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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10511176 No.10511176 [Reply] [Original]

>sadness edition

>> No.10511206

Over 90 days, no alcohol. It is possible to be off the stuff. Just a shame that it's quite so vividly horrific wandering soberly around the ashes of my 'life'. Destructive fucker left me with so little that I'm lucky to not be homeless, and couldn't be more alone. At least if I'm drinking I have hope that life will be better when I'm sober, now I don't even have that. Why did I quit again?

>> No.10511288

i feel you. for me, the shittiest part of sobering up is being forced to acknowledge the shitshow of a life (or lack thereof) i've made for myself. you hope that getting sober will solve your problems, but then you just become acutely aware of how numerous and unavoidable your problems are, and you realize sobriety is only the first of many steps. gj on 90+ days sober, though, i know that's considered a benchmark of sorts in AA.

anyway, i have to sell my laptop to make rent this month. shit sucks. it's kind of fun, though. do any al/ck/ies have experience reselling stuff as a means of income?

>> No.10511319

I've been unemployed and drinking daily since last July. No friends at all where I live now. Literally only talk to cashiers and bartenders in person.

>> No.10511324

>father moved me to wealthy area so I'm closer to him (he actually cares about me despite me being an alck)
>drinking jack and a little water and raking my yard
>qt next door comes over to introduce herself
>I don't feel fucked up but I'm slurring
>I think she realized I was drunk
>browned out most of the conversation so idk what all I said
>pretty sure I dropped a redpill or two
>vividly remember her looking at me awkwardly and walking away weirdly saying "OK take care"

How do I remedy this? Or I do I just not give a fuck and let her know im an alck?

>> No.10511325

Face your demons, ask why youre really hurting yourself. Talk to your angels, if you cant feel them, think of it like sending a message in a bottle that will be read, and when it is, they will come riding out to fight alongside you. Join us in the march against death brothers. Its okay if youve been slipping or slip again. Its okay if the depths feel too deep. When you rise, you will shoot up like a cork held under water. The light is ours.

>> No.10511345

If she keeps talking to you just be as you naturally would be. Just talk to her if she talks to you, that easy. You aren't obligated to tell her you are an alcohol.

>> No.10511361

Nice m8, about a week in myself. Dont know why either, just wanna keep the friends/family thats left.
Sold so much shit thinking "she wont notice it's gone". The low point was robbing my little girl's piggy bank for the 3$ cause that 40oz was more important. I'm a shit on booze.
Where you at anon?

>> No.10511364

It's better to realize you've been getting gnawed on by a rat while sleeping than to let it eat your face.

>> No.10511365

I'm not going to say the state even. Just northern midwest America.

>> No.10511367

Quality post anon, thanks for helping the thread.

>> No.10511375

Will you ever manage to get another job or do you feel you've given up? For me having a job has forced me to accept all kinds of things I wouldn't alone.

>> No.10511382

Thats cool. Hope you find something else to do fąm. Nothing but love to you.

>> No.10511383

>Or I do I just not give a fuck and let her know im an alck?
Kek didn't you already? Think about it.

>> No.10511399

how do you get a job when every bridge has been burned

>> No.10511404

how "every bridge has been burned" are we talking?

>> No.10511405

Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone. Without these threads im not sure what would have happened to me. Years ago I was in denial that I even had a problem. I was even one of the fags who claimed these threads are too depressing and don't belong in /ck/. Now I would fight the darkness for any of you who have the light inside.

>> No.10511407

Find a different line of work. Read the classified ads. Move if you have to/can.

>> No.10511410
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Similar boat here. Technically employed but not on the roster. I can sober up even though it's really rough on me.

Looking for another job but there's nothing around here, basically it would cost me more to work these jobs than it would to stay unemployed. There's way more locals looking for jobs than there are jobs available, so anything that pays more than minimum wage is snatched up immediately, and most jobs aren't advertised and are given to friends of people you they know.

I communicate with people in the community, talk to people about their gardens, tell people about how to use "exotic" spices, share stories of vehicular accidents, major world events people don't seem to even know happened, and get along with people though. But since I don't really KNOW anyone here I'm just the lovable outsider they want to talk to for extended periods of time but not invite to anything, aside from some single moms that seem more interested.

>> No.10511419


did you kill someone or rape a child?

>> No.10511433

Right there with you lol. I was one of the people saying "this faggot doesnt even drink like I can" thinking that winning the race to death made me cool. Stay strong friend.

>> No.10511438

I've burned bridges with every company on my resume. I still keep them on because fuck them, I did good work for them and earned my resume. If an employer checks up and gets bad feedback, it wasn't meant to be.

I'm currently working in the best paid position I've ever had because my employer is a real man who doesn't give a shit who I left behind to get here, all he needed was to see I'm capable.

Good things do happen even to the most damaged among us.

>> No.10511459

>I've burned bridges with every company on my resume.
kek, pretty much same. i "mutually parted ways" with both of the last two employers i've had in my actual field of work, and that's a fucking bitch, because i don't have a completed college degree and could have really used a "foot in the door". nobody's fault but my own, though

>> No.10511485

Still recovering from a 5 day binge. Luckily I was able to get some sleep last night, it was only like 4 hours but it helped a lot. Also managed to eat some of the last day so my sense of taste is coming back and not everything is tasting like garbage.
I think this is going to have to be the time that I quit for good. I always think maybe I could just have a couple of drinks and I really believe in myself but it just never happens. I just started to enjoy my sober weekends too because I had so much time to do whatever I wanted instead of lazing around doing nothing drunk
Welp. Still gonna read these threads regularly because they make me feel not so bad about my situation
I always get weird ass cravings when i'm recovering, usually sweet stuff when I never go for sweet always go for savory. gonna make some peanut butter waffles in a bit. Legitimately think I lost a couple pounds over that five days, my damn pants are loose

>> No.10511499

Minnesota here

>> No.10511500 [DELETED] 

opportunistic employment, I know that sounds retarded but you'll find something if you keep applying. Maybe not the job you want, perhaps the only job you can find is as a loader at UPS and you're a fat lazy piece of shit like I am, but take the job anyways and parlay it into some sort of career advancement

>> No.10511521

>have a total of 7 dollars in my bank account
>seriously considering just buying beer instead of actual solid food

>> No.10511544

Thanks, you as well.
I'm capable of getting another job but I don't try. I went to a job fair just a couple months ago and talked to plenty of people and picked up some materials and dropped off some resumes but then I just stopped after that and didn't follow up with anything. I have an easy time talking to people and have had a couple of jobs before so I know I can get something. An unusual thing that happened was I had to get a hip replacement late last year and I'm 28. In fact that whole time period was why I walked away from my last job.
I wish you the best. Keep holding on, trying can be worth it.

>> No.10511561
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>trying can be worth it.

>> No.10511571

Ah shit, not him but central mn is a meme and I just want to die already.

>> No.10511573

hi my fellow al/ck/s just wanted to say hello

>> No.10511574

I mean I feel that way myself plenty of times but I thought it was important to be encouraging, some things are possible.

>> No.10511584
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Fuck off Trump. While at least you're better than our last few presidents, and certainly better than Hillary, I'm not in the mood for your shit.

>> No.10511589
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>> No.10511594

Central MN is awesome and I wish I was back there.

What seems to be your boggle?

>> No.10511601

what are you up to fellow liver warrior

>> No.10511616

I'm just drinking 5%s right now, about to go over to the store in a while and get something small for dinner. I'll see what looks good when I get there.

>> No.10511632

Sounds like Minnesota

>> No.10511647

It's Wisconsin. I expected people would guess MN though.

>> No.10511648

How can you afford to drink

>> No.10511660

I wouldn't know I'm from the suburbs
Plenty of people with cabins there though

>> No.10511666

I was in detox last month with a guy from Milwaukee

>> No.10511667

Only son, my parents don't care that I'm not working right now, they just want me to keep looking. I hardly buy anything at all other than food to cook and things to drink.

>> No.10511673

Interesting. The drinking scene is pretty lax around here and everyone is in on it pretty much.

>> No.10511681

These days i get this anxiety shit as soon as i bought a bottle, its like mentally i dont want to get drunk anymore, not fun anymore and feels more like an obligation.

>> No.10511719

I was deep into the constant panic attack shit and withdrawals unless I was drinking all the time 2 years ago and that's why I stopped buying liquor altogether. I only drink it in bars now occasionally because the cost forces me to stop.

>> No.10511727

Nearly everyone in the northern midwest drinks. I think we have some of the highest drinking rates in the country.

>> No.10511748

I'd say you'd be right.

>> No.10511751

its pretty damned impossible to hide being intoxicated, even if youre a pro. sober people know. we act different.

>> No.10511774

I mean the smell is really the main issue

>> No.10511792

>cut sugar from diet
>heart says fuck you
>quickly eat a banana to avoid heart attack or passing out or whatever I felt coming on
Oh... right. Hypoglycemic now. Thanks alcoholism!

>> No.10511814


i stopped buying beer because it doesnt give a good buzz anymore, liqour does the trick but i feel mentally drained. I cant go much longer anymore, probably have to start cutting down on this if i want to keep my sanity somehow.

Your atleast doing it right

>> No.10511831

i never believed this, i can't smell it on other people. i have no idea what it smells like.
but yeah i got fired from like three jobs for smelling like booze, people can definitely smell it somehow

>> No.10511842

I think people are full of shit.
>haven't drank for a day
>slept a full night
>family member claims I smell like booze
Sounds like paranoid tea-teetotalers that don't like the mulligatawny you had for lunch.

>> No.10511850

I guess vodka is the least smelliest alcohol, I usually drink beer and wine though.

>> No.10511885

Women have extremely powerful sense of smell in order to pick up pheromones off chads. It allows them to smell if you've been drinking or smoking.

>> No.10511886

the type of alcohol doesn't matter. it's the alcohol that smells.

>> No.10511916

Its nothing real against the area just most of my friends live in the cities.

>> No.10511935

maybe you should stop drinking

>> No.10512056
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are all of the people posting on this general actually hardcore alcoholics or is this a deep ck meme because these threads have nothing to do with cooking, just depressing as fuck addiction shit do you actually live like this

>> No.10512059

how bout you mind your own fuckin business pal

>> No.10512069

This was a guy.

Still calling bullshit. You aren't smelling anything after 40+ hours and a couple of showers.

>> No.10512089

>being this sheltered

>> No.10512094

It comes out through your pores. Like a toxic vapor. Depending on how much you really drink.

>> No.10512136

many of us who exclusively drink beer do so because the effects of hard liquor are too awful. no, you dont get as wasted. but you stay more hydrated and dont do as crazy stuff.

>> No.10512187
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Have you ever had too much to drink and woke up in a jail cell?

>> No.10512197

I was a cop for a while and I was half drunk on duty more than once.
True story.

>> No.10512202

cops are notorious for hitting it hard around here

>> No.10512214

I'm 4 days sober. I'm feeling great. Fuck alcohol.

>> No.10512237

Get yourself to AA. It's not a cure, but it's good support.

>> No.10512242

I'm sucked its going to be a long weekend. Girlfriend is going away,be cause she can't stand being around me after the last shitshow, saying going to one meeting means nothing.

Meanwhile I've got three shifts at my bartending job and I won't be able to lie anymore if I drank or not, so I have to not drink. I'm quitting this job soon but this weekend is going to be shot, if I am trying to be honest about my drinking problem.

>> No.10512261

Yes one time I got drunk as fuck at a bar before and got really angry started a fight then woke up in jail

Other time I got a dui

>> No.10512278

I was so fucking stupid and only now realizing all my fuck ups. was drunk and did some burnout in the rain, slammed into a fire hydrant. Made it home before realized the tire had been popped and I rode on Saturday rim all the way home, got pulled over and was lucky cop let the girl drive me straight home, fins got hit with Dui is garbage I got one and got let off easy, played bumper cars off something, was fucked up and don't know what I hit, got pulled over again but it was a cop who knew my family so I got picked up by my girlfriend and now she is probably going to leave me. Of course this doesn't include the couple of times passing out in the driveway with the car on, being so drunk I left my shoes and glasses on the front lawn, and pissing my own driver side a couple of times.

I'm lucky I'm not fucking dead, looking back on it.

>> No.10512285


Shitty excuse but i live in a country where getting drunk with beer is as expensive as buying 0,7 L vodka, actually its "cheaper" drinking vodka, eurofag deluxe

im just tired drinking a lot of beer to get a good buzz, beer just gets me bloated and tired, doesnt matter with empty stomach or not, and yes they are selling light beer in shops

But i understand why people drink beer not to get to drunk, because liquor makes you fucking crazy

>> No.10512300

My girlfriend started this job working nights about a month ago and now we almost never see each other anymore. It’s pretty gay.
I’ve gotten shitloads better about my drinking in the last 2 years or so but now I’m bored and I want to start again just to have something to do.

>> No.10512305 [DELETED] 

prohibition when

>> No.10512310

I drink because hitler didn't win. Maybe i should just go into politics and get into a milder form of national socialism. Without any hate towards jews attached. Just as less tax, as much fairness, and as much job creation as i can possibly phathom. Also no european federal reserve. No federal bankings, slighty a hybrid of capatalism and non-capatalism. Making my country a valhalla compared to the surrounding countries

>> No.10512334


so have sex with her at work

>> No.10512426


Hahah okay buddy you should probably try browsing this board a few days

>> No.10512804

Yes, several times. I hate it.

>> No.10512814

I can't get drunk enough.

How long should I wait between shots to prevent puking?

>> No.10512820

You are such an easily swayed idiot that it wouldn't even be feasible. Like seriously, you sound like the prototypical teen who just got into politics, but this time just tainted with /pol/.

Get some self awareness, or wait a few years until you do to actually work on your, "convictions."

>> No.10512825

Yeah I didn't think it was worth a response. Guy is probably barely old enough to drink.

>> No.10512832

You're a literal cuck and you should probably grow up or die from your alcoholism before thinking about getting into the political arena.
"mild" national socialism? Are you fucking serious dude. You don't even know what national socialism is. You probably don't even know how hitler governed Germany.

>> No.10512849


do shots until you puke and then do more shots it's not science

>> No.10512873

I got drunk and bitched out the Mexican who sold me my car and now he's calling me three months later

>> No.10512874

Well, you sound like an asshole.

>> No.10512876

Not going to lie I was an asshole to this guy but I'm usually not

>> No.10512877

I mean I don't want to puke the shots up, and waste booze. But I want to drink fast enough to get drunk. I have a high tolerance and drinking has become like work now. I usually have to drink a 12 pack to feel much of anything.

>> No.10512879

Sounds like a line from a real asshole.

>> No.10512882

Yeah I'm usually not an asshole either, but add booze and wa la, you get an angry bitter drunk

>> No.10512883

Maybe try intervals of not drinking? Shocking, I know...

>> No.10512887

Learn to drink triples of liqour on the rocks and suck it down quickly.

>> No.10512889

Why don't you suck on my real asshole buddy
That's my problem

>> No.10512891

If I i don't drink completely I get really bad anxiety, shakes, sweats and some hallucinations. I'm really considering rehab at this point.

A few years ago I could drink 2L of cider and black out. I miss those days.

>> No.10512894

I become a lot less of an asshole the more days I go without drinking. Kind of makes me realize why I couldn't keep relationships going with wimmenz. Just got too annoyed with them and progressively more delusional about how I could do better.

I'm a jerk at work when I drink the night before as well.

Just about done with it, for now. Entering day 3 of sobriety, feelin pretty good. Much sharper mentally, kicked ass at work.

>> No.10512895

Nah, you just are an asshole and blame booze for stripping the veneer.

>> No.10512899

Yeah, that's usually a sign that you should cool out, my man.

>> No.10512908

I'm glad you picked that up from my three posts but my family would tell you otherwise. I drink maybe once a month so even if you're right it's not a huge issue.

>> No.10512931

Well, good that you're managing it, but I guess have more empathy for the other fuckups.

>> No.10512945

used to be multiple times per week.

>> No.10512949

i once lost my car. woke from a week-long blackout and it was fucking gone. i had to walk around the town in both alcohol and heroin withdrawal for hours before finding it at a bar.

>> No.10512970
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>all my friends move away
>commit to daily drinking and vidya
>best friend starts texting me, says they miss me, is interested in a relationship
>thought they'd all left, the alcohol told me i didn't mind but i do like them
>gained 40 pounds
>can't go thru the day without a buzz at all times
>they're moving back saturday
i have to face them with my alcoholism and weight gain and pretend im interesting. i gave up and never thought i had a shot, now i have less than two days to get it together. the stress makes me want to drink more

>> No.10512973

Stress to talk to friends? You have a fucked up mindset, my guy.

>> No.10512975

When I met with my friends I never used to drink
We always made charcutierie boards.
Don't drink for the time you meet with them.

>> No.10512981

well we are friends but they're talking about us dating, thats a different story.

>> No.10512982

Oh Jesus I know exactly what you're talking about. Nothing like seeing old friends again and being fatter and having a red swollen alc face knowing you get to be that guy everyone has a concerned talk about once they're back amongst eachother.

>> No.10512991

>open windows to cool off
>always smell wood smoke because boomer retards need a fireplace going if it's not 80 degrees at night

>> No.10512996
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wow, yeah thats gonna be pretty accurate. im waiting on the "you doing okay?" or "you look different" with a worried look on their face.

>> No.10512999

Yes... boomers. Not your retarded Canadian ass...
(by the way, I don't care if you're canadian or not)

>> No.10513000

Just say you've been boozing and then live up to the happy drunk expectation. For fuck's sake, nothing to be anxious about if this is the path you chose.

>> No.10513007

that's true, i can either sober up or live life as the drunk i am. not getting sober anytime soon so fuck the anxiety. simple advice but thanks, it helped.

>> No.10513013

"wow you got so fat"

but they all smoke crack these days so they aren't really wor ried lol

punk rockers never get out of it they just get worse. they don't drink as much as me though.

>> No.10513016

Woodsmoke is the best smell

>> No.10513018

Happy to help. Not saying you shouldn't dial it back, but you can't dwell on actions that you can't possibly reverse before the next week's social obligations.

>> No.10513049

I went to bed at 3, think maybe I had a seizure - not sure what it was, then woke up at 6 to blast everything with diarrhoea. Now sat here unable to get more sleep. I am so uncosy right now. Hell is real and it's alcoholism.

>> No.10513062

You like breathing other people's smoke? Cuck.

I like smoke when it's my campfire and only then.

>> No.10513067

Furthermore, I think it's underestimated how damaging the dire quality of sleep is that boozers get. I am so fucking uncomfortable, in pain, nauseous, photosensitive even to a flashing LED and generally feeling abysmal. If I could only, only get some more sleep. I need to hibernate.

>> No.10513070

Sounds bad. You must have been drinking to die. Probably alcohol poisoning.

>> No.10513076


>> No.10513114

Good morning friend.

>> No.10513136


>> No.10513154
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>> No.10513170

Thinking of rehab on Saturday. I have obligations on friday which is why I'm not going till Saturday, but:

3 days worth of clothing and only enough toiletries to fill a large Ziploc bag
Daily complimentary laundry services and basic toiletries are available
Clients may bring enough undergarments for their entire stay
Clothing must not promote alcohol or drugs or have offensive slogans or images

Fuck. I need a whole new wardrobe just to go to rehab? Already low on money. Maybe my mom can buy me a couple of blank t shirts. I'm quitting because I'm getting broke.

>> No.10513187

>I need a whole new wardrobe just to go to rehab?
3 underwear
Pair of jeans
3 t-shirts
Toothbrush and deordorant

Are we misunderstanding the requirements?

>> No.10513208

rehab or detox? doesn't rehab last like 3 months?
i just bought benzos and weed and kicked booze myself, got through the acute WD with the pills and am smoking instead of drinking. Something like 7 times I've been in detox, and i don't know if i'll ever go back, it's so unbelievably uncomfortable, and it's even harder to sleep than is normal in withdrawal, because of all the damn noise 24/7.

>> No.10513209

I only own 4 t shirts and they all say stuff like "rock the 40 oz" or "faggots freaks and junkies" or a reverse pentagram, or a picture of a guy drinking a bottle of jim beam (gg allin) or just the words "leftover crack" is enough to trigger them probably. I gained a lot of weight and my older t shirts are all medium sized, i now wear xtra large, so they don't fit. I shower once or twice a week so this was never a problem till now.

>> No.10513213

Detox and then rehab. ANother option is just to go the hospital and go to the psych ward till I'm detoxed and then they can send me to rehab.

>> No.10513215

>I only own 4 t shirts and they all say stuff like "rock the 40 oz" or "faggots freaks and junkies" or a reverse pentagram, or a picture of a guy drinking a bottle of jim beam (gg allin) or just the words "leftover crack"
What the fuck

>> No.10513224

Psych ward detox isn't bad I've done it twice

>> No.10513226

that's five shirts

>> No.10513232

No leftover crack is the rock the 40 oz one. But that's doubly as offensive because it references both crack and beer.

>> No.10513239

I've been listening to punk rock since 2005. I never grew out of it. It's fucking good.

>> No.10513241

your life maybe falling apart but i think you've got cool shirts

>> No.10513252

Thanks man I'll try it out. I've been there for mental health reasons and it wasn't terrible but boring. Plus they allow smoking, detox doesn't.

>> No.10513273

Why am I addicted to going out, when I get a drink on me, a cig in me, its like nothing else, then add the heaps of ppl.. It's like WOW

>> No.10513282

Yeah party boy you aren't addicted to shit yet.

>> No.10513386

>these threads have nothing to do with cooking
t. never worked in a kitchen

>> No.10513398

because you are a child

>> No.10513400

I’ve been a functional alcoholic for 10 years

no problems yet

>> No.10513442

Try going a few days without a drink.

>> No.10513446

homebrew fag here, thinking about making an amber ale.

Any directions or tips before making it?

>> No.10513461

How do you combat pangs of loneliness?
The ones that just pop up inbetween getting to see or talk to friends?
I need a chatroom or something I can just drop by and chat for these moments.

>> No.10513532


>> No.10513540

i ask my friends to hang out, and if nobody bits I ask my buddy if I can buy a tattoo. THen I have someone to hang out with for a few hours for like 30 bucks. Same price as going to a bar with friends and I get a tattoo out of it.

>> No.10513543

i miss being 18

>> No.10513562
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> giving old friend place to crash until he can afford his own place
>worried he will notice and comment on my emerging alcoholism.
>he feeds me shots like a cat brings dead mice
> my mid week drinking increases
>buy 12 pack and go out for the night, leaving him at home
>return home, and there isonebeer left.
Well, I guess I don't have to worry about him judging me. But goddamn. That 12 pack was to share between the three of us. There was a couple shots of rum left. And I said I would bring home more.
But shit, dude. It's Thursday and you drank 11 of my 12 pack. God damnit.

>> No.10513580
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how we doing today lads. what ya drinking? have ya cut back? playing videogames or switching to crack?

>> No.10513593
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I had the worst nightmare of my life last night. I'm going through WDs so maybe that's why.
>sitting in a chair at the back of an airplane
>can't remember the airline
>we're about to land
>plane starts to rumble on decent
>look out the window
>"fuck we're coming in too fast"
>the back of the plane slams into the runway
>close my eyes, white hot flash
>tumbling in a ferocious heat as the plane disintegrates
>wake up choking on sweat and literally terrified

>> No.10513594

meh, once you're a couple in, crushing a twelve pack is just too easy.

>> No.10513633

How did it start for you guys? I'd drink once a week before, but it's starting to happen more frequently, more consistently and I'm catching myself having thoughts about how I wish I was drunk. Sort of feels like drinking more is making me realize just how little I enjoy everything, but 3-4 shots and suddenly I can legitimately say I'm happy.

>> No.10513637
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You sound like me, around 3 years ago.

>> No.10513643

fucking normie

>> No.10513660

I can understand that. I generally use beer as a supplement at the end night after the proper drinking is done. But like. To just drink all those beers alone in the case that I just brought home.?

>> No.10513683

i felt isolated in college because of some shitty social shit and started drinking by myself on weekends because i was anxious about going out. then i started drinking on weekdays because i was anxious about going to class. i eventually went on medical leave, moved back to my hometown with the intention of finishing college there, and the rest is history.

i'd have done about every step i made differently if given the chance.

>> No.10513725

i started drinking at house parties around 15-16, only like once every few months

when i was 18 i started going out to pubs/clubs once every few weeks

eventually got bored of going out and started drinking at home on the weekends, then i started throwing in some weekdays, then eventually it was an every day thing

i dont know, it just kind of creeps up like that

>> No.10513743

Charcuterie is the branch of cooking devoted to prepared meat products, such as bacon, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit, primarily from pork

>> No.10513975
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>"haha you look tired anon, big night last night?"

>> No.10514037

a charcuterie board is a board on which you arrange and present your various charcuterie products

>> No.10514114
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Fuck boys I just can't seem to quite shake it. I'm not doing horrible about 4-7 beers or glasses of wine a night...not great but not horrible. I woullld wake up feeling ok if I didn't wake up at 4 am every morning. While the kids are still asleep wife is sleeping. And all I want to do is get that extra 2 hours. So obviously I'll have another beer or glass or wine. Then when my wife's alarm goes off at 6 am. She's up kids are usually up between 630 and 715. So my day has started. And I am obviously feeling like shit.
And on days where I can just wake up at 6 not have that morning drink. I feel awesome like today I didn't have that 4 am drink because my wife finished the beer after I passed out. What do I do in these alone hours where no one is there to judge me if I have one more(my wife is well aware of my drinking problem and keeps me in check).
Or on a day off like today drinking one when I put my son down for a nap and just have a beer which doesn't get me drunk I just feel shitty a few hours later and eventually just starting drinking again around 4pm cause fuck it.
And to me that seems like a justifiable time to drink a beer. I love the act of drinking
Idk...help me lads. Tgisnos down from a year ago where I was on the same routine but with vodka. I just want to drink like a normal person.

It has helped that I just moved into a really nice part of town where you are definitely judged at the gas station on when and what you buy. So the social awkwardness of not having my judgement free gas station I can wonder into at 715 to 'get gas for the car' and grab a tall boy along the way for the morning. And they don't even sell tall boys at this new station I'm by. Sucks. But I guess it's good for me in the long run.

>> No.10514118


your t-shirt game is good

>> No.10514156

Thanks, guys. You've inspired me to stop binge drinking before it becomes everyday alcoholism.

>> No.10514169

You do realize that it's the spike in bac that you're addicted to, which gives many of us in this thread a stimulant-like effect. And when the bac decreases, it makes you feel run-down and tempts you into another.

If you just resist having these drinks upon waking or in breaks during the day, it would run a lot smoother.

>> No.10514173

It really isn't. I can't believe the people in this thread complimenting this cringy shit.

>> No.10514309
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Found this in the back of my cabinet, must have been there for at least 5 years cause I have no idea where or when I got it or what it is. Should I?

>> No.10514310

Yes, you should.

>> No.10514408

hey buddy

>> No.10514430

Anyone have advice for getting over the Fear? My hangover is subsiding but the Fear has me bad.

>> No.10514452

small amount of booze.

>> No.10514465

medium amount of booze.

>> No.10514470


>> No.10514513
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>Broke until I get paid on Tuesday
>Over overdraft
>Had £21.60 today
>Had to spend £10 on petrol to get home and to work Monday/Tuesday
>Have plenty of frozen food in the freezer
>Blew the rest of it on booze so I can get drunk tonight

This keeps happening to me at the end of the month. Maybe I can pawn off some video games tomorrow for booze money...

Anyone else this pathetic?

>> No.10514523

limited finances is why I'm only a part time drunk

>> No.10514532

How do you pass the time when not drinking?

>> No.10514533

I hate being "that guy" in these threads, but a twelve pack of what? I couldnt fill my stomach with enough light lager (bud light, coors) to get me drunk before i literally puke. I usually use it as a chaser, because i have a pre determinned amount of booze in my mind that i like to drink up to. My coworkers (who would be pretty cool regular drinking bros) give me strange looks when i tell them this. I have no shame. I am who i am. By the way, my interlock device on my car has seriously changed my drinking habit/times, and i think the judge knew it would!

>> No.10514538

slowly, it's murder being too broke to even have a tall boy. I'm on disability so I've got nothing but time on my hands it's hard going half a month dry when you don't even have work to kill time

>> No.10514578

>wake up
>alcohol supplies have dried up
>begin tensing up and shaking
>enter an emotional state of terror
>notice a bottle of rice wine in the spice cabinet
>inspect it
>it has a government warning on it
>crush it
>suicidal thoughts vanish
>actually tasted like a mild port

lady luck is on my side this morning

>> No.10514582

If you're at home all day consider doing article/SEO writing. There are plenty of sites to sign up with, You can make $5-10 an hour at entry level.

>> No.10514591

can't earn any money that's not under the table or it'll end up getting me kicked from my disability, which is for mental reasons not physical ones

>> No.10514597

I text with family and old friends.

>> No.10514625

>intentionally elevated my ALT levels so my alcohol-indicating AST:ALT ratio didn't show up in a blood test

Delightfully devilish!

>> No.10514631



>> No.10514632

Going crazy this weekend.

I finally realized how quickly I can die and I should live it up while I'm still alive.

Going to the strip club tomorrow with my brother and going to drink hard, do blow, smoke blunts, then going to end the night fucking a PAWG hooker in the ass.

My brother will be doing the same.

Probably going to blow at least 2500 tomorrow

>> No.10514636

You can earn like $20k/year before paypal makes you register for tax or whatever.

If you don't want it hitting a bank account, you can buy bitcoins and trade for cash on many services.

There are also many online banking services which can issue you a debt card to buy with if you don't want to mess around with the bitcoin thing.

There are lots of options. Generally if you are below $20k a year no one will notice or investigate you at all.

>> No.10514647


>> No.10514661


>> No.10514691

Get drunk. Feels very comfortable in planning out my suicide and considering it to be a decent thing to do. Such tranquility.

Sober up. Don't have the guts to go through with it and wonder what others will think.

>> No.10514739

I know this is babby tier, but 1-2 drinks around 5-6 hours before bed shouldn't interfere with sleep much, right? It's getting drunk right before sleeping that does that.

>> No.10514741

Three weeks sober with absolutely no cravings. I'm pretty sure it has to to with GHB that I did, no proofs really, but maybe GABA-b agonism can reduce cravings? Don't they prescribe pregabalin for that? Also doing phenibut weekly. Anyways, come Friday I do want to drink, but not in a craving kind of way, just bored and want to do something

>> No.10514754

holy shit. I started doing this 6 years ago. I'm a managing editor at a small publishing company now. not that that's a good way to get started if you want to work in publishing, it just happened to be my route. Publishing's okay though. Some of the stuff you work on can get quite interesting if you're good and in high demand--business consulting, tech research--but the SEO article content mills are pretty horrible.

>> No.10514759

why? I had a few hooker weekends a few months ago because I was just stockpiling money, without any motivation to go meet women, so figured what the hell.

>> No.10514785

if there was a natural way to get rid of terrible anxiety/panic that actually worked , i would try to stop drinking. dudeweedlmao makes everything worse for me.

>> No.10514806

what about indulgence in things that soothe or comfort you anon?
i've got a friend with severe anxiety, literally cannot work a job period, can't go to the grocery store, can't go buy himself a drink, etc. but he isn't on disability, in fact he spent years figuring out how to cope with it naturally. a lot of drugs and of course alcohol, but when it came down to it he decided to just do what comforted him, and take care of animals
essentially converted his home into an animal daycare/shelter for dogs cats lizards and rodents. highly respected in the city for his dedication to caring for animals. gets to spend all day with the creatures he loves and that bring him comfort, because that's the only life he can live.

i know it's probably not what you wanted to read today anon, but i hope you find some form of peace, however it may come to you

>> No.10514819

>but when it came down to it he decided to just do what comforted him, and take care of animals
>essentially converted his home into an animal daycare/shelter for dogs cats lizards and rodents. highly respected in the city for his dedication to caring for animals. gets to spend all day with the creatures he loves and that bring him comfort, because that's the only life he can live.
really cool. thanks for sharing.

kratom helps a lot of people, and it's benign. Some places outlaw it from sheer stupidity.

>> No.10514827

That's cool you got a job through it, I only mentioned it because I have a friend who does it.

>> No.10514835

>what about indulgence in things that soothe or comfort you anon?
This. I used to hit the bottle hard (easily a 5th of liquor a day, sometimes over a liter).

What really helped me get away from the booze was gardening. Yeah, sounds odd I know, but I find it to be a great way to get away from the stress of the workday. Plus it tires you out so you can fall asleep easily without needing to get hammered to sleep.

I'm not saying that gardening is necissarily for you, but I'm sure there is something you can do to de-stress.

>> No.10514940
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I've been trying to quit for a few years now, I mainly drink between 6-12 beers a day and slowly want to tone it down, I was a pack a day smoker as well who hasn't smoked in a year because I switched to vaping (I know it's queer, but it worked) which I do a few times a day now if I even remember to. My plan is to get back to working out, as I've gained a pretty big amount since I continually drink and stopped smoking, making my appetite come back...the question is, has anyone had success using a ton of exercise and occasional marijuana to keep the mind/body occupied enough to stop drinking completely?
I have a lot of family and friends who constantly drink, and I've told them all straight up on numerous occasions that I'm not happy with myself and can't be around alcohol, but they aren't concerned, they just think it's great that I want to better myself.
The sad thing is I have so much potential and Im a very functional drunk, but I'm tired of waking up hungover almost every day.
So yeah back to the exercise thing, has that worked for anyone?

>> No.10514959

Another thing is I turn 30 in the next few weeks so I'm using it as an excuse to "start again" as it were, and I'm not scared of giving up feeling buzzed I'm just being realistic enough to say I know my friends and family are going to want to throw a huge party for me which I don't even want, but it will be my last hurrah as I slowly reduce the amount and use the day after the party to stop drinking entirely. Wish me luck boys, and the same to you. It's no way to live.

>> No.10514984

Yeah a lot of people doing that work are just trying to make a little extra cash, or are unqualified to do anything else. Like most things, if you're passionate about it and good at it, you can move up into doing real work though.

>> No.10514994

It's better than seeing each other too often.
>without any hate towards jews
Wouldn't be worth it then. You gotta go all the way if you're gonna go.
But seriously stop /pol/ing it up quite this hard and read more about politics as far away from 4chan as possible.
lol this
Started drinking occasionally with friends in party situations when I was 18. Loved to party. Personal life was pretty shit, started saying fuck it more often and began to drink earlier in the day or drink when nothing was going on. Best friend and I started to drink all the time. Started partying every day literally whenever. Started partying every day and night. 5 years in that's when I got the first psychological withdrawals. 2 years after that started with the hard physical withdrawals.
Went to detox. Toned it down a little.
Stopped by liquor for the house last year but I still drink.

>> No.10515000

*stopped buying

>> No.10515028

If I don't drink regularly I might never get to be old and live like this
I mean I'm 90% of the way there already, but not even moving to shit, for ten years? Inspirational

>> No.10515034
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Oh and can't forget the pic. Wonder if she had any air fresheners.

>> No.10515043

Texting is the only thing I have.
I wish I didn't resort to it to stop feeling alone though, because by the time I do it I'm so drunk that's it's almost always weird.

>> No.10515066


Why not?

>> No.10515081

I try not to touch my phone when drunk and almost never do. A few weeks ago I drunk dialed my husbands ex wife, but apparently she didn't know I was drunk and told him she appreciated the call. I wanted to die after waking up from that.

>> No.10515085

The thing is I never touch my phone while sober. Ever.

>> No.10515090

>Texting is the only thing I have.
Utter bullshit.

Books, video games, music, movies, exercise, sports, outdoors, building ships in bottles, model cars, customizing skateboards, painting, camping, fishing, tabletop gaming, cooking....get yourself a hobby bro. Any hobby.

>> No.10515096

When I'm deep into drinking I get too much anxiety when sober to pick up the phone. But I've been doing a lot better with my drinking and I've really been keeping up with family and friends. It's nice.

>> No.10515109

I have hobbies but they aren't substitutes for having someone to talk to.

>> No.10515112

>She had become incontinent and was covered from head to toe in faeces, had not changed her clothing for a decade and had urine burns

>> No.10515114

Yeah, that's basically why I did it too. Enjoy.

>> No.10515124
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> Think ive got 3 beers left

>Mfw ive only got two

>> No.10515131

I'll actually plan out my day around how many beers I have on hand, like if I wake up and I only have a 12 pack i'll go out hours before I start drinking and pick up enough so that me running out of beer once I do begin drinking isn't a possibility

>> No.10515135
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>be distracted
>shop closed 6 minutes ago

>> No.10515184

Just got some drinks in lads. Few ciders and a bottle of vodka. Now I can relax and try to watch something.

>> No.10515238

whats the best stuff to buy for simple alcohol sake, disregarding any preference for taste or flavor that will get you loaded while lasting you a while. everclear?

>> No.10515255


>> No.10515277

look into Naltrexone

>> No.10515278

I doubt that would make any impact on your sleep

>> No.10515282

i dont think i like your tone right now

>> No.10515283

cheapest per ml of ethanol in the UK is strong cider/perry.

>> No.10515295

Recently started drinking very heavily every day and I've noticed that when im hungover and close my eyes i get a lot of subtle halucinations. Anyone else ever experience this?

>> No.10515300

I like you though

>> No.10515313

actually, after looking it up, you seem to be right that its price is the cheapest for its alcohol content. im sorry for criticizing your tone, forgive me, anon, im a bitter fool with no respect

>> No.10515314

food, exercise, gaming etc. whatever helps

>> No.10515318

weed tolerance has become absolutely ridiculous, an ounce won't last me a week and i barely feel high. just wasting it by smoking it at that point. i wish there was even 1 other drug which isn't shit, so i could use that for a few weeks while i have a tolerance break. i'm inevitably going to relapse within literally an hour of deciding there's no point buying more weed. there's NO fucking escape. there's only eternal addiction.

>> No.10515339

But it'll kill ya with the denaturants, gotta go with that vanilla extract homeskillet.

>> No.10515349

No worries, I'm not the listerine guy who replied anyway

>> No.10515368

>there's only eternal addiction.
Basically. It's like everything is an addiction.

>> No.10515392

>been drinking half a liter of vodka almost every day for 4 months
when can i expect liver pains?

>> No.10515394

shortly before it fails

>> No.10515400

any idea how many more bottles it will take? i threw out like 90+ already

>> No.10515410

does it even matter?

>> No.10515419

Bro, all im Going to say is, you need to stop drinking for your family/kids. It will trickle down, if you feel better are better, then they will have better.

I'm a piece of work myself BUT never with my boys present. It gives me piece of mind knowing at least they don't see it first hand. Disclaimer here for all you pitchfork cucks, I'm not that bad

>> No.10515441


>> No.10515451

detox was extremely comfy for me

>> No.10515473

A long, long time away. People drink a 750ml bottle a day for years and are able to recover with no issues, you have to try really hard to actually fuck your liver. Plus your liver doesn't have nerves in it, so when it goes wrong the symptoms are much worse, but take literally years to develop

>> No.10515478

I feel like I got really lucky the time I went to detox. It was very quiet and civilized. The people were certainly down and out questionable types, but everyone was nice and supportive to each other. Totally silent at night as well.

>> No.10515487

ooooh, thanks for that. guess i'll just keep doing this for now.

>> No.10515581

based confirmation poster

>> No.10515624
File: 7 KB, 225x225, he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at kinoplex watching kino
>sex scene starts
>under my breath say "pusy"
>someone in the back shouts "BASED"
>more people randomly shout "BASED"
>whole audience eventually finds a rhythm and cheers "BASED BASED BASED"
>get out of my seat triumphantly
>walk out of the kinotorium
>theatre staff and patrons have lined up in a procession outside
>cheering "BASED BASED BASED" throwing confetti and money as I walk through
>get to the front doors of the kinoplex
>turn around and look into the camera before fading out

>> No.10515660

Got into a ltr with a major alck didn't realise how bad she was at first. Drinking was our bonding time; shows, restaurants, festivals, parties etc. Then at home on weekends, days off... we got married had a kid and now she doesn't drink and I do. Ain't that some shit. At least I don't drink as much anymore.

>> No.10515664
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Lads, my frat party is tonight and I’m getting rum to take both rum and punch as well as Cuba Libres. Which type of rum should I get? I was eyeballing some white Flor De Cana rum but heard that darker rum is more flavorful. I usually drink whiskey and vodka drinks but felt like branching out a bit.

>> No.10515671

*make not take

>> No.10515704

>frat party

>> No.10515713

Alc advice first, making fun of me second.

>> No.10515742

alc advice: just take four handles of stoli

>> No.10516053
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 002210000074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pabst (Yes I do!)
I love Pabst (And so do you!)

>> No.10516089
File: 34 KB, 400x560, cruzan-rum-dark-175__99293.1333141565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Cruzan Aged Rum. The best value rum

Only $20 a handle at my local mom and pop liquor store

>> No.10516118


rum is disgusting, cuba libre must be the most overrated normie drink

>> No.10516126

I feel ill guys, the booze is just making my heart race even more

I want off this ride

>> No.10516281

So cold in here. Scared to think how unbearably uncomfortable I'd be right now if I didn't have a place to stay. How the hell homeless people last more than a week I don't know.

>> No.10516388

>girl coming over at 11pm to netflix and chill
>i somehow drank all of my liquor
>go to cvs wine section
>check bank account first
>not paid til friday
>make girl drink a $4 bottle of wine

>> No.10516395

>being poor

>> No.10516398

>every few days for about 3 seconds feel an extremely sharp and sudden pain in the area where my armpit meets my left pec muscle
>hurts so bad i almost pass out, extremely dizzying pain
>dont think its muscular, but dont know
>literally have not been to a doctor since 2003
>low key think i have mini heart attacks every couple days

what are we drinking al/ck/? for me, its yuengling light lmao

>> No.10516579
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Diablo has helped me stop drinking. Replacing one addiction with another.

>> No.10516595

for me, it's this remaining pint of vodka. gonna get me some beer afterwards because I keep getting this pain underneath my top-right abdominal muscle.

>> No.10516731

thats strange, ive been playing the medianxl mod for the past 8 days and havnt had a drink since

>> No.10516832

tryin to smoke more weed than i drink but weed doesn't do much anymore

>> No.10516846


>> No.10516855

Feel like having a day off drinking today, I can deal with a bit of the shakes and the anxiety but I'm super fucking paranoid about seizures, managed to almost make it to 3 days at the start of the year. Would be nice to just go back to one 6 pack for a weekend instead of 12-14 cans a day.

>> No.10516962

Bought a couple small things for my little bro online and he got them in the mail today and sent me a text saying thanks.
Manly tears.

>> No.10516975

dude literally WHAT. look around at all these other fucking posts guy

>> No.10517003
File: 79 KB, 800x600, father_and_son_fishing_by_dixiedean-d3j5m8v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, about my little brother, when I was still living with him we would swap games a lot and one night I was out of the house for a long time and he went into my room to grab some of the games. At the time i had so many empty cans and bottles lying around, super degenerate, like nightmare mode. I know he had never been exposed to something that pathetic. I asked if he went into my room without asking and he apologized, but it was me who should have apologized. The shame he must have felt for me, no body should ever do that to their little brother.
It haunts me to this day. I'm really trying. I once read a car bumpersticker that said "God help me be the man my dog thinks I am". That applies to so many things. My dog died during the start of my alcoholic downfall, and I never coped with it. But I still have a chance to be a big brother who isn't total garbage.

You guys know this feel?

>> No.10517018

Good luck you can do it. Im also running from health scares. Day 3 myself. Longest run so far has been 6 days.

To the anon out there who told me to make it a full week, I promise I will try harder this time.

>> No.10517030

Kinda reminds me of my nephew.

I'm dead broke anyway so if I can't borrow some money I'm up shit creek. Wondering if I'll get any sleep sunday night before returning back to work.

>> No.10517057

who else /afraid to turn back on their phone/ after last night until they get drunk enough to deal?

>> No.10517059


>> No.10517074

Kinda, I smoke weed with my brother in my room. It's pretty disgusting but I'm pretty successful and smart, just a messy/lazy piece of shit

>> No.10517075

Just go buy some chamomile tea from the store and brew like 6-10 bags up.. chamomile is technically a benzo, and in high doses is just as effective as valium. 92 hour half-life too, so it stops you worrying about seizures for the whole day at least.

>> No.10517082

I remember going through times like that, ironically it probably helped me more than anything. I would spend my last few dollars on a tall can and regret every sip then feel completely unsatisfied. When some days of not eating and wondering what to do passed I was suddenly moving back home with my parents and that is what stopped me from being an alcoholic a few years earlier than I would have been. Who knows, if I wasn't broke then maybe I would be dead right now.

>> No.10517086

eventually you lose all your friends and you no longer have this problem, dont worry anon

>> No.10517102

I'll look into this, neat.

Ironically it was because I got 3 solid years of work non stop that got me to this point. before that, if I was broke and couldn't drink, it didn't bother me as much and could at least go a few days if not a week.

>> No.10517112

Yes, gaba-b agonists are probably the best thing for quitting alcohol, much better than benzos. Why even drink if you have access to GHB anyway

>> No.10517116

Exactly. Some of my healthiest years were when I was hard up for money. I would just exercise to get some kind of body high and mental release instead.

Right now I'm steadily employed and have been able to drink and eat whatever I want, whenever I want, as much as I want. It's been catastrophic.

>> No.10517119

they won't notice

>> No.10517123

i've had severe chest pains for like ten years
i think if you're having a heart attack you'll fucking know you're having one

>> No.10517219


>> No.10517236

I had no idea about this but I literally did the same thing when I was having moderate withdrawals. I got some sketchy "relax tea" from the asian market and would brew like 5 bags and let it seep forever.

It tasted like feet and i still felt like shit but I could sleep.

>> No.10517247

You bros like drinking anything non-alcoholic sometimes?
I'm trying to take a break and I'm really fucking thirsty so tonight I just loaded up on sparkling waters of various flavors, super high ph waters, some lilac infused water. Slamming it like it's my old friend alc. Like hard fucking a girl imagining shes someone else but this is actually really good. Feels good.

>> No.10517251

I like sugar free ginger beer or peppermint tea when I'm having an off day.

>> No.10517253

59 days without a drink.

I bought Terraria and I've put 32 hours into already in maybe like a week. Addicting video games are helpful for those boring nights in. It makes me miss going out and getting totally plowed at bars less.

>> No.10517255
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I'm taking 6 weeks off drinking. This next part will sound ridiculous but I'm still buying a bottle every week and putting em in my closet. I'm hoarding them all so that I will have a sizable emergency bundle of booze if the bleak world ever comes seriously crashing down onto me. I'll not touch them when I start drinking again in a couple months. They're there as an insurance policy.

>> No.10517261


>> No.10517262

I'll crush a 12 pack of coconut seltzer water in a day or two sometimes.

Soda water has become really popular lately so there are lots of flavors. I always wonder when I see people buying it if they're an alcohol too.

>> No.10517271

i'm sober and selling my laptop tomorrow to pay off debts + afford alcohol. i don't really know how i'm going to go about submitting job applications and shit while i'm computerless. feels depressing man

i like la croix. it may be overpriced, but certain flavors taste really good and it's still leagues cheaper than booze.

>> No.10517281
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gl with that brilliant plan

>> No.10517284

Quit while you're ahead.

>> No.10517287

See >>10517281

>> No.10517288

You're crazy man. Fuck those debts and fuck alcohol. Frick that noise.

Also I haven't tried la.croix yet because everyone memes it so hard. I don't want to be a hipster... which makes me a hipster. Hmm. I better try some next time.

>> No.10517291

Chamomile or ginger tea

>> No.10517292

sparkling waters are the most refreshing thing ever.

>> No.10517296

have a good night anon, be safe

>> No.10517300

Most stores sell their own brand of seltzer water. There's less flavors but they're way cheaper.

>> No.10517301

How the fuck do normies enjoy one single drink?

I mean sure, it might taste good, but it's just irritating. I don't get it. Why go to a bar and have 2 beers? Seems like a waste to me.

>> No.10517349

normies dont get the extreme euphoric effects of alcohol that alcoholics get. you could look at obese people and ask the same question "why do they eat so much". its a disorder.

>> No.10517391

try mango, blackberry cucumber, or apricot if you can find them, those are my favorites.

and yeah, it's shitty that i have to sell my laptop. but i am unemployed, sat on my ass drinking all month, and need to make rent + pay off a high APR loan. it's my last chance of digging myself out of this hole i've made. i hope i feel shitty enough about my actions and consequences tomorrow that i might feel compelled to stop drinking for a while... but that's improbable.

in any case, a couple months of work+saving and i'll be able to buy a solid used laptop. not having a laptop may actually be fucking great for me considering how much time i waste on it. and i still have a smartphone

>> No.10517404

Bru we in d'a club tonight!!!

>> No.10517437


>> No.10517523

drinking more than 2 a day usually puts your health at risk.

>> No.10517614

RIP Alfie. It's a shame that assholes like ak/ck/s exist and you were starved to death. Holy Mary, please wrap your mantle of protection around Alfie.

>> No.10517644

jesus man sober up
that was pretty shitty though

>> No.10517660

>he thinks death is worse than being an alc

>> No.10517771

I haven't drank in 4 months. I've been sticking to lifting, video games, etc. I replaced my drinking with vaping CBD oil, sometimes a 8:1 CBD/THC ratio. It's way fucking better and this oil doesn't turn me into a paranoid mess.

>> No.10517778

You know, you can also start a sad little club on /soc/, as it seems you're not bothering with many different alcohols at all but instead are rambling about your personal lifes. What are you a pack of fucking women?

>> No.10517832

NW Iowa here, yeah pretty much the same. Lotta depression and repressed feelings. Bud light and black velvet seem to be drinks of choice. Also welcome to fireball and hawkeye country. I always want to die when I'm home. Work and beer are sometimes my only reasons for not killing myself. Also shouts out to all the casual and aggressive drunk driving we've done.

>> No.10517837

You guys also have better beer/culture than Iowans. But we have Caseys pizza and Hy-Vee or whatever.

>> No.10517857

Only son here nihilism is comin on heavy but I know it's wrong. The nihilism that is. I mean I don't care about anything but I know for a fact there is something to believe in even if I can't feel anything. Everyone can find it for themselves. I know it is possible.

>> No.10517875

There are threads for alcohol discussion, and threads for alcoholism.

>> No.10517881

Jesus fuck I lived in Indiana for my youth and college years, Fireball faggots are straight up the worst people you are going to meet and literally everyone drinks fireball in Indiana where I was, like 8-9/10 people. It was like fucking hell as far as a scene of people go for my tastes.

>> No.10517887

>pack of women
Pathetic trojan horse attempt you reddit jew

>> No.10517896

What do you do, let other frat bros fuck you up the ass and pretend it's not gay because talking about feelings are for pussies?

>> No.10518020

t. off by one

>> No.10518291
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I drank last night and obviously it is morning. Who else hates living with there parent's. I went hard last night! I wish i was dead. I dont want to be a alcoholic anymore

>> No.10518300
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can't be alcohol dependent

if you die of wd

>> No.10518302

Sober insomnia again. I didn't even have bad WDs today, it's just an inevitable thing for at least the first two nights sober for me. Annoying part is that I've been yawning for hours, just can't doze off

>> No.10518321

Yeah I just bought far cry 5, looks amazing on ultra settings while waking and baking every day. I did the same with Oblivion and FF7. Spent weeks/months off booze and thought I was making progress, then instantly went back to booze as soon as I was bored.
What is it we're all missing that we have to replace it with addiction? What's that missing element which apparently most people have but which to us is an elusive mystery?

>> No.10518329

I sold absolutely anything I could some years ago. Doesn't matter what it is, like a fucking smack addict, if it's worth anything it's being sold.

>> No.10518391

Moved back in after 7 years. I have to say I've now grown a tiny bit anxious of moving out again. Not sure why but there's this sense of feeling a bit lost.

But then again I feel very bad for living with parents at my age so that helps.

>> No.10518436
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surge of happiness lads. haven't felt this good in a few days. i know it will be fleeting.

>> No.10518444

caused by a stint of abstinence? always the same for me. feeling good makes me want to drink, to celebrate my newfound ability to be sober. dumbest shit ever, but i've fallen for it a billion times. 'hurr i managed it, i've proven that i can get sober, so now because i've had such a rough time, i'll treat myself to a drink, celebrate, then easily slip back into this previously elusive sobriety'. then a year later you're in hospital screaming at the top of your lungs with a pulse rate of 190.

>> No.10518448

no I'm 18 beers deep

>> No.10518576

Can we still post in here if we're not alcoholics? I'm not alcoholic, just australian

>> No.10518584
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everyone is welcome

>> No.10518585

why would you want to/anyone want you to do that?

>> No.10518586

Avoided the day drink till my wife got home from work at about 4pm and it was off to the store for beer and wine. 4 tall boys and like 3 glasses of wine. Once again not horrible but not great. Enough to pass out on the couch woke up finished my 4th tall boy (about a pint) crawled into bed about 2. Woke up feeling good. Wife was a little pissed about how much a drank but what else is new. kids down for a nap abstaining again today for the day. Made a promise to my wife to slow down the drinking if she was willing to work on her relationship.witj my daughter(her step daughter) my wife has some jealousy issues from my past relationships specifily with my daughter's mother. So hopefully with seeing something blossom between those 2 will be enough. If not I'll just divorce her because that's pretty paramount on my wife requirements that both my children are treated equally

>> No.10518590

Always nice to talk to people. I only started drinking really recently in life too, so it's all new to me

>> No.10518594
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any shitpost is welcome

>> No.10518667

I only started drinking when I turned 18, I'm 22 now. My country is really into drinking and promotes underage drinking, but personal issues turned me off that. I used to only drink vodka and goon, but now switched to Mercury ciders which are 2 standard drinks a can. I like the feeling of being drunk because I can be honest with my friends, which I can't do normally

>> No.10518696

Check hasn't cleared yet and only have 3.99 in account. Guess I have to steal or rob tonight.

>> No.10518699

>promotes underage drinking
Fucking alcohol lobbyists dude. Billionaire brat babbies of alcohol corporation founders.

>> No.10518722

I don't think it's the lobbyists, although it probably is. It's just culture here is so tied to drinking you can't escape from it

>> No.10518745

>Guess I have to steal or rob tonight.
anon no...

>> No.10518773

common sense, bruh. they're rich, so they get what they want, no matter how many people die. someone needs to spike their cognac with aids.

>> No.10518791

Theres no greater joy to me than drinking and vidya. Get a couple shots, catch a buzz and crush beers all night while playing. After the first few I'm in the zone, then get more sloppy if I keep drinking liquor. I try to play sober and while I do better especially in mp games, its not the same. I've fallen asleep on the couch holding the controller a few times.

>> No.10518796

i have shitloads of booze, weed and benzos for today, and nothing for 7 days thereafter. gun b gud

>> No.10518800

Why is it drinking gets me very hungry?

>> No.10518806

because you haven't been drinking for long/hard enough that it'd annihilate your appetite, but keep it up and it will.

>> No.10518808

Sucks because if my bank did their jobs I'd have enough booze till end of May.

>> No.10518819

why the shit didn't anyone tell me that e-bikes are no longer complete shit? second time with no license, dying without a car this time for 3 years, and i just now find out that a grand and a half will buy me an electric bike capable of carrying me 50 miles on a charge. Fucking awesome, guess i'll go rape some of my crypto stashes now

>> No.10518828

Pellegrino or la croix to get that sweet carbonation. If I close my eyes it's almost like drinking a light beer

>> No.10518967

>tfw no bf

>> No.10518973

This but a gf
>Tfw my friends make fun of me for everything I enjoy.
>They tell me I should stop enjoying stuff like anime and videogames because "women don't give a shit and won't consider you a boyfriend"

>> No.10519001

grils just want a dude who's trying to succeed at something long-term. a life-dream. as long as it's in some way which will benefit her too, she'll be intradested in joining in and offering some cunny in exchange for a share in your life's work. so just fake it. be an alchie pleb who does nothing but shit himself and play vidya, but pretend to have a dream and from time to time pretend to be pursuing it, shouldn't be hard to snare a gril or two here and there.
haven't tested it, but i used to have a dream, it failed and now i'm too ruined to carry on, but for decades girls were almost so easy that it became boring.

>> No.10519004

>Pretend to have a dream
I can't even do that, but I'm glad you at least got to experience the tfw gf

>> No.10519022

new thread


new thread


>> No.10519026
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>Actually wanting a 3DPD

>> No.10519040

lots. cheating on them in really vicious ways and them still coming back felt really nice in my early 20's. other-level enjoyment when it's available in abundance.

>> No.10519055

Yeah they do, they just don't like loss of control in social situations and they have better frontal lobes that sacrifice immediate gratification for long term happiness.