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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10502762 No.10502762 [Reply] [Original]

What tea is the best?

I drink Green tea and Earl Grey. I've only been drinking for a few months. I want to cut out soda and coffee.

>> No.10502782
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There is no best tea, just the one you like.
Try cold brewing some quality loose leaf tea, like Silver Needle. It's actually incredibly sweet, but in a natural, non-cloying way. By cold brewing, little of the caffeine gets extracted, which leads to a sweeter taste.

>> No.10502818

>tfw you reuse your tisane for the fourth time of the morning
What's that, tea drinkers? Over-extraction? Never heard of it.

>> No.10502833


Are teas healthy or neutral? The appeal for me is that they're 0 cal, cheap, and have moderate caffeine levels.

>> No.10502936

I would say it's healthy. I've heard good things about both black and green tea. One thing to consider is where it's grown. If you drink a lot of Chinese tea, it might be from a rather polluted area.

>> No.10502962


>Indian tea grown with street shitter manure

>> No.10504260

I have moderate hypertension from years of smoking. Hibiscus tea helps keep it under control to the point where I don't need to take anti-hypertensives. It's sourish but refreshing if chilled and served with a slice of lemon.

>> No.10504561

original earl gray was with lavender blossoms. try it. assam golden tip makes a really beautiful brew, tastes good too. white tea is actually nice too.

>> No.10504565

no food is healthy or unhealthy. its all relative. a hershey bar is MUCH healthier than a cup of tea is you need some instant food energy.

>> No.10505560

Been "twelve cups a day" guy for nine years straight. I just can't stand coffee, no matter how hard I try. Nothing will ever top earl grey to me, though.

>> No.10505694

I personally advocate for Sikkim temi 2nd flush, got a taste for it when I was there and it's just so good. Not sure if the smell and taste just remind me of being there and that's why I like it but I do encourage you to try it.

>> No.10506017
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That's it. I'm sick of all this "Mao Feng Superior Tea" bullshit that's going on right now. Japanese teas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine metric ton of gyokuro in Japan for 6,000,000 Yen (that's about $55,000) and have been drinking it for almost 2 years now.
Japanese tea makers spend years working on a single tea leaf and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest teas known to mankind.
Japanese teas are thrice as delicious as Chinese teas and thrice as umami for that matter too. Anything a pu-erh can taste, sencha can taste better.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their potions of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the tea flasks first because their killing power was feared and respected.

>> No.10506021

scratch 1 for X is Underpowered in d20 on my /ck/ bingo card

>> No.10506024

I prefer herbal tea but I also really like jasmine

>> No.10506034

if you like green tea you will LOVE yasmin tea:)
best one is the one they give you at fancy cafes, whole buts. enjoy

>> No.10506042

I love cold brew. When I went to school, I’d just put a tea bag into my cold bottle of water. Nice non-bitter tea for the day, and it gets better as the day progresses.

Nowadays I have a sweet tooth and add condensed milk to my standard tea to make teh Tarik. Like a milk tea.

>> No.10507601
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>> No.10507810

lemon ginger

>> No.10508503

o o l o n g
tisane is garbage and you should genuinely feel bad

>> No.10508587

Im pretty bummed because tea was a passion of mine and i have developed an intolerance to caffeine. Black is my favorite but now I'm scared to drink it. I do love white tea, so I need to give that a shot. I don't really fuck with tisanes, its just not satisfying like tea is.

Can i buy decaf loose leaf tea? Is the flavor profile ruined?

>> No.10508702

I just wrote you out a long ass response and then killed it because number lock was off and pressing alt 6 changed my tab so here is the short version.

>white tea can have mroe caffine than black tea
>too many tisanes to say you don't like them after tasting a couple https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbal_tea
>you can buy loose leaf decaffeinated but I can't quote on the taste

>> No.10508722

You made a wise choice. Green tea is the perfect tea really.
Get the herby ones, they're magnificently healthy for you. Drink like 3 liters a day of it, you won't deteriorate as with a high sugar diet.

>> No.10508723

why are you such a faggot you knew what he meant

>> No.10508732

Try rooibos or honeybush, they're the most tea-ish tasting tisanes.

>> No.10508744
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Fantastic larping holy shit. Anon, I genuinely enjoyed this read

>> No.10508746

Oolong is my all time favorite

>> No.10508780

Be more specific people. Don't just say "green" or "oolong" I have 8 different Oolong teas in my cupboard. I can tell the difference between all of them from smell alone. Mao Xie is my favorite.

>> No.10508802

Nothing really tastes or smells like a nice expensive loose leaf oolong.
I lived in China for a short time and I have had difficulties finding oolong of the same quality now that I am back home though.

Also recommend "yellow tea" but it is also hard for me to find it where I live. It has a really good flavor and natural sweetness.

>> No.10508825

Won't they go stale before you get through them all?

>> No.10508845

Gunpowder green in the am, chamomile in the pm. Gotta be organic, drink it with local raw honey

>> No.10508853

As long as they're in nice airtight dry containers, they'll be fine for up to two years and anon didn't say how much of each one they have or how much they drink daily.

>> No.10508860

I wasn't asking you.

>> No.10508864

just prince of peace bags. I should try harder but it does the job

>> No.10508865

They come in 25 gram individual packs where I buy from. Also most of them are aged 10+ years already.

>> No.10508878

Why so rude, anon? I was just pointing out that tea stays good for a pretty long time and that having 8 types of tea doesn't mean you necessarily have a lot of each.

>> No.10508889

Shit, that's an older vintage than most whiskies I drink.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was just being honest.

>> No.10508904

You didn't hurt my feelings, it's just rare on an mostly anonymous site like 4chan to care about who answers your question, even if it's not the person you were responding to.

>> No.10508930 [DELETED] 

white peony

>> No.10508938

Someone redpill me on how to not despise the taste of tea.

>> No.10509002
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Get good quality loose leaf tea, not bags. Use pic related and don't be afraid to add sugar/honey/milk or whatever.

>> No.10509155

Alright, I'll try harder next time. We cool?

>> No.10509221

>spent $300 last week on new pu'er cakes and teaware for my office setup
at least I'm no longer spending that kind of dosh on weed, r-right?

>Are teas healthy
Probably. Moderate caffeine intake is likely the most well-studied health benefit so far. The antioxidants and theanine and such are at least somewhat good for you, but most of what you will hear is marketing BS. No matter what, though, tea is one of the few good drinks that isn't water, isn't alcoholic, and doesn't bombard you with sugar or hormones, and that already makes it a pretty good health choice.

A few folks here seem to be herbal/tisane fans. What would you say are the non-tea plants that manage to be both tasty and demonstrably healthy? I would put nettle (great texture, goes well with almost everything) and tulsi (narrower in its blending potential but underrated) in this category. Anyone got experience with more obscure stuff like Jiaogulan? Sleep-inducing herbs are welcome too, especially if they don't taste like absolute garbage like some of the big ones.

>> No.10509235

With milk and salt, the mongolian style
It's great

>> No.10509477


I'm going to guess that tea in moderate consumption are neutral. But if you're going from drinking soda, coffee, or anything else to tea, it's likely a positive.

>> No.10509497

Ten years? I've always been told the English imported shitty black tea in colonial days because that's the only type which could survive the voyage, but I'm sure they could have made the trip in less than a decade.

>> No.10509592

I know it's fairly pleb, but mint tea tastes great and you can find it anywhere or easily grow it yourself since it's tough as hell, and relieves heartburn and upset stomachs.

>> No.10510539
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I've been drinking yerba mate for years now, it's a great coffee substitute - brewed in the traditional method (multiple steepings, shitton of leaves, drunk with a bombilla) it can keep me going for 6 hours easily - much longer than coffee
the taste can vary, but it's pretty strong, generally "green" / woody and can have smokey notes depending on the drying process

not sure about health benefits, but it does contain a lot of B vitamins

>> No.10510673
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I love the scent of elderflower.

>> No.10511622

That actually sounds really good, how much condensed milk do you use?

>> No.10511642

>Green tea

I actually fucking went out and bought green tea bags and tried drinking like 3 cups a day (mostly in the evening and night time) because I read a lot where it was suppose to control appetite and help with weight lose, but man if it wasn't the most disgusting and flavorless crap I've ever had.

Literally was drinking hot water. The shit had hardly any taste. Someone said I should put honey in it, but I felt like that defeats the purpose. Also apparently you'd have to drink like fucking 6-8 cups of green tea for it actually stem hungry and help with weight lose.

>> No.10511649

Get better tea.

>> No.10511654

how much tea spoons of mate do you use for one bowl?

>> No.10511655

Brilliant reply, anon. Guess I couldn't figure that out.

>> No.10511663

Oh and by the way, I bought the tea at my local health/organic/hippie/hipster store. Figured it would be tastier or more natural I guess, but the shit was gross.

>> No.10511674

I thought it had no flavour. Make up your mind. If you simply don't like it, I can't help you. The reported health benefits are probably highly exaggerated anyway.

>> No.10511682

>wants to cut out coffee
>wants to substitute with tea

>> No.10511685

>Literally was drinking hot water. The shit had hardly any taste.

It depends on the type. Typically mine makes the water a bit greenish. Different teas stain the water faster or slower. You might have not had much dillusion.


Tea is like 1/3 the Caffiene of coffe, and typically Coffee is taken with milk and sugar (ie calories). Tea is 0 cal.

>> No.10511695

You can drink coffee without any sugar or milk... if you weren't such a faggot.

>> No.10511745

I am a green tea fan, hojichas and oolongs are my favourite, along jasmine green teas. I unfortunately have a harder time finding hojichas in physical stores.

>> No.10512115

traditional brewing is fucking great: better mood, better focus, glorious bowel movement.
Last 2 months I've been brewing it like pour over coffee, not as good as traditional.

Fill the bowl with yerba until 2/3 of its capacity.

>> No.10512131

No one in here is even talking about temps lol

If you're using fucking boiling water or nuking your water in the microwave that won't work out for something like green tea. Or if your water is shitty. It you don't steep for the right amount of time you'll also get worse results.

>> No.10512578

/tea/ 101 - you wouldn't be on this thread if you didn't know that, nerd

>> No.10513303

literally just fill the cup 2/3rd of the way
you can start with 1/3rd though for more mellow taste and effect and slowly work your way up from there
that goes without saying

>> No.10513316

fucking lold

also sencha is legitimately the best variety of tea

>> No.10513338

I like my tea with milk and honey. Fag.

>> No.10514920


>> No.10514947
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>> No.10514963
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>> No.10516311

not tea

>> No.10516319

that's much much more than you would use for a 'normal' tea, like green tea or black tea, isn't it?

>> No.10516860
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I switched from soda and coffee to tea a month ago.
I feel much much better now and never want to go back. I can stay up longer and more effectively, no more sleeping problems and I think my body in general is in a better shape.

Im just one person though.

>> No.10518385
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It's the traditional way and it yields multiple brewings. In Southamerica is a difficult skill-to-acquire to brew multiple times without lose the flavor/bouquet: if you do it wrong, the 1st brew is overly bitter and the following are just water.

You can prepare "mate cocido" brewing 2-3gr of yerba per cup just like a tea (as pic related) or like coffee with a french press or pouring-over

>> No.10518389

i like jasmine and oolong
my grandmother had like 6 different teas for different parts of the day
tea is so comfy
>t. chink

>> No.10518619

Upton has decaf loose leaf tea. I haven't had it myself, but they claim to have better taste than other decaf teas by using higher quality tea before decaffeinating so that even with flavor reduced by the process it's still good.

>> No.10518863

>In Southamerica is a difficult skill-to-acquire to brew multiple times without lose the flavor/bouquet: if you do it wrong, the 1st brew is overly bitter and the following are just water
you just have to watch the water temperature real close IMO

>> No.10518996

In my experience between 70-80°C it´s ok. Not wetting all the yerba at once is more critical for a long traditional brew.
Non-boiled water makes a difference too.
Are you argie/yorugua my friend?

>> No.10519003

i like oolong tea the best

>> No.10519036

Well, it's not as if they don't use cow manure for wheat or

>> No.10519470

Who here even drinks Indian tea? Pretty sure the majority here buy Japanese or Chinese tea

>> No.10519656

big fan of oolong and black tea with rose

also occasionally lapsang and sencha

most of the time I drink some loose leaf black tea with various dried fruits though.

has anyone here tried liquorice root? I despise liquorice sweets but the root brewed with black tea is really good.

>> No.10519666

fucking got me you cunt

>> No.10519717

nope, I'm polish - yerba mate is surprisingly popular over here
I just use 70 C water, usually don't bother with the elaborate "sculpting" and it comes out tasty

>> No.10519799
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Unironically, this. Prove me wrong teanazis.

PROTIP: you can't

>> No.10519931

>actually drinking soda

>> No.10520008

>Yerba mate popular in Poland
That's a nice thing to know. Are there local brands or just SouthAmerica's exports?

>> No.10520469

Someone gave me a blend of green and black tea. It didn't come with brewing instructions so I'm wondering which temperature would be appropriate? I'm thinking 80 degree Celsius?

>> No.10522207

Is that you in the picture? Wow.

>> No.10522348

Buy it straight from the farms if you can. I just bought some high grade Sencha directly from an Australian farm (I'm Aussie) and it's a whole different thing.

>> No.10522474
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Why does green tea brewed in hot water taste so bitter and disgusting?

Cold brew tastes so much nicer. I just put the teabag into a bottle and leave it in the fridge overnight.

Matcha is also wonderful, especially in the form of milk tea.

>> No.10522480

Beef tea is delicious

>> No.10522482

Is that the new hipster meme of drinking bone broth?

>> No.10522483

Chicken tea is better.

>> No.10522714
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>> No.10522718

Ceylon with tomato ketchup. My favourite.

>> No.10522857

we do have one or two local brands, but they're still grown in SA of course, our climate is no good for yerba mate

>> No.10523013
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Turning 21 tomorrow, what are your alcoholic suggestions?

>> No.10523044
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>> No.10523489

Since this is the tea thread I'll have to go with Tatratea

>> No.10524338

Anyone drink schisandra tea? Do you feel any different?

>> No.10524796

Jiaogulan tea obviously

>> No.10524819

ignore this guy unless you want to get banged in the vagina

>> No.10524821

>A few folks here seem to be herbal/tisane fans. What would you say are the non-tea plants that manage to be both tasty and demonstrably healthy?

Idk about demonstrably healthy, since it's "folk wisdom" that I've heard all my life, but mint, fennel, and chamomile are all delicious herbal teas that are supposed to have some sort of medicinal benefit. I think chamomile is supposed to be good for sleep and stress relief and both mint and fennel are for digestion. And whenever I have a cold I always drink mint tea with honey, just what I've always done.

>> No.10526480

Caffeine is extracted with heat and that's what causes bitterness.

>> No.10526748
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No. This is me. To the right is my Onee-chan, who gave me the idea to drink more tea.

>> No.10527300

What are your insights about the differences between green and red/black tea?
I think somehow I prefer red tea more and choose, probably unconsciously, to drink red tea over green tea in some occasions, even I like both.

>> No.10528483
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good shit niggga
I met the makers

>> No.10528497

What's red tea?

>> No.10528508

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
>Black tea, which is referred to in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bengali, Assamese and other Asian languages as 紅茶 (literally "red tea")

>> No.10528516


I used to do mate but stopped because of laziness. Do you use a gourd and bombilla? Also, do you ever notice teeth staining because of mate?

>> No.10528530

Like someone else said, there's no "best tea", just what teas you personally like best. Just buy good quality tea. Some of my favorites are:
Black Teas:
>kalami Assam (pic related, this is my everyday breakfast tea, I can't live without it)
>imperial blend
>golden monkey
>Yorkshire Gold
>Earl Grey (made with real bergamot, make sure it's not artificial)
Green Teas:
>dragon pearls
>jasmine green
>green and white tea blend
>hibiscus and rosehip
>classic Sleepytime
>ginger and lemon
>whole "forest berries" tea with lemon peel and flowers like borage and linden (I get this at a euro import place near me)

>> No.10528535
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Forgot pic like a dummy

>> No.10528546

Kinda confusing since some people call rooibos "tea" as red tea.

>> No.10528556

I replaced espresso shots with tea a while back and it's awesome. Still a complete noob but Harney and Sons' selection seems decent, what better suppliers do you guys recommend?

I drink 3-4 cups of their paris and/or green tea a day, leaving a bag or two in the whole time and squeezing it so I get the most out. So much better than coffee. Then 1-2 cups of chamomile a night

>> No.10528600

My bad then, for being Asian.
I thought you guys, in a tea loving general, would already be familiar with this common term.

I'll be enjoying my oolong tea.

>> No.10528604

green tea wins as far as the antioxidant game goes, red tea is

>> No.10528660

I use a palo santo cup (great smell) and a bombilla
I never noticed teeth staining, it's probably less noticable than with black tea, coffee, red wine or other darker liquids

>> No.10529166

I really have been enjoying a nice roobius lately. With just a small bit of honey to smooth everything out. It is great.

>> No.10529243
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>> No.10529264
