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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 250x250, Mama_instant_noodle_block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10496590 No.10496590 [Reply] [Original]

Time to settle this. Do you:

a) cook the noodles in water with their flavor pack, eat the noodles and drink the broth

b) cook the noodles in water with their flavor pack, drain the water, eat the noodles

c) cook the noodles in water, drain the noodles, stir in flavor pack, eat the noodles

Justify your answer.

>> No.10496595

Because it's good this way, I like having the broth to keep the noodles warm
I've tried method b and it's not my style
I've never tried method c tho

>> No.10496597

C, but I halfway cook the noodles since the flavoring tastes better. By halfway I mean I turn off the heat once the noodles are starting to separate.

>> No.10496599

a if im lazy
b if my salt levels are too high
c if it's instant chow mein (also briefly fry them on stove)

it's not hard OP

>> No.10496602

A, but I wait to add the seasoning until after the noodles are halfway, so I can drain some of the water.

>> No.10496603

Dont cook the noodles just break them up and pour the flavouring on top and your good to go

>> No.10496613

Kids used to do this during lunch at school.

>> No.10496620

>a) cook the noodles in water with their flavor pack, eat the noodles and drink the broth
The only non-subhuman way to do it.

>b) cook the noodles in water with their flavor pack, drain the water, eat the noodles
Throwing away flavorful broth is retarded, why would anyone do this? Liquid is part of the dish. You might as well strain chicken noodle soup and then just eat the solid ingredients.

>c) cook the noodles in water, drain the noodles, stir in flavor pack, eat the noodles
Yeah, because you obviously want to enjoy some nice bland noodles that didn't absorb any broth, topped with dry spices.

>> No.10496635

C cause i love salt

I also add a can of tuna and sometimes mixed vegetables

>> No.10496645

>Throwing away flavorful broth is retarded, why would anyone do this?

It's how my mother taught me to do it. I didn't eat instant noodles much so I guess I didn't lose out on much but I didn't learn about the other methods until high school when a friend showed me.

>Yeah, because you obviously want to enjoy some nice bland noodles that didn't absorb any broth, topped with dry spices.

Except the spices aren't dry because there's enough water left on and in the noodles to turn it into a sauce, meaning that they also aren't bland.

C is the correct answer unless you're making an actual ramen type that's supposed to have broth.

>> No.10496660

Ramen always has broth though. Are we talking about instant noodles other than ramen?

>> No.10496666

d) cook the noodles in water, drain the noodles, put the noodles and flavor pack in a bowl, fill with fresh boiled water

>> No.10496675

what why

>> No.10496680

That's how Satan does it.

>> No.10496684

e) drink the water, throw away the flavor pack, and eat the noodles

>> No.10496713
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You don't. This isn't food.

>> No.10496714

Cook the noodles in the water, drain some of the water so only a little bit is left for a "broth", stir in flavor pack, eat.

>> No.10496720

Meat is murder.

>> No.10496724

I'm fine with that. I'll eat it, and you can keep complaining.

>> No.10496755

all the gross shit that is used to preserve the noodles after frying is left in the water once you've boiled them, if you boil and drain them then add fresh boiled water to the it results in a nicer/cleaner taste

>> No.10496793

I mean, I'm not sure you should really bother being that picky about it when you're eating instant noodles. Kind of like going to McDonalds and ordering a salad.

>> No.10496901

b is retarded
c is blasphemous unless with raw noodle.
This is the best way:
d)cook noodles in water, prepare seasonings on the bowl, pull the noodles out from the water into bowl, pour in some water to the bowl, discard the rest of water from the pot and rinse it.
This is better because
1.not boiling the soup means no need to use soap to clean.
2.hot boiled water can still make hot soup
3.water amount is adjustable, no need to worry about water levels during boiling, can adjust it based on the soup intensity that you want

>> No.10496903

That kills the noodles, that's like rinsing a hot pasta with cold water

>> No.10496908

a - because the other options didn't even occur to me and sound gross. Especially C. That has to be a straight up salt bomb.

>> No.10496925

C. I just like noodles, even more than broth and it concentrates the flavor.

>> No.10496933

>he doesnt know about tsukemen ramen
Baka filthy piggu gaijin get out

>> No.10496939

>put flavouring in bowl
>cook noodles
>pour noodles and hot water into bowl with flavouring

This way I dont get watered down broth and too much water overfilling the bowl.

>> No.10496963

Cook the noodles completely, drain, soak in ice cold water to stop cooking, drain, let sit covered
Boil water with shrimp shells and a little fish sauce, scoop out shells at desired flavor, add seasoning packet, add chopped green onion and some garlic
crack one egg and add sesame oil in broth, with raw shrimp and 3 drops of maggi once cooked, drop cold noodles in broth, remove from heat and let it sit covered for 4 minutes off heat, serve. Ideal ramen.

>> No.10496964


>> No.10496968
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TRANSLATE: I eat poorly-prepared food because of my crippling laziness.

>> No.10496978

Have you ever actually tried C with cooked noodles? What you're describing is basically C but with a few tablespoons of water extra.

>> No.10496993
File: 34 KB, 500x500, Maruchan_Ramen_Chicken1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought one of those raman packs because you guys are always talking about it and holy shit, it’s like salt flavored salt with extra salt! How can you eat this crap?

>> No.10496994

>the dough contains sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, polyphosphates and palm oil if you're lucky for the noodles to have not been cooked in gutter oil
its just like one extra step and 30 seconds extra for a slightly healthier snack

>> No.10496999

I think we have a winner.

>> No.10497008

I don't think it's the kind of food you can be introduced to with the palate of an adult. If you missed out as a kid you probably won't get into it now.

You could try out some other brands (read: more expensive brands) that put more emphasis on actual flavour than just salt and MSG.

>> No.10497159

No because if it's a soup broth seasoning, it NEEDs to have soup, because otherwise it'll be too salty to eat on it's own without water. You can do C for dry instant noodles, like mie goreng. I don't do C because splashing cold water afterwards mess up wih the temperature, and boiling another batch of hot water is a hassle.
I said I rinse it, why sperging out on some basically pasta water?
>poorly prepared
Yeah that's objectively wrong.

>> No.10497212

If we're talking about instant noodles: cook water, throw in the noodles + flavor, oil, whatever then eat the noodles and drink the broth

>> No.10497222

c) but don't drain away all the water, also drop an egg in while boiling the the noodles

side note if your ramen pack doesn't have spicy oil or some fat component you goofed.

>> No.10497245

Cook noodles
pour into bowl
add flavor packet
I don't like cooking the seasoning packet with it, makes it taste weaker.

>> No.10497303

depends on the noodle
if i'm eating mi goreng its c

>> No.10497360

most instant ramen, especially the more expensive ones, are meamt to be eaten while layimg in the soup. thats simply how the noodles taste best. whether you want to keep the soup, as it tastes very artificial, even with the expensive ones, that is up to you. its not retarded, because irs for the noodle experienxe to be better, not necessarily for the soup itself.

>> No.10497441
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d) toss the flavor pack and cook the noodles in real broth

>> No.10497660

You put the water in your mouth then put the noodles in the water, you wait for them to get soft then swalow, then you put the powder on your tongue.

>> No.10497689
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k) Cook noodles, drain. Add 1/4 cup milk and flavor packet.


>> No.10497697

For me it's d) eat the uncooked brick like a slice of bread and throw out the seasoning packet.

>> No.10497702

D) Cook the noodles in water, stir in the flavor pack, eat the noodles and drink the broth.

>> No.10497707

>buy a $.16 package of dry noodles with flavoring packet from asia
>surprised when it's just salt and msg
What did you think you were going to get for a few pennies?

>> No.10497792
File: 76 KB, 926x863, rtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

option p) no milk sub a few squares of cream cheese
creamiest dreamz

>> No.10497811
File: 336 KB, 496x361, creamy_chicken_ramen_is_best_ramen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get the right flavor?

>> No.10497814


>> No.10497952

Cook noodles and seasoning in the water, add the oil right before transferring from saucepan to bowl, eat the noodles in the broth, then pour the broth down the sink.

>> No.10497985
File: 44 KB, 700x532, 12cc442dbe6ed498a3a53bca877ae481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on whether it's soupy noodles or dry noodles. There's even ones that you just add the season and eat it straight as a crunchy snack

>> No.10498076

My dr. said that because of my gout I can't eat the whole flavor packet tho i still do t sometimes

>> No.10498111

A or C if being lazy, usually make a proper broth and throw that on with toppings

>> No.10498150
File: 576 KB, 1212x1442, 1473334721812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throwing away flavorful broth is retarded, why would anyone do this?

In ramen, it's cheap flavor.
Cheap flavor means a lot of salt, some MGS, and cheap fat (saturated fats, which is why it's often solid).
It's not a healthy broth, despite being tasty.

D mustard race here)
cook the noodles in flavored water
eat the noodles
throw the broth

>> No.10498163

>d) cook the noodles in water, drain the noodles, throw away flavor pack, eat the noodles
This is how true patricians eat ramen noodles.

>> No.10498170

i usually crush the noodles in the bag, mix the flavor pack into it, and eat it like chips

>> No.10498173


>> No.10498191

i honestly only buy the packs for the cheap noodles since I can't be bothered to learn how to pull noodles on my own
I usually have dashi or tonkotsu in my fridge so I can make either miso or tonkotsu ramen
Just got to prepare the toppings, cook noodles until they are al dente and then strain while rinsing in cold water, put noodles in bowl and then pour over prepared broth and put on toppings.

>> No.10498197

C. is the only way any authentic white people would cook their noodles. How fat are you to eat water? And who the shit waste all their flavor packet on the water youre just going to throw away?

If i was to cook the noodles right now: Id boil the shit out of them, until the point where i have to add a little bit more water, then boil that off too. After that, i throw that water away, put my noodles into a bowl and stir in those flavor packets. From there ill add a dallop of mayo, and maybe some siracha; ill mix in tuna or chicken depending on my mood. Master race noodle chef.

>> No.10498279

>c) cook the noodles in water, drain the noodles, stir in flavor pack, eat the noodles
this but you leave a little water in. not the full recommended amount but there should be sloshing noises if you shake the pot

>> No.10498290

d) stop eating boiled weeb doritos and adopt a healthy balanced diet

>> No.10498470

A, then add frozen veggies and an egg while almost done cooking

>> No.10498489

>buys the shittiest flavor

you deserve it. should have purchased Nissin Demae, Sapporo Ichiban, or Top Ramen

>> No.10498513

Cook the noodles in water
Stir in flavor pack after they are cooked
Eat the noodles
Pour the broth down the sink

>> No.10498522

d) sprinkle the flavor pack on top of the dry noodles and eat them raw

>> No.10498530

A, but I put the flavor pack in the bowl and pour the water and noodles on it, then mix it. My sisters both do C and I tried it that way a couple of times too. It's not bad but I like the broth. Especially the beef broth with a beef bouillon cube and crushed red peppers.

>> No.10498636

C. Otherwise it tastes bland.

>> No.10498715

I just bite into the uncooked noodles and wash it down with the powder

>> No.10500296


>> No.10501482

I usually put the brick in a bowl without breaking it up or adding the seasoning, and add water then cook it (not for too long)

then i add seasonings and the seasoning packet and mix it in and let it cool then i eat it with a fork and drink the leftover broth.

>> No.10501491
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A. because that is the directions on the package

>> No.10501588

I don't want to read through this thread. SOMEONE JUST TEACH ME KINO RAMEN COOKING

>> No.10501591

This tbqhwy

>> No.10501600

C because that is literally what it says to do on the instructions. Plus it tastes better if you add the seasoning last.

>> No.10501614

C for maximum flavor

>> No.10501632

you forgot d) cook the noodles in water, stir in flavor pack, eat the noodles and drink the broth

>> No.10501638

but to answer you, e) cook the noodles in water, drain most but not all of the water, stir in flavor packet, eat noodles

>> No.10501644

D) cook two packs with one seasoning pack in while cooking. Drain 80% of water and add second pack of flavoring.

>> No.10501663

gotta get that 200% of your daily recommended intake of sodium huh

>> No.10501687

C with eggs, scallions and frozen veggies.

>> No.10501709

I eat about every 18 hours so it's no biggie. 6 foot 155 lbs, also most of the first pack is poured out

>> No.10501724

I drain the water and add the packet and soy sauce

>> No.10501733

>justifying this

>> No.10501734

I'll take d) throw it in trash

>> No.10501828


D) cook the noodles in water, drain most of the water from the noodles, stir in flavor pack, add in 2 tblsp of butter, mix together, eat the noodles.

>> No.10501852
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I always get the Roast Chicken instead of normal chicken. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, but stores always have both kinds for the same price.

>> No.10501871
File: 186 KB, 1280x600, 5-simple-tips-upgrade-your-packaged-ramen-noodles-from-instant-gourmet.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you're meant to eat the ramen just like that. The noodles are instant but not the ramen dish. Add a boiled egg, some roast meat, spices and some green onion and you should have something decent.

>> No.10501875

a, except i don't drink the soup

>> No.10501890

C) but I don't use all of the seasoning or else it would be too salty for my tastes. I also add a tiny bit of cold water or milk to help it mix better and cool down.

>> No.10501898

cook the noodles in water with their flavor pack, strain the noodles, drink the broth, eat the noodles as is or use them in something else

cook the noodles with less water than the normal, let most of the water evaporate, add flavor pack, eat noodles or use in something else

>> No.10501917

W) cook ramen in milk, pour out milk in a glass and add honey, drink is done.
Throw away ramen, open new pack, boil it in broth with 2 flavor packs, drain ramen and pour out soup, boil new soup with one flavour pack and crush the ramen that was together with that flavor pack, put the ramen you cooked in new broth and sprinkle crushed ramen over the dish, get 7 slices of cucumber and put on as extra garnish, add some ketchup and mayonnaise, stir, done.

>> No.10501973

Any good suggestions to pump up my ramen game? I know about adding a hardboiled egg but have no clue what to do for greens and spices. I also have no meat that'd work with it which sucks but make do with what you can I guess.

>> No.10501981

Cook the noodles, dump the flavour pack into a bowl, dump the noodles and a little cooking water in the bowl.

>> No.10501984

Yeah, "noodle wafer". You need the right brand, the thin yellow ramens work. The thicker, whitish are completely inedible dry.

>> No.10501988

c - because i don't like soupy noodles and soups in general, much less just a salty stock. I generally eat noodles that are meant to be eaten this way, like mi goreng, but even for others that's how I generally do it. There are exceptions, like curry instant ramen, but I still put minimal water to make it more of a sauce than a soup.

>> No.10501996


>> No.10501999

1.2 cup of water
Break noodle block into quarters and drop them in
When noodles are starting to separate add half a flavor pack and mix in well
Simmer for 2 minutes

This leaves just a small amount of broth left and all the flavor is absorbed into the noodles.

>> No.10502021

>boil kettle
>put noodles in bowl
>put flavour packet over noodles
>pour boiling water over noodles and flavour
>stir for like 20 seconds
>eat while the noodles are still kinda hard

>> No.10502036

B-1. Cook the noddles in water with flavor pack, drain water, curse, discard noddles.

>> No.10502195


A pretty much except I dont drink the broth I toss it out (it has an eww level of fats or wax floating in it)

You have to cook the noodles with the flavor pack so that they absorb the flavor. Also you have to cook the noodles in the microwave for about 4 minutes so that they get that semi-transparent appearance having thoroughly absorbed water and flavor.

The trick is using just a little less water than recommended or suggested on the fill line. Because then less water remains but the noodles still get hydrated properly.

Basic Beef Ramen is my go-to for this, or Shrimp flavored cups.

>> No.10502210

d) Cook the noodles in water with their flavour pack, reduce the water so that it does not require draining.