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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 616x462, 1382541000580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10495849 No.10495849 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more juvenile fucking dish than pic related? Any time I see someone order this, ESPECIALLY as a side dish, I lose pretty much all respect for them.

I just had dinner with an ex-future business partner. This fucker's entree came with two sides. You know what he got with this tuna steak? PEACH COBBLER and MACARONI AND CHEESE.

>> No.10495858

Macaroni and cheese isn’t appropriate for every type of food, but if it’s something like a barbecue place or other similar establishment, it’s fine in my book.

>> No.10495863

>giving a shit what other people enjoy
>making this shitty bait thread


>> No.10495868

Mac and cheese is my favorite food if you add bacon. The bacons saltieness and savoryness adds a whole lot to the cheese, especially if you make it with fancy cheeses

>> No.10495869

Congratulations, this is the worst thread I’ve ever seen on /ck/
Maybe you’ll get a few people riled up and you’ll chuckle to yourself behind your computer screen, enjoying your le epic master trole
But you’re not funny or original
Here’s your (you)

>> No.10495873

>>giving a shit what other people enjoy
t. macaroni and cheese with well done steak and ketchup eater

>> No.10495882

>ESPECIALLY as a side dish

Why though? Wouldn't it be more juvenile to order it as a main course and eat nothing but cheesy noodles for dinner? And isn't peach cobbler as a side even more juvenile? Where did you go to eat, the Kid Cuisine Cafe?

>> No.10495884
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This pleb doesn't drink all his calories like soyboy master race.

>> No.10495896

posting anything at all on 4chan ruins any point you might be trying to make. your point is probably applicable somewhere in the business world, but those people would never waste even the few moments it takes to post here. or maybe they would, how would i know?

mac and cheese is tasty

>> No.10495903

I like mac and cheese, it reminds me of my younger days.
Also, truffle mac and cheese is literally food for gods

>> No.10495914

There’s no point at all to anything that’s been posted in this thread. Especially your reply.

>> No.10495920

Tard Rage: The Post

>> No.10495924

i know. but if we all acknowledged that, and never posted... how would we feel better about ourselves and our opinions?

>> No.10495928


>> No.10495938

I love pasta

>> No.10495969

I really wonder how a restaurant can make a GOOD mac and cheese that's worth paying sit-down prices for

i see it a lot on Kitchen Nightmares, he orders one and then gordon slams it, but what the fuck did he expect? the recipe even calls for shitty processed cheese straight off, you know it's not gonna be any good. and that volume of cheese is never good to eat even when it is something decent, it's just too much.

I can understand the little boxes of pre-made stuff you find in cafes and grocers for like three bucks as a quick snack to go but who would go to a pub, see an array of burgers and pizza and poppers and other good food that's enough of a pain to make at home that you'd rather go to a restaurant, and then get literal KD?

>> No.10495975

How is peach cobbler even a side, what the fuck. I mean, that's a goddamn desert.

>> No.10496019

welcome to america

>> No.10496031

Fuck off you obsessed europoor. America is based. You can literally get whatever you fucking want as a side instead of being confined to potatoes and beans like british """""cuisine""""" is.

>> No.10496042
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americans are so easy to trigger lmao

>> No.10496108


>> No.10496181


>> No.10496219

Wow good for him for dodging a fucking bullet.
Are you legit autistic or just a pathetic loser to care that much?

>> No.10496312

Thomas Jefferson served macaroni n cheese to his guests at the White House. If it's good enough for Jefferson it ought to be good enough for you.

>> No.10496313

t. American

>> No.10496314

>Thomas Jefferson served macaroni n cheese to his guests at the White House.
there is no way that's true

>> No.10496320

What exactly makes a dish juvenile?
The composition?
The ingredients?
The typical age group associated with consumption of the particular dish?

By the way, if you pick any of those 3, I can easily debunk you.

>> No.10496321

You know just googling it would have been faster than making an ignorant reply.

>> No.10496336

>What exactly makes a dish juvenile?
easy to eat and easy on the stomach, typically played-with food (cheesy things especially because muh strands), very simple flavor profile, generally bland or erring towards sweet

>> No.10496351

don't forget easy to make

>> No.10496352

>the recipe even calls for shitty processed cheese straight off

What recipe calls for this? It sounds like you've never had good mac and cheese.

Here's how you do it. Make a mornay sauce using whatever cheeses you prefer, but choose good quality cheeses because they're the main element of the dish. In a casserole dish, combine the mornay sauce with cooked macaroni. Top with breadcrumbs and additional cheese, then bake.

>> No.10496359

It's history buddy.


>> No.10496368
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>combine the mornay sauce with cooked macaroni. Top with breadcrumbs and additional cheese, then bake.
Yeah I've never seen a restaurant or household make mac n' cheese this way. It's always velveeta tossed on shitty noodles and served as-is.

>> No.10496372

>how dare they eat pasta with cheese
Everyone knows you can’t eat cheese together with pasta!

>> No.10496381

Really? That's extremely sad to hear.

>> No.10496389

>>I've never seen it that way so it's never done that way!

I've made it that way at home, maxe it that way professionally, and had it made for me that way. It's pretty common.

Do you think that noodles in cheese sauce came about only after the invention of velveeta?

>> No.10496402

I've seen a deep fried variation that's similar to what you're talking to, but have never ordered it from those places since I've seen others do it and it's still disturbingly yellow, and seems to basically be shitty KD style mac n cheese chilled to congeal, breaded, and deep fried to serve. It smells nor looks very appetizing.

The concept of a baked noodle dish isn't very foreign though but those usually end up more like shepherd's pie/pate chinois but with noodles instead of potato, with ground beef and veggies and shit mixed in. Still not great, imo. Still better than Literally KD or Literally Not KD Because It's Actually Real Cheddar But Still Basically KD

>Do you think that noodles in cheese sauce came about only after the invention of velveeta?
Yeah, actually, otherwise it'd be in a white sauce with grated cheese, or a baked casserole type thing. Cheese on boiled noodles is a horrendous mess that can be instantly improved by literally anything. Even just parmesan, you need some herbs and oil/butter on there as well otherwise it's just wet noodles and dry parmesan that never combine quite right.

>> No.10496408

I made a killer mac and cheese for a party once shit tasted fire
>secret recipe homemade pasta dough cut into macaroni with the pasta machine
>Cold smoked aged white cheddar and beemster gouda
>seasoned breadcrumbs from homemade sourdough loaves that were staled out
>bake in oven until nice and crisp
>Garnish with a bit of parsley and wala

>> No.10496410

>Yeah, actually, otherwise it'd be in a white sauce with grated cheese, or a baked casserole type thing.

So macaroni and cheese?

>> No.10496414

>Here's how you do it. Make a mornay sauce using whatever cheeses you prefer, but choose good quality cheeses because they're the main element of the dish. In a casserole dish, combine the mornay sauce with cooked macaroni. Top with breadcrumbs and additional cheese, then bake.
>overcooking your macaroni by baking it

>> No.10496426
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>simplicity of a dish equates to being juvenile

>> No.10496428

Sounds good.

>> No.10496431

Now I'm curious. What region do you live in?

I bet that if you make mac and cheese using the mornay-then-bake method and include your personal favorite cheeses, you'll enjoy the dish for once. It is simple, but it's tasty and a classic for a reason.

You can also include additional ingredients like bacon, jalapenos, mustard, and whatever herbs and spices you like. However, using good quality, flavorful cheese is really the key. I always try to use the sharpest cheddar possible, along with some parmesan.

>> No.10496433

yes anon youve figured it out

now you know why a rare unseasoned steak with ketchup on it is considered juvenile meme trash

>> No.10496438


>> No.10496443

Baked pasta dishes are pretty common. It's called al forno.

>> No.10496445
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So if you make it spicy and complicated, it's acceptable mac n cheese?

>> No.10496455


>> No.10496458

yes, basically

sorry you cant handle anything more nuanced than Pull N Peel "cheese sticks"

>> No.10496464
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, mushroommac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man i love mac and cheese with the good shit

>> No.10496470

is that your diaper size?

>> No.10496471

what bothers me more is how is peach cobbler a side dish?
don't care about mac&cheese since it sucks anyways

>> No.10496474

Yet the same steak without ketchup is not juvenile. Shouldn't adding ketchup make it more complex and thus less juvenile? I think your system is flawed.

>> No.10496477

>talks about mac and cheese
>doesn't post mac and cheese
wew lad, that's some next level retardation

>> No.10496485

>Yet the same steak without ketchup is not juvenile.
dude what no the same steak without ketchup is even more childish, it's bland nonsense served to ""people"" who dont know better

>> No.10496488
File: 252 KB, 683x1024, Mushroom-White-Mac-and-Cheese-1-683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry princess

>> No.10496504

still not mac and cheese, you can clearly see the mushrooms in both the pic and the filename

>> No.10496519
File: 2.16 MB, 4001x2621, mac_and_cheese_del_frescos_covington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it not mac and cheese if it has an extra ingredient

>> No.10496522

thats not velveeta and macaroni thats some kind of actual food

>> No.10496529

So you've never eaten at a decent restaurant and every household you've been to (probably all of one) has been white trash.

>> No.10496539

Man, I'm afraid the dipshit in this thread is going to hurt his back, having to move those fucking goalposts so much. Be careful, bud.

>> No.10496545

>typically played-with food (cheesy things especially because muh strands)
For very young children maybe. And they'll play with pretty much anything.
>very simple flavor profile
I guess you can say a basic mac and cheese is pretty much "just cheese" but even that would depend on what cheese(s) you use.
>generally bland
Again, that depends entirely on what ingredients you choose for your mac n cheese.
>erring towards sweet
Okay, what the FUCK kinda mac and cheese have you been eating? I was going to make fun of you and say you've literally only ever had Kraft but fucking hell I don't see how anyone would call them SWEET.

>> No.10496550

>a decent restaurant
i wont say i have but desu what self-respecting cook would put mac n cheese on a menu

it's like putting chicken tendies on there. it might be freshly made and shredded chicken breast breaded and baked to order but it's still fucking tendies

>> No.10496551

What does it feel to be an autistic retard?

>> No.10496554

Are we supposed to care?

>> No.10496556

He was just describing attributes of childish foods, not mac and cheese specifically.

>> No.10496559

shh hes a literal child or possibly an autistic manchild, and wont understand this

>> No.10496562

From the looks of the thread you probably know jackshit about good food or what chefs would do.

Boohoo, did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.10496572
File: 240 KB, 850x635, Miso-Chicken-Katsu-Set-P-395Photo-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's like putting chicken tendies on there. it might be freshly made and shredded chicken breast breaded and baked to order but it's still fucking tendies

cordon bleu

>> No.10496583

>cordon bleu
ive had this once, it was the most vile thing I've ever eaten and tasted like it came out of a frozen box and was a dish cooked up by PepsiCo. in fact, it probably was all of those things

not really the same concept and a bit of a snack food 2bh

>> No.10496587

>steak with ketchup
>steak is juvenile
Did you hit your head when you were three or why are you being an autist

>> No.10496593

>it's all muh too simple so simple I cannot literally see the difference
>i'm not totally being a tastelet

>> No.10496630

>unseasoned steak isn't juvenile
the only thing stopping it from being for children is sheer cost

>> No.10496652


I don't understand why katsu is such a popular thing. There's so much amazing japanese food, but katsu is just pretty mediocre fried chicken that doesn't even have the grease that makes fried chicken delicious. It's weird.

>> No.10496677
File: 12 KB, 256x197, Almost+cut+myself+that+was+so+edgy+_f7da4d1eb13e2a2f17a11f852efeeba7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ex future buisiness partner" aka you didnt get the job because your a loser and now you are trying to justify hating them because you hate yourself... prove me wrong op. Or did you pull the trigger

>> No.10496846

His peach cobbler shit was much more embarrassing than macaroni and cheese, but I get what you're saying. The only thing I'm saying is that ordering a desert food is fuckin worse and way more sad.

>> No.10496876

>t. pretentious parade float-tier lgbt member

>> No.10497055

>Actually caring this much

Ah, the mark of a complete manchild
Kill yourself retard

>> No.10497109

Oh, this is a Canadian thing. Is that what's going on here? Canaddians don't know how to make mac and cheese?

>> No.10497117
File: 47 KB, 500x363, 1500198065583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "anon acts all stuck-up about something trivial" bait thread

>> No.10497219

Best pasta dish I ever made was mac and cheese. I used gruyere, provolone and asiago for the cheese sauce, and mixed in chopped spinach, chopped artichoke hearts, and Italian sausage, and baked it all with an extra layer of asiago on top.

>> No.10497224

>how is something that's different not the same ?!
anon please
next you're going to tell me steak is the same thing as chicken, it's just a little different!

>> No.10497248

Hey Mom! I got attention on the internet!!!

>> No.10497290

>how is peach cobbler a side
What OP is not saying as he tries to belittle his dinner companion is that they were both eating at a crappy truck stop / diner. Peach cobbler and mac n cheese are both pretty standard for southern us diners...especially on what are often called Blue Plate Specials... you choose between one or two proteins...say fried chicken or pot roast. It often varies with the day of the week. Then you choose two sides. Common sides are mashed potatoes, baked potato, fries, mac n cheese, green beans, pinto beans, blackeyed peas, collard greens, fried squash & zucchini, broccoli casserole, creamed corn, pasta salad, potato salad, sweet potatoes and yes...peach cobbler. "Hun you wanna bisquit, roll, or cornbread with that?"

>> No.10498704
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ur fukken dum m8

also i make mine with sharp cheddar and some fresh whole milk mozzeralla for dat strinyness bro.

take flour and butter
make roux
add milk and the cheese
ez pz

>> No.10498774
File: 6 KB, 246x205, goodimages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not boiling your noodles under al Dante, so when they come of the oven they may make your Devil Cry

Literal dumbo neck yourself you yiddly diddly yankey dankey donkey

>> No.10499604

Jefferson was obsessed with food and constantly served his guests foods he liked from overseas. He also liked ice cream a lot

>> No.10499609



>> No.10499749


Someone dodged a bullet.

>> No.10499823

Mac and cheese is great, if I get home at 3am, shit faced drunk, and want something easy to eat.
I wouldn't order it at a restaurant. ever.

and I don't know anyone who would...

>> No.10499843

>Okay, what the FUCK kinda mac and cheese have you been eating? I was going to make fun of you and say you've literally only ever had Kraft but fucking hell I don't see how anyone would call them SWEET.

Your palate has been ruined my American food. Kraft Mac and cheese is sweet. Its revolting.

>> No.10499862

Do Europeans really do this?

>> No.10499975

Are you Irish Stew Guy?

>> No.10500239 [DELETED] 
File: 3.95 MB, 200x200, 1502023518402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you add onion to a plain cheeseburger it's no longer a cheeseburger!

>> No.10500505

Is there anyway be more juvenile than an autist crying over someone else’s food choice? Good god man, just let people eat what they want to.

>> No.10500631
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Add brocolli and you can pretend it's healthy

>> No.10500655

OPs entire post is juvenile.

>> No.10500699

>muh comfort food
>muh childhood
>muh carbs, salt and fat
number one food of low-functioning autistic retards

>> No.10501177
File: 43 KB, 439x452, 1523944208723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raw chicken mac n cheese

>> No.10501483

Add scallions and it's incredible, especially if made with decent cheese.

I prefer a mix of a sharp cheddar for flavor and a mozzarella for meltability.

>> No.10501493
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>> No.10501507

well steak IS the same thing as chicken if you think about it. It's all meat in the end.

>> No.10501510
File: 730 KB, 752x1003, koko_krunch_-_330g_820x1094-min_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love mac and cheese. I also love chocolate cereal. I am almost in my thirties.

>> No.10501513
File: 47 KB, 1013x1066, 1514332269184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it tastes good, eat it!

>> No.10501520

apparently pasta with cheese sauce is considered juvenile now

>> No.10501524

Who the fuck are you and why should I care about your respect?

>> No.10501528


>> No.10501530

I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm

>> No.10501532
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>> No.10501538

I used to make that too, mixing canned tuna and peas in. That's actually pretty good. Not every meal has to be some freaking extravagansa which most of the people on this board are pushing.

>> No.10501552

How is it "juvenile" if you like it?
You have the money for it, you're paying rent or own your own place but like simple shit. If that's juvenile then I'd like to see what you are you fucking faggot.

>> No.10501991


A lot of American food is quite juvenile. Overly sweet slop. Even your bread is like cake compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.10501997

You do realize that we not only don't care about your opinions but when you call us juvenile and can't sort out your own problems we laugh at you?

>> No.10502002

Nobody is forcing you and your niglets to eat it.

>> No.10502931

Are you a nigger or something? Have you not had mac n' Pparmesan w/ bacon bits?

>> No.10503405

>Americans getting upset because somebody said bad things about something you order off the kids menu

>> No.10503829

>completely agree with OP
>but also love mac and cheese

I am so conflicted right now.

>> No.10503862

Thats bacon, it's the sauce covering it and my shitty phone camera making it look like raw meat.

>> No.10503874

Anyone else like that Velveeta shell stuff? I just remembered it existed and was a staple of my childhood diet