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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 797 KB, 1080x1835, Screenshot_20180425-162327_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10506473 No.10506473 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the peak human diet?

>> No.10506492

It's like he's proud of having bought some drinks?

>> No.10506493


>> No.10506498

>soyguzzler has a drawing default pic
every time

>> No.10506501

Is it healthy to just live off something this? I cant imagine it is

>> No.10506503

What's wrong with guzzling Soylent? It's good for you.

>> No.10506506

Why don't you tell us you fucking freak job pushing a social agenda?

>> No.10506508

Purely scientifically speaking and objectively speaking it is the healthiest diet you can eat. Soylent is nutritionally balanced to offer the proper nutrition a person needs.

>> No.10506509

It's terrible, soy protein aside, you're getting 0 phytonutrients and a woefully inadequate fatty acid spectrum
Bad things will happen if that's all you consume in the long term

>> No.10506513
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>> No.10506519

>you're getting 0 phytonutrients
Which would be bad if humans were plants...
>woefully inadequate fatty acid spectrum
They don't put fats in Soylent because their unhealthy for you and make you obese. Again, this is not a negative.

>> No.10506522

Do you realize that you yammer like a faggot?

>> No.10506528

Do you realize that trolling and being abusive is against the Global Rules?

>> No.10506529

I just don't get the point other than for raw convenience. You're missing out of so many flavours and textures doing meal replacement like this.

>> No.10506534

I do, but you're the one yammering like a bitch faggot.

>> No.10506537


>> No.10506538

How precisely am I abusing you because I called you out of being a yammering faggot?

>> No.10506545

>You're missing out of so many flavours and textures
That is part of the appeal.
Liquid food allows one's jaw to rest instead of having to chew and tear food apart which to a lot of people is strenuous work.
I used to get constant jaw aches, but after switching to a Soylent only diet my teeth are whiter, healthier and stronger and my jaw aches a lot less.

>> No.10506546

Enjoy your gyno after 2 months bitchtits
your crying like a little bitch chigga

>> No.10506547

Holy shit, another homosexual detected.

>> No.10506552

Get a load of this creep, he needs liquid food.

>> No.10506556

Homophobia and racism belong on /b/.

>> No.10506559

never considered it this way before
my jaw also hurts after a long day of being on my knees, maybe soylent is just what I need

>> No.10506560

Facts are facts. Just because I don't agree with you faggots getting cock up the ass doesn't make me afraid of you, that's what you call "phobe?" GTFO and learn English.

>> No.10506565

And so do faggots, plent of trap threads there, you'll fit right in

>> No.10506572

You can stuff your "isms" in your ass too. Because I don't agree with you is that some fucking -ism? You stupid twat.

>> No.10506578

This thread is about Soylent. If you don't like it then leave the thread.

>> No.10506582

Is there just litteraly zero fats in those drinks? You absolutely need fats for physical activities.

>> No.10506584

soylent is trash

>> No.10506585
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>> No.10506587

That's not what OP wrote you fucking moron.

>> No.10506589

Nobody "needs" fats at all. You absolutely don't have to eat fats to survive.

>> No.10506590

FUCK soy

>> No.10506596

>chewing food is hard.
We're so fucking doomed its almost not funny anymore

>> No.10506598
File: 36 KB, 434x289, Soylent_Green-Scooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10506600

I am OP and this thread is getting out of hand. I tried deleting it but it won't let me because the website is still broken.
I came here to discuss Soylent, not to be verbally abused by strangers for no reason.

>> No.10506602

Speak for yourself faggot.
Who the fuck is we?

>> No.10506603

god what a sad life to live if the only meal you ever ate was some hormone blocking sludge drink

>> No.10506605

So in Asia, which arguably is ground zero for soyboys, is there anyone in Asia that has a diet like this freak in the twitter post? Don't you think it is not wise to over-consume one thing over and over again?

>> No.10506606

Maybe nobody wants your shill bullshit?

>> No.10506610

Have you ever considered that instead of being an arrogant sack of shit?

>> No.10506611

wouldn't it be cheaper and healthier to buy a high quality protein powder and supplements?

>> No.10506612

Check your fucking tone you dick slobbing fuck
You know damn well who we is

>> No.10506613

Soylent is 100% nutritionally complete, it's a full meal replacement after all.
Thousands of gamers in Asia strictly drink Soylent to save time. Instead of wasting a bunch of time cooking, cutting, eating and chewing foods these gamers simply drink a bottle of Soylent instead.

>> No.10506615

well there is no soy in soylent so...

>> No.10506621

I checked your mom's tone last night whille she was whining like that fucking whoar that she is.

>> No.10506624

I feel cheated.

>> No.10506629

No, those gamers have people hired to cook for them and their team. They are also mostly overweight.

>> No.10506632

Who the fuck thought calling it Soylent was a good idea anyways? Naming a food product after ground human meat isn't the most appetizing thing in the world.

>> No.10506633

There used to not be any soy but soy protein was added last year thankfully.

>> No.10506634
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>> No.10506638

How does this affect your BMs?

>> No.10506646

Liquid in, liquid out.
This is another very positive aspect of Soylent.
A lot of people suffer from constipation and Soylent basically cures it.

>> No.10506655

yeah they need to rest their jaw for those reaction videos and selfies

>> No.10506659

Won't liquid shit start to destroy your anus muscle after a while? If you're having trouble pooping just eat a handful of prunes a day. Christ.

>> No.10506660

Soylent Green Eating Scene

>> No.10506666

SOY!!! SOY!!! SOY!!!

>> No.10506671
File: 142 KB, 1536x2048, 1499301777351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Purely scientifically speaking and objectively speaking

No it isn't. Nutritional science constantly changes its paradigms and this should be obvious by the many 'fad' diets based off the established thought of the day which have come and gone over the decades. Medically speaking there a numerous diets optimal for certain conditions as well as for individuals where avoiding certain food stuffs can be beneficial.

The idea of a simple nutritional 'pill' or drink probably harkens back to science fiction and space travel with the need to provide sustenance which provides all needs in a simple digestible and rapidly consumable form.

As more and more research currently is being carried out looking at aspects of the human microbiome - especially that of the guy - more is being revealed about what may be considered optimal. Indeed 'healthier' people are found to have a more diverse gut microbiome which in turn reflects a more diverse diet. For this reason there is a burgeoning growth in the probiotic and prebiotic industries too.

Scientifically speaking, the most optimal diet for human health, having been observed time and time again has consistently been the diet of those who live around the Mediterranean - the data gathered over the years and observances have shown this to be the best in virtually all aspects. Traditional Japanese fare with an emphasis on fish, low red meat, and leafy green vegetables also ranked very highly.

>> No.10506672


>> No.10506673

Chewing food IS hard.
Ever wonder why so many elderly people need dentures? It's because decades of chewing and eating solid foods destroyed their teeth, gums and jaw.

>> No.10506681

This post is full of speculation, junk science and ignorant opinions. Do yourself a favour and skip it.

>> No.10506682

i tried it once before the whole epic soyboy meme for constipation and it actually made it worse
this shit basically turns into dough inside your intestines if you drink too much without anything else
your intestines absorb all the water and leave behind the solids
its like if a giant ball of stick stretchy dough appeared inside your gut
almost considered going to the hospital

>> No.10506683

Some of you people are just plain fucking stupid. Go push your agenda somewhere but don't expect me to believe it.

>> No.10506698

It'll be a cold day in hell before I believe in your people's bullshit.

>> No.10506700

Satanic quads are evidence that soylent is the devil's work

>> No.10506704

Breathing over the years damages the lungs so we should stop breathing.

>> No.10506705

So you believe in some devil, meaning that you can't think for yourself?

>> No.10506706
File: 228 KB, 966x1400, fever3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is clearly just doing this to piss us off.

>> No.10506708

You only drank one, while you were constipated with SOLID food. It turned to "dough" because of the SOLID FOOD in your gastrointestinal tract.

If you bothered to educate yourself you'd I know that Soylent i NOT supposed to be consumed with, before or after ingesting solid food. That was your own ignorance, you can't blame the Soylent.

Soylent cures constipation.
Before I started my Soylent only diet I mostly ate chicken nuggets and potato wedges and I was constantly constipated because solid foods are too heavy for the human digestive system. All of my BMs have been liquid ever since and I've never been happier.

>> No.10506713

What the fuck is a twitter?

>> No.10506716

So you're a Medical Doctor? An MD?

>> No.10506718 [DELETED] 

shut up faggot
i drank them for about 2 weeks because i wanted to be sure that the constipation was over
kill yourself shill nigger this shit isnt good for you

>> No.10506719

>hops contain even more phytoestrogen the soy
>this whole time we've been conditioned to drink estrogen
>beer is the most feminine drink there is

Oh dog, we though we were manly but we were becoming women the entire time.

>> No.10506722

Kind of. In a way I am, I'm a physical trainer at Planet Fitness.

>> No.10506726

>we've been conditioned
we've been conditioned
Speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.10506729


>> No.10506730
File: 13 KB, 236x304, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unhealthy for you

>> No.10506731

Good times, there must be some cute chicks there.

>> No.10506739

nigger faggot

>> No.10506745

>educate yourself
>you can't blame soylent
>I mostly ate chicken nuggets and wedges
I never knew some of Sodom's inhabitants survived to this day
Go back to /r/atheism you soy guzzling fag
Sodomites belong in hell

>> No.10506746

>shilling for Soyboi shit
A giant faggot is what you are....

>> No.10506752
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>fats are healthy for you

>> No.10506755
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>> No.10506758

>living is healthy for you

>> No.10506760

If you eat fats you won't be living for long.

>> No.10506761

>still think fats are unhealthy
ishiggy diggy

>> No.10506765

if you eat soylent your werent living to begin with

>> No.10506770

True that, they're just fags.

>> No.10506773

dietary cholesterol having any effect on your blood cholesterol is a myth

>> No.10506776

carbposter GTFO

>> No.10506781

soylent has been a staple part of our diet since the caveman days
they also had big beards then

>> No.10506786

and no jobs

>> No.10506791 [DELETED] 

Do Amerimutts Really Believe Being Fat Is Good For Them?

>> No.10506796

Did anyone call Kyle from his webzone and ask to ride his hog (motorcycle)?

>> No.10506803

We can do whatever we want you jealous euro or mexicunt.

>> No.10506812

There's no reason that any American needs to justify him or herself to some shit licking euro or chink or mexicunt.

>> No.10506816

and yet you still try

>> No.10506819

To be fair if you don't eat fat you'll die pretty quickly too.

>> No.10506818


>> No.10506824

You like to justify yourself by thinking that we give a shit about you, but we really dont. Get over yourselves.

>> No.10506830

still trying

>> No.10506833

Is this really what fat people tell themselves to justify their shit diets?

>> No.10506842

I'll call the whaambluance for you, you forieners need it.

>> No.10506846

still trying LOLL

>> No.10506850
File: 81 KB, 640x1136, 1524432085585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so absurdly untrue that you simply MUST kill yourself. Your fucking brain and every single cell membrane in your body is composed of mostly fat

>> No.10506849

Rock steady wham bu lam!

>> No.10506854

wooooooooah black betty wham bu lam

>> No.10506855

Spider Bait - Black Betty

>> No.10506865

>they don't put fats in soylent
Moron, read about the product your shilling, it's literally on their website soylent.com

>> No.10506872

if i dont look at your proof i win automatically

>> No.10506883

Those aren't really fats, the FDA forced them to label them as fats because their corrupt and don't want Soylent to replace GMO Frankenfood in America

>> No.10506889

Stop impersonating me and trying to troll. Nobody believes you.

>> No.10506892

Fuck off jealous foreigner. Do you also believe in space aliens and lizard people and flying saucers?

>> No.10506893

you do

>> No.10506899

Some of of you people are really dumber than a fucking box of rocks.

>> No.10506913

>hurt his jaw
There is some truth to this though, these guys are all mouth breathers without jaws anyway

>> No.10506944

Some people are born with medical conditions that make chewing food a Sisyphean task. You need to stop being so heartless and start being open minded.

I was born with an abnormally weak jawbone which has plagued me my entire life and Soylent has improved my quality of life astronomically.

>> No.10506959

Breathing does cause many toxic things to enter our bodies.
And toxicity is something we should all strive to prevent in our world.

>> No.10506964

These post contributes nothing to the argument nor giving any argument (only subjective opinions) so please skip it too.

>> No.10506967

Very well said!

>> No.10506974

>which to a lot of people is strenuous work.
>Being a jawlet

>> No.10506988

Well nutrients deficit comes in form of illiteracy it seems

>> No.10506990

Thankfully we will be able to censor people from posting like this, trying to impose their wrong way of thinking into better, more enjoyable spaces.
Hopefully it evolves into the spoken word too so people who want to speak poorly about others are censored too.

>> No.10506999

>citation needed
Weak bait. Soylent isn't even sold there.

>> No.10507008

Yeah oxygen is toxic too, as well as carbon dioxide.
Now if you please be the one to start stop breathing and producing carbon dioxide that'd be appreciated.

>> No.10507018

So it's some weak food for weak genes

>> No.10507032

My genes are fine its my DNA that got messed up because my mother didn't notice she was pregnant until she was 6 months due because she drank a lot and attributed her morning sickness to drinking.
That being said Soylent is far from "weak", which is a very toxic way to describe anything. It has a very bold flavor and texture.

>> No.10507037

More like evolved food for the new evolved gender.

>> No.10507079

>bold texture
So goo is a bold texture. But then again I see you're some retard.
Is soyboy a gender?

>> No.10507083

It's gender neutral.

>> No.10507117
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>mfw when it's real.
There is a phone number too.

>> No.10507118

>So goo is a bold texture.
I wouldn't use the word gooey, I'd describe it as viscous which is my favorite texture. And yes it is bold.

>> No.10507179


>> No.10507260

Making your own shakes is cheaper than buying a bunch of those.

>> No.10507266


It's only 1200 calories.

>> No.10507288

Here we go

>> No.10507291

How could eveyone fall this hard for the obvious bait?

>> No.10507296
File: 72 KB, 750x780, 20710FD5-A257-4BCD-9726-7367460B2D94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10507352

>it's a full meal replacement after all
it doesn't feed a normal active body, this is why even average frame men are shrinking to the point they can't open the fucking bottle.

>> No.10507365

If your jaw is hurting from simple chewing then you aren't chewing enough. Humans are supposed to chew their food thoroughly like any other mammal.

>> No.10507397

No, this just means that we are evolving past the need to chew.
You are just behind the times and stuck in your old ways.

>> No.10507506
File: 45 KB, 558x512, 3a03093f2854c7f183788493cd7f3095--therapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely dysgenic to move on to soft or liquid diets.

>> No.10507512

if your diet consists solely of soylent are your shits still solid

>> No.10507522
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feels like it might be janky pseudoscience, but i'm inclined to believe eating soft foods while developing will turn you into a jawlet.

i'm giving my kids tough cuts of meat and dense, chewy bread.

>> No.10507552

Apparently we can say nigger outside of /b/ now guys because it's not racist anymore. Go hog wild guys!

>> No.10507619

I'm not going to spoonfeed you, you stupid shill nigger faggot. The fact is Soylent is wildly popular in Asia, they buy it online. Eating takes up time that they could be gaming.

>> No.10507642


>> No.10507645
File: 277 KB, 500x441, 1425205651849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away guys

>> No.10507648

>Singapore is Asia

>> No.10507653

Nice link nigger but I'm not falling for that again.
Soylent is huge here (asia)

>> No.10507656

I tried to archive it but it broke the archive site lol. The article is legit though

>> No.10507665

>not including a 90 hour dry fast per week
umm, no sweetie. Try again.

>> No.10507666

You might be able to trick someone else but I'm not buying your tall tale, nigger.

>> No.10507667

bruhs, I need it. ;_;

>> No.10507671


>> No.10507682

It's not racist to say nigger anymore, ask the 4chan moderation team, you nigger.

>> No.10507691

>better, more enjoyable spaces
How do you muh supreme thinking faggots not realize how retarded you sound.

>> No.10507693
File: 49 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't you fuckers get with the program and meme carnivory into the mainstream? It's the definitive cure for soyboyism. You want a peak diet? Try the apex predator diet. Do you want to be a puny, herbivorous bitchboi? The peak human diet is indisputably carnivorous. Even the most basic research into carnivory will completely BTFO all the food myths keeping people fat, stupid and diseased for profit. Why do you think the largest agri-businesses shill veganism so hard? Why do you think there are so many fake meat products? If you like pretending you're a sheep, keep eating things that didn't have a face. If you want to become a wolf, eat like one. Also for all you incels, carnivores FUCK.


inb4 agri-pharma shills try to convince people that meat, saturated animal fat, and dietary cholesterol are unhealthy.

inb4 people appeal to authority. Billion dollar industries rely on politically funded studies to serve their food/disease profit agenda. Read the real stories from countless real people. Don't you fucking dare knock it until you try it your goddamn selves.

Even if you think you're healthy on a plant based diet, or look good aesthetically, once you take a look under the hood it's bad news. As hard as the food and medical establishment might try, one simply cannot argue with nature. It'll all balance itself out anyway, with or without your pasty, cellulitic asses. Save yourself a medical shitshow and fight for your future, and the future of your children.

>> No.10507698

nigger nigger, chicken dinner, wh*te boi.

>> No.10507707

I think this is a very welcome change to 4chan, nigger.

>> No.10507717


>> No.10507722

Actually, nigger, its the possessive tense of there which was correct in the context of the sentence

>> No.10507738
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>> No.10507745


>their corrupt =/= they are corrupt

>> No.10507753

Nice headcanon, nigger.

>> No.10507760

I think you might actually be illiterate.

>> No.10507763

Stop making up words to try and sound smart, nigger.

>> No.10507769

I'm sorry, deep down I just want someone to say their proud of me.

>> No.10507772

That's pretty cool, reddit

>> No.10507783

Thank you.
I'm proud of you nigger, I always will be

>> No.10507950

why do the soyim get so defensive when people point out how shit their "food" is?

>> No.10507969

Im pretty new to ck, what does soyim mean? I Binged it and I googled it but nothing came up.

>> No.10508036

It means you should probably leave and kill yourself on the way out faggot

>> No.10508042
File: 109 KB, 768x504, AA3EAFC7-B7DA-4E73-BD98-005CF75BB0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10508050

Make me nigger

>> No.10508054

It means you might be in the wrong place, Reddit might be a better fit for you.

>> No.10508060

I have reddit open in another tab actually. I like having the best of both worlds.

I actually found 4chan through reddit

>> No.10508078


20$ says this faggot was trolled out of /fit/ and then came here

>> No.10508082

I'll take your money, nigger.

>> No.10508293
File: 1.35 MB, 659x790, 1521551838989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out.

>> No.10508307

as forced of a meme as soy is, you need to lurk moar

pure cancer

>> No.10508314

quick, name literally any other product whose target audience is *literally everyone* that got it right.

>> No.10508379
File: 147 KB, 305x267, 1471218292234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still not understanding basic nutrition.

>> No.10508387

Make me nigger

>> No.10508388

You should stop posting about things you have no idea about.

>> No.10508399

This is mostly true.

>> No.10508404

You mean like your doing right now?

>> No.10508410

>dumb wojakposter thinks eating lots of carbs is good

>> No.10508414

Pmsl tbqhwyf

>> No.10508416

To be fair he's technically right

>> No.10508419

It would probably be the diet of what those people in the blue zones eat.

>> No.10508427
File: 84 KB, 360x345, 1456964158303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phytoestrogen ≠ Estrogen

>> No.10508436

quit being a smegma fermenting, AIDS having, sriracha eating, candyass and be cancer somewhere else

>> No.10508437

>blue zones
Pick 1

>> No.10508439


>> No.10508445

looks like the wh*toid can't handle anything hotter than his meme "hotsauce"

>> No.10508452

Soylent isn't a hot sauce, nigger.

>> No.10508454

When your skin and hair and fingernails all become frail, come back to me.

>> No.10508456

They won't because I don't have cancer because I don't eat fats

>> No.10508467
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>They won't because I don't have cancer because I don't eat fats

>> No.10508469

The fact that you may not be feigning your ignorance is really scary.

>> No.10508480

>Liquid food allows one's jaw to rest instead of having to chew and tear food apart which to a lot of people is strenuous work.

Yeah I can see how one's jaw would hurt to the point of drinking soylent after a long day of guzzling fucking cock you enormous faggot.

>> No.10508482

I don't get if you guys are just spouting a meme or not but any nutritionist with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will tell you that purposefully eating fats is hella bad for you

>> No.10508500
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>> No.10508505

Not all fats are the same. You should purposely eat healthy fats.

>> No.10508510


>> No.10508518

Being fat and eating fats is never ever healthy for you. This is like, basic stuff right here. Your just fucking with me right? No one can unironically believe this

>> No.10508524

google unsaturated fats you dumbass, most are good for you or are benign
its trans and saturated fats and thier large scale consumption that are the problem most of the time

>> No.10508536 [DELETED] 

>being shot by a smaller bullet is better than being shot by a bigger bullet!
I'd rather just not get shot at all. Enjoy your tyoe 2 diabetes.

>> No.10508544

I refuse to believe that there is someone that still can't differentiate healthy fats from unhealthy ones. You have to eat fats to function properly.

>> No.10508548

>Being fat and eating fats are the same thing!
Either bait or you're literally retarded.

>> No.10508549
File: 23 KB, 500x375, 1466110480594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, see this is where you fucked up, now I know for sure that you are pretending to be retarded. Nice try.

>> No.10508550

why don't women jump onto this? seems to have everything that'd appeal to them

>> No.10508558 [DELETED] 

Women are fat whores that love to eat almost as much as they love sucking dick.
They'd never fall for this meme only soyboys do.

>> No.10508563

he sslipped up on his act when he made that post that's now deleted

>> No.10508571

>fats are unhealthy
holy shit this is next level trolling

>> No.10508572
File: 80 KB, 624x768, 1524381303862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the equivalent of buying multivitamins and chocolate milk, and sticking it in a blender.
This not a "meal revolution", it's a fad.

>> No.10508575

I have never been more sure that a statement is bullshit

>> No.10508603

Advertising is not allowed on 4chan

>> No.10508621 [DELETED] 

Tell that to gookmoot, nigger.

>> No.10508623
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Your brain on soy.

>> No.10508640


>> No.10508648

>Scientifically speaking, the most optimal diet for human health, having been observed time and time again has consistently been the diet of those who live around the Mediterranean

The 80s called, they want their imaginary almost vegan diet they call "mediterranean" back.

Truth is, like it or not, we eat a shitload of protein and saturated fat, because olive oil and cheese. Longanizas are a fucking staple food. What they tell anglos about mediterranean diets is an absolute lie. We are not veg-munchers. We are mostly carnivorous.

>b-but muh health
Yes, saturated fat and protein is good for you, contrary to popular 80s diet fad belief.

t. Spain

>> No.10508772

>saturated fat and protein is good for you,
I'm a vegan and I'll tell you right now this isn't true

>> No.10508839
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>Truth is, like it or not, we eat a shitload of protein and saturated fat,

Where was that stated as being bad for you? In fact the word traditional seems to have skipped your head. Go look at the established literature before jumping to idiotic conclusions based of anecdotal opinion and see that what is called 'the meditteranean' diet is not what you think it is but has an established diet make up constituting food groups which are seen as beneficial to ones health and longevity.

What agenda? Go look at each of the statement in this post >>10508648 and try to discredit them - there is no speculation but statements of fact and what is currently known.Your like one of those stupid vaccine deniers who can't accept something which is scientifically backed with good empirical research and observations because it contrasts your stupid beliefs which you were not reasoned into in the first place.

Point out any of those and I can come back with all the relevant scientific journal articles give you egg on your face.

>> No.10508846

Your objectively wrong and he's objectively right.

>> No.10508874

>I'm a vegan
Sorry, I don't take opinions from the mentally ill seriously

>> No.10508879

take your unwarranted self importance elsewhere

>> No.10508881

If technology produced a viable alternative, we definitely should. Bodily damage from breathing in impurities aside, just think how drastically our carbon dioxide output would be reduced.

>> No.10508885

Surely this a joke site. Right?

>> No.10508892

I'm a vegan so it's not unwarranted.
I'm not mentally ill, my psychiatrist says that it's carnists fault that I lash out because I'm being oppressed by them in society. These unwarranted, extremely hurtful and rude comments are evidence of that.

>> No.10508900

2/10 made me reply

>> No.10508919

It's based on the SAD so no it's not.

>> No.10508962

diet has nothing to do with it, white people are just jawlets

the ones that aren't have Asian ancestry like russians or whatever

>> No.10508976

>Truth is, like it or not, we eat a shitload of protein and saturated fat, because olive oil and cheese.

>saturated fat

how stupid can a half-Arab get?

btw Catalonia is a separate country

>> No.10508997

>btw Catalonia is a separate country
scatalonians are unlegal here, pls go

>> No.10509012
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>> No.10509019
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>> No.10509150

>it's real

>> No.10509162

Catalonians have more arab blood than other spaniards and there are comunidades autonomas with way more blonde, blue eyed people than in catalonia. Catalonians on average are short and darkskinned. I'm afraid your memes have failed you, cockmuncher.

Whenever the "mediterranean" diet appears on media, it seems to only mention vegetables and fruit, it's a literal meme. There are no serious differences regarding macronutrients with say, central-european diets. If anything, they are healthier because they eat even more cheese, meat and such.

But, if you insist, go ahead, and tell me what you think the mediterranean diet is about and how much it differs from other diets such as a central-european diet or even an american diet.

>> No.10509167

I unironically have 3 of these in my fridge. I don't treat them as a meal more like days where something comes up like I am late for work and I need to rush out fast but I need to down something that will get me going this does the job.

>> No.10509194

>viscous which is my favorite texture
viscous just like the loads you take

>> No.10509219


>> No.10509269

I wish I was as brave.

>> No.10509276

Wait, soy has been a supplement meant to replace food this whole time? I always thought of it as an alternative milk that hipsters enjoyed. What does it taste like?

>> No.10509284

cursed image

>> No.10509286

what am I looking at

>> No.10509291

Source: my asshole full of nigger cum

>> No.10509294


>> No.10509297

He's invented the Ensure shake, bow to him.

>> No.10509301 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10509302

>the one faggot desperately shilling this garbage here

nobody is going to fall for this overpriced scam liquid here

>> No.10509311

You can't actually sustain yourself off of them, no.

You'll literally start to go insane and lash out at people given the studies my colleagues have done. Beer is more nourishing on certain levels.

>> No.10509330

It's very viscous and nutty with a hint of salt

>> No.10509339

>You'll literally start to go insane and lash out at people given the studies my colleagues have done.
But that is a normal reaction to dealing with toxic masculinity.

>> No.10509368

Yeah go do that.

>> No.10509449

>one's jaw to rest instead

your jaw should be perfectly rested already as you only seem to talk out of your ass

>> No.10509476

jesus christ, getting sore jaw muscles from chewing food, how fucking skinny and anemic are you?

>> No.10509486
File: 37 KB, 728x546, aid326572-v4-728px-Do-Exercises-for-TMJ-Treatment-Step-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. flyover with only soft wonder bread fast food buns

there's a baguette shop near my work that does sandwiches sometimes, not even the strongest chad could power through one of those in 10 minutes without getting major jaw DOMs the next day. I don't like to get those more than once ever couple of weeks because their deliciousness forces me into pacman mode and I'm going to dislocate my jaw muscles one of these days

no dog in this fight other than the fact that I'm better than you neener neener neener flyover land, etc

>> No.10509488
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>nutty with a hint of salt

>> No.10509492 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 480x852, numale.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a peak way of life.

>> No.10509495

>not even the strongest chad could power through one of those in 10 minutes without getting major jaw DOMs
t. has never been the presence of a chan and has weak jaw muscles

>> No.10509496

I live in Europe, you mong

>> No.10509498

europe has flyover countries too, flyover-kun. ireland, the UK, czechoslovakia, and so on. which one are you in?

>> No.10509506
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>> No.10509519
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that's a croissant. those are french. czechoslovakians eat radioactive forest mushrooms (never refrigerated), and eschew foreign degeneracy and such.

>> No.10509529

>wildly popular in asia
>literally one of the smallest country
>literally the nigger server irrelevant in world tournament
No joke your life is sadder than even those shut in gamers

>> No.10509539
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>a croissant
How nigger are you being so illiterate that you can't even read a pictograph

>> No.10509540

You're one malnutritioned boy
Have you get a power to get your dick up?
No one is having a sore jaw, brainlet, and baguette isn't even the hardest type of bread.

>> No.10509541
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>> No.10509546

This thread is a fucking trainwreck

>> No.10509547
File: 10 KB, 300x225, main-qimg-90d8c3b789405392e4809b1516aa47b2-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they only use low protein pastry flour to make baguettes in your country

look up gluten formation, it causes bread to have more resilience and texture

imagine having such terrible flour that you have to eat solyent to make up for your nutrient deficiencies

>> No.10509572

>not even the strongest chad
>unironically using "chad" as a common word

>> No.10509575

Are you a worm? You don't sound like a human

>> No.10509580

>I know imaginary people who told me things in my sleep. OBEY ME OR ELSE
you are embarassing

>> No.10509614
File: 89 KB, 1024x1017, 8C7CBD70-D235-4D9F-A158-B26F125912A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only train wreck here is you failing badly at shilling Soylent.

>> No.10509617

>Is this the peak subhuman diet?

>> No.10509622
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>implying I'm OP

>> No.10509652


>> No.10509661


>> No.10509672

fats are an excellent source of fat

>> No.10509673


>> No.10509677

I thought cucks were a meme

>> No.10509681

Makes you think how he got gf/wife in the first place, right?

Seems like he doesn't respect himself at all. How the fuck did he manage to pick her up.

>> No.10509685


>> No.10509751

>melanin-enriched gentleman is still wearing socks

>> No.10509764

how these guys got away with selling a product named after a scifi food made of human flesh still confuses me

>> No.10509769

most people don't know the reference

also you're not getting the reference exactly right either, are you now

>> No.10509793

what more of a reference is there fag
>soylent green is people!

>> No.10509801

how can you be this stupid

you even said it yourself and still failed

>> No.10509841

I don't believe an all liquid diet would be good for you, no.

>> No.10509852

Dude, I literally eat crabs by cracking the shell with my teeth

>> No.10509855

>>10506600 >>10506606 >>10506610 >>10506746 >>10508078
>falling for obvious bait
No wonder they target this board

>> No.10509898
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Happiness is a fridge full of soylent.

>> No.10509964

Somebody post that picture of the agdq founder and oot speedrunner that has been living off this shit for the past 10 years.
Fool became an androgynous creature, absolutely disgusting. Stay away from soy and filter all shills if you have any self worth.

>> No.10510012



fats are great for you.

>> No.10510020

Who are (((they))) and how do we find (((them)))?

>> No.10510024

Read the thread, nigger.

>> No.10510058

enjoy your lead

>> No.10510092

What's the current fuzz about Soylent? Some computer nerd talked about it some years ago but everyone agreed it was retarded because it will cripple your whole digesitve system, from teeth to asshole.
Now I see people (un?)ironically having their fridge full of the stuff. What gives?

>> No.10510101

American skin grew so thin people think about suicide if they eat something they don't like, so the only choice in their diseased mind is to cut the concept of choice and variety entirely, and only survive on one item forever.

>> No.10510115

Like that woman who will only eat cheesy potatoes?

>> No.10510121

Really, it's only the sad bastards who can't get any enjoyment from eating food that buy that disgusting sludge.
A large variety in textures and tastes are two of the best things about proper food.

>> No.10510143
File: 307 KB, 529x600, 79831DE9-0B92-463A-84B6-C2D0F48A32B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American skin grew so thin

>> No.10510161

Is this real or just an art project thing?

>> No.10510176


>> No.10510198

i guess it's better than the punch tunnel

>> No.10510224

>see my hog

>> No.10510276
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I live in France, I eat baguette almost everyday, the only time my jaw ached was when I took 2 ecstasys and grinded my teeth for 14 hours straight. You're just a giant cock slurping faggot

>> No.10510280

nice try shill

how did this soylent thing start? i first saw some bitch on twitch advertising it and now it's everywhere

>> No.10510297

Punch tunnels were the best thing since grease pits in school.

>> No.10510301

Your jaw doesn't ache because you eat them everyday. You won't get dom's anymore. Do you even /fit/?

>> No.10510320
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It's like a sci-fi dystopia where people are only fed nutritional slurry by their overseers. Except it's real life, and people are VOLUNTEERING for it.

People WANT to be drone workers in a bug collective.

>> No.10510346
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Marketing pls go

>> No.10510427


>> No.10510800


>> No.10510814


>> No.10510820

Yeah well desu your "bread" is on the weak side.
Eat german bread, with crust. My grandma always told me it is good for the teeth. Seems like she was right in a layman old woman's kind of way.

>> No.10510823

Are you trolling or unbelievably stupid?

>> No.10510824

It's kind of funny, when we have to pull all-nighters at work due to maintenance or to meet a dead-line we get meal vouchers for real food and we often go out, sit down at a restaurant and have our dinner. Switching your drones to a slurry is a sure sign of poor time management or just poor management in general.

>> No.10510931

>tfw yuropoor and will take years before I start seeing this anywhere
fuck me

>> No.10511687
File: 291 KB, 587x1859, soyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink soylent
>become too weak to open the bottle
>already too weak to digest normal food

>> No.10512198

That girl's pinky finger is a syndrome caused by holding phones too long.

>> No.10512399

>I'm not a subhuman degenerate boneless bozo! It's the BREAD fault!
the absolute fucking state...

>> No.10512796

It's in the UK I think you stupid soy nigger