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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180421_212455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10493669 No.10493669 [Reply] [Original]

Filet Mignon was on sale so I gave it a try. Damn, this shit is off the chain!

>> No.10493930

That better be your searing step and not your cooking step

>> No.10493936 [DELETED] 

That's how your supposed to cook it retard.

>> No.10493964

Are you retarded

>> No.10493977

A piece that small you don't need much more than searing

>> No.10493978

Looking good OP, you can use just a bit less butter next time. Try using thyme or rosemary. Maybe about half a sprig of rosemary because it can get overpowering.

>> No.10493991

sous-vide, you cave men

>> No.10493997


>> No.10494023

Should be seared then put in the oven

>> No.10494033

Faggy meme cooking for outer borough losers.

>> No.10494041

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10494047

Some people like the gradient, you mong. This "sous-vide is the only way a *true* gentleman enjoys his beef," shit is getting fucking tedious.

It's the /ck/ equivalent of the fedora tip and "m'lady"

>> No.10494053

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10494063

t. Retard that can't grill

>> No.10494069

Exactly how I expect a sad fedora tipping neck beard to respond. Sad.

>> No.10494077

>t. retards who cant cook

>> No.10494114

What an absolutely atrocious thread

>> No.10494127

yeah, the retards who cant cook are shitting it up

>> No.10494143

>equal parts butter and steak

>> No.10494148

Lmao get the fuck out of here dumb faggot let's see your fucking steak then oh wait your a little bitch cuck who eats ramen noodles everyday lmao get the fuck out of here

>> No.10494173

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10494370
File: 1.86 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180421_214956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here. I actually put it in the oven first for 20 minutes @ 200 degrees. This was thr result.

>> No.10494376
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180421_213821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My useless plating...

>> No.10494421

Lmaooooo nice comeback bro lmfao

>> No.10494534

steak's a LITTLE done for me, but i'm a blue rare freak. nice plating op, looks delicious. what'd you do to the asparagus? looks a little charred - fucking love that

>> No.10494562

Get better lighting. Looks good good in the other pic tho.

>> No.10494639

Your house is prolly smoky as shit. Ain't worth it. I'll grill my steak outside

>> No.10494651

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10494657

Hey you're that guy who makes the eggs

>> No.10494662

Can cook 100 times better than you but don't want a smoky house or a steak cooked in burnt butter. Thanks tho

>> No.10494672

>thinks he can cook
>doesn't have a hood vent
sure pal

>> No.10494692

Recreate their meal

>> No.10494702

get crunk

>> No.10494704
File: 2.12 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180421_212900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Covered in oil, salt, and pepper. Roasted in the oven @400 for 30 minutes.

>> No.10494712

overcooked bruh, it should be tender but still firm, not mush. ten to fifteen minutes should've been plenty

>> No.10494732

Disgusting slop fried in butter

>hurr I cans cook

>> No.10494746

Boiling food in a bag isn't cooking you pleb

>> No.10494747

>thinks he can cook
>cooks filet in 1/2 cup of blackened butter

It fucking sucks. Looks terrible. Would not eat. Worst meal -10/10

>> No.10494751

I'm not your bro friend

>> No.10494752

that's nice kid but the adults are talking

>> No.10494756

>Some people like the gradient
This. I don't care for it, but I can see how some people might prefer it that way.
>t. a sous vide fan but not a zealot

>> No.10494767

Lmao at chan dumbasses.

Good to know. The Babies get triggered so easily here. Stay butt hurt faggot.

>> No.10494772

protection much?

>> No.10494784

Fuck off retard

>> No.10494798


To each his own.

>> No.10494861

You mean projection?

>> No.10494866
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>while finishing steak in oven, gently roast asparagus with agricultural flamethrower

>> No.10494868

no I mean stupid imperialistic protectionism. it's killing /ck/

>> No.10495350


That's exactly what I was aiming for.

>> No.10495669

I take it neither of you are adults

>> No.10495887

you douse everything in oil?

>> No.10496000

I sous vide stuff because I like fuck up proof methods of cooking but reverse sear is perfectly acceptable and that looks really good, well done

>> No.10496021
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>boiling your food because you're too scared to cook

>> No.10496060
File: 97 KB, 520x600, 1521928373926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So THAT'S why people here advocate sous-vide so much that it's become a meme
It's cause y'all can't cook for shit!

>> No.10496062

It's the Ramsay approved method.

>> No.10496111

All you limp wristed frogs in this thread. Using lukewarm water to ruin a good steak. What's the matter? Your Fathers never teach you to cook with heat & flame like a real goddam man? You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, you make me fucking sick.

>> No.10496125

Unironically this

>> No.10496156

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10496161

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10496175

Good thread lads

>> No.10496195

Jesus fucking christ. Sous-videfags? All aboard the cucktrain! Next stop: meat that's grey throughout and lost any flavor.

>> No.10496210

With a cup of soymilk.

>> No.10496228

emphasis on convered in oil nigga wtf are u doing with ur life

>> No.10496325


>grilling steak


>> No.10496420

why sous vide if i'm not cooking a bunch of steaks at once? I can get very good results by cooking in cast iron on stovetop without having to break out the vacuum sealer and immersion circulator

>> No.10496839

>buys a steak
>slathers it with butter so it tastes like butter

>> No.10496875

>Be white
>Can't taste more than one or two flavors at a time without being "overwhelmed"

>> No.10496893

>The best palates in the industry belong to white people

>> No.10496895

That's what I don't get. It takes me, me what, ten minutes, maybe a little more with resting, at most to cook a steak how I like in a pan. That's part of the reason WHY I like cooking steak: it's delicious and simple.

>> No.10496976


>> No.10496980

sous viding a fillet is pointless

>> No.10496991

>One of the most common combinations

An hero you 56% mutt

>> No.10497778

How is the texture after 30 minutes at 400 though. Steak and ptatoes look delicious though, sides are standard but for good reason, I'd devour that food my dude.

>> No.10497791

Have you every cooked with that cut? It is very lean, such that extra fat helps balance it, and unless he makes the pan remains into a butter-heavy sauce(he didn't) it won't overwhelm the flavor of the steak. That would still be quite tasty though, and would pair well with more fresh sides that would cleanse the palate.

>> No.10498134

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10498139

ok mr caveman

>> No.10498151

>t. retard who cant properly prepara a fucking fillet in a pan so has to use loads more time than needed

>> No.10498162

>durr hurr i can't afford a $150 immersion circulator because my McJob doesn't pay enough

>> No.10498168

did you get lost on the way to /fit/, ron swanson?

>> No.10498179

>t. retard who comes home from his McJob at 10 pm, shovels a steak into his gullet in 10 minutes, and then watches late night (((tv))) before falling asleep on his couch, only to go back to McWork in 5 hours

>> No.10498188



>> No.10498221
File: 611 KB, 2000x1125, brunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a whole stick of butter for that little cut
nice searing otherwise. pic related is today's morning meal.

be quiet, you don't know how to cook and probably work at mcdonalds.

>> No.10498229

>t. projecting retard (who cant cook)

>> No.10498231

hit a nerve eh?

>> No.10498347

>Who does that, just goes on the internet and makes shit up

>> No.10498352

I am so sick of looking at ugly plates like this.
/ck/ deserves better.

>> No.10498356

what's wrong with my plate anon? 2 delicious 4 u?

>> No.10498377
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*clears throat*
>the plate itself
looks like a plate you'd get at a kid's birthday party, like it's made of paper or something
>food is just fucking flung on there
like you cared enough to slice the steak so we can see what temperature it's cooked to; also you cared enough to take a picture in the first place, why not plate it nicely? why not wipe the sides? why not put it on an actual plate and not a paper one?
>macaroni cheese as a side to steak
america y u do this

look, I'm not saying everything that you cook needs to be beautifully and tastefully presented. I just wish people would put more effort into showing me something actually nice and aesthetic looking if they're going to photograph their food and post it here. Just a little bit neater and tidier on the plate. That's all I ask.
>tl;dr yes it looks tasty; make more effort with presentation please.

>> No.10498399

literally projecting LOL I bet you don't even have a cast iron you child

>> No.10498400

Pretty sure he knows his plate is shit

>> No.10498445
File: 268 KB, 1632x918, bestroast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the input man. i was hungry and didn't even let the steak cool before cutting, why would i plate it nicely. it IS on a paper plate, because i didn't heat a stoneware plate in the oven because i didn't use the oven to cook because i was cooking just for me. and the side is microwaved easy mac and we do it because it's salty carbs and delicious (I was desirous of that boston market type cooking i haven't had in years). normally i eat steak by itself or with olives. anyway i hate /ck/ why would i give you creeps anything good. but since you seem alright have some chuck i made.

>> No.10498462

m8 he didn't say "please emulate my plating," he said that was his morning meal. He took a pic because it was relevant to a thread about cooking and eating steak.
>sliced it because you cared enough to show us the temp
Doneness is very relevant to the taste and texture of the steak, an ugly plate isn't.

>> No.10498473

>being this upset
Its ok, your McJob pays the bills

>> No.10498481
File: 134 KB, 376x685, emCbO7g5-5uydWUnp0IAwjARiq3C2gW9E5B7A7UDMXY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers m8. I like this plate much better.
stop crying. I was just offering some constructive criticism. do you want me to hold your hand or something?

>> No.10498494

Shut the fuck up you pleb. There is no need for fine temperature control with a fillet. You just get a good sear and don’t take it past med rare.

>> No.10498500

And I was just offering useful perspective, you seem defensive. Nobody is crying, but you judge the man's plating of a morning meal that happened to be relevant to the OP like every post should be a masterpiece on this Bangladeshi oyster-collecting forum, regardless of the topic at hand.

>> No.10498505

>Using that much butter

>> No.10498514

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10498527
File: 1.23 MB, 360x198, gjhb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see some nice plates, is that too much to ask for
you clearly are crying
let your salty tears season your keyboard maybe your shitposting won't be so bland

>> No.10498546
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x1688, bestposole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to see some nice plates
made posole the other day. it was delicious. a whole chicken, chile de arbol, chile ancho, salt, black pepper, and hominy.

>> No.10498556

Sometimes you get nice plates, sometimes anon don't give a fuck. You were the one crying about a paper plate on the internet my friend.

>> No.10498567


Where's the thyme?

>> No.10498587

are you >>10498445 or do you just have identical plate sets? looks tasty but very oily.
NOT CRYING C R I T I Q U I N G. if you want to hug just ask jesus fucking christ.

>> No.10498607

My critique of your shitpost is just as valid as your critique of a stranger's paper plates, even more so in the context of my above-average intelligence. Do not stifle my creative process.

>> No.10498608
File: 332 KB, 1500x844, besttacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh it was very oily. it's kinda supposed to be. and yes it is just me posting these.

>> No.10498620
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>rents instead of owns

>> No.10498642

>unable to respond coherently without resorting to McDonald's posting.

Sounds like you might salt the fries of los ogres de americanos ( los goblinos )

>> No.10498649

shit i'm so sorry. I didn't realise you were above average intelligence.
nice taste in beers

>> No.10498692
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my steak guys

>> No.10498736

Allot of people make that mistake on here so I'll let it slide.

>> No.10498755

pretty damn tasty looking

>> No.10498812

looks d==========licious

>> No.10499009

>t. retard who cant cook

>> No.10499423

>bites into bland piece of meat jelly
Mmmmmm, so fancy

>> No.10499833

>bites into charcoal
ok Ötzi

>> No.10499846

I thought the saying was off the rails?
Off the chain makes no sense.

>> No.10499863

Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train

>> No.10499873

that asparagus looks 2 greasy bro

>> No.10499881

Asparagus is a good name for a cat.

>> No.10499906
File: 103 KB, 785x757, 1486361119837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most reddit post of all time
>tl;dr go back

>> No.10499909

looks pretty fucking great...

>> No.10499938

Looks you dumped some evil weed from the devil's garden on some pizza. What a waste of both.

>> No.10499948

Be careful with that punch, I punched a wall pretty hard a couple weeks ago because I was pissed off and fucked up my pinky. It's still not 100% yet.

>> No.10499957

You should try roasting some soy into all that grease, then add some mayonnaise.
Now I understand why americans are that fat.

>> No.10499970

Another jealous scumbag chimes in, it's like you people are robots that have to chime in one everything. It's a USA website, if you don't like it you can fuck off and make your own.

>> No.10499971

You fucks are very boring.

>> No.10499974

Are you paid to be stupid?

>> No.10499982

A friend of mine punched the ground because he lost a sporting event and his middle knuckle never recovered and if he holds his hand in a fist now it looks like it was pushed down into his hand so gross.

>> No.10499987

probably tasty but really scary to eat with my big dental cavities

>> No.10499995

Ouch, the shit hurts.

>> No.10500000
File: 1.11 MB, 440x370, 1509164753927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear cu/ck/ I'm French, it's funny enough to notice you don't have your own americuns words for filet Mignon, Mayonnaise, or even cuisine.

it's OK to be chauvinistic when you're French, so OK that even the word chauvin is French.

Deal with it.
And for the sake of Allah, stop eating shit.

>> No.10500006

>Off the chain makes no sense.
it doesn't but it's still a common saying

"off the rails" doesnt mean good, it means it's wonky or crazy. off the chain means it's very good and in a specifically hype way

>> No.10500007

Nice quints!

>> No.10500010

Maybe, I've just never heard that as a saying before, off the rails sure but off the chain no.

>> No.10500026

new york strip is too tough

>> No.10500030

Where do you live where "off the chain" is a common saying?

>> No.10500039

fuck ramsay, did he invent steak? No he's a hollywood creation faggot who nobody would know about if not for hollywood.

>> No.10500043

After Latin fell out of favour, the English speaking world took to incorporating French to divide the upper class from the monolingual lower class. The habit has long been dispensed with, but the effects resonate in our existing language. It is most readily seen in terms used in official correspondence, but also persists in food that was once beyond the pay grade of workers.

>> No.10500054

>there are French words in a language that is almost as influenced by French as it is by its tribal Germanic roots
What's surprising is that "cunt" isn't a French word, because you people are the definition of it.

>> No.10500056

I had to take Latin for a couple years in school in NYC. It's not out of favor it's that public schools just give two choices, Spanish or French. In a lot private schools Latin is required.

>> No.10500065

i live in canada but i mostly hear it from americans online and from american tv. though it's sometimes used irl. not often, but it's there

>> No.10500081

He meant in speech, which happened hundreds of years ago, you fucking nonce.

>> No.10500082
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>> No.10500311

I learn something new erry day.

>> No.10500314

Thanks detective sherlock, I wouldn't have known that otherwise.

>> No.10500370
File: 646 KB, 1500x1106, main_1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you tried to get the American people to back the good guys in Europe but they wouldn't listen

>> No.10500391
File: 971 KB, 500x500, 1477333840725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cook perfect steak
>Chuck it on to a paper plate with dayglo orange mac&cheese

>> No.10501560


>> No.10501634
File: 11 KB, 800x800, 1523215859194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10501652

It's a black thing. Chains referring to slavery of course.

>> No.10501662
File: 85 KB, 736x1104, 51f9e52c2e5362c6ee42624f0b7d979b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>destroying perfectly good meat by cooking it
Fucking pleb

>> No.10501694

@400 those skinny asparagus should've needed 15 minutes max to be fully cooked.

>> No.10501701

Grilling meat over a flame gets a more developed maillard reaction.

>> No.10501765

My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.
~~ Hedley Lamar ~~
Blazing Saddles

>> No.10501774


>> No.10501787

Best thing that ever happened to niggers.

>> No.10501809
File: 307 KB, 427x559, This sucks man. black face when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shits pink yo. Put that back on.

>> No.10501813
File: 1.34 MB, 320x240, Shaq Laughs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order the chicken well-done fag.

>> No.10501920

why does everyone on /ck/ live in a windowless closet?

>> No.10502199

>He said, as he cooked his meat in the easiest possible way

>> No.10502202

>Has to buy an entirely separate appliance because he can't cook a steak otherwise
Loving every lel

>> No.10502207

>tfw your closet has windows

>> No.10502248

I can't afford 100K for a lease for a 1 room apartment in singapoor. Buying is mostly illegal in singapoor. The government owns yous.

>> No.10502858

subtle, probably flew over most people's heads

>> No.10502863

>can't afford an entirely separate appliance to have fun cooking and has to justify it on the internet

>> No.10502866

>eating dog food

>> No.10502883

Jesus Christ is that how much it costs now? is that for a HUDC?

>> No.10502984

>being a poorfag

>> No.10505022

It would explain how everyone is so butthurt all the fucking time.

>> No.10505342
File: 55 KB, 680x365, 1523043451514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice digits

>> No.10505911

Never go near a kitchen again.

>> No.10505962

>Peppered while being cooked

>> No.10506916
