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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10485499 No.10485499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10485505

I don't know why his shitty jokes were so popular, but I'm glad he has been demonized and I don't have to see so much of him.

>> No.10485517

His standup was too crude for me. The last thing that's gonna entertain me is an overweight redheaded Mexican jew talking about his sex life in graphic detail.

>> No.10485521

I hate all stand up at this point but he started the whole “I’m gonna talk about my kids like they’re fucking assholes” schtick that about 100 other retards mimicked that was insufferable to listen to.

>> No.10485926

He is so unfunny he should change his name to Louis /ck/

>> No.10485947

Woah, check out this comedyman.

>> No.10485954

you guys obviously havent seen some of his better sets. watch the whole thing.

>> No.10485980

Do you have a good example of one of his better sets?

>> No.10485990

post the blacked edit

>> No.10485997

Am I retarded for not understanding his comedy? It's like I'm waiting for the punch line but he moves on to the next joke before he gets there. His observations aren't strong enough to hold up in their own. If the joke is how vulgar and politically incorrect he can get away with being in a Conservative Christian culture then that's probably why I don't get it since I'm not American.

>> No.10485998

"le epic bacon xd" culture needs to die

>> No.10486025

I liked it's SNL monologue on pedophiles

>> No.10486033

I'm American and I don't really see the appeal either. He's the standup comedy version of those novelty shot glasses they sell in tourist traps with inane phrases on them. Presumably it works on someone otherwise it would not be successful.

>> No.10486057

>Conservative Christian culture

>> No.10486071

Yeah, that's what America is like outside of a couple of dense metropolitan hotspots.

>> No.10486083
File: 40 KB, 658x345, wisconsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the other day some dude from Wisconsin was trying to convince me that despite being unable to consume alcohol as he saw fit, nor was he a supporter of child vaccination laws ("violation of our religious freedom"), the midwest is not actually a theocratic wasteland because technically Mississippi is more extreme.

>> No.10486107

no you're just sane
his brand of 'humor' only resonates with cucked low-test American nu-men, compulsive masturbators, i.e. people just like him
they edge a lot, you can't really masturbate for eight hours a day if you don't avoid cumming
their 'humor' is the same... just short of catharsis, laughter

>> No.10486168

>What would Jesus say about porn?
Well, that should be really easy to answer since there's a big book with everything Jesus ever said and did written down in it. Weirdly, I did a word search and didn't find "porn" or "pornography" mentioned anywhere in it.

>> No.10486176

In that case, it would be "What DID Jesus say", not "What WOULD Jesus say". I think these rednecks have better reading comprehension than you.

>> No.10486177

The bible isn't an autobiography of Jesus nor a narrative.

The bible does talk about lusting after women though, and vice versa.

>> No.10486192
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the true comedian ITT

>> No.10486233

I'm glad his career is done.

>> No.10486263

Maybe on stage but I bet he still has pull behind the scenes. He was humiliated and his stage career is at least on hold but he didn't go down in flames. He'll be back. I mean he asked girls if he could jerk-off while they watched. Figures he'd get caught for real life JOI.

>> No.10486337
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>no you're just sane
>his brand of 'humor' only resonates with
This. You're sane if you find him repulsive. His brand of humor appeals to the atheist liberal city dweller who didn't really make it in life, from failed relationships to failed jobs.

He had a bit of the edge that a shock jock would have, a Howard Stern, without the crass accent or low class quality of being an ugly appearance in dress and hair. Louis was more clean cut and normal looking. His show had a bit of the comedy of a Seinfeld/Larry David episode as his failed dating attempts or being politically correct interpersonal exchanges were sabotaged by his own selfishness or personality quirks.
There was always an underlying meanness, bitterness, or sinister nature to his comedy though. Being shocking or taboo is a tool to gain notoriety, or just to generate buzz or news, but joking about pedophiles on SNL is when I dropped him as not having a soul left.

There's a show in Amazon Prime, One Mississippi, where in the second season Tig Notaro's main character's business partner/manager/colleague is pitching a show idea to some producer exec boss type person, and the producer is not so unsubtle, but clearly masturbating behind his desk and making her uncomfortable during the exchange. It talks about a victim's first instinct to squelch any normal outraged reactions to such an affront in the incredulity of it all in the moment and immediately thereafter. Apparently the scene was inspired by and directly in retaliation to reports on Louis' behavior. This predated the MeToo movement and kudos to HBO for allowing it and other highly controversial material in the autobiographical series about abuse, depression, illness, mental health in a parent and other topics.

>> No.10486350

Who then is a good comedian, but?

>> No.10486392

You absolutely can consume as much alcohol as you want in Wisconsin. What are you on about?

>> No.10486398

Sorry you can't fuck your kids in the streets like you can in your degenerate urban hellholes.some of us actually like preserving morals and culture.

>> No.10486440

I just mentioned two in my post that I like, but there are others. Do your own research. Opinions on what is funny is a personal choice for you. When you make your list, what that can say about you can make you judged, however.
What comedians do and say on a rated mass-televised special, though, can vary greatly from what they say and do in small venues and off the screens. There are so outright nasty comedians you'd never know were that way if you didn't often see live comedy. There are some shows that can divide a relationship should it be new and you're there on a date. Going to a show like Ralphie May was sure to include clinical descriptions of vaginal smells and sex acts during serially bad one night stands or his ex-wife stealing all his money about 40x a show. Who's that target audience? People who are ho's? People who used to be ho's? People who were bitter about their divorces because they once had a ton of money? Who knows...he was popular..but people did and do walk out of shows for offense.
Adam Carolla did a bit of a underappreciated movie called Road Hard that illustrates some of the relationship and depression hardships of a career as a standup on the road.

>> No.10486493

Pretty sure Wisconsin at least in some ways like bars has the loosest alcohol laws and open alcohol culture in the country but keep acting like your oppressed because some crazy dude talked to you.

>> No.10486846

>joking about pedophiles on SNL is when I dropped him as not having a soul left.
He did the same joke from the first season of his show, you fucking idiot

>> No.10486849

>don't ever fuck with Woody Allen

>> No.10486920

>muh comet ping pong
Flyovers are the ones pushing for laws to protect child molesters, flyover-kun

>> No.10487695

>“This is legalized rape of children,”
I got raped by my frying pan the other day. It splattered oil on me without my consent.

>> No.10487700
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>> No.10487702
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>50 year olds should be able to marry 13 year olds

>> No.10487711

I never said I supported anything in that article you birdbrained moron.

Stop raping me.

>> No.10488207

For me, it's Louis CK, the most cucked man on the planet.

>> No.10488223
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>not so unsubtle

>> No.10488235

Rodney Dangerfield.

Too bad he doesn't get a lot of respect these days.

>> No.10488252

>glad he has been demonized and I don't have to see so much of him.
This. The "dude" is pure cancer.

>> No.10488256

Some people live in AL and MS, stop with the attacks on our belief systems. That's pure racism against upstanding bible thumpers, desu.

>> No.10488336

>Lous "wanna see my wiener" Lastname