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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10491214 No.10491214 [Reply] [Original]

Up to the age of 22 I thought you cut tea bags open and dumped them in hot water, with each bag being one portion.

I thought the grit was intentional, like bits in orange juice.

>> No.10491233

1) used to microwave butter in a cup and drink it 2) lick the flavouring off my chips and throw them away 3) crush my biscuits into a powder and dip my licked fingers into it until I finished

>> No.10491240

When i was 15 i tore off the tops of meat pies and spooned the filling on top then bent it like a taco because there was no mexican food in australia 10 years ago.

>> No.10491260

And then you learned how to read?

>> No.10491268

>there was no Mexican food in australia 10 years ago

The fuck are you on about yes there was

>> No.10491282

I watched an episode of southpark where they reversed ate food, I took my dinner to the toilet and fed my bum a full chicken kiev and salad

>> No.10491292

I liked dipping my fries in a sundae when I was a kid. I still remember that it tasted great.

>> No.10491322

>He did it up until age 22
I wish I could've seen it ahahahaha. And I thought I was autistic

>> No.10491432

I always bought stuff from ethnic markets that wasn't in English desu

My parents didn't drink it so I was flying blind when I started at 17

>> No.10491917

nothing dumb about that anon

>> No.10491929

adding baking soda and/or baking powder into wet batter.

then acting surprised when my cake or bread was flat.

i thought taking different steps with dry and wet ingredients was the recipe writer just being needlessly complex. .

>> No.10491970

I used to spend like ten minutes smushing a bunch of Starbursts into a ball, then eat it all at once.
Also I would microwave poptarts, eat the crust off, then peel the two layers apart and eat them separately.

>> No.10491993

> insert thing here that is going to cause a reaction but I never really did

>> No.10492011

Impossible. No one is that stupid.

>> No.10492026

100 years ago natural selection would have dealt with you already

>> No.10492195

pour pasta sauce over noodles instead of just tossing together

>> No.10492204

i used to pick out all of the little red dried pieces from knorr soup packets when my grandmother made soup. i believe they were dried tomato or bell pepper.
eventually, she just picked them out herself and put them in my hand

>> No.10492215

Fun fact it was originally designed to be used like that but then the company learned people just put the whole thing in

>> No.10493134


Wait, you're not supposed to do that?

>> No.10493149

I grew up as flyover trailer trash...I didn't realize spice racks full of spices were for anything other than decoration

I grew up living off of boiled canned vegetables w/ no butter, salt, or pepper

mac and cheese was made with water instead of milk and vegetable oil instead of butter

Meat was either boiled chicken breast or boiled pork chops

>> No.10493279

I'm so sorry anon...

>> No.10493328

yeah these faggots dont realize this isnt reddit where youre expected to post an unfunny scenario or quip every post to get those epic upboats

>> No.10493350

the absolute STATE of wh*tes

>> No.10493363

>adding baking soda and/or baking powder into wet batter.
wait what? when are you supposed to add it, it's a combined solution in the end anyway and I've never had a problem with flat cookies/cakes/etc

>> No.10493386

The standard practice is to mix it with the dry ingredients first. That way you can ensure it gets uniformly mixed.

>> No.10493398
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>> No.10493436

Also in the event of baking powder which is normally sold as double-acting, it begins to leaven in the first stage upon contact with moisture and then a second time when exposed to heat during baking.

So if you don't combine it with the dry first it will have expended most of it's 1st chemical reaction before your recipe gets to the oven resulting in less total rise.

>> No.10493512

>I've never had a problem with flat cookies/cakes/etc
so im going to continue doing it how i do it

>> No.10493591

Willfull ignorance, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.10493621

I used to eat the breading off of chicken tenders/nuggets first and then eat the meat

>> No.10493989

That's not really dumb. It is great though. I've done that (and know others who've done it) with fries and the Frosty's from Wendy's.

>> No.10494005

I haven't had Poptarts in a year or two but I did/do this.

>> No.10494524

I once forgot to add baking powder to a cake until it was in the tin. Mixed it in poorly so as to not upset the baking paper and aquafaba but had no problems with rise, possibly do to the fact I was making a flourless cake with my leftover chickpea water from an earlier meal.

>> No.10494531

What the fuck

>> No.10494557

Boiled a steak once. I don't take the full blame because my highschool gf at the time also thought it was a good idea. I don't even know why because we had access to my aunt's kitchen. Didn't even put any spices or anything on it and ate it boiled plain.

Also use to break up pretzel sticks and eat them out if my hand as a kid while pretending to be a horse. I've always fucking hate horses but I was always jealous of those oat mask bags or some shit they are out of in movies.

>> No.10494583
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Please, could you tell me how to use this (Pic) ?

>> No.10494619

Google Nescafe Dolce Gusto.

>> No.10494630


>> No.10494632

I suck the coating off of hot tamales candies and spit out the nasty goop inside them.

>> No.10494645

Ketchup and mustard sandwich

>> No.10494653
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honestly they make a pretty good cup, but you're always better off getting something like pic related,- way cheaper and you have more control (and its barely even more effort)

if you insist on using pods you can buy reusable ones that you pack with your own grounds

>> No.10494663

oh, and make sure you use the milk frother with the pods otherwise you may as well just drink instant

>> No.10494902

when you actually look forward to school lunches.

>> No.10494923

/an/, ladies and gents

>> No.10495186

>1) used to microwave butter in a cup and drink it

>> No.10495231

This makes me think. If you boiled a steak for some amount of time, and seared it on the outside and spiced it up that way, would it be good? Or would it just suck ass?

>> No.10495338

i made my own food when i was like 4 cause my parents were shit, made pepper and butter sandwiches, one time a hotsauce sandwich it was shit.
My wife told me she used to trade the KFC skin to her sister for her meat which is a pretty shitty deal

>> No.10495355

what is sous vide

>> No.10495395

I don't mean sous vide, I know what that is. I'm talking a straight up boiling pot of water. You boil the steak for say, 2-3 min fully sumerged, then pull it out, season it, and fry it up for a sear on the outside.

>> No.10495485

I vote you try it and report back. Just grab one of them dollar steaks from a discount store.

>> No.10495569
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>> No.10495652

Yeah doing that with Wendy's sundae and fries is apparently a national treasure

Your mistake was not buying tea leaves and putting them in a small cage in your tea kettle m8

That actually sounds terrible anon, I'm glad you embarked upon the /ck/ road to culinary goodness

>> No.10495790


Guess again numb nuts.

>> No.10495804

I kinda do that with Starburst. I'll take two and hold them in my hands until they've softened, then unwrap them and pull them, then twist them together.

>> No.10497940

>when you actually look forward to school lunches

Yeah, my entire time in school I could never understand how people didnt enjoy school food...I thought it was fancy restaurant quality because the first time I went to a sit down restaurant, I was 18...

>> No.10498934 [DELETED] 

used to eat raw bacon from the fridge and would play with the worms found in my shit when I was like 7. Good times

>> No.10498944

I would put a slice of cheese on a plate, put a few olives on top, the microwave it for 15 seconds.

>> No.10499487

Which state?

>> No.10499559

>Which state?

>> No.10499572

He might be Tasmanian.

>> No.10499947

What part of TN? I'm from oak ridge, live in harrogate atm.

>> No.10500614

Why is it that in every other country, poorfag living conditions produce inventive use of spices to improve the taste of shitty meat, but in the States even poorfags have access to good meat, but refuse to do anything with it?

>> No.10500644

I dip my fries in coke...

>> No.10500759

I used to eat frozen peas and also suck on lemons with mints on them when I was under 6 years old

>> No.10500804

you seem like a fine country boy.

can i suck your dick (i'm a girl btw)

>> No.10500851

For some reason, I really liked having a glass of milk as a side to Ramen, Nacho Cheese Doritos and even Sour Cream & Onion Pringles. The worst drink/food combination I was into for a while was coffee and Sour Cream & Onion Pringles. Thinking back now, the coffee one was especially disgusting. I still like milk having milk with ramen.

Also, and I still do this, but whenever I get a fast food burger, I like putting fries on my burger. I don't know why.

>> No.10500884

Girl or girl (male)?

>> No.10501317

i used to try to cut down trees with herrings

>> No.10501325

fucking monty python

>> No.10501604

girl (male)

>> No.10501621

>boiled pork chops
>no milk in mac n cheese
damn that's not even trailer trash that's some waiting for the red cross to deliver flour third world shit man

>> No.10501861

Milk and butter are expensive. Using water and oil is using what you have and is smart.

Hamburger helper is also made with no milk and of course no meat. Cut up hotdogs would be added to the mac n cheese or tuna to the hamburger helper if it was payday.

>> No.10501940
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>lick the flavouring off my chips and throw them away

nothing wrong with that, it's how they make pic related.

>> No.10501993

I used to think the side from which you peel a banana matters.

>> No.10502062

I don't like Coke but I do a similar thing, I dip my fries in Sprite or ginger ale. Done this ever since I was a kid.