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10472350 No.10472350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you bother me while I'm eating, you won't receive a tip. Simple as that.

>> No.10472355

I just fucking love samoyeds.

>> No.10472356
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Shhhh, sweetie. Don't bother me until I've had my coffee.

>> No.10472379

>waitress visits our table only once, just to refill one cup of water.
>i'm expected to tip 20% of an expensive meal for """excellent service"""

>> No.10472398

Why even give tips, stop subsidizing goldbergs poor ethics

>> No.10472415

>Americans are expected to pay extra for the privilege of being interrupted every 5 minutes while eating

>> No.10472424

Just a reminder that wait staff apply to work minimum wage and employers pay the difference if employees don’t make enough in tips. Don’t believe any roasties about to flood this thread claiming otherwise.

>> No.10472504

>employers pay the difference
They write you up for poor performance if they're forced to cover the difference and if you do it 2 weeks in a row you're fired.

>> No.10472524

So this is the power of chicken tendie boys, woah

>> No.10472526

Organize a union. The only power labor has is collective bargaining otherwise the owners will fuck you.

>> No.10472528

What's the problem with underperforming employees being canned? that happens in any job.

>> No.10472532

it’s not allowed to happen to poor women

>> No.10472541

If I don't get my bill the minute I want it, you won't receive a tip. Simple as that.

>> No.10472545

Those cunts don't deserve anything anyways. Tip out the kitchen. They do actual work.

>> No.10472556

I expect to be waited on but I also really hate when they come back to ask me how my food is 3 or 4 different times. Like I know you're just checking on us but holy fuck I told you it was good 10 minutes ago stop asking

>> No.10472560

Tipping is stupid and encourages faggotry. If you don't want to get paid shit, get a better job. And before anyone says anything about needing money, you can gather many skills from just watching YouTube.

>> No.10472928

I like that they ban tipping in certain restaurants like Pei Wei so you don't feel inconvenience having to do so there, more restaurants could do this and start a movement

>> No.10475001


>> No.10475062

>orders water
>doesn't tip
Just admit your poor

>> No.10475066

>doesnt visit your table
>"If you don't come by to ask me if I want a refill, you won't receive a tip. Simple as that.

>> No.10475121

I'm not gonna shit on waiters but the lack of unions for lower wage workers (esp in the US) is a big a part of why they get bent over and fucked so often.

>> No.10475128

Fat women can be so ruthless at times.

>> No.10475853

I see you are a man of culture

>> No.10475860

General rule of anyone with two brain cells, tip foh wait staff half of what is expected. Tip delivery twice what is expected.
Retards will even it out so no worries of feeling guilty.

>> No.10475869

Bingo bango bongo.

>> No.10475927

>pay in cash
>waitress doesn't bring back your 14 cents in change with the receipt
>walk out of the store since she decided she only wanted a 14 cent tip.

>> No.10475944

That sounds like someone who's never actually worked a real kitchen job or has but maybe as dishpit or prep guy

You should tip the servers because they can crash the kitchen and back everything up if they are terrible.
>Fun fact the Hostess is actually the most important non salaried position in most restaurants

>> No.10475973

15% is standard, no matter how many times I've been told by insufferable white female millennials that it's 20%

Anti-tipping sentiment is just nonsense though.
Nobody actually wants tipping to go away, they just want to personally save 15% off their meal while justifying their petty niggardliness as some kind of moral stand.

>> No.10475989

Stop being shit?

>> No.10476000

>15% is standard

18% is standard, with 15% being the minimum unless the server was outright rude. And no, asking the table if there's anything else she could get you while you happen to have food in your mouth doesn't count as rude.

>> No.10476003
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Trips of truth

>> No.10476010
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>Unionizing in a job that's so unskilled that it can literally be done by children
You wanna know how I know you've never worked a day in your life?

>> No.10476039


This and if you come back often, good luck getting decent service anymore.

>> No.10476061

No, it isn't.
15% is literally standard, as in "by the general practice".
Nobody is fucking calculating in their head what 18% of a bill is, which is why it's always been the easily calculable 15%.

>15% being the minimum unless the server was outright rude
No, the actual minimum is somewhere around 0%, because it's a gratuity for doing your job competently.
You don't automatically get 15% no matter how shitty a job you do, and there are uncountable things that a shitty waiter can do that would warrant anywhere between 0% to 14% that have nothing to do with rudeness.

>> No.10476064

Last I checked, anon, the UAW was one of the most powerful unions in the world.

>> No.10476091
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>automobile, aerospace or agriculture
>most of these positions being skilled labor or at least unskilled labor with strength and risk requirements
>any of these positions being compared to walking to a table asking what people want, writing it down and bringing them food from the kitchen when it's done
>which is already being done by druggies, single mothers and underachievers that would make great scab material even if some did go on strike
you're a special kind of retarded, aren't you anon?

>> No.10476113

Anon I don't think you should be calling people retards when your mental disability (autism, I assume) prevents you from being able to identify possibly the most obvious, banal joke possible.

Besides, when the UAW was relevant 90% of its members were semi-skilled labor, which is the same category as waiting.

>> No.10476138

>semi-skilled labor, which is the same category as waiting
Which can be done by 16 year old girls is my point, you can't unionize a job that can be done by children and therefore anyone that wants to be a scab.
> the most obvious, banal joke possible
I better be sure to bone up on my knowledge of workforce unions, wouldn't want to sound autistic to all those cool dudes on the chan when they make their super cool and not autistic jokes about workforce unions.
Better study up on trains too, don't want to sound autistic when I don't know everything about trains.

>> No.10476141

But that's what unions are for.

>> No.10476147
File: 113 KB, 411x349, LaughingCatGirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know everything about trains yet.

>> No.10476155
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, INTERNAL SCREAMING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop laughing at me, you cat sluts!!!

>> No.10476157

Dude, there are unions for fucking everything in the US. My high school girlfriend had to join a god damn grocery bagger union when she worked at a local store. The union did nothing but took part of her paycheck.

>> No.10476177

I disagree.

10% is a minimum tip for minimally acceptable service. If you think they deserve less than 10%, then put down nothing.
15% is a good tip for excellent service. More than that is a bad attempt to flirt or to apologize. Maybe if you're a regular and you want a good reputation to get favored service in the future.

People attempting tip inflation bug me. So does the "Could you just answer this question" then spinning the card processing pad around as it's showing the add tip prompt. No you dumb broad, you don't get a tip when I'm paying before you've even sent my order to the kitchen. Sorry working the takeout counter dosn't bring in the extra dough that serving the table do, even when your big, sloppy tits are almost hanging out your shirt.

>> No.10476179

This was a lot of drivel to announce that you don't who the fucking UAW is.
Maybe just, I don't know, ask your fucking dad or another male relative next time someone references some nonsensically common knowledge for non-millenials. Maybe he'll teach you to change a tire or something while telling you what the fuck the UAW is.

>> No.10476198

I don't have a problem with giving more than 15% for excellent service, it's just that most waiters and waitresses think that their mustering up enough pride in their work to do a bog-standard, adequate job is in itself 'excellent' and deserves a 20% tip.

>> No.10476204

But what if I come from a family that isn't full of hicks and losers who actually got an education and didn't/don't have to pay tribute to the mob light™ ?
Or say I'm not an autist that makes jokes about unions on a Mongolian finger painting forum?

>> No.10476212

>bother me while I'm eating
yeah fuck that shit. here's a crazy dogwoman who tried throwing stones at a fucking wolf while it was eating. at 1:55

>> No.10476217

tipping is the most retarded thing ever. why wont they just raise the wages by 10%?
Im from belgium, and we never tip, and noone expects you to. its great

>> No.10476234

Nigger, if you read a newspaper you would know who the UAW is.
Don't sit here and pretend your comical ignorance of current events is the result of some kind of cultured education.
Who are you even kidding, you espoused your opinion on unions without knowing who the fucking UAW is; if you're not autistic your'e at least retarded.

>> No.10476242

>. why wont they just raise the wages by 10%?
Because we know those useless fucks won't put in an extra 10% worth of work to earn it.

>> No.10476256

of course they wont, but wouldnt it be great to feel not feel this social pressure that requires you to tip?

>> No.10476267

They would just bitch that they were getting no more tips period.
Because they would learn that its getting taxed now.

>> No.10476276

>Why don't they just kill this non-physical, cultural concept
I don't know, because they aren't fucking genies?

Not tipping in other countries is more or less a moot point anyway since food in America is so much cheaper that we could tip 35% and still pay less in total.

>> No.10476279

>Nigger, if you read a newspaper
>you read a newspaper
>read a newspaper
>a newspaper
What fucking year do you think it is, give me a link to an article where fucking UAW has made top news.
Finally tell me what UAW has anything to do with unionizing a workforce made up of unskilled and often unexperienced labour (waiter/waitress) or just admit your "joke" was just you autisticly stating something you knew about a union.

>> No.10476295

im not talking about the price, im talking about the social obligation

>> No.10476322

What the fuck is even going on here

The joke is that the UAW is full of lazy, unskilled, overpaid McDonald's tier GED holders.
How are you not getting this?
Literally how?
Why are you fucking talking about unions at all when you don't even know who the UAW, the largest union in the world is?
Why are you pretending that not knowing anything at all about one of the most preeminent entities in the American economy is some kind of intellectual achievement?

I cannot possibly express this train of thought more plainly: don't give your thoughts on a subject that you know less than literally nothing about, you fucking clown.

>> No.10476338

Oh, because neurotypical people don't view tipping as some sort of burdensome social obligation; it's really only the mentally ill that become distressed by the concept of monetarily rewarding someone based on their performance.

>> No.10476358

>Why are you fucking talking about unions at all when you don't even know who the UAW, the largest union in the world is
Because I wasn't talking about unions I was talking about unionizing workers you fucking autist. Are you so fucking autistic that you can't fucking tell that facetiousness can't be translated on a fucking message board, especially if you give an actual answer to a statement. If someone says "You can't do this thing" and you follow it up with "Well this thing could", I'm just going to read it as if you gave me a straight stupid answer and correct you on it and for some reason you started sperging out about it and talking about how UAW actually would cover waiting as semi skilled labor, completely negating the fact that you made a joke.

tl;dr I said "You can't unionize wait staff jobs" and he brought up an automotive work union and started sperging out when I corrected his stupid straight face answer.

>> No.10476369

It wasn't a straight faced answer you fucking sperg

>Unionizing in a job that's so unskilled that it can literally be done by children
>"Last I checked, anon, the UAW was one of the most powerful unions in the world.
Just fucking reread this shit until you get the joke
If you don't get it after half an hour call up your dad and tell it to him
Then for good measure call up your mother and tell her you forgive her for giving birth to you when she was 40
(get it? That's another fucking joke)

Jesus Fucking Christ

>> No.10476386

You literally just stated a workers union when I said "Unionizing in a job that's so unskilled that it can literally be done by children".
How am I supposed to tell that you are joking when you just give me a straight answer without an image or any hint of sarcasm in your statement.
Especially when it doesn't sound like a joke, it just sounds like you're presenting piece of contradicting information that I corrected you on and you are now claiming is a joke.
>If you don't get it after half an hour call up your dad and tell it to him
Yes, please continue going on about what a big man you are, where you go out and chop down trees after a hard day at the steel mill and come home to participate on the cooking board of an American Japanese-style anime message board. Go ahead and keep trying to convince me you aren't some autist that studies workforce unions because one day "I'm going to invest in stocks and I need to know these things for when you move out of my parents basement"!