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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10519866 No.10519866 [Reply] [Original]

I just fucking love garlic. Do you like garlic? How much do you like garlic? Would you say that you are dealing with a garlic addiction?

My friends refuse to eat my food because they say it's too garlick-y, even when I put so little in that I can barely taste it. I haven't yet worked out if I use too much or they're just gigantic bitches.

Four cloves of garlic crushed up and put into a rub isn't that much for four chickenbreast pieces, is it?

God I love garlic.

>> No.10519886

>tfw made aglio olio for dinner and ate enough for three people
How can do much garlic taste so mild? Duck o want it again

>> No.10519895

fuck your friends garlic is great

>> No.10519899

There's a Portugese or Spanish soup that uses at least a cup of garlic. Check it out.

>> No.10519903

it might just mean you're not cooking it properly. If you cook it enough, the harsh flavor goes away and you're left with sweetness.

I love garlic too. I intentionally limit how much I use though, so that my cooking doesn't become inoffensive to others.

>> No.10519914

I used to use a ton of garlic but its so expensive.

>> No.10519915

I mean, it was just mixed with a little oil, paprika and pepper and rubbed on the chicken before being wrapped in bacon and baked at 200C for 25 minutes. Basted once while cooking.

I thought it was wonderful, but I was told that it was practically inedible due to the garlic.

>> No.10519927
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The other day I was told by a friend that using fresh garlic is pointless because powdered garlic is just as good.

>> No.10519929

guys tell me, is 30 seconds cooking time a meme? whenever i do this the garlic still seems raw a fuck but i've been brainwashed to think that anything over 30 seconds and i'll have a bitter mess on my hands. pls help

>> No.10519937

What, like, boiled garlic? 30 seconds seems very low.

>> No.10519954
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yeah boiled

>> No.10520368
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i use to eat loads of it to cure my worms, but now it just reminds me of that whole mess

>> No.10520381

Probably depends on your specific stove. Just leave it until it doesn't smell raw anymore. Easier if you're using a lot of garlic.

>> No.10520552
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Fuck yeah, garlic's great. Rubbing a raw clove onto a piece of toast and throwing on a bit of oil and salt makes a great snack.

I like to keep a few bulbs sprouting on the windowsill, the leaves have a mild garlic taste, and they look good in sour cream or as garnish.

>> No.10521264

how well does the jar method work? does the garlic taste as good as usual?

>> No.10521328

It's a bit hit and miss to be honest, some bulbs grow a foot high in a fortnight, some don't grow at all. I'm not sure what the difference is, but it's basically zero effort so I don't mind if I end up throwing some out.

The leaves taste exactly the same, just less strong. I'd put a chop a large one into two scrambled eggs.

>> No.10521355

The only time I don't like garlic is when it's pasted, but chopped, minced, and whole clove is great.

>> No.10521363



>> No.10522382
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Fuck, even in Alaska you can buy a netted bag of garlic the same weight as those (((cuties))) for like 7-8bucks. I never buy 'lic at a regular grocer because of the jewry. I just keep it in a drawer in my fridge by itself. Fyi anon.

>> No.10522400

I used to love garlic. Now I can smell it fifty yards downwind. When you stop eating plants your olfactory sense gets super sensitive. Even a bit of granulated garlic in steak spice makes me stink for days. Carnivory cured all my addictions, not just garlic.

>> No.10523198

Why don't you eat plants?

>> No.10523202

How not to stink garlic when consuming it?
I love it but my boss and coworkers complain about the smell

>> No.10523210

They can feel pain

>> No.10523219

Just gotta cook them well enough, making sure they're completely dead before you devour them.

>> No.10523235
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>How much do you like garlic

Eat like 3-5 cloves a day.

>> No.10523248

>I love it but my boss and coworkers complain about the smell
Dude, lay off the garlic. If both your coworkers and your fucking boss are already openly complaining you may be looking for a new job very soon if you dont mend your garlic eating ways.

>> No.10523294

I love the idea of garlic, and I use it a lot when I cook. However, I don't think I can actually taste it. Even when I add what seems like too much garlic, it still taste the same to me.

Am I broken? Considering that peeling garlic is a pain in the ass I might as well just skip it if me body can even appreciate it.

>> No.10523313

I feel similarly, but it seems to be that, after a few weeks, I get used to the level of garlic I'm using and would have to increase the amount to taste it directly. However, I choose not too because I know that's not sustainable. Pretty soon I'd be using 100 cloves in everything.
but is there anything I can do to taste the garlic more? Potentially just like... a way to practice tasting it and picking it out from many flavors?
I think that, even if you don't taste it directly, though, it's enhancing the flavor of the other ingredients, so I wouldn't stop using it entirely.

>> No.10523337

Garlic changes flavor depending on how long you cook it. Raw garlic has a quite strong bite. The longer it cooks the more it mellows out. So, either add garlic later in your cooking, or if you want to cook it for a long time then add a lot of garlic at the beginning.

>>peeling is a pain in the ass
put garlic on cutting board. smack it with the flat of your knife. The skin comes off very easily. You can even combine this step with mincing your garlic. If you want big pieces then smack it gently. If you want it minced fine then smack it hard. Either way the skin falls right off.

>> No.10523390

>Considering that peeling garlic is a pain in the as
This is how I know you can't cook shit because peeling garlic is easy as shit.

>> No.10523409

>aglio olio
I cooked it the other day but the garlic ended up kind of dry and flavourless.

Not sure how I fucked up, just less cooking time I guess.

>> No.10523513
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A friend told me she prefers garlic crushed with a garlic press. I usually only cut it. Is it that much of a difference? Is crushed only for some specific recipes?

>> No.10523514
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Cooking hack:

You ever seen those clumps of weird-looking grass like this? Then when you pick them, they smell kinda like onions? That's actually wild garlic.

Get a spade and carefully dig out the clump trying not to damage anything. Clean off all the dirt and you'll see a ton of little garlic bulbs. Go wash everything off then chop up everything, greens and all. Bam. That ridiculously fragrant pile you are left with is a stronger and sweeter tasting garlic.

>> No.10523534

Dude, I live in the city not a farm. I haven't seen wild anything except on TV.

>> No.10523553

>I live in the city
my condolences

>> No.10523555

>My friends refuse to eat my food because they say it's too garlick-y
i literally eat raw garlic
cant get much garlick-y than that

>> No.10523571

Any recipe that I've tried that has garlic never has enough and I always end up tripling/quadrupling the amount

>> No.10523573
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>tfw garlic confít smell hits my nostrils

>> No.10523585

It's not hard but when you need 10+ cloves each time you use it, it can be a little annoying

>> No.10523588

And I live 20 minutes outside the city. People still have lawns, nigga.

>> No.10523636

>put into a rub
You rub in between the skin and the meat, I hope.

>> No.10523644
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you crush garlic with your knife when you're slicing it so there's not much of a difference.
A garlic press is a unitasker that is a bitch to clean so I never use it; and I unironically look down on people who use it.
Pro-tip: sprinkle a good bit of coarse salt over your crushed cloves and start cutting. The salt will make the garlic stick together and render a nice paste-like heap of flavour.

>> No.10523667

I use garlic oil for lube.

>> No.10524006

>when you need 10+ cloves each time you use it, it can be a little annoying

confirmed for not knowing the "shake in two bowls" method

>> No.10524200

Small bits of info like this is why I come here.

>> No.10524201


>> No.10524373

I get the best results taking it off the heat before it's quite "blonde" and slowly adding in half a mug of the pasta water. Seems to leave it right at the point where it's cooked right without just stopping it dead before you get the right consistency.

>> No.10524400

Do you have any tips for making my own garlic and chilli oil? I have a bunch of 200ml jars and I'd like to make my own but I don't know any ratios or really anything about flavouring oils.

>> No.10524439

Put chilli and garlic in oil

Leave in dark cupboard for ages

wa la

>> No.10524638
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Your friends might be babies...
you know the same kind of people who don't like onions, mushrooms, liver, celery, Brussels sprouts, mayonnaise, or things "too spicy." Also sometimes fresh garlic is as hot as really strong onions, so if you had tucked that underneath the bacon maybe it was just really surprisingly flavored, but not inedible. It doesn't make what you made good however. It might have been a flop in more ways than one.

If you can make coated-with-garlic rolls, swimming in garlic butter, then they actually like to consume garlic. But, if not... Maybe think of a way to garlic-ize your dishes after your cook them. You do have to cater to their tastes just a bit to maintain friendships. Roast whole bulbs of garlic and serve it like butter to yourself, to spread on bites as you go or enjoy with some fresh bread and olive oil. Make a yummy garlic-chili fresh harissa like paste and enjoy as a side to dab into with your fork before loading each bite. Pass around some fresh chimmichurri to pour over grilled meats, and don't be surprised if you're the only one. Make up a fresh bruschetta topping, like garlic, olive oil, salt pepper and fresh basil and ripe tomatoes, marinate a bit at room temp and spoon over your food or have on toast...call it a side or an appetizer if you need to do that. I think when you enjoy garlic in ways that bring more to the table than _just_ the garlic like with those herbs or tomatoes or chilies, you get some people to take more of a risk. Start mellow and work your way up to the raw fresh garlic.
>There's a Portugese or Spanish soup that uses at least a cup of garlic. Check it out.
It's delicious, and not too much of a stretch from french onion soup, with the toasted bread in it too.

As far as going to work smelling like garlic. Don't do that. Indulge in garlic on friday nights and wean off it. Be well showered, well exercised and get that out of your pores. It's indeed as offensive as curry.

>> No.10524954

I know a lot of people say to cook it until it just becomes fragrant, but i usually wait until just before it caramelizes, so it turns a light golden colour. I think that's the best timing, and has the best flavour. Probably a minute or so on medium-high.

>> No.10524997

nice tip will try later

>> No.10525004

Do you also ask for 'cha on your 'za?

>> No.10525038

When I first moved out and was learning how to cook I thought that a clove of garlic was an entire bulb. So if a recipe called for 3-4 cloves I would use 3-4 entire garlic bulbs. I made a few meals like this before I realized, and I've cooked with tons of garlic ever since.

When I was a kid my dad used to say there's no such thing as too much garlic

>> No.10525057
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The allicin that gives garlic its strong taste only forms when the cell walls are broken. Crushing just breaks a lot more cells. Try mixing some sliced and crushed garlic into a couple dishes of sour cream if you want to get a clear comparison.

If you've got a big knife you can just hold the blade off the side of your board and smash the shit out of it, but I think >>10523644's method combined with a bit of mashing is easier.

>> No.10525069

>Slamming on the knife INTO the blade
Please don't do this. Hold the knife so the blade faces away from you, and smash towards the spine moving out towards the edge.

>> No.10525103

yes, this seems like the best way to cut yourself. do this.

>> No.10525109


>don't cut your finger at worst, cut your fucking spine


>> No.10525126

Garlic is one of my favorite cooking ingredients, I like my dishes very garlic-y, fortunatly, my girlfriend like garlic as much if not more than me, when we feed other people home cooked dishes with garlic they usually say somthing like "wow, there is a lot of garlic in this". Garlic is much like spicy food, the more you eat the more you can tollerate and the more you have to put into food to appreciate.

>> No.10525144


>> No.10525148

I sometimes eat soo much raw garlic with salo, that nose starts to bleed by itself with liquidy blood.Doctor told me that shouldn't eat that much or I could get internal bleeding.

>> No.10525241

Exactly how much fucking raw garlic are you eating, my man

>> No.10525366

7 or 8 bucks?! Shit is $1.30 for 3 and $2.50 for a fucking sack of them in North Carolina

>> No.10525395

You're safe from vampires.

>> No.10525410

I fucking hate garlic. Holy water too

>> No.10525415

Sometimes I season my food with silver dust also

>> No.10525429

One clove per breast is nothing. But then again i tend to use a whole head of garlic when recipes call for just a clove or two. Im fairly convinced garliclets are an inferior species.

>> No.10525434

Wew lad

>> No.10525448


>> No.10525453

*the more you are able to appreciate

>> No.10525460


>> No.10525466

If you werent a faggot retard you would have read the whole post.
Anon was comparing the weight to a bag of oranges. Prolly 3-5 pounds.

>> No.10525485

>garlic straight into oil
How to get botulism the easy way.

>> No.10525494

Slav fatback, apparently. Not hard to look stuff up.

>> No.10525498

Açorda à Alentejana?
This soup?

>> No.10525505

Put peeled garlic cloves in a baking pan and fill with canola oil. Bake at 400 fahrenheit until the cloves are a dark brown. Now you have garlic oil and sweet mushy garlic cloves. It’s a French tradition, Garlic Confít

Never made chili oil but it can’t be too far from the garlic oil. Also this can be done on the stovetop it’s just preference

>> No.10525514

>bacteria growing in oil

>> No.10525526

i did. Somehow i missed the one out of 20 links that were applicable.

>> No.10525533

garlic is an antibiotic

>> No.10525562

>retards do this
this post is close to 'how to grow your own copper crystals'.

>> No.10525579

So it's literally just dump a shitload of garlic and chillis into some oil and then baking it for a little while?

>> No.10525583

Botulinum is anaerobic and will grow just fine in oil, using the garlic for nourishment.

>> No.10525629

like this guy said >>10525533
I dont know how anti bacterial it is but it does have some affect...right?

>> No.10525674

Yessir, at high temp

>> No.10525682


just be sure not to burn it or it gets bitter. but it's easy to tell, cause it'll turn black. So just brown it till it gets soft like anon says

>> No.10525683

Good times, thanks anon

>> No.10525686

>Botulinum is the most acutely lethal toxin known
Wanna play the odds?

>> No.10525696

Well, on the one hand, I get garlic, on the other hand, my life ends

It's win-win as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.10526106
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>Considering that peeling garlic is a pain in the ass

>> No.10526167

Not him, but it is more labor intensive per usable ounce of ingredient than any other aromatic. Got to peel each small clove off the head, bash it with a knife, then do the knifework. But a quarter to half a head for any decent recipe requires doing that a dozen times.

>> No.10526271

I chew it raw for it's health benefits

>> No.10526656

your friend isn't wrong

>> No.10526741

try just using a bigger knife and putting your bodyweight down on the flat part
should crush it enough that the clove naturally just slivers out of its skin

>> No.10526746
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>the absolute amount of simply outright wrong shit about garlic ITT

>> No.10526896

Garlic is actually a fruit

>> No.10527003

I admire the dedication of this post.

>> No.10527028

Do you have to put anything in the water?

>> No.10527185

I put a tiny pinch of sugar in because I feel like it helps, and a scrunched up bit of paper to support the roots, but I'm pretty it doesn't make any difference beyond looking tidier. Main thing is to change the water out occasionally so it doesn't go grody.

>> No.10527709

Good to see there are so many fellow garlic lovers on /ck/

>> No.10528172
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happen to be doing my recert today

>> No.10528529
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In Poland we often have cream of garlic soup in the south

>> No.10528545

I don't doubt it, your smoked kielbasa and kabonasy meat stick has a lot of garlic as the primary seasoning.