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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10519519 No.10519519 [Reply] [Original]

>Kevin Smith goes plant based

>> No.10519530

Weird, it only took a fucking heart-attack to change his mind.

>> No.10519533
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No nutrition

>> No.10519536

>it only took a *widowmaker
Those are usually fatal. If you're not in the hospital in like ten minutes you're pretty much fucked.

>> No.10519541
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>> No.10519613

He was thinner before. He was drinking tons of milk as a diet....

>> No.10519791

What an ugly faggot

>> No.10519800

Those are print outs from (((Dr. Goldberg))) at the New World Order.

Veganism is destructive to your body. Eat meat.

>> No.10519811
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>he thinks meat is a multivitamin

>> No.10519820

They aren't filled with eskimos, either.

>> No.10519836

When the brain of a vegan is deprived of the plethora of necessary nutrients easily attainable in even a 6oz piece of beef they often begin to develop these superiority complexes regarding their own health and way of life. Often times, vegans delude themselves that they are healthier than the average person because they'll choose a baked potato over a chicken breast and refrain from going to the hospital and seeing the doctor regularly.

They maybe healthier than some asshead eating fast food everyday, but they are not healthy mentally or physically. I've never met a vegan who didn't suffer from mental instability and that disgusting pallor.

>> No.10519849

..because there aren't as many vegans as there are gluttons

>> No.10519852
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>he thinks meat is a multivitamin

>> No.10519859
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>vegetarian men and women live 9.5 and 6.1 years longer

>> No.10519864
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>meat has necessary nutrients g-guys
Imagine how stupid you look right nope

>> No.10519869

>fuck this gay earth
with this knowledge i absolutely can not stop eating meat.

>> No.10519905
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>2 eggs a day for two years
>red meat multiple times a week
>drink plenty of whole milk
>recently had a blood test and everything came back squeaky clean
Do vegans ever get tired of being wrong (I know they're always tired because of the nutrient deficiencies but still)

>> No.10519918

You are a heinously stupid nigger.

>> No.10519933
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>> No.10519952

That's nutritional information for DRY BEANS. For COOKED BEANS they have about half as much protein.

Going vegan because you were previously an obese omnivore is just jumping from one extreme to the other. Eat a ton of vegetables and whole grains, and animal products in moderation and you'll most likely be fine.

>> No.10519969

compared to other people who control their diets or to the average person?

>> No.10520005

They don't allow themselves to see that they're wrong; their self righteousness turns into a pious arrogance that blinds them.

>> No.10520062

This is why I don't really get along with people who say being a vegan is healthier, but am more okay with the ones who are vegan for moral reasons even though I think lab-grown meat is a better solution to problems with modern animal farming.

>> No.10520073
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>Naming your daughter after a comic book character
>Naming your daughter after a comic book character you want to fuck
What a degenerate

>> No.10520088

The problem with lab-grown meat is that it's sure to fail hard in the flavor department, just like all other examples of modern technology being applied to food on an industrial scale (i.e. factory farming and monoculture & GMO crops).

It would be really nice if they bothered to improve the flavor too, but I doubt they will.

A solution to modern animal farming already exists. Heritage breeds and truly free-range farming. It IS expensive, but I don't see an issue with that. We eat too much meat as it is. We can easily replace massive amounts of shit-tier meat with smaller amounts of high quality meat for the same budget.

>> No.10520102
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You just need to look at anyone who has been vegan long term to see they are not mentally stable and very unhealthy. Our brains evolved to our current state largely thanks to cooked meat, cutting 100% of something we evolved off of is asking for problems.

That and any diet that NEEDS supplements is retarded.


>> No.10520116

>it's sure to fail hard in the flavor department
So far yes, there is no blood and the first person to eat one said it tasted like nothing.

Don't worry companies will make ground meat with additives that mimic blood.

Once it becomes fast food worthy it'll take over.
It might not be fore a few decades tho

>> No.10520120

why so hard on KS?

He fucking almost died from a lifetime of horrible diet.

Sure being a vegan ins't the best choice, but it probably is for him and his hardened arteries.

desperate times call for desperate measures

>> No.10520124

i believe you've never eaten meat or tasted blood. blood tastes coppery, even other animals. that would make meat taste disgusting, meat is drained while slaughtered

>> No.10520129

billy the puppet went trans... how stunning. how brave!

>> No.10520131

You have a severely limited education in a variety of areas.

>> No.10520137

I don't doubt they could make it good tasting. But I don't think they will given the current track record with crops and factory farmed meat. Empirically the focus has always been cheaper cheaper cheaper. Flavor is't even a factor. I don't see any reason to think things will be different this go-round.

>> No.10520148

They don’t get all of it dumbass and it is the reason why it tastes so good

Why does my steak bleed? Why does my ground beef drip red? Cause it has blood in it.

Also raw blood and cooked blood don't taste the same

you're fuckin dumb

>> No.10520154

Why does every vegan look like they're in their 90s.

>> No.10520155

>Why does my steak bleed? Why does my ground beef drip red?
You think you are seeing blood. You aren't. You're seeing myoglobin.

>> No.10520181

Yes that is there too, but they don't vacuum suck the blood out of the body and there is some left behind.

>> No.10520220


>> No.10520277
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>proof by example
Hey guys every omnivore looks like pic related
I'm not vegan but you're a fucking retard

>> No.10520653

Kevin Smith is the man. I might try that because I'm fat as fuck.

>> No.10520674

Guess all meatcucks cant spell based on this one instance ofeatcuckery. Are all meatcucks nutrient deficient? Survey says: Yes.

>> No.10521381

>The problem with lab-grown meat is that it's sure to fail hard in the flavor department
It probably will in the beginning, it'll most likely just be used in fast/frozen food at first. But I'm assuming at some point as the technology continues to develop someone will want to produce meat that can rival the highest quality "real" meat if it can be made at a lower cost.

>A solution to modern animal farming already exists. Heritage breeds and truly free-range farming.
Well an issue with it for some people is just how many animals have to be killed to feed everyone, so it doesn't solve that. I know it's natural to kill animals for food but if we can come up with an alternative where we get meat without having to kill for it, I don't see how it's a bad thing. Natural doesn't necessarily mean good.

>> No.10521401


>> No.10521579

So he's going to switch from a shitty diet of fats and sweets to a shitty diet of plants and fruits instead.

Why am I not surprised.

>> No.10521658

Vegans don't get heart disease. Are you retarded? That's perfect for someone who has had a heart attack.

>> No.10521752

>Vegans don't get heart disease.
Simply not being overweight/obese lowers your risk of heart disease, and being vegan doesn't make you immune to being obese. Also vegetable shortening was probably the biggest contributor of heart disease within the past century while being marketed as a healthy alternative to animal fat, and it was vegan.

>> No.10521758
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>> No.10521802
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1. Whole purpose of interview was ad for Weight Watchers.

2. Still dresses like a shitstain from 1997.

3. Can't go 30 seconds without mentioning he smokes weed (u guize think i'm so cool right? right?)

>> No.10521845

Good argument, your pic doesn't prove anything either.

>> No.10521848

>3. Can't go 30 seconds without mentioning he smokes weed (u guize think i'm so cool right? right?)
Smoking cigarettes has been shown to cause heart disease, I'm sure if you smoke enough weed you'll have similar problems, even if people want to say it's 100% safe and healthy.

>> No.10522005

>Vegans don't get heart disease.
Sure they do. Especially vegans that don't exercise from families with a history of heart disease.


Members of my family lived anywhere from their 70's to late 90's on a typical American southern and mid-western diet, and they ALL smoked and drank booze during their lives when they were young. Yet no cancers, no heart attacks in their middle age. Meanwhile, there are some families where the men drop dead in their 50's like clockwork, and all the women get breast cancer. It's just the genetics.

>> No.10522656

Offal has plenty of nutrients over muscle meat. Most people avoid it though

>> No.10523739

it's an ironic statement about how nobody is willing to admit that meat and fat and shit is bad for you until something really fucking extreme happens

>> No.10523741


>> No.10523896

he was also pretty obese, trying to blame it on meat when he was obese just makes it seem like you're trying to push an agenda

>> No.10525068

Is that where all the anorexics went? They became vegans?

>> No.10527336

He didn't start smoking weed until he was 40. I doubt he does smoke honestly. He needed to fit in with Seth and all his other buddies.

>> No.10527359
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Based carnieposter with based consecutive dubs of truth.
Be aware, soymods have been censoring carnieposting. Speak the truth loudly enough and industry shilling becomes inaudible. There's a war on against human health. Don't get caught on the wrong side of it. Take the meatpill while you still can. Meat heals, but only in the absence of plants. Stay healthy, fellow apex predators!

>> No.10527379

Oh wow. The world almost lost a guy who made one mediocre movie before most people on this site were born.

>> No.10527715

>whole grains
may as well not change anything

>> No.10527729

That fat dude who made that shitty "Clerks" movie a hundred years ago? Who the fuck cares?

>> No.10527762

Sugar is killing us all not meat you dumb idiot

>> No.10527768

We've only been eating grains for less than 10000 years, our bodies havent evolved to take care of that shit

>> No.10527843

Literally /our/guy