about an imaginary person?

>> No.10520987

I made this thread to be mad about a real person.

>> No.10521142

This self degree of self loathing isn't healthy

>> No.10521143
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>> No.10521154


>> No.10521172
File: 1.07 MB, 3008x2000, Shitty Pallets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10521183
File: 122 KB, 288x270, cat40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over at rich friend's house for dinner
>friend's dad grilled up thick ribeyes, filet mignon, new york strip
>friend's older brother is picky as hell, especially with textures
>have to watch him systematically remove every single piece of fat from his ribeye, occasionally cutting whole chunks of meat away because "the fat is too ingrained"
>throws away 1/4 of his steak
>shouldn't let myself be bothered by this
>tfw extremely bothered by it

>> No.10521203

>that person who only orders chicken with snow peas when you go for chinese
>that person who only orders sweet and sour chicken
>that person who only orders egg foo yung

>> No.10521213

I encountered a situation similar to that. I asked the gal if I could have the fat, then made a big deal about how good the cooking was and how much of a shame it would be to waste good food.

>> No.10521255

The other day, I watched a colleague literally vomit because she took some ibuprofen and washed it down with water.

I asked her friend what the fuck that was about as I phoned a janitor and sent her to first aid, and it was explained to me that apparently this happens whenever she drinks water.

I asked if she had some weird medical condition, and was assured that no, she just thinks water tastes disgusting.

Fucking. Water.

I was absolutely baffled. If somebody will hurl from tasting water, I am genuinely curious as to what the rest of her palate is like, but at the same time I really, really don't want to know because people with shitty palates make me irrationally angry and I am 100% sure I would end up in another inquiry for ''''''''bullying'''''''''

Fuck these people.

>> No.10521302

That... that can't be real. What the fuck does she drink all day then?

>> No.10521317

I have no fucking idea, and like I said, I don't want to ask because she's one of those girls that will burst into tears the moment they think they're under any scrutiny whatsoever, and I'm already on record for being overly harsh so I don't want to deal with HR on my ass.

Just from her personality, I assume she has the palate of a six year old, though. It's probably coke and tendies with mayo every day or some stupid shit.

>> No.10521376
File: 77 KB, 340x340, hey man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be this guy
don't make a scene and look like a sperg.

>> No.10521403

Is she like 300lbs or something??

>> No.10521430

Nope. Wouldn't even describe her as fat. She's kind of blobby, I guess?

>> No.10521440
File: 58 KB, 786x719, 1521456925187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the gal"
why didn't you just type girl?

>> No.10521444

That sounds like it must be an undiagnosed medical condition. Maybe's she's hypersensitive to flouride or some other normal additive.

>> No.10521508

Water tastes like whatever the inside of your mouth tastes like.

For most people this means it tastes like nothing.

If she hates the "taste" of water, it's because she probably has halitosis or rotting teeth, and she can actually sense what it tastes like when drinking water.

>> No.10521593
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>is American

>> No.10521666
File: 37 KB, 500x461, 1524460805534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palate you retard