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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10493850 No.10493850 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't you guys pay $100+ for a bowl of chinese food?

>> No.10493862

because thats money that could go towards a 6 pack of miller lite and a spicy mcchicken for the wife

>> No.10493881

Does David Chang have a Chinese restaurant now?

>> No.10493894
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Chang can't seem to make up his mind what he hates. He ranges from hating pretentious food to hating low-brow food and at the end of the day it's a total mystery why he even comments on the topic because nothing he says is coherent. It's totally without substance most of the time. If anything it's more of David's inability and struggle to understand how foreigners have been able to accept an american identity . The episode about cajun/creole food totally amplifies this. There's that scene where he's sitting down with vietnamese people that cook traditional cajun food and it clearly pisses him off. Their convo some how devlolves into immigration and how they should be nicer to illegal immigrants because the vietnamese people were immigrants at one point. Chang clearly feels like these people are race traitors, but then in the same sentence is arguing about "people are people, man".

They choose to pair Chang with Peter Meehan. Meehan is probably contemptible to really anyone but urbanite bloggers. Where Chang represents foreign self loathing and confusion, Peter seems to emanate a kind of nativist self-hatred about most things american choosing to favor nearly everything exotic even if it's low quality because of "authenticity". Watching them wax poetic about dominoes and real Neapolitan pizza is and should be vomit-inducing for most people.

At the end of the day I think this whole show is about cultural authenticity and how whole certain groups of people (see, Chang, Meehan, Bourdain) cannot grasp it because they are living outside of any culture. They are empty shells of people attempting grasp something that lives implicitly within most. They're elitist and annoying.

Yea, this show was good, but i think it was because it didn't achieve what the producers were shooting for.

>> No.10494013

I agree on both points.

The stars aren't really presenting an overall message, but the show is still good. I like that it presents conflicting, nuanced opinions on a topic without making it into a "good guy vs. bad guy" thing.

>> No.10494036
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>> No.10494039
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>> No.10494060

I think traditionally Chinese food is very frugal so paying 100 bucks for something made from bone broth and cheap cuts seems weird.

>> No.10494086

What chinese tradition, exactly? Peasant food Or the high end shit for the aristocracy and banquets? Quite a lot of classic Chinese dishes are terribly expensive (abalone, shark fin, swallow's nest, sea cucumber....)

>> No.10495086

Can we talk about how the best part of the entire series was when Aziz and his giant Bear he calls a friend were at that convenience store in Japan and said 'Dippies' 6 times?

Or the episode on Chinese food that was really just a way for all of Chang's Asian American friends to belittle a version of white people I rarely see in my own circle of almost entirely white people.

Maybe my circumstance is unique but I don't know a single person who hasn't at some point had an authentic Chinese dish.
Plus if we look at the episode on BBQ I can't help but be confused because I've been eating Korean BBQ for years.

I really enjoyed the show but the jabs at the big bad white man confused me because I rarely if ever meet people who fill the version of culinary cluelessness he and his pals were ragging on about.

>> No.10495110

Your comment is exactly what Chang and friends was talking about. China, and Asia for that matter is a massive land mass with tons of diversity in foods.
Certain Chinese dishes like the ones listed here >>10494086
are extremely carefully crafted and expensive.

My biggest gripe with the whole show was that Chang said "Asian food is the most underrepresented food in America" or something to that extent, while at the same time mentioning there are more 'chinese restaurants (that aren't really chinese) in America than McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's combined.

As a Spanish American I was sincerely confused, because even though my heritage is from Europe, getting real Spanish food anywhere in this country is next to impossible; but we're "white" so I digress.

>> No.10495167

I really wish that we, as a culture, could send Aziz to, I don't knos, the Amazon rain forest, or Nome. Somewhere where no one will habe to see how fucking annoying he is.

>> No.10496534

I don't understand. I mean he's kind of right. An italian wouldn't call a hawaiian pizza a pizza. And many ' american chinese dishes' aren't even eaten in china. Perhaps this is just an elitist view but it's still bastardizations of foods.
'Authentic' isn't really authentic unless it's very specific perhaps.
Sometimes the food is similar but the taste has been changed.
I agree. Food show is about food, and sometimes cultural analysis can evolve into political projection.
Happens a lot and it's a shame really.

>> No.10497187


>> No.10497346

Chang believes the following about culture:

>“Majordomo Media is a place for people to connect over the things I believe define culture: travel, food, music, sports, exploration,”

t. Chang

However, you can tell that his deep rooted hatred for white people and himself stem from his childhood and not being able to fit in. Chang is in self-denial about who he is and what he should be. He is an American-Korean, he wants to be as American as he can be while maintaining his Korean roots. It's become increasingly evident over the years, that he hates himself from the instagram posts and the fact that he is increasingly using Korean in posts on social media. Chang obviously has issue with his own identity and only feels comfortable bashing whites while lapping up to Asians and other Koreans who will never accept him on a basis of race.

>> No.10497372

>>10494086 here.
>>My biggest gripe with the whole show was that Chang said "Asian food is the most underrepresented food in America" or something to that extent, while at the same time mentioning there are more 'chinese restaurants (that aren't really chinese) in America than McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy's combined.

I don't see a problem here. The point he's making is that depite the proliferation of "Chinese" restaurants in the US very little of the food is actually Chinese.

>>because even though my heritage is from Europe, getting real Spanish food anywhere in this country is next to impossible
I agree with you there. My family is from Denmark and you certainly can't get Danish food here either. The ubiquitous "Danish pastry" you get from a vending machine or a breakfast restaurant is as different from actual Danish pastries as American Chinese is from the real deal. So I don't think he's literally correct when he says that Asian food is the most underrepresented. But he's certainly right that the majority of "Chinese" sold in the US is pretty far from it.

Of course this works both ways too. When I go back to Denmark to visit family on vacation I see "American BBQ" sometimes...and let me tell you that's not correct either.

>> No.10497384

You people living in poverty are such worthless bitches almost all the fucking time. Go apply for welfare and shut the fuck up.

>> No.10497397


He's a fucking superstar, you stupid fuck up. He doesn't give a damn at this point in his life where he "fits in". He's not your life.

He's the next Anthony Bourdain. He gets to sit on his ass, earning 10s of millions of dollars for 'showing up'.

He was just on Seth Rogans Hilarity for Charity for literally just showing up. He's owns his world, and knows it.

>> No.10497400

Chinese cooking is one of the very few instances where "authentic" is very specific. There are literally government-sanctioned programs which define all the various well known dishes. Cooking certifications (equivalent of a culinar school diploma) are issued by the gov not by private schools, and part of that certification is cooking standardize dishes according to the offiicial recipe.

People from any coutry might bitch about the "right" way to cook a dish. Normally that would be based on a regional or perhaps family tradition. But with Chinese cooking there is a literal government standard recipe.

>> No.10497419


You figured out how your empty racism has failed yet?

>> No.10497456

You posted this last thread and it was wrong then

>> No.10497471


The sub culture of America are such scumbags. My stomach would turn if I had to spend five minutes with you.

>> No.10497485

He makes a good point
The average American will drop $100 dollars on some above average steaks or a fancy French/Italian night out, but despite China (and most of Asia’s) influence, people still treat Chinese food as if it’s made of dog and filled with poisonous msg

>> No.10497500

>and part of that certification is cooking standardize dishes according to the offiicial recipe.

So its like the IBA (International Bartender Association) standard cocktail recipes that a bartender learns?

>> No.10497509


When people are too stupid to realize that MSG is in so many basic foods, they don't deserve any respect nominally.

They're dull starlets of the food world.

>> No.10497517

Yes. Though I think part of this is access. Sure you have a lot of cheap shitty steakhouses in the US but it's not hard to find an upscale one if you want a nice dinner. It's likewise not hard to find a nice French restaurant either. But it's not so easy to find an upscale Chinese place. And when you do find one they are nearly always in the heart of Chinatown and there is often a big language barrier. I've been to a couple high-end Chinese places in the states before but I certainly would't have heard about them without a Chinese friend taking me there, and they also didn't have any English on the menu so I wouldn't have been able to order on my own either. I'm sure such things could be more popular if the owners made an effort to attract a wider clientele. The two that I've been to both seemed to target expat Asians specifically. You can't really fault the community as a whole if the restaurants themselves don't attempt to serve that community.

I'm sure if they were more accessible people of all races would go. For example, Fook Lam Moon in Hong Kong is world-famous among foodies and serves very expensive high-end Chinese cooking. But they make sure their menu, website, etc, is also available in English. they have English-speaking waiters, etc.

>> No.10497528

white person here. I don't have any problem with MSG from a health or safety perspective.

That said, I do see it as a culinary shortcut. A sign of a shitty restaurant. Why use MSG when you could be using doubanjiang, tienmenjiang, douchi, shrimp paste, fish sauce, etc, instead? MSG is a shortcut. A sign of crappy cooking or trying to be as cheap as possible. I avoid it for that reason, not because I think it's "toxic" or silly shit like that.

Though you certainly do find a lot of Americans who still believe the (long-ago disproven) hysteria about "MSG headaches" and other related bullshit.

>> No.10497539

anything made by chinese 'people' is not worth $100.

>> No.10497544


Just imagine the shit that you're not worth. You're probably not worth forcing into a coal mine. Or telemarketing.

>> No.10497555


You're a dirt person. All the 'foreigners' work harder than your mother touching self. Find a job, or drink helium until you expire for the betterment of the heat signature of the planet.

>> No.10497560

>not worth forcing into a coal mine or telemarketing
i'm not worth being a slave. kek. i'll take it.

>> No.10497565


Helium is a quiet way out.

You just go to sleep. It's like straining too hard on the toilet.

>> No.10497568

>engishing too much harder for me

>> No.10497576


you Bangladeshi?

>> No.10497577

go eat a dog faggot.

>> No.10497583


And the tables have turned. All of the 'dog eaters' are classier than the dirt people flyover state trailer park sister rapists of today. You've become the abject poverty of the modern economy.

>> No.10497584

no, i'm white.

>> No.10497586


White is the new nigger. You can even be employed in a cheese factory.

>> No.10497589


>> No.10497594


Don't trouble yourself, shithead. Like talking to a Labrador.

>> No.10497597

>white is the new nigger
but i haven't been in prison nor have an std.

>> No.10497602

it's nice you talk to your food. it's almost a human thing to do.

>> No.10497603


you're just dogshit dumb and dogshit poor. The law is working on catching up with you. Trust me.

>> No.10497605

trust someone on 4chins. no thank you.

>> No.10497612


I don't give a shit who and what you are and your little 4chan world. They're mowing down the poor, and you are all becoming the massive group of poor people. You're all as valueless and freed black people in this new economic reality. I know you're to uneducated to know it, but it's happening nonetheless.

>> No.10497620

>mowing down the poor
yeah i hate the poor, nothing of value has been lost.

>> No.10497627

how can chingchongs be THIS assblasted?

>> No.10497804
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>you're to uneducated to know it
>to uneducated

>> No.10497829

>Lucky Peach was actually the best food magazine and he killed it


>> No.10497904
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I hate every chink since they‘re all disgusting subhumans who deserve to be shot on sight

>> No.10497914

Dude this is pretty much the standard price in NY. Kinda fucked Tbh.

>> No.10497972


Working on what, arresting poor and dumb whites? Killing unarmed white people because they look like they're grabbing a gun when the police tell them "hands up"?

We know they're destroying a lot of low end jobs with automation. What are you even trying to say?

>> No.10498863

And you were the one being incredibly apologetic towards Chang to the point everyone believed you were him?

>> No.10498890
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well hello there Chang

>> No.10499204

>traditionally Chinese food is very frugal
you are very stupid

>> No.10499228


>> No.10499255

Are you referencing people like Chang or the guy who's post you are replying to?

Go pet your cat and take a xanax, faggot.

>> No.10499261

lol buttmad darkie

Lol go rip people off in your bullshit restaurants. Imagine wanting to be the next "bourdain".

Nothign says brilliant like a burnout cook turned politically illiterate boomer.

>> No.10499269

Cheap for NYC tbqhfampidesu.

>> No.10499293

Why does chang care or feell like he can dictate what people want to spend money on? If people from Nebraska want to spend money on steaks and french restaurants instead of hotpots and fermented bean paste that's their prerogative.

He's a fucking baby.

>> No.10499304

wtf is a composte cookie?

>> No.10499320

I can't speak for others, but it's because I'm not a fucking sucker.

>> No.10499321
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This is why Trump was elected.

Too many slanty eyed freaks getting too uppity.

>> No.10499328

Is that it? You're just jealous that your shillary bitch didn't win. Get over it and stop crying in a fetal position in some closit like a fucking freak.

>> No.10499340

While you're crying why not look up Clinton Foundation and Uranium One.

>> No.10499344


a Milk Bar creation with chocolate chips and crushed up potato chips, pretzels, and coffee. They're quite good actually.

>> No.10499356

Read his post again until you understand it. You two have nigger-tier reading comprehension skills.

>> No.10499391

Nice infowars meme, mah dude, it's literally pizzagate!

>> No.10499405

why don't you look it up

hillary had literally no say in that approval, she was technically on a board that approved it and sent an underling to the voting meetings

next time accuse her of one of the millions of things shes actually fucking done

>> No.10499408

My reading comp is off the scales, from what I've been told. I know jealousy when I see it and that's what that was and is. You folk just can't deal with the fact that your anointed one didn't win.

Keep crying.

>> No.10499416

Is that like flying saucers and lizard people?

>> No.10499428

Riiight. She's making money from a company that she's on the board of directors from but has no fiduciary duty to know what's going on in that company. You're so full shit that you don't know that you're full of shit, and that's pathetic.

>> No.10499434

pssssssssssst popular vote

>> No.10499438

Oh, you’re doing like a Stephen Colbert parody thing. Clever, I guess.

>> No.10499448

Not the way our system works.
You might consult the Constitution of the United States of America before yapping like a fucking bitch chihuahua.

>> No.10499451
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lol you idiot.

>> No.10499452

Never watched his shit, and don't care.

>> No.10499459

He became popular by playing a character that parodied right wingers by being completely over the top and stupid on purpose, which is exactly what you are doing. I’ve been around real conservatives all of my life, and I like and respect many of them, and you are 100% coming off as a parody of them.

>> No.10499477

I guess you know more about that than I.
I like John Valby.

John Valby - Hillary and Barack - YouTube

>> No.10499519

My dad had an old john valby tape i found in the basement when i was like 9. Learned a lot of new words that day before it got hidden in the closet.

>> No.10499534

So you admit you were only pretending to be a retarded baby boomer?