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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10516915 No.10516915 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe I'm just always browsing at the wrong times, but I don't think I've ever seen a qtddtot thread on /ck/. Well let's start one. Ask all your questions here that you can't find another thread to ask them in.

>> No.10516931

I'll start with the question that made me wanna start this thread:

Every time I cook fried rice, the texture of my rice is mushy. I've tried using day-old rice but it yields the same results. How can I fix this? The rice I'm using is the perfect textire the day I make it, but gets mushy when I try it.

>> No.10517294

Is it safe to boil oil in any random pot? Sounds stupid but I'd rather not do stupid stuff.

>> No.10517478

Undercook the rice slightly, leave it covered in the fridge for a day before frying, you don't need as much oil as you think and always use wooden utensils.

>> No.10517488

higher heat. you can't replicate what restaurants are doing because you're not blasting it with 80,000+ btu.

try substituting the lack of heat by letting your pan/wok get as hot as you can get it and cooking in batches so that it retains as much of the heat as possible

>> No.10518229
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How do i get my hamburgers to look like this? Whenever i buy ground beef from any local shop/butcher (New zealand) the beef is like.. quite 'seperated' and when i try to form them with my hands the edges are still kinda rough

>> No.10518272

should i add flavoring like cinnamon to my oatmeal before or after cooking?

>> No.10518317

How do I cook eggs so that the whites are cooked but the yolk remains, but when I put it in my meal I can break the yolk and the goo spreads?

>> No.10518324

Some kind of industrial press mould

>> No.10518342
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Buy a burger press. Theres dozens of types.

>> No.10518346

Get a burger press, and mix your shit more thoroughly.

Maybe add an egg.

>> No.10518350

A piece of zucchini rolled under the stove yesterday and I haven’t been able to get it. Does anyone here have a trick or item they use to reach far underneath there?

>> No.10518355

Just move the fridge?

>> No.10518358

>move the fridge
>zucchini still under stove
>fridge now out of place

>> No.10518371

Just use low heat

>> No.10518372

I would just reach in there and hope the rats I have in my house don't bite me

>> No.10518373

secret to a good homemade burger is to grind the meat a second time after you mixed in the spices
it gets thicker and sticks together, all restaurants do this

>> No.10518378

dont boil the rice until its perfectly cooked, take it out when it istn raw but its still too tough to be pleasent
also try waiting more than one day, best fried rice i ever made i hadthe rice in my fridge forever, almost a week
if its still soming outmushy you are probably using the wrong kind of rice or too much oil, or not enough heat

>> No.10518433

I have a bunch of chicken gizzards. Should I cook them by boiling or roasting and for how long?

>> No.10518769

I'm probably looking at this thanks, i looked at some videos of people shopping and the ground beef from costco looks like sausage meat, seems like the ground beef here is still very coarsely ground. Thanks friend

>> No.10518804

Any metal pot? Yeah.

>> No.10518849


>> No.10518865
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How do I make salsa rice in a rice cooker? I have the following things:
>rice cooker
>basmati style rice
>canola oil
>salt etc

My real concern here is how much salsa / water / rice I need to not fuck this up.

>> No.10518886

Ive never been in a house where the stove or any other appliance isnt touching the floor. How is your stove elevated?

>> No.10518898
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most stoves have standoffs bud, yours probably do too

>> No.10518903

Cook rice according to the directions on the package. Basmati usually calls for soaking followed by cooking. When you're done mix some salsa in it. That way you don't risk putting in too much salsa from the beginning and fucking things up.

>> No.10518906

I want the salsa to get soaked up by the rice while cooking, as if it were being cooked in stock. Mayb im beng retarded tho

>> No.10518942

that inch doesnt count. how can anything roll under there

>> No.10519479
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>> No.10519606
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I used:
>1/2 cup basmati rice
>3/4 cup of water
>6 tablespoons of salsa
>1 teaspoon of oil
>teensy bit of salt

Worked out pretty well. It was a tad salty, I will try it without salt next time and see how that turns out. Once its done, and the rice cooker is warming, I just threw on a bunch of shredded tex mex style cheese and covered it up again. Then I used that as the filling in my bean burritos (I added refried beans from a can and chunks of avocado w lime juice and salt along with the salsa rice)

Its acceptable for my level of culinary skill (0). If I'm feeling extra adventurous some time I'll put in less refried beans and add some scrambled eggs and tabasco for juevos rancheros style burritos.

>> No.10519617

Do you have something to say bitch?

>> No.10519746

The oil is pointless. Leave it out.

>> No.10519750
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Are there any cooking shows on Netflix or hulu that will actually improve my skills?

>> No.10519755

What's work like for a pizza delivery guy?
>the bad kind of customers
>the good kind of customers
>what do they want you to do while on road

>> No.10520052

Not with that tone, I don't.

>> No.10520192

>choose a recipe you want to try
>look up a recipe that looks good
>look up another recipe that looks good
>look up another recipe that looks good
>really pay attention to what they are doing, what they do different to each other and how the end product is
>watch one of them a couple times
>give it a go while watching the video recipe as you cook
>if it comes out well try the recipe a couple of times again in a short time frame
>if it doesnt watch the video again and read the comments and figure out what you did wrong
do this while trying a couple new recipes a month and in a year you will have learned enough to try new things and experiment without having to be so autistic about it

>> No.10520227

That's what I thought

>> No.10520230

>Writing all that out and calling the poster autistic because he wanted an educational show

No anon, you're the autist.

>> No.10520240

i didnt call him autistic, i called my learning process autistic
watching 20 times the same couple video recipes is austistic as hell but there is only so much you can learn from them (and not enough at all) so thats pretty much the only thing you can do if you really want to learn

>> No.10520330

so no? got it

>> No.10520413

There are plenty of educational books for children if you are interested

>> No.10520428

i already have the newest joy of cooking, i just want a nice cozy cooking show

>> No.10520685

What are those blisters on the bottom of burger burns? Guessing some result of the baking process?

>> No.10520782

I just made a large batch of red beans and rice. Should I mix them first before storing or store them separately? Planning to finish it over the next 3-4 days.

>> No.10520812

I like the mind of the chef with that Asian fat guy

>> No.10520815

I wanna learn to cook something new

What are some good youtube channels or netflix shows to watch?

>> No.10520833

Worms trying to escape

>> No.10520880

Why does leftover soup taste better than soup on the first day?

>> No.10520901
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does cold pasta salad (made with wish bone italian dressing) need cheese?

i forgot to buy parmesan. but i've got some cheddar.

>> No.10521040
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>> No.10521977

feta might be better? doesn't sound necessary though

>> No.10521986

Why do I keep getting banned for shitposting

>> No.10522794

I agreed to be in charge of making a hollandaise for an event at work tomorrow. How many egg yolks would you use for around a pound and a half of butter?

>> No.10522814

Skewer them and roast them over charcoal. Some soy dressing, and you essentially have yakitori.