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10507967 No.10507967 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most wasteful thing you do in the kitchen?

I preheat the oven for waaaaay longer than needed.

>> No.10508008
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i cut off the leafs of the straw berry but i feed it to my cat so its not 100% waste

>> No.10508017

I used to devein shrimp until I figured out that's where all the flavour is from

>> No.10508018

I rip off the top layer onion to get the skin off and just throw it away.

>> No.10508065

i also waste too much water

>> No.10508193

The heads and the shell are where the flavor is you dumb fuck.

>> No.10508203

I used to think that too until I accidentally forgot to devein them. If your deveining your shrimp try leaving the spines in, its where all the real shrimp flavour is

>> No.10508209

i use too many paper towels. it makes me sad every time i do it, but i can't help it.

>> No.10508216

Letting bananas go bad,

But im going to make banana bread this week

>> No.10508282

Letting food go bad. I got about a pound of deli cuts and several pounds of veggies i need to throw out but the trash was just picked up this morning.

>> No.10508324

I heat up the oven fully before putting even frozen-fully-cooked food in it, even though it just has to get to a warm/hot temperature.

>> No.10508465

What do you define as wasteful?

>> No.10508489

I can never seem to use an entire lemon, bag of cilantro, bag of parsley, or case of basil before it goes bad.

For the lemon thing, I used to get those lemon-shaped plastic containers of juice, but then my roommate's girlfriend made fun of me for it and now I just don't use lemon juice anymore.

>> No.10508497
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I throw away a lot of food scraps instead of using them for other cooking projects.

>> No.10508506

I once left my natural gas grill on to burn off the remnants during the last grill of the season.

I noticed a mirage effect in January that I had left it on high for the last 4 months.

>> No.10508507

OGM I might leave my sink running for longer than necessary, holy crap water is a renewable resource here put me up in front of a firing squad!

>> No.10508509

I use way to many paper towels because the dish towels we have suck at absorbing things and I don't feel like washing them multiple times a day.

>> No.10508954

holy shit dude that was cringy/depressing af

>> No.10508968

lol and i thought i fucked up when i left mine on for 20 minutes during dinner

>> No.10509003

Feed my ungrateful kids.

>> No.10509025

I shit out every meal I ate

>> No.10509027

My wife's kids don't listen for shit when I HAVE to babysit them when she goes out to the club

>> No.10509038
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For the basil make some pesto, cilantro chimmi churri and then freeze them off. Parsley just dice it up and sprinkle it on everything like it's the 80s. As for the lemon juice bottle and your roommate's gf punch her in the cunt and use the bottle they are convenient and last fuck her anon she is obviously a bitch don't let her get to you

>> No.10509121

Anything in excess that can and, realistically, should be avoided.

>> No.10509124

I make large batches of nutritious meals, but my schedule is so chaotic I end up throwing a lot of them away. Some of them just won't hold up to freezing.

>> No.10509137 [DELETED] 
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>My wife's kids

>> No.10509792

This hurts my feelings.

>> No.10509830
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Use too much dish soap. Then again we have insanely hard water, my kitchen sink looks like this.

>> No.10510060

Same. My kettle is a fucking disgrace and I scrub that bastard constantly.

>> No.10510080

I make enough meat for a family of three and don't eat the leftovers.

>> No.10510087

Are you retarded?

>> No.10510089

Then why do it?

>> No.10510099

Because of costco and because I like smoking meat.

>> No.10510103

You are the reason Americans get such a bad rep on both food and politics boards.

>> No.10510126

What do you want me to do, eat tv dinners? They sell everything in family size everywhere you go. So you either make 4 people worth of stir fry and then eat it for 2 days, you eat like shit with rice and grain dogshit, or you eat like shit with tv dinners.

>> No.10510129

Nice false dichotomy there, bro.

>> No.10510132

I'm done with eating bachelor chow out of plastic, man. I just can't eat 4 people worth of fried chicken I make and it spoils in 4 days.

>> No.10510138

If this is really the way your mind works, you are an idiot in every sense of the word and I kinda feel sorry for you. By the sounds of it, you are all alone so at least no one has to endure your abundant stupidity. Please do not procreate.

>> No.10510140

Doubling down of the false dichotomy there, huh? Guess it's entirely impossible to meal plan for a single person in the United States like literally everybody else.

>> No.10510182

>meal planning

Yeah man, microwaving tupperwares of frozen food is so good. I love doubling down on how many dishes I have to do.

>> No.10510185

I live with my gf

>> No.10510187
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This stuff is the only thing I've found that actually tackles it (google home remedies haven't been strong enough). I have to run an empty dishwashing cycle with 1/2 cup of it every couple of months to prevent the buildup from clogging the spray-holes on the machine washer arms.

>> No.10510191
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>> No.10510200

Deveining removes the shit tract, you goon. That's why it's gritty. I hope you're not serving this to people

>> No.10510204

Nobody said prepping, anon. We said planning.

Let's say your markets don't sell meat, etc, by the pound and you're "forced" to buy large "family packs". You can think up multiple different meals which use that same ingredient. Thanks to your refrigerator you don't have to cook it all the moment you take it home.

For example, I just bought a big pack of chicken thighs. I'll be using some of it tonight in a stir-fry. Tomorrow for lunch I'l going to dice some, saute it in a pan real quick with some peppers and onions and stick that in some pita bread. Tomorrow evening I'll bread and deep fry a couple pieces. I'll probably be tired of chicken for a while so I'll fridge the rest for a couple days. On Sunday or Monday I'll grill a couple pieces. The next day I might do another stir-fry, usinga different recipe than before so it doesn't get boring. Or maybe I'll make chicken parmesan if I feel like that instead. Or saute some and have it with pasta. The options are endless.

>> No.10510225

Don't bother, he's an idiot.

>> No.10510259

Dude, raw chicken goes bad in 3 days in the fridge.

>> No.10510267

Lol, no. A week is fine even for a shitty fridge. And if you have yours set below 3C then it can last up to 30 days.

Refer to the section titled "Microbiology for Cooks" in Modernist Cuisine, vol 1.

And don't forget there's always the freezer.

>> No.10510289

literal fucking autism

>> No.10510300

Ι fear for her.

>> No.10510429
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>> No.10510697

oh wow thats bad. you actually tried, bless

>> No.10510897
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I have a shitty on-demand gas-fired water heater that will only ignite once every couple of hours, and has an internal timer that will only run a maximum of 20 minutes. If I turn on the hot water, it stays on until the timer dies, even if I'm busy doing a dozen other things in addition to rinsing vegetables or cleaning tools that I'm using to cook.

Really pissed off at my landlord over this; the previous one wouldn't even start any more, so they replaced it with the exact same cheap shit that doesn't even let me get a complete shower if I'm shaving that day.

>> No.10510974

Excessive water use, I keep planning meals like we won't eat out during the week but we always do and I end up throwing away left overs.

>> No.10511015

I do this alot, mostly becasuse I like to cook a variety of things and I may not have use for ginger or onion or any given sauce or spice or ingredient before it fries up or goes stale, etc.

the biggest wastes are cilantro, random vegetables like chayote, taro, or lettuce and cabbage.

>> No.10511999

everyone throwing away leftovers, why? why not fridge/freeze them? repurpose into snacks, breads, and pizzas, omelettes or frittatas, anything. just... why?

>> No.10513480

Eating leftovers every day is kill yourself-tier depressing

>> No.10513632

You are such a fucking idiot, that's what's depressing. Learn to live, son.

>> No.10513811

use vinegar in it, dumbass.

>> No.10513821

At the very least freeze your ginger.

>> No.10514917

oh gee thanks, hadnt thought of that, my saviour. fucking pleb

>> No.10514951

good lord what is happening in there?!

>> No.10516438
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>> No.10516457


Also I know your feel bro, I lived in Paris and the water at my building was a piece of shit like that and I was constantly pouring vinegar everywhere for that.

>> No.10516460

Aurora borealis..

>> No.10516478

works for me, fag.

>> No.10516609
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Well then, your water is not hard enough and obviously my water can kick your pansy water's ass