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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10519020 No.10519020 [Reply] [Original]

>blackout and leaving crying voicemails edition

previous thread

>> No.10519025

Alcohol is a psychoactive drug, NOT a food.
These threads vemong on 420chan, or /b/.

>> No.10519027

>Tfw starting to realise a friend of 6 years is really a massive asshole
>At least I'm enjoying the taste of what I drink now, whereas before it was like taking medicine

>> No.10519029

An ex once heard me crying and screaming over the phone as I was picked up off the floor by two coppers, high on a fatal amount of codeine and diazepam, after like 4 bottles of wine. An answerphone message actually, so a recorded file, as they broke my door down just as the phone was ringing. She and I hate eachother now, so I imagine she and her husband have posted it online somewhere.

>> No.10519043

Welp....I lost the one mediocre source of income I had.

I was working at a rental car chain at the airport picking up guests and detailing cars twice a week.

This guy (former marine just fresh off discharge) was renting a car and I was picking him up. He started yelling at me for bringing him the wrong car and it escalded to him threatening to kill me on the spot. I got out of the rental and said "Im done man, Take the car back yourself".

He said "no your fuckin not something something (wasn't listening) and I ran over to a police officer and started to tell him what's going on. The marine I guess saw I was talking to the cop and called me a little bitch and said "you are lucky kid, You don't know what I'm capable of".

Walked back to my work and got in the car and left, Fuck that man. I'm not going to be threatened to intimated for fucking 10 dollars an hour.

Time to drink the pain away

ps, that guy really fucking scared me. I thought I was a dead man

>> No.10519047

>can consume it
>not a food.


>> No.10519049

>Marine acts like a fucking coward
I feel bad for you buddy, hopefully you get another job soon. People like experience which will help you

>> No.10519054

don't fuck up our comfy threads

>> No.10519061

>Implying you've ever met a kitchen worker who isn't a hardcore alchie

>> No.10519062

People who join the military do so because they're poor. And poor people are bad people. This is fact.

>> No.10519066

Thanks for the kind words man

>> No.10519067

Can confirm
I'm poor and a terrible person

>> No.10519077


Thanks man, I needed a laugh. That was funny lol

>> No.10519093

>when it's 5pm but you're so drunk that drinking more will just be unpleasant
time to down a load at once to fall asleep, then wake 2 hours later ready to start again.

>> No.10519125

This sounds stupid but how do you black out once and not go, "wow, I really need to stick to beer from now on". I'm no novice drinker either, I average a 12 pack a day when I'm not working but blacking out is just mortifying to me, imagine just waking up and not knowing what you did at all, it sounds really terrifying desu

>> No.10519130

if you've reached the point of blackouts your problem extends beyond the scope of some curative momentary reflection.

>> No.10519146

Who hangover drinker here? I feel like shit, but some malt liquor will make me feel better.

>> No.10519151

I've only started drinking recently so I can't get into that method. I need about 3 days between each time

>> No.10519173

And I thought there was nothing wrong with 3 times per week blackout drunk because I wasn't a daily drinker.

Well fuck.

>> No.10519180
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Have this dull aching pain maybe 3 inches under my left shoulder blade for maybe a month now on and off. Doesnt hurt more just like an annoying tightness. It goes away when sitting or laying down. Anyone else get these or know what they are? seems like it's common.

>> No.10519190

Beer and wine doesn't get most people with a high tolerance even drunk enough to ween off the shakes and anxiety.

>I drink 4 handles of 80 proof vodka a week

Sounds like a lot but it really isn't much at all, Some people drink a handle a day

>> No.10519206

Leaving for work in a few hours hopefully it'll be busy keep my mind off booze and wear me out so I can maybe just have one tall.boy when I get off work. And go to sleep like a normal person. And not wake up and drink at 2-4 am because I have nothing better to do

>> No.10519229

snitches get stitches you filthy nigger

>> No.10519231

Stop LARPing and get out of the thread

>> No.10519235

I'm the nigger but I'm the one who doesn't act like a caveman and try to assault someone simply doing their jobs.

Oh OK.

Fuck you you waste of life, I hope you and that fucking marine become butt buddies and kill each other in a domestic argument. Fucking loser.

>> No.10519249

blackout for me typically means jail at least once a week. even if i stayed indoors though i'm sure i'd do some retarded and destructive shit or other.

>> No.10519278

make me faggot

>> No.10519280


>> No.10519281

did i hit a nerve?

>> No.10519298

These days I wake up in my bed with all my clothes, lights and laptop on. Back in the day some things would get smashed.

>> No.10519312

Woah watch your language.

>> No.10519314

yeah i had a collection of 4 laptops, 5 phones and all the other shit i'd drunkenly broken since 2016, all sat in a cupboard waiting to be repaired upon my sobriety. Threw them away a few weeks ago because it was too depressing to look at them any more, let alone sell at their current values.

>> No.10519320

That's Cranford Nix, dude. His word is THE word

>> No.10519333
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The guy sounds like such a loser lol, Id have just left and dealt with the shit sandwich at the job site.

I get that shit from being on PC all day. find a chinup bar or use the inbetween trim of a doorway to hold your body off the ground and let the muscles and joint crack and decompress

my throat used to get sore from drinking now it doesnt, but it feels heavier, like I gotta swallow more. how do I remove throat cancer from home? anyone got any tips?

>> No.10519347

anyone else love this tune?

>> No.10519367

Enterprisefag i see you

>> No.10519370

sent this and a couple of other to my ex before we split.

>> No.10519382
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ok i'll stop.
thanks to the original al/ck/ who posted them like a year and a half ago though.

>> No.10519388


>> No.10519391

I ended up getting hammered last night and by the time I was finally able to drag my friends out to the bar, I was too fucking hammered to even talk and had to just go home.

>> No.10519401

aw shit lads, i've relapsed pretty hard. i took 2mg lorazepam thinking it'd just make things more cosy and make tomorrow feel better, but in fact i'm so wrecked that i'm beginning to struggle to type, and my appetite for more drugs is ferocious. got callbacks coming about some asap. life is about to become chaotiic. feels so good. bet it'll end well.

>> No.10519403
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I thought the hand was a nose

>> No.10519406

in addition to booze i mean. i took it so i wouldn't feel so fucking dire tomorrow. now after booze and benzos plus a few joints, moments from blackout, i'm ready to go explore. flawless right?

>> No.10519425

That's my favourite benzo.

Tried some Bromazepam or something and it doesn't really do shit.

>> No.10519428

pull yourself together
nothing wrong with some bud and benzos but don't go overboard

>> No.10519435

nitrazepam is mine. stuff is sleepy as fuck, a really snoozy high which rapes anxiety to oblivion, and even has a minty taste.

>> No.10519436

i used to get that same kind of pain on the arm i use the mouse with. i think it has to do with posture and holding your arm out a lot as you use the internet. i found that using the trackpad can help lessen the stress.

>> No.10519437

isn't it in the very nature of the alchie to overdo things? i dedicate myself to something entirely, to the point where it's unhealthy, whether it's boozing or working.

>> No.10519521

No, that's the nature of a dumbass.

You are all dumbasses. The fatalistic tone in these threads is gay, I got drunk as shit last night with various other substances mixed in, cooked dinner with friends, jammed, and played cards.

It was fun as fuck, my only regret is my arrested development and the fact that I am technically killing myself.

>> No.10519526
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If I've had a few beers is it safe to take an ibuprofen?

>> No.10519550

don't quote me on this but I think ibuprofen is the one over the counter painkiller that won't shred your liver if you take it while drinking

>> No.10519620

chugged 2L 7.5% beer outside, drinking 3rd at home, probably gonna go to bar soon, head still hurts

>> No.10519623

I wish my stalker whore had a husband, too bad it seems she never will

>> No.10519628

i lost 2 phones outside randomly when going to bars at 3 am but never smashed anything

>> No.10519637

should I go to bar? finished 3rd liter 7.5% my head hurts

>> No.10519638

Go, I'm on my 2nd liter beer eventhough I didn't want to drink til next thursday

>> No.10519649


why next thursday

>> No.10519665

I have tons of stuff to do for university and always feel llike shit so I thought I would quit drinking and get something done but I didn't even make it 40 hours

>> No.10519668

go back monday you fool

>> No.10519685

taking my firsts sips of beer after an abstinence period of a month, first feels are a deep sickening shame, it's like I remember all the stupid shit I did drunk and feel it all at once, gonna drink moar to see if this passes

>> No.10519686
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>I thought I would quit drinking and get something done

>> No.10519690

What I hate most about this is that when I started studying I felt like I had my life together, stopped drinking completly and studied hard. Now it's 8 month later and I already feel like I'm losing controle. I wish I was fucking dead

>> No.10519693

always wondered if there is source for that pic

>> No.10519703
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Woo mayday is coming up, anyone excited? Not me I have no one to celebrate it with so I will just end up drinking in public alone

>> No.10519747
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anyone else here have a family member who changes attitude completely after one beer? its like they act drunker than they should be

>> No.10519856

Just! Want another drink, but to drunk to drivez

>> No.10519858

I am pretty sure that ibuprofen is much safer in this regard. It shouldn't hurt you really if you just want to take one.

>> No.10519892

>celebrating mayday

I just thought this was the time of year all the commie faggots go into Central London to be cunts

>> No.10519939
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Anyone quit drinking again this year?

>> No.10519947

I keep saying I'm going to never drink again when I have a hangover

>> No.10519956
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me too. me too...

>> No.10519983

yeah well pony threads belong on /mlp/ but they stay here for days at a time

>> No.10519992

Its from trashy ethnic aussie show. Housos.
About welfare kang and queen bogans.

>> No.10519999

It's a satanic high holiday as well

>> No.10520003

You mean
>Highly accurate candid documentary

>> No.10520041

checked it out, looks like a discount bin Trailer Park Boys

>> No.10520332
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wtf Satan your numbers are upside down

>> No.10520372

Has anyone ever successfully Did the "ha I'll only ever drink on weekends I'm not an alchy haha XD" this feels like a lie I tried to be sober from monday to this friday and all i could think about was getting shitfaced. I also think it just leads to people to being one minor inconvenience away from drinking every single day again.

>> No.10520397

nice. just woke at 11pm, no memory of going to sleep, feel indescribably bad, no alcohol, fuck going out, i'm taking a fucking overdose.

>> No.10520400
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Kek couple a weeks ago, woke up drunk and everybody is really pissed. Don't know what happened since I had a blackout.

Well I almost got the full story from different sources
>Get fucking drunk on beer and whiskey. Abondend friends.
>Go to my sister, who is having a BBQ. Tried to drunk red pill al her hipsters left wing friends .Drank al their whiskey.
>Brother in law brings me home to my GF.
>Fall of the couch, vomit multiple times in the living room. Also pissis in the corner of the bathroom. Then black-out. GF is worried sick.

Don't be me

>> No.10520415
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>Tried to drunk red pill al her hipsters left wing friends
oooh you don't want to do this at the best of times, brother

>> No.10520424

Kek I know desu, source of that semen demon?

>> No.10520459

This thread is depressing. Don't Know why I decided to click on it. Serious question, how long did you guy's alcoholism take to develop? How many years?

>> No.10520473

Pretty sure it's from Fat Pizza. Same people but like a decade earlier.

>> No.10520476 [DELETED] 


>> No.10520480

My gf is native american and will get absolutely trashed after just a few drinks. Her attitude totally changes as well. Goes from being happy and nice to extremely aggressive and angry.
I can't be around her when she drinks.

>> No.10520490

Being one little incovenience away from drinking is still a lot better than getting drunk every day

>> No.10520493

Started drinking at 16, started to notice problems around 28. Got bad at 30.

>> No.10520546

Austyn Monroe

>> No.10520577

Started drinking at 18, was legit alcoholic after 5 years. Still drink 5 years after that so 10 years total, I'm 28, but I drink a lot less than I used to. I'm not physically capable of drinking as much as I used to.

>> No.10520646


started drinking 13/14
drank a bit teens/20's
really kicked in 30's
had few health problems from drinking so stopped for half a year
now only drink once a week
different health problems now
>the bulge on the right side of my neck is from poor posture at pc. its a muscle, standing out, its not a vein bulging with backed up blood because of other unrelated upper chest pains

>> No.10520675

Heating pad helps. I get all types of alc aches and pains, sleeping with or laying on a heating pad really does help.

Also, obviously your body is telling you something. Pump up your water intake, make sure you’re taking vitamins/milk thistle, and tell the pains to go fuck themselves

>> No.10520682
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who here been following the EAR/ONS threads? Drinking the whole time

>> No.10520708 [DELETED] 

call (313) 888-1234

>> No.10520714 [DELETED] 

damn, I was trying to get banned

>> No.10520716

What's the word for when you make yourself a cocktail but you put way, way too much alcohol in it?

>> No.10520757



>> No.10520762
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>not using a jigger
this is how I know you're a pleb :(

>> No.10520844

Strong or stiff drink. Or to an alc, a drink.

>> No.10520902
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, nodding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sleeping on the floor of you new apartment
>cripping back pain since moving lifting boxes
>sleeping on floor supposed to be good for back, not helping
>only feels better when I walk and stop drink and vape
>haven't found job yet
You ever get that feeling that God is speaking to you?

>> No.10520926

bro you can't just reveal your power level like that

>> No.10520952

Fuck me /ck/.
It's now 60 hours since my last drink.
Still sick as a dog, but the dry heaving has stopped finally.
I went cold turkey so I kind of had seizures at the 36 hours mark. It was more like super realistic dreams I couldn't wake up from and my wife had to wake me up every two-five minutes when she could hear me trying to wake up unsuccessfully.
After a few hours I gained control of my dreams and it went from night terrors to one of the most vivid but cool dreams I've ever had.
Written from the toilet seat. Don't know what's coming out, I haven't eaten more than a few spoonfuls in well over 60 hours.
Fuck me I feel so sick.
Don't become an alcoholic anons. Just don't.

>> No.10520977

what the fuck is a jigger

>> No.10520985

No racial slurs please, this is a Christian imageboard.

>> No.10520994

Well it's not quite a jew, and it's not quite a ni

>> No.10521048

I called my mom over the other day to talk, and broke down about my addiction and basically laid it all on the line. It was embarrassing as hell but I'm glad I did it. 4 days sober now and starting to finally get over WD's and feeling good about staying sober in the future. It can get better bros, don't be afraid to ask for help, it feels really good once you do

>> No.10521085

Do you live in some kind of dirt village or something?

>> No.10521112

cmon bruh its all in good fun

>> No.10521147

started aged 15 and just never stopped.

>> No.10521168

help. it can't be possible to feel t his bad and not be dying

>> No.10521373

Does that constant thirst go away by then? When I stop drinking even for half a day I smash down water harder than Tom Segura and it never ends.

>> No.10521421

fucking hate that feeling. bloated because i've chugged so much water, yet thirsty as hell. i wonder if there's any way to stop it.

>> No.10521457

Hopefully someone with experience can tell us. For me, all the bullshit like that and the shaking goes away if I get stoned but I don't want to start smoking full time again, lost one job over it due to a random drug test.

>> No.10521469


In nordic countries it is a big drinking day

But yeah we get cunts too.

>> No.10521472

Literally me but I started at 12 and turn 30 on Tuesday.

>> No.10521525

Could be both were cringey as fuck. Swift n shift was alright only cause i have been a courier and could relate to some characters

>> No.10521534

Thought it was the shit back in the day but rewatching some of it now, jesus. Never was a fan of SnS or Housos, too reliant on people yelling obscenities instead of actual humour.

>> No.10521537

Yeah its cliched and i dont think a show about bogans could be ever good.

>> No.10521555
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Early TPB nailed it.

>> No.10521581
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I love Pabst Blue Ribbon!
It makes life worth livin!

>> No.10521761
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Tfw didnt have anything to cut my svedka with so I ate a bunch of pickles and cut it with the juice. It was actually okay.

>> No.10521911
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Oh I did this joke for a few months about five years ago till my ex wanted to hook up again and was like

>you don't have a bed dude

Literally two day amazoned a bed and shit for success sex. Funny how that works. Ended up fucking that all up again too.

>> No.10521923

Its nearly 7 am. Can't sleep, no more booze.

>> No.10521931
File: 35 KB, 610x406, Giuseppe_Colarusso_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close to liquor sales open

>> No.10521937

Try peperoncini juice it's fucking awesome especially for WD/hangunders

>> No.10521948

Does anyone have kids?
I don't see my kid very often but I am this weekend.
It's making me feel things.
Tomorrow we're going to walk around a pond and look at the birds.
And that's going to be what keeps me alive for another year

>> No.10521949

Haha for real

>> No.10521951

Haven't drank since December 31st. I'm done drinking for good. These threads are a good reminder to stay off the shit.

>> No.10521966


>> No.10521978
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>> No.10521989


gotta do whatcha gotta do

>> No.10521992


That was YOU, you little bitch? And now you're still talking shit! I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Marines, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.10521994

what's up mate
I didn't want to respond because I thought it'd bind me to you
And you need me more than I need you.

whatever, I don't care anymore
Tell me what's up
I'll ignore you probaby
Or I'll read it and give some insight or whatever
What I say doesn't matter

>> No.10522013

please help

>> No.10522020
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>> No.10522030

>>Visual Studio and Code Blocks open
Wonder what he was working on.

>> No.10522040

Damn anon. Why can't you see more often??
I hope you have a stellar day.

>> No.10522056

Once you start getting blackouts, it becomes easier and easier to get them. Kind of like how once youve been knocked out, your jaw is never the same again.

>> No.10522078

I can't remember half my day when I was drinking. My wife was forever telling me semi-important things I forget later that day or the next day.
I'd hate to compare my 38 year old brain to someone who didn't kill their brain with alcohol.

>> No.10522084

We were just kids in our 20s.
The law works as it does. She gets him during the week and I get him the rest. If I do.
We were just fucking kids. None of us were ready.
I'm glad in a way that she's taken to it as well as she's had. Not that I haven't contributed.

He's just 4. Good at numbers and letters and even quite honestly good at spelling.
We're going to do Playdoh tomorrow morning.

I want to do better by him. I will be someone everyone can respect.

>> No.10522106

I haven't drank in 5 days. First day was uncomfortable. Felt bloated on day two and 3. Now I feel good. And my face looks so much less bloated. Like my cheekbones are sticking out

>> No.10522131

Sounds like you are doing the best you can anon. Just lay off the booze. You can be the best day you make of yourself.

>> No.10522139

Good for you anon. I'm on day 3 today. Still experiencing terrible shits, but that'll pass. At least the worst of it is over. I can't go back, because I'm already on deaths door bc of this poison.

>> No.10522182
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>be sous chef
>going to be a busy brunch tomorrow
>manager has decreed that we have a brand new dishwasher and a new line cook on to be trained
>i told him to eat a bag of dicks, but he wont budge on this
>pic related
>need to be up in 6 hours and i'm still pounding back scotch
this brunch might be the hill i die on lads
its been nice drinking with you

>> No.10522190

That new dishwasher will work harder in his shift than you have in the entire month
Baby bitch

>> No.10522192

Damn anon. Please pound a heap of water and sleep. Good luck with the brunch!!

>> No.10522222

go fuck yourself, shitlips, you dont know shit about how hard i work
luck isnt going to be a factor, but thanks for the sentiment anon

>> No.10522231

Drank 8 beers a few hours ago and feel nauseous. What do? Wait to puke or drink some tequila?

>> No.10522234

How do you transfer drunk confidence into sober confidence?

>> No.10522244

Nice quints
But look, can't you realise? Every ounce of work you do, a dishwasher does double. It's inherent in the relationship
Oh it's busy for you?
Imagine what's it's like for him. Since there's only one of him and like 5 sous-chefs.
Think about that again. 1 of him, 5 of you.
Does more work. Is in more stress.

Think again who goes cleans up the puke some toddler throws up. Not you. The dishwasher.
Who unclogs toilets?
Who brings up supplies from the basement?
Only the dishwasher.

All you niggers need to do is chop up shit

>> No.10522257

Half Jap half black

>> No.10522264

Is going 100 days sober a possible thing if you're not a middle aged housewife?

>> No.10522275

i show up 2 hours before anyone else, do the set up, prep, and on shift i cook proteins, poach the eggs, and help plate, as well as making sure that the line cooks arent fucking shit up, which includes training new people on the fly.
all the fucking dishwasher needs to do is play hot water tetris, which i know, because i did it for a year and a half, and its easy as shit if you arent a fucking monkey.
you dont know shit anon

>> No.10522276


>> No.10522280

good post

>> No.10522281

Lenny Kravitz

>> No.10522293

You got fucked then, bud
At the last few restaurants, the dishwasher did all of that AND got paid less.
The actual cooks were super stars who got paid 3 times more than anyone and never did anything.

The work was divided between dishwasher/busboy, then basic bitch chef, then waiter/maitre d, and then "real" chef.

In the kitchen, the actual chefs wouldn't come in for 2 hours after we actually did all the prep

>> No.10522297


>> No.10522420

i wanna fucking die

>> No.10522451

420 checked

>> No.10522551

Yeah pretty dank post I suppose.
The thing is, it's like when you think you wanna die... I mean I don't know maybe you actually do. But there are things that can happen in your life, there just are. I mean you think nothing can ever happen for you and so on and so forth or you can never stop drinking because your life is a psychological and or physical hell without it, I mean these can be real truths. But I mean seriously, I don't have any hope. But I'm telling you I've seen good things that can happen for people who are worlds worse than me. I'm lucky enough to have some people in my life even if they are remote. I drink less than I used to because it's too much for me anymore even though I'm drunk now and clearly have a problem.
There are things that can happen if you don't give up altogether. It's possible.

>> No.10522599

Eat something, it helps.
Fast food is usually a good choice you want something with lots of fat.

>> No.10522630
File: 58 KB, 900x300, PBF126-One_More_Day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been absent from /ck/ for about 18 months. During that time, I had a liver transplant. No more chugging whiskey for me. By the way, /ck/ hasn't changed even slightly. The same threads are still being posted.

>> No.10522638

>nearest fast food place is a 20 minute drive away
>too paranoid about driving around with potential alcohol still in my system/fuel costs too much because 4WD

The lack of Uber eats or any real proper fast food delivery system here is probably the only reason I'm still not a fat fuck.

>> No.10522643

Stopped posting in these on account of massive faggotry within. ie:
>blackout and leaving crying voicemails edition
For fucks sake, it's one thing to be an alchy, it's another to be a disgraceful fag.

>> No.10522706

How old are you anon? I'm 41 now and I have cerrosis of the liver and kidney disease. I'm 2 weeks sober but I'm guessing it's too little too late.

>> No.10522816
File: 166 KB, 900x900, miracle beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left a couple of beers in the freezer last night and they didn't explode per usual, so that's quite the positive in my books.

>> No.10522826

just drink it warm faggot

>> No.10522836

>Dr Tims
Lmao my brother, just get Sparkling longies

>> No.10522843

the moment they're $38 a carton, will do.

>> No.10522975

>painkillers kicking in
>nausea dissipating
>starting to feel a tiny bit human again
>time for a drink

>> No.10522978

Drank a lot but hopefully not too much. I have a quarter bar under my tongue and hope I'm lulled peacefully to sleep. Drinking sparkling water too in hopes I don't wake up extremely dehydrated.

Any al/ck, /s have tips on how to mitigate hangovers the night before?

>> No.10522993

>The fatalistic tone in these threads is gay
Groundbreaking stuff man, you should write a book>>10519521

>> No.10523001
File: 42 KB, 625x417, Jack-Torrance1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally free. But my GOD, man... That was a huge chunk of my life that's non-refundable. 99% of my friends are long gone and their tales of dealing with me are probably not fond ones. If they have not deleted me from their memories entirely as a non-entity. It's a case of 'What now?'.

>> No.10523009

why do the liquor store ppl gotta look so good

i feel even worse than usual

>> No.10523036

I'm considering applying to my local big box liquor store. I clean up well, it's evidently the thing I'm most passionate about, and they're hiring

>> No.10523049

That would honestly be a depressing job, seeing the same pathetic fucks like myself come in daily and seeing them rot away over time. That and having to deal with drunken dickheads who get angry when you deny them service.

>> No.10523052

If it makes you feel any better, I hope to one day be where you are. At least with, "what now?" you have innumerable options ahead of you. I hope I get off this ride as soon as possible so I feel like I have the same sort of freedom, if that makes sense. I dunno, I'm drunk and rambling

>> No.10523060

Honestly, I don't mind turning down assholes if they're assholes to me. I'm a similar rotter myself, so maybe it would help me gain perspective. I hear what you're saying, though. There are definitely possible pros and definite cons.

>> No.10523067

If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been sober? And what helped you the most? I can entertain ideas of extended sobriety, but the idea of committing to quitting forever scares and perplexes the shit out of me.

>> No.10523074

That JRE podcast story where he mentioned talking to a bartender who wanted to quit kinda fucked me up for some reason, now I don't go to bars but still, there's only 2 liquor shops in my small town and I switch between them so they don't see me going there daily.

>> No.10523086

Anthony Bourdain needs to tell us his secrets, dude was a hardcore heroin junkie, quit but can still chill out with people over some beers instead of the FUCK EVERYTHING approach almost all addicts use.

>> No.10523159
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Same age
Good luck getting listed for a transplant if you haven't already quit drinking. When your skin starts turning yellow, quit drinking and head to the ER. They'll hopefully get you listed before it's too late. There are A LOT of people waiting for livers and kidneys.

>> No.10523204
File: 288 KB, 1334x2000, iwoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get one of these? I think it'd help me to stop.

>> No.10523224

What happened?
My biological mom is a dumpster fire.

She vanished around when I was about eight and resurfaced in a halfway house. She had spent years homeless and drinking extensively. But she quit in her mid 40's. She became stone sober. It didn't matter. That was like putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger. It didn't matter that that the bullet was going to take decades to reach you. Now she's in her early 70's and we just found out she's in the last stages of cirrhosis.

I hit 40 in June. I can't say I drank as much as she did but when I wasn't working I was drinking.

>> No.10523403
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>be employed
>superiors expect you to do the work your being payed to do

>> No.10523410

What up al/ck/ first time posting in one of these
I tried to kill myself i was drinking a lot beforehand, i spent 3 weeks on the hospital now I'm back at work i just downed 350ml of rum i hate my current situation as,to say i don't hate Mt life that's going to make me want to kill myself what up lol

>> No.10523413

If you could drop everything, leave the country and start a whole new life - working TEFL, shopping organic food markets, buying weed on the high street, buying very cheap booze and fucking multiple teenagers, would you do it?

>> No.10523414
File: 32 KB, 604x604, 1464094057968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw family member found my empty can/bottle stash

>> No.10523417

how did you try to be kill?

>> No.10523428
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, 0429181040_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut my arm with a gillete razor blade, severing the big vein/arterie that you have on the top of your arm, and also cut the underside of the arm
Then i cut my neck with another gillete, i was aiming for the jugular and when i cut my neck i, bled a,lot so i though i cut it but turns out i didn't, however i lost a lot of blood, to the point of losing conciousness, a lit bit deeper and ids be dead right now lol

>> No.10523437

so what did you just wake up and were like welp hospital time since im still alive or did someone find you?

>> No.10523439

it really is surprisingly difficult to kill yourself. thing it, it's always a spur of the moment thing. it's a point at which there is absolutely no hope left and in an instant i want to die. i never have time in that instant to acquire a shotgun or a syringe filled with heroin. there aren't any tall buildings here, i don't own a car and the only meds i've got are paracetamol, which i'm told cause a long, painful death. then once the feeling has passed i'm too scared to equip myself with those things because i'm absolutely fucking sure i'd kill myself before too long.

>> No.10523467

People found me

I shared my suicide through videos to my internet friends group since i thought it would be cool for them to witness a suicide
Turns out the tuviera tried to save me
By telling everyone

>> No.10523473

I decided that if I ever get to that point, I'll take out my kayak on my favorite secluded river, a bottle of good whiskey and a .45 with one round. Not so bad.

>> No.10523479

Razors take too long, unless you tell no one, even for fun
Cut your neck. It will get you dead in minutes if you man up and cut even depeer than me and hit your yugular
I got 27 stitches

>> No.10523482

Nice, too bad i dont have access to guns, Im latino
I will overdose next time without telling anyone, though

>> No.10523485

sounds stressful and painful. i'd much rather OD on smack, or maybe explode. don't have enough bombs handy.

>> No.10523500

Started at 16, would have been considered a heavy drinker from 17-21. Once I turned 21 and could buy it, went full blown alcoholic for about 10 months without knowing about withdrawals. Got them when I stopped, and they fucked me up good. From then on, it has been on and off. The kindling has taken effect, and now I withdraw hard even if I’ve only drank for more than 3 days. Also, I used to have self control. Now if I drink a beer or take a shot, I am guaranteed to go buy a bottle of vodka. Don’t know what the fuck happened. I am 10 days sober now though.

>> No.10523535

what to get a liquor store? I'm a complete noob. I always get red wine cause I'm recovering from heart disease.

>> No.10523554

I can't choose which hooker to fuck.
Man it must be shit living in countries where it's illegal. I have an infinite menu of hotness available instantly online, and all the competition keeps the qtness up and the price down.
I legit might order 2. in 15 mins one could be rimming me while the other sucks me off. Scared to think how much I've spent on this shit, you can literally call them drunk at 2am and ask them to send hotties within like 15 minutes.

>> No.10523567


>> No.10523611

Where do you guys get these benzos? Are they from a doc or are they research chemicals? If so what's a good store? I know for sure none if those are on the street. Really want to get benzos and lock myself in my room for a week.

>> No.10523620

I just went to the doc. I told him I had been drinking and did't have any luck quitting on my own. Instant scrip.

>> No.10523625

Whoa wtf are these actually legit? I've seen hookers on back page before they shut it down who were ugly as sin and clearly shooting up dope asking $100. Really sucks living in the land of the free.

>> No.10523630

street whores here will fuck you for £5. Not even kidding. Same as drugs, make them illegal and the price rockets as the quality plummets. Google "london escorts", there are literally thousands to choose from 24/7.

>> No.10523638

so the doctor willfully made you an opiate addict to stop you from being an alcoholic?

literally trying to kill you. i'd report him

>> No.10523640

benzos aren't opiates.

>> No.10523647

1) nobody said anything about opiates, foolio.
2) I haven't had a drink, or taken any other drug, in 1 year 7 months. Benzos work.

>> No.10523655

misread, but the fact of the matter is, prescribing something that kills you with alcohol to an alcoholic is medical malpractice and punishable by loss of license. period.

>> No.10523703

i'm sure he knew what he was doing and it wasn't attempted murder he had in mind. i've been prescribed valium for boozing, i mean it is the very first thing you'll get in detox. plus it's not a fatal mix, it's an exaggeration, which is a shame. but i've popped the things like smarties for years while drunk, everyone around here does if they have them.

>> No.10523802

That's alot

>> No.10523820

Said no one ever

>> No.10523860

Everyone's gotta die once
I wouldnt stress over cirrhosis in 30years

>> No.10523861

what should I get at liquor store

>> No.10523878

ah yes, trying not to vomit while forcing cheap vinegary wine down my throat

>> No.10523884

Holy water
*kendrick intensifies*

>> No.10523888

feels like a Sailor Jerry kind of day to me, desu

>> No.10523904

Get some nice juice
like peaches or grapes

>> No.10523908

Stop doing this to yourself

>> No.10523940

Woke up in my bed with a charger that wasn't mine and I don't remember going from my basement to my room or even my guests leaving. I also sent an innocent one word text but I don't remember doing that. Is this a black out?

>> No.10523944

Do you remember everything?
Yeah, then you had a blackout

>> No.10523998

>yen have a trashy gf named Shazza

>> No.10524026
File: 14 KB, 300x354, Tecate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The superior beer. Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner!

>> No.10524033

Me and my boys bought at least 9 cases of beer this weekend. Stopping half way on the 4th day bender; basically no hangover/withdraw (thanks to drinking beer).
I think I actually did it perfect this time boys.
Just wanted to share an inspirational story.

>> No.10524052

Garbage dope. The China is the only way to fly. If you can find it. Expensive? Not when you need SO much less than that Mexican Mud you're shooting.

>> No.10524079

All kitchen work is a bitch.
As long as they are pulling their weight everyone deserves respect.

>> No.10524104

IME the cans usually don't. Usually. The bottles? Every fucking time.

>> No.10524121


>> No.10524123

i got a dvt in my right arm 10 years ago.

get that shit checked out. it could break off and hit your lung,brain or heart.

deep vein thrombosis aka blood clot

>> No.10524128

Unless you have more save the benzo for when you wake up. The sparkling water is good because it stops you from drinking way to much water. And if you need to puke the carbonation will make that happen earlier.

>> No.10524175

i am you

>> No.10524196

>Started drinking around 16
>became a full on alcoholic at 21
>I'm 30 now
I only drink beer and have managed to drink mostly only every other day. I don't think I can cut back any farther than this. It's been a nightmare just getting to this point. Anyone else?

>> No.10524209

I worked in a liquor supermarket and the hardcore alkyd were the best to deal with. My store opened in between 7:30/8:30 AM to take deliveries. Place had a huge parking lot and there would be people waiting for usually me who got there at 8AM or the owner who would sometimes show up at 930. I made the mistake of giving my cell to a lawyer who would call on my days off. I lived real close so on owner days he'd blow up my phone but him and the other rich alkyd would usually pool up a kitty for me which would equal between 50-100 bux as long as they were served before the bums and tightass tradies. Plus a lot of keep the change shit because it took time to set up the cc/debit card machine. And the bums wouldn't get mad since "he gotta get his he didn't have to show". The tradies were assholes to a one. I served them all unless they gave me shit.At least the bums would clean the parking lot for a half pint of swill. All the tradies sid was bitch.

>> No.10524226

Believe me they know you. And your habits. And if you're not an asshole we don't care. Liquor stores work on the 20/80 rule.

>> No.10524255

That's not being an alcoholic. I work at a rehab center. Being an alcoholic is checking out of life by drinking instead all the time. Take the Michigan Alcohol Screening test. I get binge drinker but that's it. I control myself in public and drink when I'm stressed but I can stop whenever. I haven't drank in 6 days because I want to be sharp for finals week.

>> No.10524298

Binge drinking is probably the best way to describe my drinking now. I don't drink until after work at night, but when I do, I usually clear a 12 pack in under 3 hours, and then pass the fuck out.

>> No.10524304

I blacked out and I'm worried about how I was acting around my friends because I got really drunk. Is this The Fear?

>> No.10524308

I find it best to just ask them, don't worry, if you were acting like a jackass they won't hesitate to tell you.

>> No.10524311

doesn't sound like it

>> No.10524319

20% alco / 80% not so often customer? Or visa versa?

>> No.10524353

Yeah I just asked one of them and they said I was fine. Thank fucking god.

>> No.10524355

there's always next time

>> No.10524429

Last night my brother came home black out drunk. Today he woke up and we had a deep conversation about his inability to stop and my ability to quit after 2 beers. He wants to quit. He gave me all his whiskey and beer (Which is a lot that I don't think I'll ever go through). I feel great that he wants to quit and do it before it gets a lot worse, but I also feel sad since I lost a drinking buddy. I also know I'll feel guilty anytime I have 1 drink now.

>> No.10524444

moment of clarity, won't last.

>> No.10524495

Been off booze for 140 days

>> No.10524529

The Fear is a part of withdrawal when you're losing your mind and feel like you are dying.

>> No.10524568

gj anon keep it up

>> No.10524597

i grieve in stereo

>> No.10524627

Holy shit , I just realized how sad this saying is

>> No.10524632

>attempting to diminish another guys problem
>doesn't acknowledge his own problem

>> No.10524637

He will drink the same day he did that. Because of guilt.

>> No.10524646

You could try etizolam. It's a lot like Xanax mixed with valium. It's an RC in a lot of places so you can typically buy it on the clearweb

>> No.10524657

>nostalgic music from the times when drunk you could take on the whole world edition
anyone here 30 and low?

>> No.10524668

Typical sunday funday anxiety, i just wanna die

>> No.10524670
File: 102 KB, 409x306, 1524951626300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink last night
>wake up with almost no hangover
>have a sandwich a few hours later
>suddenly feel sick to my stomach and my head is cloudy again

>> No.10524680

I usually save my benzos until the hangover starts and I start to experience "the fear"

>> No.10524687


My hangovers always start with a two hour grace period of foggyness and comfort followed by several hours of light vomitting and headaches followed by several hours of heavy vomiting and headaches

>> No.10524697

It's like the upper part of my spine hurts and I haven't been able to get rid of it for a couple days now. I've used a heat pad.

>> No.10524699

Typical sunday funday anxiety, i just wanna die

>> No.10524705

>under the toungue

>> No.10524709

yeah I nicked that artery once, it wasn't even intentional it was a workplace injury where a nail sliced through my arm, every few seconds my arm would spurt out blood like a waterfall it was really fucking unsettling

>> No.10524736

I get that in both of my shoulders/arms from sleeping on my arms when I go to bed. It's a hard habit to break.

>> No.10524746

That's why you shouldn't eat anything ;)

>> No.10524801

Tommorow will be better. I know it

>> No.10524803

lmao, no it won't. I tell myself the same shit, every time I drink heavily. It never is.

>> No.10524806

anyone else have nerve damage? my left foot has started to feel like its falling asleep randomly after i really cranked up the drinking.

>> No.10524813

but it is, otherwise...

>> No.10524824

You will drink just like me tommorow. And you will say to yourself: it is only one/two beers to kill the emberassement n shit. But it won't stop at two.

>> No.10524843

No need to be a cock, dude. Just let him hope

>> No.10524854

It never truly ends, for any of us.

>> No.10524864

So what, stop being an asshole

>> No.10524866

You could try kratom, but that's basically swapping one substance for another

>> No.10524895

i have annoying tingling in my hands and feet, apparently it's alcoholic neuropathy.
i also have restless leg syndrome, which if stats are to be believed increases my chances of suicide about as much as alcohol does.

>> No.10524899

>swapping one substance for another
why do people make out like this is a bad thing? if one if less toxic than the other then you should do it instantly.

>> No.10524918

How do i get into drinking?

>> No.10524922

The doctor said the same for me. Its actually made me stop drinking since it was the first sign I was destroying my body besides obvious things like weight gain, hangovers, and depression.

>> No.10524924


>> No.10524926

Nothing to it but to do it. Tip up the cup and throw your hands up. Seriously though just drink, if you don't like it you'll stop. If you do, you won't

>> No.10524928

has this been memed in al/ck/ before? it seems like a natural theme tune for the thread


>> No.10524934

protip: dont

>> No.10524941

>OMG I just can't into adult lol
Embarrassing. Delete your post

>> No.10524952

My life is basically exactly like this except without minecraft and candy. Only old vidya for me.

>> No.10524960

is this the first time you've ever encountered satire?

>> No.10524963

This stuff was funny when I was like 19-20. Now that im 28 and actually failing in life and not joking about it , its pretty sad.

>> No.10524972

A comedian who had a middling sketch show in a backwater film channel ten years ago doing a white rap sketch about "lol adulting" for comedy central's YouTube channel. Yeah, I'm sure it's just satire

>> No.10524974

I just don't think it matters from my perspective. Ever since my friends and I all moved to different states I just don't care about anything anymore. There's no one around to judge me or see what I'm up to.

>> No.10524976

>There's no one around to judge me or see what I'm up to.
bliss, am jelly

>> No.10525003

It's a really solitary life but it's not bad if you can handle living that way. It's easier for me because I'm 28, not once in my life have I ever had a girlfriend, so it's like I don't have that same companionship mechanism or something, I don't know. Only son as well so I've been on my own my entire life. At least I know my real friends are still my friends and we still talk occasionally, so there's that. Otherwise I literally never talk to anyone other than bartenders, cashiers, and my parents who not only don't hate me but I actually have a good relationship with them.
No social life outside of that though anymore.

>> No.10525007

bunch of sourpusses in tonight

>> No.10525013

I stopped drinking a year ago. Then two monthes ago I started again, it became a daily thing immediately. Fuggg

>> No.10525017

I just meant that it wouldn't technically count as going "sober", but it certainly seems to be less toxic than alcohol

>> No.10525021

this happens to literally everyone who tries to quit, you just make the sober spots longer over time. Not giving you le drunk pep talk, that's just always the pattern

>> No.10525024

Sobriety is a load of shit in modern society. We're all bombarded with dozens of chemicals engineered to fuck us over on a daily basis. Find the best fix you can and stick with it

>> No.10525025

I've never quit for that long. In the past 10 years since I started drinking I don't think I've ever been sober for much longer than a month at a time.
But shit though when you manage to go without for a long stretch for yourself and pick up that drink again and it immediately becomes daily. I know that feel.

>> No.10525084

I had a period a couple of years ago when i drank friday-sunday nights. But now I only drink on Saturdays. Some fridays too. My tinnitus gets worse and the hangovers are too much too handle if I drink more than two days in a row. So kind of, yeah.

>> No.10525100

>tfw decide it's a good idea to buy a 70cl bottle of rum and after the first few sips decide to drink it all in one night because being drunk feels too nice
>got extremely dizzy and vomited it all back out

>> No.10525106

yeah there are people who say the stuff is bad for you

>> No.10525107

if you can't handle one bottle o rum you're in the wrong thread, stop trying to hang out with us and do your homework. we're not doing it for fun gtfo

>> No.10525112

someone's going to accuse me of being preachy, as if encouraging noobs not to become lifelong alckys is somehow selfish. drunks are such shitty people

>> No.10525116

>28, never had gf
dammit anon. sort that shit out. such a shit thing to be hooked up on. get a learner girlfriend, a fattie, or for an instant, live-in, thin gf, buy an eighth of smack and go tell the nearest relatively attractive addict and tell her she's coming home with you. she won't leave until the bag is gone. get them when they're just started and they're still hot too. you could solve a 3-decade-long problem in an afternoon.

>> No.10525129

How bout you stop preaching and mind your own fucking business for once in your life

>> No.10525137

I've taken the test. I don't have a problem. I've never blown off anything to drink. It's never made my life unmanageable. And I don't drink anytime I want to do something else. In this case I want to score well on my tests so a week before the first one I stopped and have been getting great sleep and studying. He doesn't go to work drunk. He doesn't blow anything off to drink. The only bad thing is that he's getting a fuckload of calories from beer and not getting good sleep. Unless he exercises often and watches his diet this isn't good.

>> No.10525142

you cheeky so and so


>> No.10525164

I appreciate your support. But I don't get charged up about women anymore like I did when I was younger. I think about the concept of getting involved with new people and I just think to myself, "why". That goes for making new friends as well, not just gf prospects.
I'm not shutting myself off to the idea completely but I'm just telling you how I honestly feel. I don't know how to just turn a dime and change that.

>> No.10525376

i cant get a girl to text me back

>> No.10525385

Finally told my whole family what I really think of them and told them all to never contact me again.

Actually don't regret it at all, I'm sick of my entire family.

My brother constantly without fail being a dick everywhere he goes even when people are helping him (ME).

My sister who's a shallow godless whore

My father who never answers his fucking phone despite being on it 24/7 like a 16yo girl

My brothers bitch wife who uses me like every other whore on earth, repairing her fucking car, bringing her places, fixing shit around her house.

Fuck it all, I'm done. I WILL NOT speak to any of them anymore.

Going to cancel my cell phone contract in the morning

>> No.10525416

*swelling banjos*

>> No.10525443

Lmao, you're a joke to your family

>> No.10525444


>> No.10525449


>> No.10525452

I usually like to make drastic and permanent life decisions when I'm drunk too. It just makes good sense.

>> No.10525455

embrace of the dreadful phobiaaaaa!

more drunks need to get into metal, it's so satisfying

>> No.10525463

Venom's Welcome To Hell is so good when I day drink on the weekends

>> No.10525474

If you've heard one metal song you've heard them all.

>> No.10525491

>If you've heard one metal song you've heard them all.

i was gonna post a brainlet meme but hiroshima is determined to fuck up his already broken website and i cant post shit

>> No.10525499


I would disagree but it's not like I'm recruiting. If you don't like it it's cool

>> No.10525525

You did the right thing.
I can't be absolutely sure obviously, but if they truly are as you describe them then fuck em.

>> No.10525530


>> No.10525532

Not for me my dude.
I prefer the blues and the old rock'n'roll.

>> No.10525631

Can someone make a new thread, It keep sasying fucking upload failed

>> No.10525677

Day after my 21st birthday, my cousin died of throat cancer. I didn't know him that well, but for some reason I just started drinking.

>> No.10525762

A new thread won't fix the messed up images. It's best to wait until page 8 or 9 so there won't be two al/ck/ generals in the catalog at the same time for very long

>> No.10525767

I'll venmo someone $3 if they can make a gif of the scene in terminator 2 where arnold says, "I now know why you cry" and replace it with, "I now know why you drink"

>> No.10525772

if there are two alck generals then you post in the one that doesnt have 340 posts. obviously
not that it matters because the website is fucked

>> No.10525813

There's just no being reasonable with assholes like that. Even if you apologize for fucking up they'll try to twist your words and escalate the situation.

>> No.10525818

apologizing in general isnt going to make people like you more, in fact its more likely to make people dislike you. Apologizing draws attention to your fuckups

>> No.10525892

I Quit d rink on friday. Now I only do meth and benzos for the withdrawal symptoms. Meth is way better than alcohol. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10525915


>> No.10526128

you niggers need some professional help godamn
what the fuck happened that made you cunts so self destructive