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File: 99 KB, 1200x797, Mustamakkara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10465751 No.10465751 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking state wont fucking issue the retarded ass liscenses they demand butchers/stores/etc have to make and sell blood sausage fucking dickheads make it legal REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10465761

I know what you mean, I've been denied a TV license for three years in a row.

>> No.10465778
File: 31 KB, 258x375, 1520916801559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, German here. Blutwurst is ours. Stick to your trash hot dog "sausages".

>> No.10465832

Do people unironically call hot dogs sausages in places?

>> No.10465842

What are you supposed to call the meaty part of the hot dog?

>> No.10465843

Not humans

>> No.10465863
File: 234 KB, 1179x791, sweetums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have foreign wife
>Decides to cook American dish
>Chooses gumbo
>Wants to use American sausage
>End up with hot dog weiner gumbo

>> No.10465866

Why didn't she choose andouille?

>> No.10465878

She didn't know what it was, she thought hot dogs were the sausage of choice for Americans. I educated her after this. She's a good cook, but most of her knowledge of American Life comes from TV. Fuck insular immigrant cultures.

>> No.10465879


>be from new orleans
>stationed in japan
>want to have gf experience gumbo as best i can
>spend days searching for a place that sells andouille, as well as other more easy to find ingredients
>cook it, comes out great
>reads your story

>> No.10466697
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>Hi, German here
dont care, hand over the blood sausage NOW!

>> No.10467978

We have it too
t. Your favourite neighbours whose bikes you stole en masse

>> No.10467999

Blutwerst isn't halal so it's going to be banned soon. Eat it while you can, Hans.

>> No.10468025

As germany to Texas transplant that hurt to read

>> No.10468046
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Nice shitpost kiddo, you made that yourself?

>> No.10468047

this delighted me very much, thank you. :D

>> No.10468157
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>> No.10468251
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that's not how you spell "kaszanka" to be desu

>> No.10468344

Just forewarning you off the future you chose

>> No.10468411

Disgusting. Gumbo is my favorite and that made me gag.

>> No.10468418

Worry about your own third world shithole first.

>> No.10468443

Lol i'm eating a cold "morcilla" right now.

>> No.10468450

>Germany to Texas


>> No.10468773
File: 446 KB, 1334x818, Most-popular-beer-in-america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thought hot dogs were the sausage of choice for Americans
She's right though.
>but not all Americans
There are hipsters in Pakistan too, does that blow your mind?

>> No.10468846

Even a gas station wouldn't call a hot dog a sausage you jig.

>> No.10468853


>> No.10468863

It doesn't matter whether they label it a sausage or not, a hot dog is a kind of sausage. That's understood.

>> No.10468888

Vote libertarian. Almost all government licensing things are bullshit

>> No.10468892

In America, when someone refers to "a sausage" it is generally exclusive of hot dogs

>> No.10468905

Yes but we consider hot dogs to be a hot dog. When we want a sausage we buy some form of sausage that isn't a damned hot dog.

Americans that know hot dogs are technically hot dogs still aren't going to point to the hot dog section of the grocery store when someone asks for a sausage; they'll point to the deli counter.

>> No.10468907

The problem with libertarians is while they have a small number of reasonable ideas, like decriminalizing certain drugs, removing rent control schemes, or reducing tariffs, when you scratch below the shallowest surface ideals you realize they have a terribly naive understanding of how the world works and are invariably horribly misinformed and get most of their "knowledge" from middlebrow podcasts and Ayn Rand.

There hasn't been a single politician who calls himself a libertarian and wasn't an absolute moron at best, or delusional crackpot at worst.

>> No.10468915

ALL Americans are obese and are stupid, what's your point

>> No.10468927

The post in question said "sausage of choice is a hot dog", which is correct. It would be like if they said "the most popular fizzy drink in america is coca cola" and you said "no coke is the most popular coke, here we say coke to refer to a sweetened carbonated beverage, fizzy drink is something else"
When you want a sausage, sometimes that sausage is a hot dog, other times it is not. If hot dogs represent 70% of the sausages consumed, then it would be correct to say that the majority of the time someone wants a sausage in America, they want a hot dog.

>> No.10468936

Its still unequivocally better than Trump or democrats

I am certainly not advocating being a dogmatic far extreme libertarian, but being a general libertarian is a great thing, and our government needs a lot more of them at all levels. The problem is most people with libertarian leanings have absolutely no interest in becoming politicians. Only very low character types get into politics or have the desire to rule over other men
Every week I see some story in my local paper about some absurd law made generations ago that is doing objectively bad things but no one does anything about because democrats and republicans have absolutely no interest in giving up power. Liquor laws really piss me off, the idea that cities are only allowed by the state to have a certain number of licenses to allow business to serve alcohol, which is an absolute must if you want to run a restaurant

>> No.10468945

Its like calling a hot dog a sandwich, even if you can make a technical argument for it being true, that is not how most people use the language

>> No.10468949

>single politician who calls himself a libertarian and wasn't an absolute moron at best, or delusional crackpot at worst.
This describes politicians in general

>> No.10468976

>better than Trump
This is the "thank god for mississippi" of politics
>or democrats
Really depends on the democrat, democrats are the only party remaining where the party platform isn't officially "let's destroy America and blame it on Obummer and Shillary", doesn't mean they're all perfect, but it's the only rational choice left. When the GOP implodes the Democrats are going to have a brief moment of triumph and then the infighting will begin between the "pro-business" and the "populist" camps, and whatever those factions split into will be our new two-party system.
>The problem is most people with libertarian leanings have absolutely no interest in becoming politicians. Only very low character types get into politics or have the desire to rule over other men
Oh yeah I used to hear this one a lot from these two guys I used to hang out with in college, "see? you agree with one thing I said, therefore you're actually a libertarian". No. Libertarianism is what teenagers to when they realize satanism was a practical joke. Waah you're not my real dad, I didn't ask to be born.

>> No.10468979

>land of the free

>> No.10469022

I know technically she was right, but my mouth said fuck no.

>> No.10469025

>When you want a sausage, sometimes that sausage is a hot dog, other times it is not. If hot dogs represent 70% of the sausages consumed, then it would be correct to say that the majority of the time someone wants a sausage in America, they want a hot dog.
No one asks for a hot dog when they want a sausage at a get-together, or visa-versa. No one asks for the sausages when looking for the hot dogs at a grocer or the other way around, not even at a butcher where they have nice meats. While a hot dog is technically a form of sausage, they are spoken of as two separate entities you autistic fucker.

When you want a sausage, ask for sausage. When you want a hot dog, ask for a hot dog. That's the way it is and there's no reason to nit-pick about it.

>> No.10469038

>democrats are the only party remaining where the party platform isn't officially "let's destroy America and blame it on Obummer and Shillary"
Both party's only motive is to blame everything on the other party and position themselves for PR wins. None of what either of them do has anything with what is good for the people

Reasonably small government is better than power hungry democrats/republicans

>> No.10469048

>This is what the statist believes

>> No.10469052

Libertarianism is naturally what educated white men gravitate toward, but obviously libertarian leaning people are much less likely to get involved in politics or go on marches or shit, so its a pretty silent group

When you frame things straight forwardly to people a whole lot of people are actually libertarian. Look at topics like the aforementioned ability to sell blood sausage, or sell beer to adults at your restaurant. No reasonable person would be against libertarians on these topics, yet almost every elected official is

>> No.10469055

>Because soccer mom's
A gay society with a 40% breeding pool would be ideal.

>> No.10469067
File: 24 KB, 387x402, 5y6855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats are the only party remaining where the party platform isn't officially "let's destroy America

>> No.10469069

>blame everything on the other party
That's standard politics though. It's expected and overlooked within reason, but this false equivalence is totally out of hand. On the one hand we have democrats who might say "Bush caused the financial crisis" or things of that nature, that might be the topic of debate between reasonably informed people. Then on the other hand we have republicans who blame Obama for the 9/11 attacks and things of that nature. The sides are not equivalent in the least bit.

The issue here is that you are advocating that people "libertarian" when not a single libertarian candidate has demonstrated any political acumen other than by clumsily attempting to court potheads, antivaxers, and the occasional racist.

>> No.10469079
File: 12 KB, 317x267, 1490155619109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sides are not equivalent in the least bit.
>liberals unironically believe this

>> No.10469087

But hotdogs or frankfurters as you call them originated in Germany too retard.

>> No.10469103

Your neighbors Norway, Sw*den and Finaland to say the least may want to have words with you germoney

>> No.10469112

Typically articulate libertarian, expressing his points with logic and intelligence

>> No.10469121

You bias is outrageous. Both sides are populated with just as many crazies and poorly educated people. Anyone who is really happy with either party's platform is not well educated on the issues. Both parties are entirely us vs them bullshit and then the media trumps up absolutely trivial issues for them to fight over like who can use what bathrooms or other similar shit
>The issue here is that you are advocating that people "libertarian" when not a single libertarian candidate has demonstrated any political acumen
Its almost as though the mainstream parties' stranglehold over the democracy is not good for people who don't like those two parties.
Also thats fucking bullshit to try and paint the libertarians as the anti-vaxxers, Libertarians are generally pretty pro-science even if they don't want the government to pay for it. Anti-vaxxers are overwhelming leftists

and racist? Are you just throwing out random insults hoping one sticks?

>> No.10469126

>The issue here is that you are advocating that people "libertarian" when not a single libertarian candidate has demonstrated any political acumen
Gary Johnson was without a doubt a better person and candidate than either Hillary or Trump, but if the media has no interest in allowing your party a spot at the table, you have no chance

>> No.10469141

Libertarians have been the only political party to actively support allowing more types of objections to child vaccinations in schools, most notably in Texas

If you’re arguing that Ron Paul’s decades long newsletters were not racist in nature then you would appear to be one of those racists I was referring to. One thing I never understood was why you consider it an insult, as if you’re not willing to stand up for your own beliefs even if they are unpopular

>> No.10469150

>Libertarians are generally pretty pro-science even if they don't want the government to pay for it.

That one pisses me off to no end. The media, and general idiots inclued, love to conflate the idea of:
>that's a great idea and all but not something the gov't should pay for
>I'm against the idea period

Disgusting really.

>> No.10469173

That's a perfect example really. Liberterians aren't "Anti vaccine", rather they hold the right to do what one desires with one's own body to be the highest right of all. It doesn't mean they are against vaccines. It simply means that if you want to be stupid then that's your right.

>> No.10469185

>If you’re arguing that Ron Paul’s decades long newsletters were not racist in nature
Dude, how am I supposed to know what specific thing you are referencing? Nothing about libertarian concepts are remotely racist. Its quite possible that some people who have had some racist ideas have otherwise been libertarians but this is true of literally every political group ever.
Libertarians are the only party that is not overtly racist, and think everyone should be treated equal under the law

You points are clearly designed to be misleading

>> No.10469203

That’s what vegans say when their malnourished babies get taken away
Ron Paul is the most famous libertarian in modern history, and his name is synonymous with crazy newsletters about race wars, you are playing dumb poorly right now

>> No.10469204

perfect example of why we need more libertarians in government.
>Extremely liberal city says shitty restaurant can open and sell alcohol
>Later decide that maybe its actually their job to legislate morality or at least solicit some bribes and withhold the liquor license
>somehow are so fucking full of themselves that they think denying one mostly takeout restaurant a liquor license will cut down on alcoholism
Jesus Christ, how do you support this shit?

>> No.10469226

>flyover land has dumb alcohol laws
Not my fault, crackpot. Not going to welcome smallpox into my home just because you’re surrounded by religious maniacs

>> No.10469227

>and his name is synonymous with crazy newsletters about race wars
Do you honestly believe this? Very few people are aware of them, I have a general positive opinion of the guy and this is literally the first I have heard of it and pretty strongly suspect that you are overselling his stance
Also he is an elderly southerner, of course he is at least kinda racist. He is also religious, again not a shock being an elderly southerner. But neither has anything to do with libertarian policy or thought
>That’s what vegans say when their malnourished babies get taken away
Keep in mind that most libertarians think it is the government's right to protect children, and are therefore pro-vax. being anti-vax is pretty rare amongst libertarians and is almost entirely a west coast liberal mommy blog thing (just as being a shit vegan parent is)

>> No.10469233

>That’s what vegans say when their malnourished babies get taken away
What's your point?
I think veganism is idiotic. I also think that people are free to be idiots if they want to. It's not like we can feasibly stop them anyway, so why waste resources trying? Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Heck--OFTEN times the cure is worse thanthe disease.

>> No.10469241

Hot dogs are based on the Wiener Würstchen

>> No.10469244

Madison is like the least religious, and most liberal city in the country. Its House district routinely gives the highest margin victory for democrats in the country
Also, the upper midwest in general is only moderately religious both in liberal and conservative parts of it, mostly being nominally Catholic or Lutheran, the two most apathetic religious groups of this era in America, with evangelicals being basically unheard of

You should consider traveling a little

>> No.10469262

Literally every state has dumb liquor licensing laws. It has nothing to do with religion. Its the classic battle of statism against the people. Liquor licenses are one of the greatest sources of power and influence for local politicians, so the people will never win this battle

>> No.10469286

>Libertarians are the only party that is not overtly racist, and think everyone should be treated equal under the law

The outcome of equal treatment is "racist" though because blacks just can't compete outside of the NBA when left to their own devices. I always thought of Libertarians as stealth racists who knew exactly what they were advocating for but too pussy to outright say it so they hide behind principles. American politics are completely fucked anyway because the idea that blacks are retarded as a long term result of slavery has forever skewed any possible understanding of reality as it is into the realm of the unspeakable and forbidden to even joke about.

I wonder for how many more decades this delusion of racial equality can be upheld by politicians and academics in the west.

>> No.10469287

>this is literally the first I have heard of it
See comments about being horribly underinformed >>10468907
Also, there is a difference between crossing the street when you see a black person, and calling for open race war for decades in a newsletter
>being anti-vax is pretty rare amongst libertarians
You’re making it pretty clear you don’t have much of a grasp of what libertarians think or do
>trying to blame this on women in another state
The point is that when a parent is denying a child basic health care, their feelings about whatever garbage they picked up on AM talk radio are of trivial importance

>> No.10469310

>Madison is like the least religious, and most liberal city in the country
consider traveling yourself dude. All college towns in flyover country feel like post-revolution Havana next to their surroundings.

>> No.10469337

Sorry that I am not informed on some obscure personal opinions of a republican politician with some libertarian leanings that in no way effected his political positions.
Like why would I possibly even be aware of such obscure facts.

Do you even have anything to back up this "Ron Paul wants a race war" thing? how come no one has ever heard of this?

Some Libertarians think the government should not have the right to force you to vaccinate your kids (definitely not the main position of the group though). Very very few think you should not vaccinate you kids (which is what being anti-vax is)
I am pretty libertarian on most things, but the government should definitely stop you from harming your kids. This is why it should also be illegal to raise your children as religious extremists like Amish

>> No.10469342

Madison is literally the most liberal district in the country. You obviously know very little of the upper midwest. You should consider visiting sometime, but maybe wait until the snow melts

>> No.10469383

>Ron Paul is obscure, no one has heard of the newsletters
Probably before your time, it comes up every time he runs for president again, which has been going on since Jesus rode on the backs of dinosaurs
I’ve been to madison, my father taught at UW duluth, I’m quite familiar with midwestern college towns having attended school in one such town. You should consider traveling outside flyover country for once

>> No.10469389

Sorry UW superior, obviously

>> No.10469409

Ron Paul isn't obscure, at least not to people over 25, but very few people are aware of this association with racism you are trying to make
> I’m quite familiar with midwestern college towns having attended school in one such town
The majority of the upper mississippi region is rather liberal, in both tsmall owns and rural areas. Madison adds that base liberal area with college town with political hub to add up to being super liberal.
So now you act like you know the area but remember, just a few posts you were saying Madison was super religious and right wing, so this clearly doesn't add up

>> No.10469451

Obviously you don’t associate with people who pay attention to current events, the newsletter meme is older than the bible

And while the upper midwest has always been a democratic stronghold this was largely due to their association with labor politics rather than with any notion of secularism, and even that has grown weak. You are overselling the progressiveness of ELCA, yeah they are not Missouri Synod but well over half the churches are using non-alcoholic grape juice as a substitute for communion wine, what kind of wahabbist bullshit is that, you think you know more about wine than Jesus now? Meanwhile on the Anglican side the Diocese of Eau Claire is notorious within the Episcopal world for its arch conservatism. Yeah, madison is an island of relatively liberal belief but as a whole the midwest is still the midwest. The few left leaning locals always try and talk up the fact that they’re not Mississippi, so ok, you got me there.

>> No.10469534
File: 106 KB, 800x945, drinkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the newsletter meme is older than the bible
Sorry, I must not be in your meme circles

Wisconsin is very mixed politically, its not much at all like your coastie view on midwest politics. Rural Wisconsin is rather liberal moreso as you get away from the lake, Milwaukee is super democrat thanks to the race makeup. Meanwhile Dane county and the neighboring Milwaukee west and north suburbs (the south suburbs are working class liberals) are interestingly both very middle and upper class highly educated white people areas, with exact opposite political stances. The two neighboring districts are on the to far extremes both typically going over 70% to their respective party. Further though, these are not the type of republicans you seem to be thinking of, they gave Trump one of his largest losses in the country during their late primary
Having lived in both of these areas its hard not to be a libertarian

ha, and I don't know of anyone in Wisconsin eschewing alcohol because of religion, you are really barking up the wrong tree with that one. The one thing everyone there agrees on besides the politicians is drinking

>> No.10469579

>Meanwhile on the Anglican side
Less than 1% of people in the state are Anglican, thats hardly something worth discussing

>> No.10469688

why the fuck do you subhumans eat BLOOD?

>> No.10469694

>he does not eat blood sausage and blood pancakes
leave and never return

>> No.10470032

The people with sane beliefs are busy with their own lives, politics naturally attracts radicals I think this is part of why the libertarian party focuses on its "legalize all drugs capitalist utopia now" shit instead of the very obvious beneficial changes that the movement has to offer like actually decreasing government spending for a year or limiting the ridiculous number of regulations.
>Libertarianism is naturally what educated white men gravitate toward
Lots of educated white men are cucks, but I know what you mean libertarianism is what people who believe in their own capacities tend to believe in. A system that favors freedom and equal treatment instead of rewarding inadequacy will be supported by people who consider themselves above average because a fair system favors them.

>> No.10470074
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>Democrats are the only party remaining where the platform isn't officially "let's destroy America."
Ridiculous government spending increases crushing the country with national debt, globalist immigration policies, removing competition from the workforce - we are financially screwed and this party is exponentially increasing the budget by paying people to not contribute to the economy.
>it's the only rational choice left
You're gonna need actually reasoning behind that statement
>Libertarianism is what teenagers to when they realize satanism was a practical joke
Even if you had phrased this statement correctly it would still be illogical. Teenagers turn to libertarianism because they don't take religion seriously? Do you even know what the libertarian platform is?

>This false equivalence is totally out of hand.
>We have Democrats who might say "Bush caused the financial crisis" vs Republicans who blame Obama for 9/11
Oh you were baiting. I didn't realize but I don't wanna delete the comment at this point.