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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10482967 No.10482967 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee /ck/? Post your setup, brewing methods, favorite blends, etc.

Today's cup:
>Kalita 101
>30g blended beans
>600ml water

>Pre-wet filter
>Saturate grounds
>30s bloom
>Pulse pour for about 3 stages

Let's appreciate coffee together. All coffee welcome!

>> No.10482976

I live in south Florida so espresso is big here. I use one of those aluminum stove top brewers. It makes a nice cup of coffee. I use Pilon espresso.

>> No.10483020

Like my women _________________

>> No.10483035

For those who have one, are Porlex grinders worth it? If not, what are some recommended manual alternatives?

>> No.10483038

how fine is the grind?

>> No.10483040

Bitter and tasteless

>> No.10483085

I prefer a medium-fine grind for the Kalita 101. I think people describe it as "kosher salt" consistency.

>> No.10483094

folgers, made in a french press, mixed 1:1 with cheap swill beer

i didnt know i was married

>> No.10483106

>swill beer
I had to look that up. Do you let your coffee cool before you mix it?

Sometimes I mix some whiskey into my coffee, but I pretty much enjoy whiskey in everything so I don't know if that counts for anything.

>> No.10483134

>Do you let your coffee cool before you mix it?
as soon as it's made, I add it to the cold beer

>>swill beer
>I had to look that up.
the fuck? it's not even a special thing, it just means low quality beer. im pretty sure "swill" isn't even a beer-specific term, it just means something that is shitty to drink, at least where I'm from

>> No.10483137

I boil the kettle, put some McDonald’s grinds in my French press, fill it with water and stir, wait 5 minutes, plunge, then dump in a mug with cream and sugar. No fucks given.

>> No.10483140

i put a bunch of coffee and water in my french press and let it sit for like 20 mins.

>> No.10483162

I put only a little water in my french press, enough to cover the grounds, and let it stand long enough to get bored shitposting. Then I top it off with hot water. This has resulted in a stronger AND easier to filter coffee than >>10483137

>> No.10483165

20 minutes? Dude, you’re a fucking animal! I would have a beer with you on a Friday night.

>> No.10483167

How strong your coffee is depends on how much coffee you put in a French press. I know exactly how much coffee I like in it.

>> No.10483196

50g ground, mix with hot water in french press. Wait too long every time so it's bitter as fuck, drink black and chase it with water if especially bad.

>> No.10483514

Curious, is there a specific reason you guys use a french press? Surprised to see so many people use it!

I'm OP and I had to look up swill, it's not common slang in my area. Where are you from? West coast over here, not sure if that makes a difference.

>> No.10483563

>Curious, is there a specific reason you guys use a french press?
theyre incredibly cheap, even cheaper than electric percolators really

>> No.10483570

It’s cheap, makes really good coffee, not hard to clean, never breaks down, takes 5 minutes once your kettle is boiled, you never need to buy filters, if you break it due to being a dumbass you can cheaply and easily replace it, and people aren’t going to look at you like you’re some pretentious faggot for having one.

>> No.10483692

Are they that much cheaper than a dripper? My budget travel setup is a $5 plastic v60 with a reusable cloth filter.

To be fair, I do love how versatile a good french press is. Delicious hot and cold brews makes it an instant winner when I have time for it.

>> No.10483719

Well yes and no. I can go get a dripper for $10 right now and it even has a timer so it can brew my coffee 5 minutes before I wake up, but it clutters my counter, and I really don’t want a full pot of coffee in the morning. The two French presses I have are sized so my smaller one fills my big spider-man mug, and my bigger one makes 3 normal coffee mugs. It depends on how much you want to pay. Also, drippers can be a pain in the ass to clean. They put all those stupid grooves in the grind tray and unless you soak it in boiling hot water for an hour and go crazy with a bristle brush, there’s always going to be old coffee that funks up your next batch. I like just washing my French press with the dishes in the evening and putting it away in the cupboard. I hate shit that sits on my counter all the time. I don’t even own a toaster or a microwave. Only thing that stays on my counter permanently is my electric kettle and rice cooker.

>> No.10483755

I usually see them on for 15-20bux at Canadian Tire; same as a proper percolator, but you have to factor in hipster cost and then factor out paper filters.

>> No.10483767

Hipsters aren’t into French presses anymore, are they? I thought they have moved beyond them. Also, just because a hipster likes something doesn’t make it bad. It’s just the hipster who is bad.

>> No.10483885

what exactly is a hipster coffee maker

>> No.10483944

The thing in op’s pic, or that tube thing.

>> No.10483970

oh weird why are pour over brewers hipster? my parents have used one forever

>> No.10483985

Simple ones aren’t. It becomes a hipster thing when you’re doing it on a scale, preheating your beaker, getting your water to a specific degree in temperature, and all that other shit.

>> No.10484057

OP here, I guess I brew coffee like a hipster (oops). But honestly I went this way because I was really inexperienced and wasting delicious beans on really bitter/bad brews. Controlling the variables helped me understand how to make coffee to my taste, consistently.

Some of my early trials were so bad I couldn't even drink the results..

>> No.10484086

Old-fashioned stuff is Hipster, anon. Anything that's old instead of modern and mainstream.

>> No.10484275
File: 54 KB, 800x800, folgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a barista in Portland, OR.
the pretentiousness of this scene has finally broken me, and I've seen the light.

It turns out, the best part of waking up, really is folgers in your cup

>> No.10484285

I have never had instant Folgers, but I don’t like Folgers grinds. I would rather nabob, but I usually just buy McDonald’s grinds because I don’t feel like paying $11 for a 200g bag of actually good coffee beans

>> No.10484295

I wonder if it's better or worse than SF/Seattle. How long have you been a barista anon?

I like folders but not enough to consider it the best. A good cold brew sets my day to the right start.

>> No.10484301


>> No.10484469

Afternoon coffee, yay or nay?

>> No.10484480

Guys, I think I'm hanging up the coffee snob hat. There's no thrill anymore. A bag of whole bean Peet's from Kroger and I am satisfied.

>> No.10484505

my rule has always been>
coffee in morning and tea in afternoon if winter
coffee in morning and iced tea or iced coffee in afternoon if summer

>> No.10484515

I drink my coffee at like 10AM and 4PM, maybe push that back to after dinner if I'm having a real meal.

>> No.10484664

Getting into coffee making. Got myself an aeropress and enjoying local roasts. Amazing how much its like drinking tea.
But I want to have another way of having a coffee that works best with a darker roast, an After Dinner blend. I want that buttery, nutty, smooth flavor.
What's a good brewing method for those? Would Aeropress work or is there a better way?

>> No.10484951

what does /ck/ recommend for someone new to coffee? i don't want to fall for hipster memes. what's a good setup?

>> No.10484953

Maybe get a stove-top for darker roasts, or an espresso machine.

>> No.10485278

How do I enjoy coffee? It all tastes so bitter to me.

>> No.10485368

Find better sources of coffee that isn't Starbucks or the pot of stale, overextracted coffee in your office kitchen.

>> No.10485803

Should I invest in a moka pot?

>> No.10486036

Hipsters have DEFINITELY moved onto pour over now

>> No.10486043

No. They're not BAD but even a small one is like $30 and they're kind of a hassle to use and really a hassle to clean. for $30 you can get a real nice pour over or french press.

>> No.10486049

no, it will depreciate by 79% the second you drive it off the lot
I remember when I used to be mad at the term "pour over", to me it was just normal coffee that we did growing up. then I realized I'm an out of touch liberal elitist anyway so I'm allowed to say "pour over" and it won't sound pretentious

>> No.10486059

>french press
pick one

>> No.10486067

instant coffee
150ml water


>> No.10487223
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>had burr grinder
>$30 hario garbage already leaving plastic shavings in the grinds and grinding itself to bits
>went back to $7 blade grinder
>taste difference is negligible if you shake the blade grinder during the last 5 seconds

Manual grinders are a meme.

>> No.10487276

Yeah I've had two of those, they work ok but they're basically no better than a blade grinder

Good burr grinders do not use ceramic, and good burr grinders actually cost money

>> No.10487578

I thought that my local Ikea made a decent cup

>> No.10487607

I put some cold water into my unwashed mug and heat it in a microwave. One spoonful of whatever instant coffee I have and some skimmed milk.

>> No.10487914

Cheap way to get into it:
Aeropress or French Press
Hand burr grinder
Local roaster in your area to buy fresh beans
Cheapest way to make coffee that will be way better than Starbucks

>> No.10488060

>I had a shitty cheap manual grinder and that is thus the representative for any and all manual grinders
very mature attitude anon well done
be a good boy and finish your tendies now

>> No.10488080
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Am I doing something wrong, or is it virtually impossible to get a consistent brew with this thing?

Granted, it's never terrible, but it is only sometimes excellent, when I can't see what I am doing differently between each brew. I fill right below the valve with hot water each time, level off the grinds at the top, heat it on the same low burner, turning off the heat and running the base under cold water before it starts to gurgle. But I'll get dramatically different results almost every time and I have no idea why.

>> No.10488085

Those things were invented for eye-talians who are too poor for real espresso machines. They are meant to be used with pre-ground lavazza crap which is what eye-talians think is "good coffee"

I'd suggest you either say "it's authentic therefore it's good", or you throw it out and use an aeropress like a grownup

>> No.10488113

>whatever ground coffee seems interesting as cold brew
>whatever's on sale in my espresso machine
Not picky with coffee, the only kind I can't stomach is Tim Horton's.

>> No.10488195

Those aren’t designed for precision.

It’s good for drinks with milk and sugar and all sorts of stuff. As a pure cup of coffee, it’ll always be inconsistent.

>> No.10488231

So I just started enjoying coffee and was looking at purchasing a chemix. Are these things memes or decent?

>> No.10488249

You can make perfectly good coffee with a $6 plastic cone, but they certainly look nice

Since you have "meme" in your vocabulary I don't think it would be worth it, you're surrounded in piss bottles so the aesthetic upgrade would be a bit of a waste don't you think?

>> No.10488278

Since you seem to understand what a meme is you too seem to have it in your vocabulary.

kys weeb trash

>> No.10488296

Eh I mean are there better options. I have money to spend since I have a job so I was just curious.

But okay.

>> No.10488424


>> No.10488436

>using cheap hipster toys to make coffee
>current year
Please. Either get a proper espresso setup or drink drip brew, frenchpress or stovetop piss water.

>> No.10488484

Good afternoon thread. Late start today but I'll be brewing for two for a rare change.

Today's cup:
>50g blended beans
>780ml water

>Pre-wet filter
>Saturate grounds
>35s bloom
>Second pour
>Fill to top

I'm so happy with the results! Palatable enough even for a non-coffee drinker. Unless they're just being nice about it..

How do you like your coffee anon? How much do you brew at a time? Those factors will help you decide what's the best system for you.

For single cups in the morning I prefer doing a pour over that's a bit more forgiving (e.g. Kalita wave). On the other hand my Chemex is my go-to for multiple cups and entertaining. The brewer itself isn't all that special, what you're buying into is their pricier proprietary filters which is actually what makes a Chemex brew so good (ymmv, it's not for everyone).

This anon >>10488249 means well, the takeaway is: chemex brewers look nice but aren't necessarily the best investment for daily use.

A good slow drip is the epitome of (my) happiness. I just don't have the time to set it up regularly or I would. How do you brew anon?

>> No.10488836

is it even worth drinking coffee when you wake up at 5pm

>> No.10488856

I'm honestly just getting into coffee and finding what I enjoy. I thankfully have a coffee roastary right across the street so I've got options.

I usually see myself making 2-4 small cups at best. I don't entertain much (with coffee at least) but having the ability to make good coffee for 1-2 people is my goal.

>> No.10488874

I would think even more so

>> No.10489720

Egg coffee.

Who has tried it? What's the verdict? Is it worth giving it a shot? What kind of coffee would work best with it do you think?

>> No.10490045

Does anyone here travel with their coffee gear? What's your setup?

>> No.10490313

>How do you brew anon?
It depends on amount of time I have. I tried to dodge the snobbery as much as possible with espresso while still getting a good setup. I have the standard "welcome to the club" RS single boiler unit and an Barataza AP30.
Espresso takes a relatively long time to make and clean up unfortunately, despite its name, so I would warn anyone considering it, especially if you plan on integrating it into your daily routine.
If I'm lazy, much like you, I like a good slow drip or french press. I've never been much for the hipster stupidity that is syphon and other idiotic pseudo implementations of tried and true methods. Marketing has swallowed common sense these days.

>> No.10490320

I'm waiting to try it when I go to the country of origin. Worried I might try some disgusting bastardized version of it elsewhere

>> No.10490617

I like my women like my coffee. Freshly ground and fed through a strainer.

>> No.10490637

I would like a Breville Barista Express bean to cup (Called Sage in the UK). But really cannot jusify the price. I have a Nespresso machine but I'm having to use two capsules to get a decent cuppa. Plus looking at all those plastic pots going in the bin makes me feel guilty (I know they do a recycle plan but tha's a pain in the butt). I am thinking of getting a manual pressure machine for my expresso. The De'Longhi Dedica seems to get good reviews and is compact enough for my small kitchen. I would have got the Magnifica ESAM4200 if I had know about it a month ago as it was £100 off! I have a Krups burr grinder I got on the cheap and am hoping it grinds the right consistency for expresso. I heard the Dedica is not as fussy as other machines because it uses a pressurised system (although I also hear they can be dangerous if you get a blockage).

What do?

>> No.10490661

Nah, hotels don't have a way to get the water hot enough generally (those in-room coffee makers are total shit) so I just hit up local coffee spots or McDonald's.

>> No.10490837

>not using pre-WW2 italian coffee grinders that have been recovered from battlefields and/or plundered villages

My coffees are telling history

>> No.10490904

I want to do this for conferences but I haven't found a good system. Getting a shitty coffee makes it hard for me to get shit down.

>> No.10491036
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What coffee brewing apparatus will make me feel most like a wizard brewing his potions?

>> No.10491352
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Anyone try this stuff? I love it

>> No.10491359

Buy an ad dickhead I'm sure you can help pay pappa Alex's legal bills

>> No.10491360

vacuum/siphon, for sure

>> No.10491666

No clue what you're talking about. I'm talking about coffee, who is Alex?

>> No.10491751

ground up and in the freezer

>> No.10491862

I know you're all going to want to stone me for being a heretic, but I have an idea for something that I want to explore and it could be a good TREAT from time to time.

Here's what happened yesterday. I had a little cold 6 hour old coffee left in the pot, a few ounces, and then I only had about half a cup's worth of RC Cola left in a two litter bottle, I didn't have enough to drink either individually, so I got the bright idea to try mixing them together. This may be obvious to you all, but it tasted terrible. It became kind of a sour taste. I couldn't drink it and ended up dumping it out because it tasted so bad together.

So my question, have you guys ever had any luck mixing soda and coffee together? Is there a way to do it so it doesn't taste awful? I will admit that my concoction was more soda than coffee, it may work better if it's more coffee and just a little soda to sweeten the coffee.

>> No.10491889

the flavor of good coffee is strongly dependent on the types and concentrations of soluble acids

once you throw in a fuck ton of carbon dioxide it makes the coffee taste unbalanced and somewhat unpleasant. perhaps one could find a bean or a roast level that works well with carbonation but all coffee roasting and brewing in real life is oriented towards drinking it the "normal" way, it would be quite a project to figure out how best to pair coffee with co2

it's why memesters use nitrogen to "fizz" their coffee, the flavor is neutral and doesn't detract

>> No.10491905

Black, rich and Latin American.

>> No.10492721

What are some good recommendations for coffee grinders? Is there a list somewhere?

>> No.10492758

>Getting into coffee making.
do americans actually think making coffee is hard enough that it's something you have to "get into"

>> No.10492779

theyre literally all the same except for size

>> No.10492787

That couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.10492805

name even ONE (1) thing you should look out for when getting a grinder other than "it's on sale"

>> No.10492814

how much money you have

IF amount < 500 THEN 'KYS' END AS YourGrinderPlans

>> No.10492819

that's very interesting. sorry I didn't reply to you sooner. I did read it soon after you wrote that. perhaps flat soda would work better, but flat soda is pretty bad so how would that even be an improvement?

>> No.10492821

Whether it's blade or burr.

>> No.10492827
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oops sorry forgot my pic

>> No.10492852

no difference + just put in your car's clutch box and run it for a bit and drink what comes out, its easier

>> No.10492892
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Pic related.
Me and a friend used this thing to make coffee yesterday, very good coffee i should add.
My friend had it in his kitchen for over 20 years, he never tried it.
I did a bit of research and its a vintage 1950-1960 pyrex percolator.

>> No.10493241

They're out of popularity because they overextract.
A moka pot is a better option for stovetop coffee's.

>> No.10493419

Strong and black.

>> No.10493966

where can i get a french press
walmart does seem to sell em

>> No.10493987


>> No.10494122
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with 56% cream

>> No.10494182
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I keep one of these, a grinder, and a small electric hot plate at my desk at work. I come in around 6:30, grind my beans, chill and check my email and munch breakfast while it brews next to me, while the office is dead quiet and peaceful.

very appropriate for this method of brewing, which requires a good amount of attention compared to others.

>> No.10494581


>> No.10494633
File: 87 KB, 680x1060, 6012deaa-e4e8-42ec-8692-df6f83b65a89_1.04c89871276ffc1ac9f2a9ec3c0aea01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd I saw several models on the shelf of the local Walmart.
Must be a regional stock thing, definitely Amazon carries them.

>> No.10494761

Thanks anons, I bought a stainless steel one for 25 bucks. Heard the glass ones crack

>> No.10494780

can I drip brew with zero materials except a standard kitchen pot, a coffee filter, some beans?

>> No.10494832

there are a lot of coffee sodas. Keepers does a citrus one and lots of places do espresso tonics. We sell a cold brew cherry cola at my shop and I've seen a few other variations.

>> No.10494859
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nitro and batch brew of the last bit of Guji we have.

>> No.10494978

You strike me as a Michigander

>> No.10495783

Are you a barista? I want one of those scales but I can't justify the investment.

Brew looks delicious, what's it taste like?

>> No.10496316

What are your Monday brews, /ck/?

>> No.10497287

Aeropress, ethiopian single origin. Tastes amazing as a long black.

>> No.10497348

Paraiso, Brazil with a V60

>> No.10497356
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Dunkin or McDonald's coffee?

>> No.10498079


>> No.10498227
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>> No.10498242

How do you get away with all that shit at your desk, and better question, how do you stop people from begging you to make them coffee?

>> No.10498248

Every Dunkin coffee I've ever had has been sour. Micky D's isn't that bad from what I've been told.

>> No.10498254

Good morning, how's the Monday grind treating you?

Today's cup:
>hario bottle
>55g blended beans
>700ml water

>10 hours in the ol' fridge
>Pre-wet filter
>Pour and enjoy

A good coldbrew really jump starts my day in all the right ways. It's also much easier to drink on an empty stomach!

What are we serving up today?

Sounds delicious! My favorite ethiopian single origin has a light roast with wonderful floral and citrus notes. Where do you get yours?

Is it chocolatey? I don't have that variety often so I don't remember what the flavors are like very well.

>> No.10498255

Also FUCK Dunkin for ruining the only good thing in their drink menu. They traded the coffee coolatta for a frozen coffee that tastes like shit.

>> No.10498266

The Paraiso was along the notes of cherry and almond, pretty good cup.

>> No.10498272

Aeropress, 17g Ethiopian single origin, 200ml water at 175F, standard method. I tried inverted but think its better when you have a course grind and hotter water, standard way is nicer for lighter roasts.

>> No.10498515

I'm not a barista but I do run a coffee business with some friends. This was from Bandit Coffee Co. and it was great. I like really bright and fruity coffees like that a lot but unfortunately they are all out now. And the Acaia is pretty rad but you're mostly paying for looks. I just use an amazon basics scale at home.

>> No.10499022

Cheers from the opposite coast, that's really cool! I hope your business is thriving. I prefer bright and fruity cups too, so I'll keep my eye out for their next batch.

I like the acaia largely because it's waterproof and looks exceptional to boot. Using a hario v60 scale right now but I dread the inevitable watery accident that will render it useless. Any recommendations on that front would be great.

>> No.10499213

Pilon isn't bad. Have you tried cafe bustelo?

>> No.10499256
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Goblin free.

>> No.10499286
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I get me some super dark roast, boil water, put 3-4 scoops of that energy bean in a kettle, pour in boiled water, let it steep for at the very least 5 minutes (like I always say: The longer it steeps, the more you weep [bc it tastes so good.]). Then I pour in a teensy bit of creamer, leaving it mostly black. Makes a good morning a great one.

>> No.10500116

>super dark roast

>> No.10500125

Both of them are bad

>> No.10500152

very mature response, you fucking faggot cunt. I bet you are alone, you will die alone, wasting your efforts while nothing you have done comes to fruition. You will die alone, no one will remember you, and you will have meant nothing

>> No.10500263

thanks anon. We're just a pop-up bar now but working on our first retail shop to open this year. I mean you have to break a couple Harios to get to acaia money but if you like coffee gadgets you should just drop the cash on the coolest scale. It isn't thousands of dollars its 140 last time I checked.

>> No.10500820
File: 131 KB, 1500x1125, pourover kalita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna change up my coffee game, I've been comfortable with my setup for too long.
But I'm also lazy and use a pourover because I don't have to clean anything, I don't even have a carafe because that'd just be another thing to clean.

>> No.10500854

add some spices to your grounds,
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp cardamom
1 tsp allspice
shit is so fucking cash

>> No.10501361

Oh neat, best of luck to you anon. I'd love to check it out someday if you feel bold enough to post some info on it. Also yeah, the acaia isn't very expensive at $140. My only hesitation stems from the fact that I already have a working scale! I'll probably get it though, I haven't heard many negative points beyond the price tag,

What are you interested in? Something like a cold brew has low cleanup too.

>> No.10501374

Alive and kicking

>> No.10501388

So I went to Vietnam recently and bought Weasel Coffee. I have no idea how this will taste, but looking at it, it's a mix of the cheap beans and expensive ones. I really shouldn't have bought it, but I am easily tricked by gimmicky shit.

>> No.10501408

No regrets anon, it could be insanely delicious. If you're cool with it I'd love to see your brew/the results.

If it's any consolation, I also picked up some Kicking Horse beans while I was passing through Canada. I hear mixed things about their beans lately so it might have be less than stellar.. but I couldn't pass up the opportunity!

>> No.10501485

Which french press models do you have?

>> No.10501609
File: 1.01 MB, 1255x2001, 2018-04-23 23.02.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grindlet here.

My french press ate it, so I'm going back to my greasy wop roots and getting a moka pot. Decided this is as good a time as any to start using an actual bur grinder too.
Convince me not to pull the trigger on a refurbished Baratza Encore.

>> No.10501616

Putting water and coffee powder in your mouth and then swallowing it like a pill is nice.

>> No.10501633

>water and coffee powder
>not coffee and coffee powder

>> No.10501837
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I ordered this bad boy yesterday. Does anyone have any experience with drippers? They are super low maintenence and this one was super cheap too. The only downside is that some reviews say that the coffee doesn't come as strong but I plan to use two mugs to do a second pass if I it's too mild.

>> No.10501935
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Do you folks like coffee from the hills of Columbia?

>> No.10502141

The duncan hills awake you from a thousand deaths. A cup of blackened blood.

>> No.10502625

Girlfriend bought me the la Palma lactic gesha from onyx, been brewing it all week in my chemex

>> No.10502827
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GS3, own roast, beans from maria

>> No.10502994

my market is liberal hipsters that think 4chan is just pol so would rather not reveal my power level just in case someone connects the dots. I'll be lurking in these threads though.

>> No.10503007

Cold and black

>> No.10503017

south american and big bodied

>> No.10503022

Just got some coffee into the shop that I work at, and I've hit a speed bump. It seems like no matter what I do the coffee drains awfully slow at the end, leading to what would be a 4-5 minute pour over, before just getting stopped up all together. We all have at least a little to years of making coffee experience and none of us can figure this out.

TLDR: Is there something that can happen to the beans in roasting that could consistently make the coffee get stopped up on pour overs? That's the only thing I can imagine it could be at this point.

>> No.10503060

I'm assuming you've already tried coarsening the grind up or just playing with ratios? I've definitely noticed that lighter roasts tend to drain slower near the end for me I'm guessing maybe the coffee absorbs water more when it's less roasted or something?

>> No.10503392

Yeah, we've tried coarsening the grind for sure. We've also tried playing with the ratio, but it hasn't seemed to taste right with less grounds.
You could be right though. And we do tend to use light to medium-light roasted coffee.

>> No.10503400

You've got a lot of fines in there, possibly caused by a grinder problem, or a bad roast. Coarsening it may not help if your burrs are fucked up

>> No.10503423

I'm guessing its probably a bad roast, but I can check out the grinder. The one we have is pretty nice and hasn't given any problems so far.

I also just learned that the roaster just moved their machine to a different location recently (within the same city). Would this be something that could potentially cause problems? They usually put out consistently good roasts.

>> No.10503589
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do you guys have any tips for getting into coffee brewing? I'd really appreciate a general pointer, maybe a pastebin or a shopping list for getting started.

>> No.10503596

Drive to the nearest Starbucks and ask if they're hiring

>> No.10503609

Buy a lido or competitor instead

>> No.10503623

No flavor or anything, just bitter water.

>> No.10503683

Over extraction or brewing the coffee for too long

The water you’re using is too hot

Your coffee beans aren’t fresh or are poor quality

You’re using too muchcoffee for the amount of water you’re using

The coffee grinds you are using are ground too small

The brewing equipment you are using is dirty

>> No.10503825

I'm using a coffee pot that brews automatically. Might be the coffee beans.
I'm been trying to grind the coffee beans less fine, but I have a cheap bladed grinder

>> No.10503909

youtube is your friend. or just become friends with a barista and they'll talk your ears off about it.

>> No.10503930
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I use a cheap drip coffee brewer. Sometimes a French press.

I buy already-ground coffee that is on sale. Pic related is what I usually get.

I have the coffee with no sugar, and a little bit of milk.

>> No.10504181

Call me crazy, but I actually use buttermilk in my coffee and it tastes so fucking good. Anyone else try it this way?

>> No.10504262

>put butter in coffee

>> No.10504462

I'm not American, gaylord.

>> No.10504481

I don't want to make this sound like a personal blog but the first time I truly enjoyed coffee was with a decent espresso setup and local bean. Not a coffee snob at all.

My problem with coffee was that it either tasted too watery like with FP (no matter the quantity or type of grounds I used) or always had a strong acidic, burnt, or otherwise nasty edge to it with various types of bean made with drip.
With espresso, there is an unmatched smoothness for me, whether with steamed milk or straight. If there is one thing to take away, it's that brewing methods are not created equal and you should experiment to taste with different types

>> No.10504589

So I’m thinking about making coffee for 2-3 people every morning. We’ve kind of decided maybe French press for volume. Any downsides to French press vs pour over? I have a small pour over set up but no goose neck pot or temperature setting. Very noob here.

>> No.10504596

Buttermilk isn't butter, you idiot.

>> No.10504818

French press has more sediment (sludgier) and bolder, fuller flavor. Pourover is a cleaner cup with more control over variables but if you don't have a gooseneck it's kind of pointless to use it because you probably won't be using it to its fullest potential. French press isn't really something you can fuck up on the other hand and is less involved than something that requires you to stand over your brewer for the duration of your brew. Unless you really want to make a pourover every morning (I do), just go with what is easiest to use for 2 others who would otherwise have to know how to do a pourover correctly and go through that routine every time they want coffee, which could be annoying.

>> No.10504832

Would there be any point to putting together a pastebin or an infographic for coffee?

>> No.10504838


>> No.10504848

Shared with my friends.

>> No.10505200

>manual grind
Look man, I'm gonna be straight with you
I ain't doing that.

>> No.10505237

Tugged by a hopeless, vacuous Starbucks barista who goes home and necks themselves with their fruity green apron.

>> No.10505239

I'd be happier about it if they sold their beans unground.

>> No.10505247

>My french press ate it
Nigga they cost literally 5 bucks to replace if you don't get a faggy model where the carafe is locked in place.

>> No.10505530

Is that coffee worth shit?

>> No.10505546

Where does the best coffee come from?

>> No.10505571

Australia, surprisingly

>> No.10505586

Ethiopia and Yemen

>> No.10505678

My brother's gf is from Italy and last time they went there they brought home some unlabeled coffee packages (maybe Guglielmo). It smells quite weird but the taste is really amazing.

Using it with my cheapo espresso machine which I got for $20 on e-bay, makes really good coffee

>> No.10505780

I'm quite certain you have never tasted "really good coffee"

>> No.10506151

That's fair. It's really not that big a hassle compared to electric plus manual grinders blow similarly priced electrics out of the water in terms of performance

>> No.10506165

It tastes nice. Costs 4 dollars a bag. I’m not complaining. I’m not a coffee snob so I don’t know what is good and what is bad, I just judge by how delicious and satisfying I personally find it. I hate sour wine tasting coffee.

>> No.10506881
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Love my melitta. Does anyone else here use one?

>> No.10506909

As light as I can get it for a reasonable price.

>> No.10506912

Also single-origin.

>> No.10507123

Blends > Single Origins
Sorry about your shit taste

>> No.10507147

HUGE QUESTION, paper filters vs metal ones vs device specific ones

>> No.10507184

>if you don't have a gooseneck it's kind of pointless to use it because you probably won't be using it to its fullest potential

Can anyone further elaborate on this?

Was gonna order a Hario v60 this weekend to get back on the coffee grinder (no pun intended) and was planning on using my electric kettle.

Maybe transferring hot water to a longer neck teapot would help?

>> No.10507204

I just asked a cute girl out for coffee and got rejected. Bummer man. But fuck it, Im still gonna go get that coffee, its fucking delicious. Maybe even hit the ice cream store next door.

>> No.10507208
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It's just a meme.
So long as your kettle lets you dribble water over your grounds it'll work.
It's because the hario has a gigantic gaping hole at the bottom and if you just dumped all the water in like in a small-holed melitta, the water would pass right through and leave you with shit underextracted coffee.

>> No.10507543

It just makes it easier to control your pour rate instead of sloshing water all over it, helps with consistency. Maybe I exaggerated a bit saying it's not worth it at all.

>> No.10507553

Less oils
No fines
More subtle flavor
Bolder flavor

That's it

>> No.10507571

I used to think goosenecks were a meme. But then I realized how much it softens your pour and appreciate it much more now. Probably only matters with a pour over really.

>> No.10507587

It's a make or break with pourover

Don't matter at all with aeropress

>> No.10507600

Any advice on cold brews? I did 55g to 700ml with a medium-fine grind for about 12 hours but the results felt really watered down. I use paper filters before drinking, in case that matters.

>> No.10507609
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Oh they absolutely can be a meme if you want them to be. I can't rationally justify spending $100+ on something that heats water but damn if my aestheticboner isn't raging right now

>> No.10507624

I love kinto to death but even I agree it's way pricey for what it is. Sometimes I regret getting a kettle that doesn't heat water.

>> No.10507647

I regret buying a kettle that doesn't have Bluetooth

>> No.10507735

Build it yourself maybe? Way easier than adding a heating element to a regular kettle. At least, I prefer doing the former to the latter.

>> No.10507744

But how will I make sure it's compatable with the acaia app?

>> No.10507764

Use their api! It hasn't been too messy on my end.

Are bluetooth kettles all that good? I've seen appkettle but it seems a bit much for me.

>> No.10507784

I both lack the technical skill and interest to do that, I was being sarcastic and making fun of the whole Internet of things aspect of a Bluetooth kettle, but I guess I can see the appeal of it to someone who wants to get insanely meticulous about their pourover

>> No.10507916

I like my coffee how I like my slaves.

>> No.10507939


>> No.10508125

Ohh sorry it totally went over my head. I just get way excited at the prospect of modifying my stuff, it's def not practical (or necessary) in the grand scheme of coffee brewing. Simple and clean is the way to go!

>> No.10508341

That's cool, what have you modified

>> No.10508498

An Aeropress and what ever beans I find at costco. Grind em up every morning with a cheapo electric grinder. Thats it.

>> No.10508508

Aeropress vs Pour over. What is the difference in taste?

>> No.10508653

Depends on what you brew and how you do it, even pour over brewers have some variation between them.

Generally speaking, the normal aeropress method brews a nice light cup of coffee while the inverted method makes a bolder/stronger cup (great for dark roasts!). Aeropress is also a bit more forgiving in consistency if you don't have great technique or can't be bothered with it.

On the other hand, a standard pour over (using something like the v60) produces what I consider a very clean and traditionally balanced cup of coffee. It's more temperamental and your pour technique + grind quality will matter a lot more, but you're also able to produce much "smoother" cups from this method.

If it's possible, I also suggest visiting your local coffee house to get a few taste tests to help you get a better idea on your preferences.

>> No.10509603

Have that kettle, it's great. $100 is fucking nothing anyway. You've just become an old man who still thinks of money as having the value it did in the 90s where it was worth almost twice as much, or even early 2000s where it was worth 1.5x as much.

Get the idea out of your head that $100 means shit and remember it's worth about $50-$70 of what money still means to you instinctively. Otherwise you'll be the old man who still bitches that movies don't cost a nickle anymore.

>> No.10509611

>French press
>Cheapo blade grinder I got at wal-mart
>Eight O'Clock 100% Colombian

Not a fantastic set-up by this thread's standards, I'm sure, but I was moving away from my dad's 20 year old stovetop percolator + Folger's routine, so it's fine for me.

>> No.10509671

Actually I'm a college kid only able to work ~20 hours a week and trying to save money instead of spending it on kettles when what I have works fine

>> No.10509799
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I do .5 oz of preground Dunkin donuts coffee and 14 oz of water .12 oz is way too stronk and concentrated because I think some of the water is boiled off or absorbed by the beans when I use a machine.

If I do French press I'll do 6 tablespoons to 20 oz water

>> No.10509844

>finely preground garbage
>in a french press
this is bait, right?

>> No.10509883

N-no I don't have a grinder

Pls no bully

>> No.10509924

I'll bully you until you buy a Hario burr hand grinder.

>> No.10509961

Strong, short and bitter

>> No.10509965

Moka pot

>> No.10510147

I have that kinto too and love it! But anon, that doesn't sound like a healthy view on money. Wasteful spending is still wasteful even if you can afford it.

Different anon here, I've been itching to try the moka pot but I hear it's somewhat inconsistent and better for people who like to add cream and sugar to their coffee.

Can another mokapot owner give me some advice on how to make a strong, consistent, brew with it? I'm hesitant to invest in something I'm so unsure of.

>> No.10510153

Which Hario do you like? Mini is the perfect form factor if you travel.

You've described me perfectly but I'll never admit this in public.

>> No.10510524

Happy Thursday. What are we brewing up today?

Today's cup:
>Hario Technica
>25g blended beans
>300ml water

>Soak filter
>Fill hopper with hot water
>Wait until moved water is 90c
>Add coffee and stir
>Brewing magic
>Remove heat and stir again
>Decant and stare for a minute

Feeling super under the weather today so I wanted to do something fun as a pick me up.

I don't think the thread is all that picky as long as the coffee is enjoyed. What do your brews taste like?

>> No.10510537

Moka pots aren't that expensive, try it, if it sucks, return it.

>> No.10510541

Is soaking the filter that important?

>> No.10510552


>> No.10510572

It might depend on the filter and frequency of use. I use my cloth filter biweekly at best, so I try to soak the filter as a precaution to remove any cleaning/storage residuals.

Some people also recommend storing the filter in cold water when not in use but I haven't tried that.

>> No.10510605


>been having homemade press cafe au lait
>go into Costa
>hardly ever used coffee shops
>order a Latte
>it basically tastes like milk

Is this the state of coffee chains or was it likely just a bad barista, or maybe the wrong drink to order? I don't have my cafe au lait very strong, like a tablespoon of coffee where it usually calls for 1.5 to 2 tablespoons, but this Costa cup was just milk

I thought the reasons dedicated coffee chains started spreading since the millennium might have been because they served as decent as fast coffee would get.

>> No.10510613


Tea is way healthier.

>> No.10510614

im pretty sure no one in this thread actually enjoys coffee and what they're actually doing is just playing chemist with stupid kitchen gadgets and overpriced pre-ground coffee

>> No.10510617


>> No.10510660

a latte is mostly milk

>cafe au lait
LITERALLY just coffee with milk.

what it sounds like is that you're a faggot who doesn't drink coffee, like most amerimutts, so they just gave you some steamed and foamed milk since they knew you'd probably complain about it being too bitter if they gave you real coffee

>> No.10510664

The problem with many independent coffee shops is that they actually fucking suck worse than starbucks because the business owners focus more on creating a cute atmosphere:) than actually serving quality bean juice. Even moreso considering so many shops feature some sort of overly complicated/sweetened "signature drink" as their draw but lack fundamentals. Finding a good independent shop actually takes some time because it's such a trendy business with a very uninformed customer base allowing these shops to get away with more, which in turn leads to lower quality basic, standard drinks.

>> No.10510669

I also didn't actually read the post I replied to

>> No.10510695

Kill yourself my projecting little dude.

>> No.10510700

>his coffee tastes bitter
LMAO shit coffee desu where are the fruit forward tasting notes???

>> No.10510724

It's actually about the same. Nutritionally you probably wouldn't notice a difference in your diet either way unless you drink copious amounts of high grade matcha or something similar.

I enjoy both things either way, why limit yourself?

I just don't take anyone too seriously when they want milk or sugar in their coffee, it keeps your anger low.

The right thing to do in anon's situation is to go back and ask to have your drink remade with better specifications. This is why people establish a "regular" coffee spot- you learn their ratios and brew intensity so you can order drinks the way you like it.

>> No.10510730
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>so many shops feature some sort of overly complicated/sweetened "signature drink" as their draw but lack fundamentals.
i live in Montreal and have NEVER seen this from a coffee shop. closest I've seen are italian sodas but that's pretty basic shit

>go to a cafe to get a nice proper cup o' joe while using their wifi to do some work
>order a plain ol' drip coffee
>it's served in a french press with an espresso cup
>the coffee tastes like cheap red wine
Kill The White Man

>> No.10510742

Best coffee machine brand ?

>> No.10510747

Coffee at the morning tea the rest of the day.

>> No.10510753

>orders a cold brew every time
I'm sorry but they're so good. Do people hate customers who do this?

Are you anon from the other coffee thread?

>> No.10510756

Maybe it's because I'm in suburban metro Detroit I guess, but the vast majority of local chains appeal way too much to the Starbucks crowd

>> No.10510825

>Do people hate customers who do this?
cold brew comes out of a jug since you have to let it sit overnight or even longer

and at shittier places, iced coffee comes out of a machine that uses syrup

>> No.10510829

But do baristas judge people who order them?

>> No.10510856

baristas judge everyone because a lot has gone wrong in their life to be a career barista, not even a real bartender or chef or even a real cook but a fucking BARISTA lmao

>> No.10510883

I thought most baristas are students or struggling content creators?

Anyways, I'll try to feel less self conscious about my choices. Coffee shops around me are really elitist sometimes.

>> No.10510896

getting bored with drinking 10 cups of starbucks french roast made in a mr coffee pot every day. sticking to dark roasts, what's the first thing i should do to improve or change up my brew?

>> No.10510911

Mr. Coffee, it's in the name!

>> No.10510969

>struggling content creators?
then they give up and become career baristas who are way too proud of being able to draw a leaf in a latte. the shitty coffee drinks becomes their "content" in lieu of whatever they failed at

>> No.10510970

How can I make a great pour over coffee if drank with milk? I can't seem to get the balance between body and flavour right.

I have the Kalita Wave if it helps.

>> No.10511000

You can make coffee with milk that's stronger than black coffee in theory, just use a lot more coffee granules.

Using milk and foam isn't just about strength, it's about a different kind of flavour and texture.

I bet you're the same kind of retard who complaints about people drinking whiskey on the rocks rather than neat.

>> No.10511011

>if drank with milk?
u don't

>lot more coffee granules
you're one of those people who calls themselves a "gastronomic chemist" arent you

>> No.10511032

French Press vs Aeropress? I honestly can't tell a difference between them... maybe I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.10511036
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>1 tablespoon ground coffee with 300ml water
>30 tablespoons ground coffee with 150ml water 150ml milk
>yeah the black coffee is stronger

>> No.10511194

>missing the point this hard
>coffee """granules"""
You are a hack!

>> No.10511284

I want to get into coffee, but I don't like it. The only time I like coffee is when it's full of a lot of sugar and cream. One time a co-worker saw me dump a ton of sugar in my coffee and was like "good lord, how do you drink that?" and I told him that I couldn't drink it unless it had some kind of flavor and taste to it. I can't drink it bland. I should probably just invest in flavored creamer.

What are some top tier flavored creamers? I've heard vanilla and hazelnut are good.

>> No.10511292

Coffee is an acquired taste.

>> No.10511297
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Oh wow. I guess it's true what they say. Commoners don't even have time to grind their own coffee beans, how pathetic.

>> No.10511307

>I should probably just invest in flavored creamer.
do it, it's actually really good

>What are some top tier flavored creamers?
vanilla and hazelnut are indeed the go-tos, chocolate isn't so great, just use chocolate powder at that rate for a ghetto moka

Baileys also makes a de-alcoholized version of their product for putting in coffee, i hear it's ok

>acquired taste
american meme garbage. ive liked beer and coffee since i was a child. tastes evolve over your life as you get bored of things or discover new combinations but "acquired tastes" are not a thing

>> No.10511310

Flavored cremamers usually suck,
Want hazelnut in your coffee? smash hazelnuts and stick 'em in with the coffee grounds.
Or if you're feeling lazy use those flavored syrups like le monin.

>> No.10511314

>Be me
>Working at Sam's Club (South's version of a Costco)
>Rich generic white family comes to check out
>Has like 9 fucking bottles of flavored coffee creamer
>"Boy, you guys must really love coffee."
>Dad looks at me and points to his fucking daughter who looked to be about 8 years old, possibly 10 at the most.
>"Oh it's not for us. It's for her. She drinks a ton of coffee!"
>Check them out
>As they leave I look at them with disgust as they walk away

Who the fuck lets such a little girl drink so much fucking coffee? I would never serve coffee to anyone under the age of 16. The only young people who drink coffee are emos and hipsters because they want to look mature and cool.

>> No.10511320

Don't ever dare to call me a dirty american, i used to dislike bitter flavours.

>> No.10511328

No, no, no. You don't understand how lazy I am and how little I drink coffee. I'm talking about buying instant coffee like k-cups for my keurig and just pouring flavored creamer into them. Actually don't they make pre-flavored coffee k-cups for a keurig? Pretty sure they do. I should just buy a pack of those, like the ones that already pre-flavored.

>> No.10511335

>owning a keurig

>> No.10511342
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Can I pour boiling hot water through a cheap paper filter, or is that a bad idea? I'm scared it'll tear or something.

>> No.10511348

>paper coffee filter
no one has ever done this before

>> No.10511353

Folgers is 100% the worst you can buy
I'm not even into meme shit but you might aswell buy keurig

>> No.10511359

I'm lazy and it doesn't bother me.

>> No.10511386

>buy monster coffee energy drink
>boil it for 4 minutes
>Skim the top because all this shit is on the surface now
>Mix it in with milk
>Mix it with black cold brew
>Freeze said concoction in little coffee cubes
>Put ice cubes in rum
Its pretty good

>> No.10511398

I actually love the monster coffee drinks. Loca Moca is my favorite, haven't tried Mean Bean or the Kola or whatever it's called.

>> No.10511645

Bustelo is fantastic 'bad' coffee though

i'm bias having grown up in les new york though

>> No.10511658

Bustelo is the same thing as Pilon but has an added transplant tax from Lena Dunham wannabes buying it up at the local authentic bodega

It was excusable to buy it in 1998, when it was cheap, not so much anymore

>> No.10512104

>be me
>shopping at Sam's Club for the deals with my beautiful upper-class aryan family after church
>daughter loves pretending to drink coffee so we buy her decaf and creamer
>cashier sneers "boy, you must really love coffee"
>ignore loser's rudeness and joke that my youngest daughter drinks a ton of coffee
>check out
>notice cashier staring at us on our way out like a creep
>"honey THAT's why we want you to do well in school"

>> No.10512122

I'm making a latte. 3 cup moka and half a mug of milk. Will post pics later.

>> No.10512123

>upper class
>shops at walmart
Pick one

>> No.10512125

Why don't conventional drip brewers
come with metal filters?

Is it because they want you to purchase paper?

>> No.10512129

The rich aren't rich because they spend a lot

>> No.10512149

>if I buy pallets of lawn chairs I don't need just in case the lawn chair apocalypse happens, I'll end up like Warren Buffett some day because it was 35% cheaper than if I bought them at full retail
Whatever keeps you from blowing your brains out, buddy

>> No.10512156

you have the correct opinion

>> No.10512165

I'm not sure who you're quoting because I never said that

>> No.10512173

That's essentially what you believe, though.

>> No.10512180

Metal filters require precise machining so that the holes have to be so fine, other than that you'd have to use more expensive materials because metal filters would degrade overtime, it's just not cost effective compared to buying hundreds of paper filters that are cheap, consistent, and disposable

>> No.10512193

Makes sense, thanks. I suppose the cone shape doesn't help make the machining process cheaper since that's what most conventional drip machines have.

Guess it's only cost effective on the small simple shape espresso portafilter inserts.

>> No.10512213

You're clearly not only poor and jealous of people doing better than yourself, but you also clearly lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

>> No.10512218
File: 2.30 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20180427_092816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my coffee.

>> No.10512238

That must be it anon. Someday you'll make it! Just like Buffett! Don't listen to poor people who wouldn't know a good deal on shoddy chinese garbage if you hit them over the head with it.

>> No.10512243

What I said
>rich people are frugal
What you somehow interpreted that as
>rich people go out and spend a lot of money on doomsday prepping haha what!

>> No.10512248

looks thin and with faggot skim milk and i see coffee grounds floating in it. 0/10

you are retarded

>> No.10512251

Upper class people don't need to do damage control over their Walmart addiction. It's important to properly ape their ways in order that they may accept you and make you one of their own.

>> No.10512257

It's full cream milk anon. Looks thin because it's from a moka pot, not an espresso machine. Personally I give it a 3/10 the coffee is getting a little stale but I'm too lazy/cheap to grind my own beans.

>> No.10512513

>Daughter pretends to drink coffee so we buy her decaf and creamer

You're fucking stupid. Holy shit. Go back to /pol/, faggot.

>> No.10512616
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Any of you cu/ck/s drink coffee and alcohol? Is it yummy?

>> No.10512729

Good call!

>> No.10512951

who /chemex/ here

>> No.10512952

>AMERICA coffee
>arabica bean
Holy shit, the Deepstate is real

>> No.10512961

Tonic is ok with cold brew. Or try it dutch with a bit of ginger

>> No.10513505


>> No.10513844
File: 2.37 MB, 1472x1040, Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 8.10.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning anon. just got some fresh coffee into the shop.

>> No.10513886

My Nigerian

>> No.10513888

Robusta is utter shit, mate and it's not like there's an Americana species of coffee.

>> No.10513895

French pressed hazel nut from some brand that I can't remember.

>> No.10513897

If you drink Americanos unironically, you should immediately neck yourself

>> No.10514244

Looking good! How does methodical taste? I can't reasd the package but it looks like you have pink lady in stock?

>> No.10514384
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>> No.10514409

Good morning. Yay for Fridays! What are we brewing up today?

Today's cup:
>hario bottle
>55g blended beans
>700ml water

>72 hours in the ol' fridge
>Pre-wet filter
>Pour and enjoy

Strong and delicious, this batch turned out ridiculously smooth.

I like a nice Irish coffee once in a while. But generally I prefer the two separate.

>> No.10514588
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Anyone else shroom coffee?
Makes the free coffee at work a bit better

>> No.10514826
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>> No.10515716

What's your favorite roaster or brand of coffee?

>> No.10515799

do any of you people actually drink coffee or are you just playing with your shitty Sky Mall toys larping as enlightened liberals with your overpriced meme grounds

>> No.10515888

did you read the thread at all?

most people here use a french press or pour over, they're simple and really old methods of brewing. neither are likely to be found on skymall lol.

>> No.10516161
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Too lazy to drink anything but instant

What is the most EASIEST way to prepare coffee?

>> No.10516314

Eat beans

>> No.10516703

Pods, actually.

>> No.10516859
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>spends hundreds of dollars on coffee equipment
>still prefers a simple cold brew most of the time
No regrets, never!

>> No.10516969


>> No.10517070

Should I make another thread?

No, I'm not very public with my coffee hobbies.