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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 800x800, david-chang-ugly-delicious-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10472661 No.10472661 [Reply] [Original]

Is David Chang another pretentious idiot celeb chef, or /ourboy/?

>> No.10472681

both (and that's a good thing)

>> No.10472684


>> No.10472686


>> No.10472697
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what's his "deal"?

>> No.10472721

Famous and very successful chef has opinions about food. How is that pretentious? No different from a famous singer having opinions about music.

>> No.10472748
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>> No.10472802

I used to actually not mind him, like when he did Mind of a Chef on PBS or whatever, he was cool. But this new show...what the fuck

>> No.10473018

All the best chefs have persecution complexes

>> No.10473168

i imagine the girls of /ck/ look like this

...more plz

>> No.10473173

The smugness of Bourdain but none of the charm.

>> No.10473176

He's based on Mind of Chef. PBS is the GOAT channel for cooking shows.
I think he's political on Ugly Delicious because of his Netflix overlords like how Anthony Bourdain is on CNN.

>> No.10473186
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wtf does GOAT even mean?

>> No.10473194

is short for goatse

>> No.10473196
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>> No.10473200

Greatest Of All Time. It was first used to refer to Earl Manigault, an old basketball player. For some reason it's become a popular term with Millennials despite pre-dating them by decades.

>> No.10473206

I picked it up from /sp/ some years ago and thought it sounded funny.

>> No.10473207
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I think Ugly Delicious has a more acceptable ratio of preachiness:food compared to Anthony Bourdains' shows (sans The Layover).

Had a cute episode where he went to H-Mart with his K. mama to get some ingredients for Thanksgiving which I really enjoyed.

>> No.10473214

He's an obnoxious, insecure and pretentious racialist brat with no talent other than race baiting everything he does. Reminder, it's okay to remove the 'authentic-ness' from any other cuisine but Panda Express is NOT Chinese food!!! Fuck this giant man baby. Tries to be Anthony Bourdain (another hack) but somehow even comes across as worse. People will soon get tired of his franchise-disguised-as-high-cuisne shtick and drop him like a pile of dead flies as soon as they find the next overtly-political liberal shit head 'chef'.

>> No.10473228

I picked it up from LL Cool J's 2000 album of the same name

>> No.10473230

>that waist
>those hips

fucking sauce?

>> No.10473353

Lol, you mad child!

>> No.10473359

You call him a hack, but he runs a very successful restaurant empire. Dislike him all you like for whatever reasons matter to you, but he is most certainly not a hack. You're just making yourself look stupid by calling him that.

>> No.10473370

Bourdain is a piece of shit
>all hail the Zimm

>> No.10474088

Lost it his ground bacon for blt.

>> No.10474222

discord - gg/6RaGVAT

>> No.10474227


>> No.10474247

>Tries to be Anthony Bourdain (another hack)
t. Paula Deen

>> No.10475164

I watched ugly delicious or whatever and it was 4/10 compared to bourdain. This guy has serious identity politics issues that get in the way of what could have been a good show. When he talks with people as bad as him like the fried rice episode about Chinese food it's atrociously hard to watch.

>> No.10475169

W H O ?

>> No.10475171

His opinions seem ultra contrarian. He praised dominos pizza and kept reiterating how special he is for actually liking it. Embarrassing.

>> No.10475183

he's alright besides his hatred of white people

>> No.10475187

>Panda Express is NOT Chinese food!!!
Much of ugly delicious has this theme, like the pizza episode he kept forcing the chefs to make a point about what is and isn't pizza, they didn't want to take a stance but he kind of made them. Then he goes and praises dominos because he's super cool like that, but don't forget American Chinese food isn't Chinese food and white people are stupid!

>> No.10475191

>Tries to be Anthony Bourdain
Do people actually like that guy? Lol. Why would anyone want to be some hipster faggot in midlife crisis mode anyway?

>> No.10475202

One scene that was ultra hard to watch was when he was on the street in Chinatown or wherever and forced a chef to say "it's all about racism" while a couple minorities walked by. You could tell the guy didn't feel comfortable saying it in the first place and with minorities walking around it's like he was being forced to preach shit he didn't really believe in front of people who really don't need to hear it.

If I were a minority I would appreciate it if I could walk down the street without hearing someone force a conversation about race.

Fucking wypipo.

>> No.10475211

>You could tell the guy didn't feel comfortable saying it in the first place
Ok propaganda preacher. Carry on with your opinion.

>> No.10475218


im over his pretentious bullshit

>> No.10475230
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I hate when Asians try to pretend they are a minority or underpivileged, they are neither really.
That's what this guy is, a whiny panderer to white guilt who pretends authenticity trumps flavor when it comes to food.

>> No.10475234

well said

>> No.10475237 [DELETED] 
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His last name sounds chinese. He should be tared and featheed, then drag to a ditch to be shot in the face.

Fucking subhuman.

>> No.10475240

No I'm serious, the guy looked around nervously before agreeing. Like
>uhh yeah I agree we are oppressed and stuff
And chang is like
it was almost sad to watch.

>> No.10475294

don't forget when he was talking to that immigrant family in their own home trying to race bait with them and they weren't having it so he walks outside and it looks like hes gonna have a mental breakdown.

fucking scumbag. He only got successful because he befriended that "white" food critic.

>> No.10475315

David Chang is a tryhard, you can tell he wants to be Bourdain but it doesn't come naturally

>> No.10475332


the chef

>> No.10475335

I just saw that one, they were all "my parents came here and worked hard and outlasted the KKK but now it seems like it's too easy for immigrants to come in"
and he was all "wow I didn't get the response I was looking for"
based viet-redneck fishermen.

>> No.10475338


>you can tell he wants to be Bourdain

Chang is far more respected as a chef than Bourdain ever was.

>> No.10475367

Bourdain was a fucking cowboy chef who just bossed around mexicans but he does/did have a way with words and a chill vibe.

I guess what im trying to say is that he's 'easily digestible'?
Chang seems mentally unstable at times. Yes there's a fine line between genius and insanity but with this new racist shit hes spouting I have no respect for the guy. Nor bourdain for that matter since cnn sunk their claws into him.

>> No.10475380


The problem with Bourdain being on CNN is that he has to talk about stuff other than food it makes it much clearer that he's just kind of stupid, and listening to stupid people talk is really boring. Same reason I can't listen to Joe Rogan.

>> No.10475382

Funny enough, ugly delicious suffers the seinfeld syndrome, the cast is far more interesting than the protagonist, the glasses guy, the black guy from the fried chicken episode, the pizza guy from new york, that guy from the tacos episode and aziz ansari running around tokyo like a schoolgirl, miles better than chang

>> No.10475388
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>> No.10475401

Bourdain also never pretends he was a chef either, he's really unpretentious but doesn't have to make a big point about it like Chang does, Chang just falls over himself on these big rambling rants about authenticity and it's like "dude you like dominos we get it"

The difference there is Joe Rogan is a moron

>> No.10475494

Nothing wrong with contrarian opinions. And """embarrassing""" is a bullshit meme.
Bestselling author and host of several popular TV shows.
This is true.

>> No.10475629

Kek you're right.

>> No.10475639

Not anymore. He unironically plugged dominos for like 10 minutes.

>> No.10475647

They totally squandered aziz. Chang doesn't want to be outshined by another more successful minority.

>> No.10475679

If he's a chef I have no respect for him as one or as a decent person for that matter.
I just saw the fried rice episode and he fucking spits out food into a napkin like a fucking child and looks like his soul just left his body for a second in front of the restaurant staff and a guest.
Then you add his fucking race guilt tripping and just his general doucheyness and i want to hit the guy.

>> No.10475698

t. embarrassment

>> No.10475715

>Bourdain has charm
Yeah, but the fuck has no spine. All his fuckboy fans sure can't see past his bs.
The only reason people are hating on Chang is because he is Korean, and ever since the Fifties the States have such a veiled prejudice against Koreans.

>> No.10475735

Go away chang, you shouldn't be reading uncut opinions about you, we all know you can't survive outside of your identity politics circle jerks.

>> No.10475753

I liked the couple of his restaurants that I tried, and liked Lucky Peach at the beginning (have almost every issue and probably should have kept my subscription because the entire set is probably going to be a collector item one of these days). Still, I only made it one episode into Ugly Delicious, mostly because I found it kind of boring, and I watch Fuck That's Delicious even though I'm not really into stoner shit or hip hop.

>> No.10475852

Choe needs his own food show

>> No.10476081


>> No.10476710
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Nah, mate. Chang is just obnoxious. I used to really like him but I find him insufferable, personally, now.

>ever since 1000BC the jews have such a veiled prejudice against the goyim

>> No.10476720

Noodle bar is a pretty good restaurant and I can’t wait to go again but I’m never going with anyone else cause fuck waiting for a two top or two open in front of the kitchen.

>> No.10476725


>> No.10476734

i don't know about all that but he can't go 5 minutes without mentioning race

>> No.10476824

both (and that's a bad thing)

>> No.10476944


Also ugly delicious, whatever the political point may be, had some delicious food.

>be Nashville
>he tried to crucify Hattie B’s
>their hot chicken is actually the best in the city

I mean he was right to get them on the show, and it’s funny that he tried to roast them, but they’re still the best and anyone who’s been there knows it.

>> No.10476949

Just came to this thread to say that I didn’t even know Bourdain was a chef, I thought he was just a guy who was on a tv show about traveling and eating food

>> No.10477355

Tony never distinguished himself as a chef. He describes himself in the kitchen as a journeyman. It was as a writer that he first distinguished himself, then discovered that he was a natural for television.

>> No.10477448
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>> No.10477483

>a professional who renounces or surrenders individual independence, integrity, belief, etc., in return for money or other reward in the performance of a task normally thought of as involving a strong personal commitment
He sure sounds like a hack to me.

>> No.10477487

But at the same time, he criticizes "white people" for enjoying Americanized Chinese food. He's kind of a dick

>> No.10477488

I honestly have never seen Bourdain cook a meal.Talk about a pretentious fuck. He talks more than he walks

>> No.10477534

He is self-aware of having a persecution complex and admits that he likes eating shitty western food.

>> No.10477559

Yet if you listen to him "talk" he quite often refers to himself as a "utility tier cook" (his words, not mine). He by no means considers himself a great chef.

>> No.10477563

he's famous for his book and not his prowess in a kitchen

>> No.10477859
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White chefs are racist for making foreign dishes, and fusion cuisine (unless it's made by us) is racist too

>> No.10478008

Or when he tries to tie food with political orientation/race and the Viet chef said: 'Conservatives don't give a fuck if I'm Vietnamese, they just want good food'.

He's good when he focusses on food but his attempts at socio-political commentary are pathetic. It's painfully obvious he's an upper middle class guy who's insecure about his identity and the working class Asians he talks to don't share or even consider his first world problems.

>> No.10478331

This is the kind of gook beta males think are 'qt.314 asians', fucking disgusting lmao

>> No.10478369

Every single fucking think from milk bar tastes like shit

>> No.10478377

He’s unwatchable.

>> No.10478550

Why'd he have to kill the Lucky Peach website

>> No.10478576

You forgot overpriced. She must have learned that from Chang. Everything is too fucking sweet and needs 7 more minutes in the oven.

>> No.10478672
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The food looks good in this show, but the commentary and general attitude is totally insufferable.

Chang can't seem to make up his mind what he hates. He ranges from hating pretentious food to hating low-brow food and at the end of the day it's a total mystery why he even comments on the topic because nothing he says is coherent. It's totally without substance most of the time. If anything it's more of David's inability and struggle to understand how foreigners have been able to accept an american identity . The episode about cajun/creole food totally amplifies this. There's that scene where he's sitting down with vietnamese people that cook traditional cajun food and it clearly pisses him off. Their convo some how devlolves into immigration and how they should be nicer to illegal immigrants because the vietnamese people were immigrants at one point. Chang clearly feels like these people are race traitors, but then in the same sentence is arguing about "people are people, man".

They choose to contrast Chang with Peter Meehan is is probably contemptible to really anyone but urbanite bloggers. Where Chang represents foreign self loathing and confusion, Peter seems to emanate a kind of nativist self-hatred about most things american choosing to favor nearly everything exotic even if it's low quality because of "authenticity". Watching them wax poetic about dominoes and real Neapolitan pizza is and should be vomit-inducing for most people.

At the end of the day I think this whole show is about cultural authenticity and how whole certain groups of people (see, Chang, Meehan, Bourdain) cannot grasp it because they are living outside of any culture. They are empty shells of people attempting grasp something that lives implicitly within most. They're elitist and annoying.

Yea, this show was good, but i think it was because it didn't achieve what the producers were shooting for.

>> No.10478678

>is is probably contemptible to really
*He is probably

>> No.10478705

Plus he went full retarded boomer on twitter with his DRUMPF hating. Like sure, whatever, Trump is shitty but bourdain's entire existence these days seems to be nothing more than tweeting about MUH russians, MUH TRUMP with HOOKERS.

Shut the fuck up bourdain, you got famous because of your moral ambiguity. He even seems to praise these sort of attitudes in his books. I even bet that he probably was being earnest in his books, but the money went to his head. Silently he has become part of the petit-bourgeois he claimed to despise so much.

The hippy anti-establishmentarian turn social security dependent, out of touch boomer.

>> No.10478743

Doesn't really seem like he hates low brow food
If there's one constant through out the show, it's how he hates food that is too pretentious. The name of the show is "Ugly Delicious" so I really REALLY don't know where you're getting the low brow food hate from.

He doesn't really think of the viet cajun as race trators, even you're even using that word correctly (doubt it). He's just upset about the apparent ignorance. He loves the fact that they've adopted American food and made it into their own thing, but he's weirded out by the notion that they wouldn't also accept others of specific backgrounds.

The didn't choose to contrast Change with Meehan, they've been working together for years so it's only natural that they worked on this together. They even explained it in the show that Meehan's second review of Momofuku was the start of Chang's popularity. If you didn't want to watch people comparing and contrasting different styles of food, maybe you shouldn't have watched a show about food.

At the end of the day, it just seems like you really wanted to hate this guy. It doesn't even really seem like you were paying attention. But, in spite of all of that, it seems like you're almost a little jealous. elitist and annoying are words used when there's no real substantive criticism of people. It's shallow, you're shallow.

The show was much better than I thought it'd be. They went out of their way to get a bunch of different perspectives while still paying tribute to the food, and the people that cook the food, they love.

nice reaction image, faggot

>> No.10478765

>At the end of the day, it just seems like you really wanted to hate this guy
I went into this with an open mind. I I really didn't have any bad opinions of him prior to watching it. If you can't see that he represents every out of touch, confused urbanite faggot than I can't help you.

>apparent ignorance.
If anything Chang is ignorant. The viet peopel he's talking to understand that they immigrated legally to the united states. I don't know what you're talking about . He clearly thinks they are race traitors because they won't cook traditional vietnamese food. Did you watch the same show I did? The whole show is his inner conflict to understand what the American means and his ultimate failure in that endeavor.

They're both faggots and apparently, so are you.

>> No.10478782

>it's how he hates food that is too pretentious.
Also, are you kidding me? Again supporting my idea that the whole show is about how David Chang can't spit a coherent word out of his mouth. He is unbearably pretentious the entire show, and again, can't seem to make up his mind about what/what isn't pretentious when it comes to food.

It's just inverted: "Lol look at me I'm so unpretentious eating low brow pizza, no big chefs would ever do this."

He's a dick.

>> No.10478806

Chang doesn't defend illegal immigration in the show, watch more carefully. If you're under the assumption that he means illegals when he says immigrants, then you're clearly biased

The dude loves the idea of viet cajun food, you clearly didn't pay attention. He's more upset about the fact that more people don't eat the vietnamese food. The people at the restaurants DO make vietnamese food, they just don't serve it.

Seriously, you must really not want to listen

>> No.10478824

Chang doesn't defend illegal immigration
The whole scene about that taco restaurant implies he does. While that may be the opinion of the producers and not his own the distinction is unclear. Again, he's just not coherent. He doesn't know what he wants to say.

No one that he interviews or meets gets a fair rap. They all get panned on some level because they don't meet David's idea of what food should be both materially or culturally. He praises and then manages to denigrate them in the same sentence. Why should people in the area have to eat "authentic vietnamese". Why should people in vietnam have to eat TexMex?

So either david chang has mastered some eastern art of paradox, or he's just annoyed/confused and can't figure out what exactly it is.

>> No.10478834

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're going to be a critic at least flesh out exactly what bothers you.

>> No.10478881

>The whole scene about that taco restaurant implies he does
Even if he's okay with illegal immigration, he doesn't defend it in the show
Which means that, combined with the fact that you said imply instead of outright stated, he never actually talks about illegal immigration

I can honestly agree with the coherency thing. He goes to china to get authentic food, but doesn't want to eat the authentic food. It's confusing if you're not paying attention, but he's allowed to not want to eat certain foods. Not eating specific foods doesn't make him a hypocrite, it just means that his palate is much more shallow than he thought.

Why should people HAVE to eat specific food? They shouldn't have to do anything. He's just upset that more people aren't realizing that all these different types of food that seem unappealing to others are actually delicious.
Hence Ugly Delicious

But I guess I have to reiterate, if you paid attention, everything would be a lot more clear. Seems like you heard him say something and thought up an argument instead of listening to everything he said.

>> No.10478891

>what's his "deal"?
>"Yo, this shitty mass produced version of an Italian dish is FINE!"
>"Yo, this shitty mass produced version of a Chinese dish is RACISM!"

>> No.10478901

This guy is a racist fucking asshole, just watch his Netflix show. I'm not even white, but this prick definitely has some sort of inferiority complex, just look at how he spergs out over Italian food. Fucking gooks, not to be trusted WHATSOEVER.

>> No.10478909

why you replying to thicc ass?

>> No.10478912

I remember one of the episodes of ugly delicious had a "redneck" conservative Vietnamese dude that pretty much made David look like a beta cuck. That was my favorite part of the show.

>> No.10478943
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why are chinese americans so insufferable? same for spanish/mexican americans
>goes from speaking perfect english into an exaggerated accent when they pronounce words in their language
>natives of their country couldn't give a shit about american versions of their food, some even enjoy it. but they say it's racist and disgusting.

>> No.10478951

he's what most chefs are in real life who don't make it, he clearly preferred being an entertainer and writer and switched to that, he just knows what it takes to work in a professional kitchen and decided it's terrible.

>> No.10479001
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>If there's one constant through out the show, it's how he hates food that is too pretentious

>cant keep Rene redzepis' dick out of his mouth

>> No.10479029

>He's just upset that more people aren't realizing that all these different types of food that seem unappealing to others are actually delicious.

And being a complete fuckwit, racist man baby about it

>> No.10479031

literally the whole show

>> No.10479048

I genuinely enjoyed Ugly delicious but i found David Chang to come across as a complete child at certain times. He seems extremely offended at the fact the asian food isn't represented as much as he wish it would be in a majority white country yet at the same time he completely denounces authenticity and says it's a bad thing. He seems to be confused on his own general stance towards food and it showed him up badly when he tried talking to the vietnamese immigrants cooking cajun when they explained how they had legally immigrated and assimilate into the culture, tking in as many elements of it as possible and genuinely enjoying the lifestyle. His response was to patronise them and tell them that they're wrong and essentially call them racist for not supporting illegal imigration.

The episode in which he argued with an italian chef over asian vs Italian food was extremely misguide as well. Italian food has thrived in the west because the cooking is extremely simple and has been passed down through centuries of tradition with ingredients that are more readily available in western climates. Italian immigrants were also a bigger majority than asian immigrants when American was first becoming a country. I'm sure a lot of Americans love Asian food, but the recipes are not ones passed down through the majority populations and the ingredients arent so readily available in the climate of the country. Overall David Chang seemed to me to be very close minded to different cultures and culinary traditions and looked like a bit of an idiot. The fried chicken episode about cultural appropriation was just a complete embarrassment of identity politics.

Having said that, I did enjoy the show but it should have been food first and politics second if included at all. I'd watch a 2nd series but I feel David Chang needs to get his head out his ass and not look at the impact of immigration of food in such a facile way

>> No.10479055


apologies for the absolutely abhorrent spelling / phrasings . /alck/ here

>> No.10479425

Good posts.

The episode with the upper middle class Asians whining about how the lack of appreciation for Chinese food is racist was especially insufferable. The level of prestige that Japanese cuisine enjoys in contrast should be evidence enough. A large part is due to how these different groups have approached presenting tgemselves in Western food culture. It's even more retarded when you consideres that Thai food, Pho and Sichuan cuisine have become fads among Western urbanites. People have always had a taste for the readibly-available exotic, what matters is the marketing.

>> No.10479437
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He mentions in multiple shows multiple times that he is butthurt about his white friends not liking Asian food while he was a kid and becoming weebs in his adulthood.
It's basically his version of women and normies adopting "nerdy" things.
He's hypocritical as hell but it's totally understandable.

pic very related

>> No.10479603

All of the politics aside, Chang did something really contemptible to me that ruined his show. I straight up quit watching in the middle of the Thanksgiving episode when he goes back home to celebrate the holiday with his family.

There's a sequence where he's talking with his mother and he keeps berating her for making her traditional food and making him look foolish in front of his childhood friends. The woman is visibly hurt and keeps apologizing, but Chang can't seem to stop with his self pity for even a minute to realize he's hurting his own mother in front of millions of viewers.

He's pissed about kids in the 80s not liking Korean food, it's totally meaningless, and he drags his own mother through the mud over it and practically makes her cry on camera. It's despicable.

>> No.10479687
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he looks exactly like this Korean who was a cannibal in I Saw The Devil

>> No.10479799

That honestly makes me not want to watch any more of it, I already was on the fence after the first two episodes

>> No.10479816

This in a nutshell and on top of that when he goes to China he talks to a food expert who is clearly white and refuses to have actual Chinese dishes because he doesn't find them appealing the guy is a hypocritical piece of fat shit

>> No.10479827

I'm confident enough in my people and my food that some random Asian guy criticizing white foodies to get woke points doesn't bother me. But nobody should ever humiliate their mother in that way.

>> No.10479948

I guess the one good thing about him is that he is self aware of how hypocritical he is, and is sort of humbled by it. hes not a character that learns from his mistakes but at least he recognizes it.

between that and some food kino I enjoyed Ugly Delicious.

>> No.10479958


what is the name of the show, im trying to find it on youtube

>> No.10479963

Ugly Delicious

>> No.10481185

He's /ourboy/ because he moved to Japan and lived the life that weeaboos only about.

>> No.10481203

Im not going to watch jewflix, can yo explain the spitting food out part

>> No.10481765

>Chinese cuisine is superior and extremely underappreciated, how dare you praise those overestimated Italian dishes!
>Donkey meat? Hurggg bleuhgggh blaahahergg yuuuuck! You try that traditional shit, I'll stay here in front of the restaurant while making puking noises at the camera to show how much I appreciate the cuisine of my ancestors

>> No.10482180
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The whole damn show is just him having a racial identity crisis and blindly lashing out at shit he can't understand.

>> No.10482218

at least the other crazy korean was based

>> No.10482242

bitch can't even make a simple fucking cookie

>> No.10482420

Exactly, and if I remember correctly the first words he utters in the show are "I hate David, he's an asshole"

>> No.10482438
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>Takes a bite of shrimp taco
>Woah this tastes exactly like CHEN MENG PHO DONG SANG, Chinese people must have colonized Mexico sometime in the past

>> No.10482538

He can be a bit pretentious, but I like Chang.
Bordain on the other hand.. can't stand him.

>> No.10482695

why are mexicans stereotyped as bandits? was the "old west" era the height of our culture?

>> No.10482710


foreigners hopping the border to loot and plunder no shit they were bandits

>> No.10482725

honestly on some level this show is so absurd I almost think it was meant to be a satire on the hypocritical bullshit concept of food racism aka "cultural appropriation".

like the guy is actively trying to be as obnoxious and retarded as possible to show people that food isn't racist and you can just eat what you enjoy.

>> No.10482727


>> No.10482758

it's just netflix being netflix

>> No.10482763

That part blew my mind. He's so up his own ass he can't imagine anyone creating cuisine except for his fellow Asians.

>> No.10482814
File: 27 KB, 509x339, 660F043E-45B8-4284-AB02-F1D26B93B13C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god I hate chicanos

>> No.10483054

>Bourdains cooking career

line of coke
line of coke
line of coke

Mexicans scrambling

>> No.10483071

I dont think anyone is shitting on his food, just his arrogant identity politics.

>> No.10483093
File: 90 KB, 1200x800, peter-meehan-eaterrogation.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even have a problem with the identity politics if he was consistent or cogent. Sometimes he's fine with cultural stuff and other times he gets pissed because people aren't being true to their race in his eyes.

He's just a very confused person it appears.

Peter Meehan is a fucking soyboy too. I think I liked Chang more than him.

>> No.10483095

Oh how I wish this wasnt so true.

>> No.10483256

all chefs are pretentious faggots. they're literally just COOKS.

>> No.10483296

I've been to that H-Mart. It's friggen awesome.

>> No.10483355

Yeah, I don't get where people are coming from with this authenticity riff because on mind of a chef he was always doing korean fusion shit. Haven't watched his latest tripe because I don't watch tv of any kind anymore and the last thing I want to watch on the internet are self serving celebrity chefs.

>> No.10483382

I haven't watched this show at all
Is it really this political?
I liked the way the dude presented himself in S1 of Mind of a Chef

>> No.10483387


it's not political, it's racially charged to the point you suspect he has a mental problem.

>> No.10483427

A journeyman is still good at what he does, even though his motivations are solely for profit. A hack is someone who isn't very good at what he does, but does it anyway.
>he criticizes "white people" for enjoying Americanized Chinese food.
He doesn't do that. His point is that the Americanized Chinese food so many people enjoy has a history steeped in racism, and it seems criminal that outside of major cities people are almost entirely ignorant about any other Chinese cuisines, regardless of the fact that they are among the world's best. But the bit with Fuchsia Dunlop shows Chang has limits trying to practice what he preaches as well. Because to a Westerner, even one of Asian heritage some of it is still challenging - even when racism is ostensibly not playing a part. As for him being a "dick" any opinionated contrarian is going to come off that way.

>> No.10483428

It's certainty political.

They do a whole bit about how some illegal owns a taco stand in NY and how BIG BAD GOVERNMENT wants to deport her. She has some fake green card marriage too. It's pretty obviously political.

David gets btfo by some vietnamese immigrants too. That scene was pretty good.

I don't even think meehan is a chef. He just writes about food.

It's funny because if you read Bourdains books he totally embraces the idea of the celebrity chef as something sort of laughable. In the books he himself mentions that he really is just a line cook.

Funny how the fame went to his head.

>> No.10483444
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americanized Chinese food so many people enjoy has a history steeped in racism

Is the rest of the American public sick of this shit? Because I know I am. America is a primarily white european country (or used to be). It's not unheard of that they would be somewhat put off by some of the more exotic chinese cuisine. This whole sob story about how whitey doesn't want to eat sichuan tripe with fermented bean curd is so tiresome. A good chunk of people are going to have reservations about trying something new.

Also asians are racist as fuck. Chinese airlines literally tell chinks to stay away from black neighborhoods.

Forgive me for not giving a shit about any of this. Chang is a good cook, but he's an angry child struggling to find his identity. That's all this series chronicles.

>> No.10483459

I'm with you on this too
He's a korean american who got famous from making japanese soup by substituting american bacon for bonito flakes. So this authenticity obsession is bizarre.

>> No.10483504

>As for him being a "dick" any opinionated contrarian is going to come off that way.
How come someone be opinionated of he doesn't even know what his opinion is? Seriously, Chang couldn't maintain a coherent train of thought even if he was reading instructions from a grocery list

>> No.10483515
File: 2.38 MB, 500x281, yui_tard_hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from a grocery list

i dont think you know what a grocery list is...

>> No.10483579

>Is the rest of the American public sick of this shit? Because I know I am.
Why? Does it annoy you when non-white European voices call things like they seem them? And they see a loot of racism in America because... well... there IS a lot. Hell, I'm a well educated guy living in one of the most multicultural places in the country and I still see it every fucking day. In casual interactions on the street guys darker than me almost always call me "boss" or "sir". And supposedly the country is much less overtly racist than it was a generation or two ago. So when you're talking about history of fucking course racism is going to play a part. It's the reason Chinese immigrants opened laundries and restaurants in the first place!
>America is a primarily white european country (or used to be). It's not unheard of that they would be somewhat put off by some of the more exotic chinese cuisine.
Of course. Especially some of the textures the Chinese treasure. But it isn't about finding foreign things foreign - that's pretty universal. What Chang is pissed about is that European whites deciding that cuisines of European origin are somehow "finer" than those of other origins. Which is a very 18th and 19th Century mindset not really suited for today, even though it hangs on in the culture.
>How come someone be opinionated of he doesn't even know what his opinion is?
This is kind of what the show is about. Chang is at a crossroads in his life. He's been doing upscale restaurant food, beautifully plated for over a decade. And now he just want to talk about what tastes good, even if it's ugly.
>Chang couldn't maintain a coherent train of thought
If I wanted a train of thought leading to grand conclusions about food and cuisine I'd read works written by food historians. But I don't expect a fucking chef to have answers about that kind of stuff. I do expect him to bring up interesting questions, though, which he does.

>> No.10483643

These are some really lame rationalizations for David Chang just being a brat. If he wants to critique American culture that's fine but he really doesn't seem like he understands it that well. Western food was deemed fine dining for centuries because the West ran the show for a long time and still does to some extant. I don't know what he expects when European cuisine is still the standard for fine dining in european/western countries. I don't even think he's correct. In America there are lots of exotic restaurants that are crushing it selling 300 buck tasting menus. He's just reeing.

If the chinese, in their own country, want to decide that french food is "fine dining" then that's their call. I don't know how that effects me. I have no problem admitting that other cultures produce very fine cuisines. I don't think anyone really does.

The reason people are annoyed with Chang is because it's just another example of "FUCKING WYPIPO" sensationalism and a pretty poorly fleshed out one at that. Chinese opened laundries because they saw a demand. They're hard working and socially cohesive people.

>living in one of the most multicultural places in the country

>But I don't expect a fucking chef to have answers about that kind of stuff.
You should tell Chang this, because you can tell that in his eyes he's got it all figured out.

>> No.10483653

Korean food is just chinese food with spam and kimchi let's be real.

>> No.10483786

>In America there are lots of exotic restaurants that are crushing it selling 300 buck tasting menus.
Chang is partially to thank for that.
>Chinese opened laundries because they saw a demand.
Chinese restaurants and restaurants opened because Chinese laborers were much less of a threat if they were busy doing "women's work" instead of taking railroad and construction jobs from American men.

>> No.10483787

Meant to say "Restaurants and laundries", but I'm sure you get my drift.

>> No.10483833

t. "you don't like him because in your racist white male mind Asian people should be submissive!"

>> No.10484464

lol, try the submissive asian schtick on a korean wench and get your dick rammed right down your throat.

>> No.10485051

she deserves a kick in the poon

>> No.10485089

I don't know who he is other than the obnoxious trailer Netflix keeps trying to shove down my throat, so I'd go with pretentious.

>> No.10485111

Bourgeois Asians-Americans want the country ethnically cleansed of Whites. Not really a mystery.

>> No.10486414

>I Love america but we must fundamentally change everything about it!

>> No.10486748

topkek. America has been through nothing but massive changes over the last couple centuries. The 19th Century started with slavery, then Manifest Destiny, then a civil fucking war and ended with railroads and the Industrial revolution. The 20th saw the death of the agrarian American ideal for most Americans, two world wars and a depression, the rise of pop culture and the suburbs, the automobile, a man on the moon, air travel, electronic communications and the birth of the information age. There hasn't been a generation in 200 years in America that hasn't seen revolutionary changes in their lifetimes. Everything about this country has been in flux from the start.

>> No.10486763

B-but...muh 1950's golden age

>> No.10486776

Felt like it should be a fun food show about different cultures and the director keeps telling chang to add more question and points about racism and political shit.

Good show but could be a lot better.

>> No.10486783

Yes, just whites. *snicker*

>> No.10486819

An incredibly unstable moment in our history. Things kicked off with the Korean War, The Cold War, the Second Red Scare, the CIA overthrowing the government of Guatemala and installing the Shah in Iran, the rise of counterculture as well as modern consumer culture. Great stuff. Nothing like an A-Bomb drill.

>> No.10486886

Every time he bites something in this show he makes some statement about race, and quickly compares his taste as superior to the taste of white people.
The race stuff isn't that bothersome, though. It's just he says something negative about someone who isn't there, or talks about who he assumes wouldn't appreciate it, like every time. It's like if Gordon Ramsay tried everyone's masterchef dishes and said 'yeh my mum wouldn't enjoy this because she has terrible taste'. Who cares? Say something about how good the food is, describe it instead of talking about who wouldn't appreciate it.

>> No.10486895

in the late 90's I was robbed at gun point by whites (meth heads)

Meanwhile David Chang was made fun of in school.

Gee, I can see how a man can hold a grudge like that forever. I mean, THEY HURT HIS FEELINGS

>> No.10486948

The show is driven by his personality. And he's even self-aware enough not to have his mother's King Baby comments edited out. He knows he's one of those guys who has to have things his way regardless of what others think. But that's part of what's made him so successful. He's got a flawed personality, but it works for him, and that's the show's conceit. As for the race stuff I don't think it would be possible to grow up like he did and have his professional experiences without seeing it everywhere. Because it is, especially when it comes to food.

>> No.10487066

I'm honestly surprised, the people calling him a racist brat are making way better arguments than the people saying people have to respect him because he owns restaraunts. Usually the people calling out racism like this have a chip on their shoulder but they're pretty much right with this one. It's not a big crazy offense, it's just an odd distraction that prevents him from talking about food clearly, and he absolutely does go into each restaraunts with a goal of making the chef say something divisive about race, and none of them want to except the fried rice guy. The few people trying to pull his 'but I own a restaraunt!' card look angry and stupid. He definitely is using this show to throw shade on people's tastes and he's uselessly strict about what is and isn't food. It ruins his dynamic with the chefs and sidelines every conversation they try to have. Not too fun.

>> No.10487089

>The show is driven by his personality
No wonder is shit then

>> No.10487121

did you literally have that pic saved just for this specific moment

>> No.10487239

based history anon

>> No.10487275

It can change into an utter shithole.

>> No.10487356

It's definitely a challenge bringing your exotic culture and cuisine to a nation as an immigrant, but is it really a big act of racism? It's industry, everything needs to be made and worked at, and honestly Chinese food has been doing really well in America, due to the generations of effort, and because of people like David Chang. But so what? Is it really so offensive that you have to build an industry, create demand, work with people's taste, and fight an uphill battle to bring an exotic food industry somewhere? It's a practical challenge, not really an idealistic question of racism. I mean, is it really so offensive that people aren't already in love with a foreign cuisine before immigrants even show up? Immigration is a challenge, starting a business or an industry is even more challenging. I can see where it stresses people out, but honestly it's pretty natural. It's not an act of hate that someone like David Chang would have to work at building high-class recipes and creating restaurant infrastructure. And the thing is it all worked for David. I know it sucks to have to work so hard at it, but this chip on his shoulder about racial cuisine is something he ought to have put behind him once he broke through as a world famous Chinese American chef who brings flavor and culture to Americans all over the country. How could he still be mad about this?

>> No.10487701

It's been an utter shithole at several points in our history. Would not have wanted to have lived through the Depression.
>people saying people have to respect him because he owns restaraunts.
He doesn't just own restaurants. He's the head chef of a very successful restaurant empire. His flagship place has two Michelin stars. You don't have to respect his opinions, but you can't argue the guy doesn't know his shit.

>> No.10488761

Ex surprised me with reservations to Momofuku, it was very good but overpriced. a former coworker got me a free tasting menu there which was excellent. My former boss' wife was CdP there, said everyone was a pretentious dick.

Such is the way with kitchens, I do not miss cooking at all.

>> No.10488787

>tfw a /ck/ thread you posted in is still alive days later

>> No.10488795

>what was the gilded age

>> No.10488954

Your apologetics for Chang is infuriating to read. Jesus.

>> No.10488962

>Is the rest of the American public sick of this shit?
Look who we elected.
Build the fucking wall. All you have to do is pander to our exhaustion from other nationalities trying to fuck us over and guilt trip us and we will make you president.

>> No.10488974

>And they see a loot of racism in America because... well... there IS a lot. Hell, I'm a well educated guy living in one of the most multicultural places in the country and I still see it every fucking day. In casual interactions on the street guys darker than me almost always call me "boss" or "sir". And supposedly the country is much less overtly racist than it was a generation or two ago. So when you're talking about history of fucking course racism is going to play a part. It's the reason Chinese immigrants opened laundries and restaurants in the first place!
Fuck off Chang, seriously. Your shit is tired.

> do expect him to bring up interesting questions, though, which he does.
You're delusional.

>> No.10488981

>Chang is partially to thank for that.
Hahahahahahaha you just can't help jerking yourself off. It's amazing.

>> No.10488987

Nailed it.

>> No.10488998

>and he absolutely does go into each restaraunts with a goal of making the chef say something divisive about race, and none of them want to except the fried rice guy
That's why he brought the sjw femsplaining Korean hag with him. She furiously agrees with him about wypipo while everyone else simply looks uncomfortable waiting for them to change the topic from race (which doesn't happen, cue scene change)