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10503483 No.10503483 [Reply] [Original]

which fucking part of a burger is junk food?
is the bread, the meat, the cheese, or the vegetables?
which btw are delicious when combined

>> No.10503489

In-N-Out and some local restaurants are exceptions but most fast food is heavily processed

>> No.10503492

mainly the bread and cheese, but also the meat to a much lesser extent

>> No.10503493 [DELETED] 

I'm a vegan and this pic is making my mouth water >.<
My cheat day can't come soon enough.

>> No.10503495

because the meat is processed as fuck

>> No.10503507

It's more the fries and soda. And the shake. And the sugary dipping sauce. And the apple pie.
Not everyone goes overboard like that, but memes gonna meme

>> No.10503510

Are you a vegan for nutritional reasons? If so that's retarded.
Are you being a vegan for ideological reasons? If so why the fuck do you have "cheat days"?

>> No.10503513

the american cheese and the ¨beef¨ patty for the most part

>> No.10503514

My cheat day with the hubby is coming up and I'm going to In N Out first thing!

>> No.10503527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10503528

>which fucking part of a burger is junk food?
A fast food burger? The quality of the ingredients used.

A good homemade burger, or one from a nice restaurant? None of it.

That too.

>> No.10503530

>cheat day
fucking idiots

>> No.10503561

It's empty calories. There might not be anything bad in the burger, and it might fit your macros, but it offers nothing else in terms of fiber, potassium, vitamins, and minerals.

>> No.10504016

>cheat day
Why am I replying to this obvious bait

>> No.10504020

the 24 oz soda that accompanies it.

also cheap beef. Macros its fine desu.

>> No.10504027

Good thing we don't need those in literally every meal we eat!

Though you're actually mistaken, there will be plenty of vitamins and minerals in that. A full complement? No. but that hardly makes it "empty calories", shitlord.

>> No.10504031

>being this new
vegan cheat day is a real thing

>> No.10504143

who made the rules saying you have to be vegan for ALL animals? there are a ton of animals i do not give a shit about.

>> No.10504169 [DELETED] 
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You have no idea what you're doing to your health. Haha, there is no nutrition in the wegan diet, anon, you are an apex predator.
The nutrients in the vegetables cannot be absorbed by the body unless they are fermented, and humans cannot process the plants like the herbivore. So, heh, you can consider he lettuce and tomato and onion "junk food" haha

>> No.10504177

You’re not a real vegan if you have regular cheat days.
If you eat meat more than like once a year you’re a flexitarian. I know multiple vegans who don’t have cheat days ever, at all, and are very healthy. That the human body “needs” meat or it will shut down is a lie/meme.

>> No.10504344

The nutritionally vacuous bun, the artery clogging meat and cheese and the ecoli riddled “““vegetables””””

>> No.10504357

I love in-n-out.

>> No.10504361

Now that you mention it, you're right, it's not junk food. If someone ate a slice of bread by itself, no one would call that junk food. Or a steak. Same thing.

>> No.10504367

White bread is junk food, steak has far more protein and less fat than ground beef

>> No.10504373 [DELETED] 

I'm a vegan for both reasons, but having a cheat day isn't "retarded".

Most vegans need a cheat day to get proper nutrition and stave off malnutrition.

It doesn't go against my ideology because technically I'm a vegan 6 days a week, 25-27 days a month, 317 days a year. The other 1 day a week, 4 days a month, 48 days a year are my cheat days which are obviously necessary for health reasons.

>> No.10504381

>I know multiple vegans who lie to me

>> No.10504402

Junk food is a bad fifty year old meme
It's just food

>> No.10504445

Everyone ignore this retard

t. Big Burger

>> No.10504460

no true scotsman, right?

>> No.10504476

i’ll give you the in & out on your cheat day
hubby can watch

>> No.10504482

>have to have "cheat" days so you dont become some malnourished toothpick of a man
Lmaoing at your life

>> No.10504490

wow then rapists aren't actually doing that bad if they only rape one person in their life time.

>> No.10504499

the meat is usually pretty high in fat, same with the """cheese"""
if you make it yourself with better ingredients it isn't that bad

>> No.10504501 [DELETED] 

I unironically agree. Rape is natural, many species only mate through raping their partner.

>> No.10504532

>Most vegans need a cheat day to get proper nutrition and stave off malnutrition.
so you're not a vegan and neither are they

>> No.10504535

they aren't junk food, but they're very calorie-dense and it's surprisingly easy to go massively over your daily intake needs if you're eating hambies regularly.

>> No.10504543

>normal to rape
>comparing us to apes
It appears as the damage has already been done.

Most of your brain is fat (and 20% of that is DHA)
Unionically you can't get DHA on a vegan diet (almost none at all)

>> No.10504575 [DELETED] 

Humans are apes, dumb fundiefag.

>> No.10504591

how it's made, what it's made with, what it's composed of, sugar content

>> No.10504599

humans are not apes lmao, go read a peer reviewed journal

>> No.10504609 [DELETED] 
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Ironically doubling down is my schtick, anon. Get your own.

>> No.10504630

Me cheat day with laws is coming up soon also! Cant wait to bomb an airport! Just for the one day though. Its so hard obeying laws year round!

>> No.10504633
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'poor quality' ingredients aren't unhealthy, next

>> No.10504643

Come here a sec, I got something for you

>> No.10504659

>fucking mudslime
cheat days are for things that harm no one. should be common sense but seeing that you are a nigger... might as well let you know.

>> No.10504674

I am 100% straight but i will have a cheat day once a week where i will blow cocks all day.

>> No.10504684

>harm no one
Your harming the pig.
>cheat days
No willpower whatsoever. If you slip once, have you really succeeded at all?

>> No.10504699

That's why you take your supplements.

>> No.10504708 [DELETED] 

Speak for yourself autist

>> No.10504743

>1x McDouble
>2g Dietary Fiber (8%)
>Vitamin A (10%)
>Vitamin C (2%)
>Calcium (10%)
>Iron (20%)
>No fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Herp derp empty calories.

>> No.10504744

the cheese, possibly the bread. but the bread is the best part.

>> No.10504923 [DELETED] 

We're all vegans that are living as healthy a lifestyle as possible

>> No.10504953

wow, that burger looks awful. greasy bun and dry meat.

>> No.10504962

please tell me you're trolling. dear god i hope you are since that's one of the most retarded things i've read on 4chan and that's saying something.

>> No.10504966

>eats meat
what's next, you're not a criminal if you only do crime one day of a week?

>> No.10504967

>sex is a necessity

>> No.10504982

>bitch about vegans being extremists
>bitch about vegans not being extreme enough
At some point you just start sounding jealous, you know?

>> No.10504990


>> No.10504995

>Y-you're just jealous!
The antithesis of an argument.

>> No.10504997

lotta bread, lotta cheese

>> No.10505007
File: 71 KB, 395x524, 1518332122423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers aren't junk food, they're just not healthy either.
If you load it up with bacon and cheese and the meat is really fatty and fried then yes it's bad.

>> No.10505021

The cheese could be the worse part, but generally the beef can have a lot of fat in a good burger. MacDonalds doesn't really use fatty patties so it's actually not unhealthy. Most of the problems are from soda and fries.

>> No.10505023

>empty calories
>fortified bread, meat, cheese, relish
Are you fucking retarded?

Also, homemade. Brioche Bun, Ground Sirloin, Roth Cheese, LTO, Mustard

~690 Calories
~59%Vitamin A
~25%Vitamin C
~30% Calcium
~20% Iron
And a bunch of other shit that was below 10%.

>> No.10505168

i didn't bitch about anything, i just showed how retarded the original statement is.
literally proved him/herself wrong in one single sentence. now move along

>> No.10505199

I have mine without the bun as I find the bread fills me up too much

>> No.10505255

This. The actual burger itself is probably the healthiest thing you can get at a burger place.

>> No.10505272

white bread
processed red meat
processed cheese