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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 634x688, lorrainepascale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10492472 No.10492472 [Reply] [Original]

Im using Lorraine Pascal's recipe for Black Forest cheesecake, and on the recipe below it says to add White Chocolate, but I only have Dark Chocolate. Will adding the Dark Chocolate instead of the White ruin the taste of the cheesecake?

>60g butter
>200g chocolate biscuits (digestives, HobNobs, Bourbons – use your favourite)
>150g mascarpone
>150g cream cheese
>Seeds from ½ vanilla pod (or a few drops of vanilla extract)
>15g icing sugar (or a big squidge of honey)
>½ 425g can black cherries, drained and roughly chopped
>100g good white chocolate
>4 fresh cherries, with their stalks
>A few mint leaves



>> No.10492475


>> No.10492500

fuck, isnt there anything I can balance the Dark chocolate with to make the taste ok?

>> No.10492504

but that recipe is totally wrong anon

>> No.10492508

how so?

>> No.10492523

Dark chocolate will have less cacao butter than white chocolate but I don't know if it will make enough of a difference to ruin the recipe.

>> No.10492537

I'd imagine it'd be fine with dark chocolate.

>> No.10492544

you won't turn a plain cheesecake into a motherfucking black forest gateau by adding a stupid cherry

>> No.10492560

but you're adding the Black cherries into the actual cheesecake, not just putting one on top. Isnt that what Black Forest is?

>> No.10492569

I'd eat her black forest

>> No.10492591

Black Forest gateau refers to a specific kind of cake, if you want to be pedantic about it. This is a cheesecake inspired by the classic Black Forest.

>> No.10492651

I get that, but earlier you said the recipe was wrong, calling it 'Black Forest' doesn't make the recipe wrong

>> No.10492671

Good post

>> No.10492673

It's a racist post

>> No.10492685

Are those peeps?

>> No.10492691

>White chocolate
>Dark chocolate
>black woman

Stop screwing around, OP. We know what you're up to.

>> No.10492693

You're the one making it about race

>> No.10492710

Im up to getting some damn advice about changing the chocolate type in the recipe? Why is that a problem?

The pic is of Loraine Pascale, the lady who's recipe it is, why is that an issue for you???

>> No.10492731

Dark chocolate tastes nothing like white chocolate but you already knew that.

>> No.10492735

he made it about race, im calling it as it is, its racist.

>> No.10492740

>motion blur on hand
What is it with poorly photographed negresses on this board lately?

>> No.10492746

hence why im here getting advice on whether its going to fuck up the taste of the recipe, ive only got dark chocolate. Whats your issue?

>> No.10492792

White and dark chocolate have a completely different flavor. But you knew that already, didn't you OP

>> No.10492793
File: 540 KB, 1264x979, publishing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever wonder how these cute chicks somehow manage to get famous in the food cooking books industry, seemingly without any culinary training or formalities that men might be expected to go through?

Yeah me neither lol

>> No.10492801

Racist how

>> No.10492809

but it has nothing to do with black forest, not even remotely

>> No.10492825

I dont want to fuck up the Black Forest cheesecake, but ive only got Dark chocolate to add to it and the recipe calls for White. Yes they have different flavors, which is why I need some input as to whether adding Dark chocolate will ruin the overall flavor of the dessert, I've never made these before.

>> No.10492903

I don't get it, what's he up to?

>> No.10492924

Rude and a bit racist

>> No.10492939

Holy fuck, what kind of abomination of a cake is that...

>> No.10492949

The recipe or the one in the pic?

>> No.10492974

*African American Forest cheesecake

FTFY racist scum

>> No.10492978

of your goal was a cheesecake that resembles black forest, it's ruined already, sorry.

>> No.10492999

We're talking about a Black Forrest (cheesecake) recipe. You can make that joke about anything

If we were talking about a mac n cheese recipe you could totally say "I'd eat her mac n cheese" and itd still be funny

>> No.10493007

your the prick being racist, she calls it a black forest cheesecake in her recipe due to the flavors. Also, Lorraine Pascale in the OP pic is fucking British not American.

get educated racist trash

>> No.10493018

Why respond to a post that was obviously in jest as if it were serious?

>> No.10493030

i love these threads, it‘s like the one from the caps. where op baits you into insulting eachother.
have a upvote

>> No.10493032

All blacks are "African American". If you call them anything else, YOU are the racist. Even blacks who's ancestors didn't come from Africa. And if you are a white born in Africa, you can't be African American. You are then just Albino Negroid. Get the facts and stop being racist, faggot.

>> No.10493033
File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's all op samefagging. it's the same guy who used to post "black_girl_eating_sandwich.jpg" and this pic

>> No.10493036
File: 1.45 MB, 1878x1878, lorrainepascale0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For any Lorraine Pascale fans ITT, here is her cookies and cream fudge brownie recipe.

>> No.10493060

>cookies and cream fudge brownie recipe.
Could have just said "interracial anal".

>> No.10493069

what about blacks who don't come from america

>> No.10493088
File: 188 KB, 1280x800, Jefferson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like European Blackulas?

>> No.10493093

Not OP but how is he in the wrong here? He posted a question about a Lorraine Pascale recipe and posted a pic of her.

You retards are sperging out about a pic of a black woman in a legit thread.

>> No.10493106

Lorraine Pascale is not American she's British she can't be called African American, even by your twisted racist logic

>> No.10493114

He started off with very unsubtle race baiting. He kept getting banned so he's been gradually going for slightly milder, more subtle baiting

As the months go by his threads last for slightly longer each time, he's probing for the exact level of bait to fly under the radar. But his original images are now getting him banned on sight so he's having to choose images that are less obvious (although anyone who lurks recognizes his samefagging, "omg you mean african american das racist" and "omg ur such a SJW go back to tumblr")

Also, "he" is you, and you're playing dumb, enjoy resetting your modem again

>> No.10493124
File: 6 KB, 300x310, 1524377708502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really gonna need sauce on this

>> No.10493132

You're a paranoid idiot, he mentions a Lorraine Pascale recipe and posted a pic of her and for some reason you think it's part of some conspiracy. This is a cooking board, god forbid someone should post pics and recipes from a cook eh?

>> No.10493138


>> No.10493152
File: 96 KB, 960x656, Chicken Permission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that bondage porn actor wearing a kara?

>> No.10493157

it's not black forest flavor the way she does it

>> No.10493163

Lorraine should stick to quiche.

>> No.10493167

>black cherries

how is it not Black Forest flavor?

>> No.10493182
File: 71 KB, 634x742, lorraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's a gret desserts chef, she has some cracking recipes.

Heres her Philadelphia cheese and White chocolate cheesecake recipe, very easy and super tasty:


>> No.10493203
File: 677 KB, 1333x986, dunnolol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I just spend too much time here, and I'm ensuring that you don't get away with your bullshit

>> No.10493214

>thinking I'm OP

You're paranoid brah.

>> No.10493320

What's with the weird racism? The video is about food you fool

>> No.10493325

White chocolate has no cocoa powder so it will be a lot more bitter, powerfully chocolate and airy. but without any of the cocoa butter and fat the cake will be more like a bitter bread than a sweet dense cake. add in more butter/sugar or it will suck

>> No.10493338 [DELETED] 

Lorraine Pascal is not British, she's from Africa you stupid /pol/tard

>> No.10493351

Don't do it, make something you can use dark chocolate in. That looks like hot fucking garbage anyhow.

>> No.10493394
File: 377 KB, 1171x1868, 20180422_214627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's British, she was born in Hackney and her parents were from the West Indies NOT Africa. Your the racist for assuming everyone who is black must be African. See pic related from her Wikipedia page

>> No.10493441

Damn I really wanted to make the Black Forest cheesecake though, I dont think the recipe looks that bad, quite nice infact.

Do you think the Dark chocolate would be too bitter for the dessert? Could I add a sweetner and get away with it?

>> No.10493450

Just make it with what you have. I'm sure it'll be good.

>> No.10493451
File: 72 KB, 800x601, 800px-Bert_Williams_blackface_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem dar teeth
Mah 검둥이

>> No.10493565
File: 822 KB, 600x366, 1523008526046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda nasty but kinda hot at the same time

>> No.10493579

Using cherries and chocolate is not even remotely similar to Back Forest, not even by a 1%?

>> No.10493676

Why is the notion of that nasty to you?

>> No.10493826

True, but does that apply to cheesecake?

>> No.10493846

A black lady with a white name making a black forest white German recipe with white chocolate but anon only has black.

Are you trying to make this a meme?

>> No.10493890

it is nothing. she uses shredded cherries and white chocolate, and there is no vanilla in BFG, also you don't put fresh cherries on top, and where's the cream?

>> No.10493897

and not to speak of her mint leaves

>> No.10494075

What's wrong with what OP said it's a legit question? Yeah she's black, so what?

>> No.10494095

hi op

>> No.10494126

Not everyone who disagrees with you is the OP.

>> No.10494147

No one suggested that disagreeing with me = op.

Other than you of course, since you are the op.

>> No.10494183

I'm not OP I'm just baffled as to why there are so many morons ITT who are triggered by a black woman on ck. This is why this board needs id's

>> No.10494197

Nobody is triggered, op. Most of the shitposting pretending to be offended is you. Your pattern is extremely obvious and you'll be resetting your modem soon.

>> No.10494246

So anyone who posts a pic of a black girl has to be this guy? You're paranoid, why would I reset my modem?

This board needs id's to stop morons like you shitposting about shit like this. If you truly knew how many of the replies were samefags you would be BTFO Mr. Paranoid.

>> No.10494267
File: 495 KB, 554x525, 1524094611447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time you do this "huh? huh? what's the big deal, I'm... uh, I mean the op who is totally a different person, is only posting a picture of a black girl, I'm totally not race baiting" you only reinforce my point. Anyone can see that you do the same thing in every single thread. Pattern:

1. Post pretty black girl and ask about a black-colored food
2. Wait for inevitable replies
3. Whaa? Why so racist I'm just posting a black girl with black food!? I totally have no agenda here as you can see from my doing this on a near daily basis for a month straight! Those other threads totally weren't me I swear!
4. 404!
5. Reset modem and start again

Here, you forgot black_girl_eating_sandwich.jpg

>> No.10494292

You're a paranoid fool who has been here too long. You've called me and another poster OP which is it then Mr.smartypants? Not everyone is a bogeyman spam poster.

You are what autism looks like.

>> No.10494689

what's wrong with mint in dessert?

>> No.10494734

sounds like a shit recipe. and if you've got dark chocolate on hand and feel like baking, why not make a flourless torte?

>> No.10494748

What's the recipe?

>> No.10494781


>> No.10494981

Post the sauce already you fag

>> No.10495088

I downloaded it years ago from a porno piracy site

>> No.10496080

Give a name then at least

>> No.10497135


>> No.10497163

It's Ana Foxxx
Looks like a Kink dot com production.

>> No.10497282

no, he‘s just pissed about a shitposter who doesn‘t care about food & cooking. dum dum

>> No.10497694
File: 10 KB, 228x229, 1291779228389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White chocolate has no cocoa powder so it will be a lot more bitter, powerfully chocolate and airy
white chocolate is not bitter, it's just sugar and cocoa butter.

in the recipe in the op, the chocolate is just a garnish. i'm not sure why anyone would use white chocolate as a garnish anyway.

>> No.10498192


>> No.10498268

Reading comprehension, bro. He's answering the question so he's saying "white chocolate has no blah blah blah [so if you use dark chocolate instead, which does contain blah blah blah your result will be] bitter, etc."

>> No.10498354

I got it

>> No.10498577

Racism doesn't mean any mentioning of race you ignoramus. You millenial retards want to sanitize any sense of racial identity or pride in the color of one's skin. She has chocolate colored skin, which some people like, and a forest, which some people like. Not everything is about being the victim of oppression by your connotation of inferiority by association.

>> No.10499465

Would it affect the taste negatively though?

>> No.10499493

How is interracial anal racist? Seems like the opposite of racist.

>> No.10499533

Why is there such a sincere look in her eyes? She's posing for a camera, how can that be sincere?

>> No.10499544

read pic very carefully here: >>10493394

>> No.10499834

Ay gramps, wind your neck in

>> No.10499866
File: 438 KB, 960x451, Jackie-Brown-e1497294297735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a black samuel l jackson

>> No.10499877

Do africans really do this?