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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 892x768, 07E10F1D-78FB-446D-B497-4797A2F44A7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10484308 No.10484308 [Reply] [Original]

McDonald’s used to be so based.

>> No.10484372
File: 131 KB, 800x355, TSTaKA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 90s were just a hell of a time for fast food toys.

>> No.10484377

That Frieza looks like a generic ayy lmao

>> No.10484386
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I really, really liked this spaceship.

>> No.10484397



Nostalgia blast thanks for that. Growing up in a small town, i had only 1 other friend who played videogames (NES/SNES era). They used to have 12 packs of canned sodas and also these glasses. I used to love spending the night, drinking sodas out of these glasses and playing vidya. Good times

>> No.10484409

Ronald and the hamburglar look like they know what that thing looks like

>> No.10484417
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, marvelhappymeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember those guys the X-Men and the Fantastic Four?

I bet these days you'd just get Groots and Rocket Raccoons

>> No.10484419

>he he he I'm the left nut

>> No.10484438

is there porn of it?

>> No.10484446

Oh shit! I still have my Two-face one!

>> No.10484449

My step mommy has one of these but it doesn't have the McDs crew on it and it's not a space ship

>> No.10484451
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I don’t remember those at all for some reason. Earliest one’s I remember is these little nigglets. Loved chewing on them.

>> No.10484500

Had two invisible womans, two spidermobiles, and a wolverine plane.
Can't remember if I had the storm.

>> No.10484571
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My Robin one is still at my mom's house to this day.

Somewhat related, an anecdote I cherish very much:
>be young'un, love Pokemans
>find out BK has Pokemon toys
>know family won't let me eat garbage often enough to collect them
>still get a couple during promotion
>Christmas day
>based grandparents surprise me with ALL the BK Pokemon toys still in the plastic
I was floored. Got some vidya and a four wheeler that year too. Really was a spoiled fucker, but that was one dope Christmas.

>> No.10484589

Wtf how did your grandparents get 57 toys?

>> No.10484594
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>> No.10484599
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>> No.10484605
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>> No.10484608


Some BKs let you buy the toys directly.

>> No.10484612

Dunno, assume they ordered them from corporate since it was the only way to ensure they didn't get duplicates. Probably cost them a considerable amount.

>> No.10484617
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>> No.10484623
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>> No.10484625


Pretty sure my cousin had the Batman toy in the middle, minus the stand.

>> No.10484627
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>> No.10484632
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>> No.10484633
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>inspector gadget
>the 100 toy disney trains or christmas ones

>> No.10484635

do u kno de wey

>> No.10484641

Ha, Peter Parker's head flips to a Spiderman mask.

>> No.10484645


i fucking know I saw that beetle one in my ancient lego box in the last couple a years

>> No.10484657
File: 48 KB, 800x496, bwmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him and the Mantaray were the best of the lot

>> No.10484848

I had these as a kid and didn't even know they were from there

>> No.10485165

Where did you think they were from?

>> No.10485312

fuck yeah i had that penguin
the umbrella spun when you pushed it forward or back

>> No.10485598

>dat bat mobile


>> No.10485614

I usually see these selling for about $2 nowadays. Will they ever be a valuable collector's item?

>> No.10485621
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oh look, another fucking mcdonalds thread

>> No.10485622
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>> No.10486342
File: 37 KB, 500x375, F70A9766-8E0D-41F9-B2F3-988608BAD3B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the whole set from bk

>> No.10486370
File: 113 KB, 1024x512, $ DaHUHJKX0AAnGjF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck McDonalds

>> No.10486371

Wow. How much are they worth today? Too bad you unboxed them, though.

>> No.10486375
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>> No.10486379

My family was too poor for McDonald's.

>> No.10486403
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>> No.10486407
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I remember being obsessed with collecting every part of this toy.

>> No.10486411
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>> No.10486437
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The 1993 xmen cars were my favourite, they snapped together to make wicked super cars.

>> No.10486471

I saw sets for over $100 when googling that pic, no clue where mine went, parents probably threw them out

>> No.10486491
File: 109 KB, 736x680, 8800F66A-403F-45D5-86C9-C7D7DB39DFEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew up using these for like 16 years until the paint was 95% faded off. I’m sure they’re still in my moms house.

>> No.10486562
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>> No.10486629
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my family has probably had this very glass for close to 20 years I shit you not

>> No.10486804
File: 161 KB, 625x420, changables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never top the transformers toys.

>> No.10486974

It's a really nice glass Anon.

>> No.10487322

>>>/mlp/ faggit

>> No.10487333

>had the whole set of these
>they all shattered inexplicably within weeks


>> No.10487497

I still got my Batman one after all these years.

>> No.10487586
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>they can't be 24k because they would melt at room temperature

>> No.10487604

I still have a gold mewtwo. I keep it in a safe.

>> No.10487617
File: 8 KB, 189x184, wZkMukg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some soy boys here?

>> No.10487641

McDonalds was never fancy but back in the olden days it hadn't completed the race to the bottom that turned it into a hangout for people who fucked up at life

The reason DC Comics doesn't do licensing deals with them anymore is that DC Comic fans grew up and got big boy jobs and they can make more money without associating themselves with junkies and losers

>> No.10487652
File: 295 KB, 1200x1600, 1508721395115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks for the memories. I had a couple of these as a kid.

>> No.10487659

it has shoulders like arnold schwarzenegger. why is 4chan so gay? because weebs, ok.

>> No.10487749

ive got the entire set aswell(or i think i do at least 99% id have to go thru again)
even have ALL the cards they had too(was it the same propmotion or a dif one i forget)

>> No.10487772
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>> No.10487786

I need this for my wife.

>> No.10487788

Oh wow I had one of those

>> No.10487804

It's really sad that you've never been with a girl before anon. I feel for you

>> No.10487887

I had Storm and the torch. Possibly Hulk.
I had Knuckles and Robotnik, one of the best.
I think I had Batgirl and Twoface
I had the batmobile
I had Spiderman and Doc Ock, some of the absolute best. Scorpion faggot possibly and maybe Peter Parker.
I had one of these, can't remember which one, I think it was just a Pikachu.

Fuck why did I have so many of these. I wasn't fat or anything.

>> No.10487888


>> No.10489015

still at my parent's house lmao

>> No.10489023

Fuck yeah!

>> No.10489091

Shit, you just gave me some bad feels. When my grandmother died a couple years back, we had to get rid of her shit and my folks were trying to empty out their house of excess shit and I foolishly sold all 4 of the varieties for a dollar each.

I deserve this feel.

>> No.10489114
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, 1524318456220.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Drank the fuck out of these until my family moved in 2004-2005ish
> My parents foolishly tossed out the 3 I had at the dump.