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File: 15 KB, 600x450, addoction-11-1502473487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10461823 No.10461823 [Reply] [Original]

>missing that woman edition

>> No.10461838

What about selling my underwear?

>> No.10461845

she's at work, op.
due to be home in two hours with chinese from a real chinese place.
all while i sip this rum.
>tfw you know it's a real chinese place because every decoration has a price tag on it

>> No.10461846

>not sure if missing that woman, missing drinking with that woman or just missing drinking

>> No.10461864
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 23 year old virgin neet alcoholic

>> No.10461865

>missing drinking
but you can remedy that...

>> No.10461874

>never had a woman only miss being drunk when I'm sober
no idea how it feels to love someone

>> No.10461875

pick one.

men only drink because women.

>> No.10461884

actually i prefer nitrazepam. awesome for sleep, cosy feel and even a slightly minty taste.

>> No.10461900

For the heck of it

Why is Lorazepam the superior benzo by far? Bought some Bromazapan but it's not the same by far. Too bad your reply wont show up in the next thread.

>> No.10461917

26, 27 within 14 days virgin neet semi/alc here. Get on my level. Imagine wasting four more full years.


Anonymous 04/16/18(Mon)22:50:59 No.10461865▶

>missing drinking
but you can remedy that...

Anonymous 04/16/18(Mon)22:52:08 No.10461874▶

>never had a woman only miss being drunk when I'm sober
no idea how it feels to love someone

Anonymous 04/16/18(Mon)22:52:08 No.10461875▶

pick one.

men only drink because women.

Anonymous 04/16/18(Mon)22:54:03 No.10461884▶

actually i prefer nitrazepam. awesome for sleep, cosy feel and even a slightly minty taste.

Anonymous 04/16/18(Mon)22:56:44 No.10461900▶

For the heck of it

Why is Lorazepam the superior benzo by far? Bought some Bromazapan but it's not the same by far. Too bad your reply wont show up in the next thread.

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>> No.10461922

Now that´s a fast ass spooky reply. Well done anon. I appreciate your effort.

>> No.10461931

Y’all both misspelled alprazolam

>> No.10461933

tfw same but not a virgin and I regret it because it was terrible

>> No.10461934
File: 9 KB, 440x200, fam t h a n k s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some colt 45s gonna watch top gear and agitate myself about work ive stopped even going to

i fucking hate my job so much. i have no responsibility and no meaningful tasks. i can't go to a place like that anymore and short of just not going and killing myself or smth i dont know how to fix my workplace issues


>> No.10461945
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>> No.10461960
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Well this is very strange. I asked the Lorazapam question and I get all this You´s.

>> No.10461965

suicide is a universal solution to literally every kind of issue

>> No.10461967


I personally like Ativan and Xanax, But IMO Etizolam is the GOAT recreational benzo. A lot more euphoric, cheap, Same half life, and best of all...Legal almost in every state.

>> No.10461978

threadly warning that doctors will tell you that mixing booze and benzos will kill you. why they say it i don't know, because i did it for years and so too have apparently loads of others. still worth mentioning, docs aren't generally known for exaggerating i don't suppose.

>> No.10461979
File: 40 KB, 960x640, extermination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a "permanent solution to temporary problems"

what part of that is supposed to sound bad to people, nigga my sink being clogged is temporary but if I could have a permanent solution to that like some teflon coated pipes or a fuckin bigass kinetic air ram, I want that shit

>> No.10461980

except for the issue of grief felt by friends and family, edgefag.

>> No.10461987


When my brother died 6 years ago I took my entire xanax prescription (180mg) and drank an entire fifth of gin.

I woke up 4 days later covered in shit and piss, Couldn't walk straight for another 4 days but I was fine.

Mixing even a fifth with 2mg of xanax imo is very safe

>> No.10461991

they also say not to drink and take antibiotics like it'll instantly kill you but it just makes the antibiotics work a little less

i imagine its the same with benzos, probably not wise to mix something that's an emotion duller with something that gets people hyped up enough to fight cops

>> No.10462005

yeah i've overdosed on valium. i took 56, so 280mg, plus something like a gram of codeine and 3 bottles of wine. i was VERY fucking wasted and somehow ended up in hospital, but didn't get my stomach pumped as far as i know and didn't kil.

>> No.10462007


Thread theme

>> No.10462010

stomach pumping doesnt really do much for stuff thats already in your blood

its usually reserved for acute poisoning from eating bad seafood and shit

>> No.10462028

friends and family don't exist when you're dead

>> No.10462035

alki thread themes are always

>> No.10462046

just because you're dead doesn't mean time stops.
how stupid of a sentiment.

>> No.10462051

for a dead person, yes it does

>> No.10462062

the body will still rot.

>> No.10462074

Ok so im tapering and its uncomfortable, but is it a safe enough way to detox? Im a little woried about my blood pressure but when i take a beer every 3 hours or so it stops me from sweating at least....???? thanks

>> No.10462076

what is so hard to understand? you're dead. nothing exists to you.

>> No.10462093

if things become too intense, drink 1. simple. people over-complicate tapering.

>> No.10462097

still incorrect!
you still exist as a corpse.
your mind being intact is irrelevant.

>> No.10462099

blood pressure is one of the last things to worry about with withdrawals. stop worrying, you'll be fine

>> No.10462103

thanks fellas

>> No.10462105


Will you two shut the fuck up and take your arguing to email, No one gives a fuck. Only you two autists

>> No.10462138

>No one gives a fuck
yet you still reply which proves you give a fuck.
shall we continue, child?

>> No.10462144

yeah the missing drinking thing is out because i had a week off drinking so now im getting trashed
>oh god im getting trashed, so so trashed
as for her, well we only ever talked while getting drunk together and it was fun but now im still torn - her in herself or her with the booze

>> No.10462148

Got my first week sober for a long time today. It's been a good week, started a volunteer job and been eating right and sleeping good hours. I don't have any illusions about this being 'it' because I know how unpredictable I am but it's a huge relief to know I can still go out and be normal when I'm not being a crazy fuck. I have the day off tomorrow and I could have got drunk, but I cooked a nice meal instead and now I'm going to bed. Hope all my al/ck/bros are doing ok.

>> No.10462164

>volunteer job

>> No.10462168


>> No.10462188

10 weeks here and it seems every day is more miserable than the last. I'll likely keep it up but the wondering "why?" is getting more powerful.

>> No.10462196
File: 49 KB, 645x729, pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so dumb nowadays compared to my early 20's. I'm pretty certain it's caused by boozing nearly everyday for the past few years
Will I see improvements in cognition if I cut back my drinking a bit, or am I stuck with this damage forever?

>> No.10462205

That's just you.

>> No.10462213

I know this feel. I used to excel in academic stuff but now I can barely count to my own name.

>> No.10462220

Never reply to me ever again

>> No.10462221

Tired as fuck, been up for 30+ hours, still can't bring myself to attempt to go to sleep until I'm drunk

>> No.10462224

repressing the memory, huh?
cheers, mate.

>> No.10462239

Ooooh. I've been wondering why I've been getting more stupider

>> No.10462266

repitition and intrepretation of work required means right now i can do any accounting/credit control job
i can sit at a desk and not even think about what im doing and coast through and deliver
the trouble now is theres no challenge
i turned up at old job 10 pints in from last night and still managed everything
im at the point now where im going why bother?
all i do is make rich cunts in charge richer

what jobs are there where you just fix problems?
money is not an issue, what jobs are there where you solve shit and walk away going yeah, i made an actual difference?

>> No.10462315

you were never ever as smart as you sometimes like to think you were

>> No.10462360

I am the textbook example of unfulfilled potential

>> No.10462371
File: 244 KB, 1600x1066, 1520461145993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have a cute al/ck/ gf?

>> No.10462374

same. peaked in high school for sure but sometimes I try to delude myself into thinking I still have some potential because I'm under 25

>> No.10462378

based on what?

>> No.10462384


>> No.10462413
File: 42 KB, 500x333, bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped a couple hits of acid in HS
>start peaking in PE class - volleyball is the activity
>over 9000 balls flying around, don't know where to stand, don't know my place, impossible to judge what ball is meant for me
>feign sickness to go home and spend the next who knows how many hours hiding in the woods, the balls still haunting me
last acid trip 4me ever

>> No.10462421

Back to whiskey.

I drank cheap cider for a month and it really made me sick. I feel so much better after switching to whiskey. Never going back.

>> No.10462434

at 35 i had the senior vice president of a large international film company telling me you can do better, your great, apply yourself more
instead i just drank

>> No.10462497
File: 58 KB, 672x681, alck goes to a party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on dudes.

I was a regular al/ck/ poster but haven't been here in a few weeks. I actually made pic related.

Work was getting increasingly difficult to near impossible with the drinking so I cleaned up and went to AA. First week was shit. Didn't sleep for like 3 days, diarrhea all the time, the fear, just terrible.

I'll be 7 weeks sober tomorrow. Got a sponsor and he's a cool guy. A lot of AA is really stupid, but if you get with the right people it's not too bad. Most of the shit women say is pretty dumb and there are lot of guys that just like to list of sayings that really have no meaning, but if you can get connected with a small group of guys trying earnestly to get sober it helps.

Hardest part now is the boredom and difficulty in enjoying things. Days seem like they go faster than they did when i was drinking. Started smoking again, might get a vape.

Love y'all.

>> No.10462511

anyone else here a /vodka boi/? Best drunk by far (followed by whiskey).

>> No.10462514
File: 2.88 MB, 480x640, qt dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to learn to live again

>> No.10462529

me. used to be whiskey boi but i'm vodka gang laltely

>> No.10462533

>tfw sober now and sex drive comes back like a freight train but so does moral/religious scrupulosity

I quit watching porn when i sobered up to. I could crank it to anything these days.

>> No.10462536

I find days go slower since stopping the booze but thats just me not getting involved
well played to you, were all gonna make it

>> No.10462545

>were all gonna make it
no we won't

>> No.10462553

Even at a liter of vodka a day, I'd still jerk it to anything 5x while I was conscious.

>> No.10462613

I cranked it more when I was drinking, but i wasn't horny really. I did it because I was out of all the chemicals that made me feel any semblance of pleasure. It was just to get some dopamine flowing.

>> No.10462667
File: 232 KB, 1024x919, pabst-blue-ribbon-pbr-beer-online-1397100558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another PBR!

>> No.10462678

Anyone else eventually going to kill themselves?

I'm just waiting until I have jaundice or pancreatitis, Should be within 15 years max.

I already have stomach and back/side pains

>> No.10462687

I feel ya a bit. it's hard not to get a boner cruising this site for me.
>check /ck: Food boner
>check /fit: High test thread
>check /gif: Lilus handjobs
>check /b: Snapchat sluts
>check /tv: Oh hey, Emma Stone
>check /pol: Racism boner
>check /gif again: creampie thread
>check /ck again: al/ck thread where I feel marginally better about myself.

On the bright side today, I did my taxes finally and found out I have a 732 credit score.

>> No.10462693
File: 200 KB, 613x370, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my vet bro with the bad PTSD still here? Hope you're getting help, man.

>> No.10462694

probably. it's an instant, spur of the moment thing though, not something you plan. unless you own a gun it's difficult to find a method which is always available and is painless.

>> No.10462742

Does this guy have a name yet? Are you talking about Paplov 2.5 L a day vet bro?

>> No.10462762

yeah. I hope he's in treatment somewhere.

>> No.10462774

I hope so too man. I haven't seen him on here in a while. I thought I was bad, but he's on a different level completely. Godspeed Paplovanon.

>> No.10462827

I've been spending every night at the bar recently with my brother friends. Great group of people. I really enjoy their company and its much better than drinking alone. And of course the drunken hookups with neighbhood girls are always a plus

>> No.10462848

We. Are.

>> No.10462857

how many of you have woken from a blackout in a jail cell and not known why you were there?

>> No.10462901

Nope. Can't say that's ever happened to me.

>> No.10462988

Pains whereabouts?

>> No.10463206

Janitor, plumber, electrician, construction, social work, education, fucking garbageman. Find something that humanity can't live without and get a job in it, boom, you're helping.

>> No.10463253

>Be me
>18 yr old Brazilian
>Be a fuckin virgin
>Met a solid 9/10 15yr old and start a relationship
>We have sex and she tells me she wasn't a virgin
>Pass the exam to a free scholarship. It's called a Federal University here in Brazil.
>Getting more and more depressed as time goes by
>Start to anesthesiate the pain of been a cuck with alcohol and weed
>She dumped me
>Got more depressed
>Grades start falling faster than like 9/11 jumpers
>Kicked from college

A new level of depression was reached. But thank God there is Pinga in Brazil... It's like a cheap and stronger Rum.

Only R$02.00 a dose. That's probably 0.25 cents...

Tried suicide two times and now I live in my mother's house passing out 3/4 times a week in a bar close to my house.

Damm at least the alcohol is cheap

>> No.10463320

I think I broke my brain. Ive had the fear for about 3 days now. It comes in wave after wave and fucks me up. I just want it to stop. Halp.

>> No.10463323

It's ok Anon, we are here forever. There's no help, only death

>> No.10463338

3-4 days is the peak of awfulness for me. it definitely comes in waves too, shit hits fast. after days 3-4 the fear dissipates as the descent into PAWS turns anxiety into depression.

>> No.10463352


Honestly I can handle depression. Its the panic and fear of death as absurd as it is. Like I know ill be physically okay but that horrible need to just scream and run away from nothing is gut wrenching.
Ive heard probiotics can help.

>> No.10463379

rebuilding a healthy microbial flora takes years
and its effects are torque-loaded but subtle. if you're panicking while withdrawing you need a drink or two, or some of those blessed benzos.

>> No.10463383

stomach near belly button, under rib cage to the right and under rib cage to the black/right

>> No.10463384

Yyyyyoure all SQUIGGLY

>tfw probably nobody knows what movie
Starting to feel so old, anons...

>> No.10463392


Nope. Drinking makes it way worse. Tried. It just comes back.

>> No.10463403

drinking while in withdrawal makes you more panicked...?

>> No.10463406

I'm smarter now than ever before yet I continue to so stupid things and my ambitions seem all time low.


>> No.10463423

You make me grateful to have a good job
Thanks anon

>> No.10463449

Why is it so hard for me to just watch a tv show or movie?

>> No.10463454

i get instantly bored and look for something else to do. so shitpost my life away.

>> No.10463461

that look likes standard booze related liver and stomach issues

could be worse, could be constant right shoulder/neck, left rear lower ribcage, upper chest and lower back that gets worse with drinking which is thymus/spleen/lymph node shit
time for a ct scan i guess

>> No.10463464

Yeah fucked up eh?

>> No.10463472

I watch everything on fast forward with subtitles on
i might miss out on the atmosphere but i get all the plot and words

>> No.10463476

Going on a hopefully long break tomorrow so I can get my life in order. Thankfully haven't been on a bad run and I'll just try and sleep as much as possible and take my nightly Nyquil Cough/magnesium/melatonin dose to keep me down. That and daily sauna sessions to cook shit out of my system.

>> No.10463496

i have pain just about fucking everywhere in recent years. pain under my left ribcage and on my back turned out to be an inflamed spleen. under ribcage on the right was sensitive as hell and caused by enlarged liver. aches and stabbing pains were caused by an inflamed intestine. headaches, visual anomalies and about a thousand other things still undiagnosed, but presumably all caused by drinking. if i cough or sneeze it feels like i'm being stabbed by 20 daggers all over my body and turning over at night wakes me up fucking screaming in pain.

>> No.10463522

Exactly. I haven't been this bad since I was still young. 4chan has me again.


>> No.10463535
File: 540 KB, 1280x1807, 1492830741524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here drinks the most each day? lets settle this

>> No.10463538

>pain under my left ribcage and on my back turned out to be an inflamed spleen.
see >>10463461
ha yeah spleen issues, lymph node issues worse with drinking but all i drink now is a couple a week
yeah ct scan is a go

>> No.10463607

You ever feel so tired you know you'll prob just go to sleep without drinking today? Doesn't it feel good?

Been drinking every night for weeks but tonight I know I'm just going to stay in and sleep. Maybe even fall asleep before midnight. Praise Jesus.

>> No.10463659

I only started fucking this girl because I wanted to fuck her sister, and they look very similar. The sex is good, she's sweet to me, but she's cold on the inside and leans on alcohol heavier than I do. Now she's going to some dumbass music festival where she'll be drinking, on drugs, around tons of new people. So the obvious might happen, and she's not even mine, but I feel possessive. So I broke it off with her yesterday, 2 days before she leaves. And I'm already missing her. I'm an asshole.

>> No.10463699

If I go to the hospital for panic attacls will they give me benzos?
I just need something to calm me down so I can sleep and break this cycle

>> No.10463703

I'm a virgin alki, also I'm a wizard ^_^

>> No.10463710

was gonna say lay it on the line for her and say you like her see her when she gets back from the festival but from the rest of the post...
you dont care about her or the sister you just want to stick your dick in them, in which case... move on and no regrets

>> No.10463731

Rookie numbers for me now. About a pint to 1.5 pints a night normally. Days off I can do a bit more than liter though if its an all day binge.

>> No.10463734
File: 21 KB, 500x473, 1520102104514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um excuse me, but I'm a 28 year old virgin alchohlic . In other words, fuck you normie. GET OUT REEEEE

>> No.10463737

fucked probably 60 girls
havent fucked one sober since #2
all im good at is drinking and telling girls "hi i wanna fuck you" when im drunk
thinking about gay faggot mgtow just to get sober

>> No.10463739


>> No.10463741

i manage a kitchen for 300 dollar bar tab every 2 weeks and 15/hr.
ive been 200 over for two separate pay periods kms
at least they take it directly out of my paychecks so it cant add up

>> No.10463748
File: 235 KB, 361x361, 15126730896551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't drink today.

>> No.10463760

What's it like having an alcoholic gf?

>> No.10463764


>> No.10463769

i hope hell is real just so people like you burn in it

>> No.10463771

she vomited all over her own bed while i fucked her

was so hot

>> No.10463778

i would have made her lick it up while i fucked her anal

>> No.10463782

self destructive

>> No.10463783

yes you'll probably get ativan if you're american

>> No.10463788

i smashed her face into the puke and kissed her deep

regret not going for the ass

>> No.10463789

and tomorrow?

>> No.10463805


Will it help me get through this or should I just try to ride it out?
Im done with this shit I need to stop drinking if its going to cause this and ill pay for it with panic attacks. I just dont want anohmther night of broken swearty 15 minute naps and pounding heart and phantom leg cramps. Shit makes my chest hurt too

>> No.10463816

just smoke weed/do a lot of exercise, benzos are a worse addiction than alcohol and you will combine them

>> No.10463817
File: 40 KB, 700x544, 1dlxd5hndc201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK women bros

fuvking SHIT, why do we do this to ourselves??

those of us who do this becuase of girls anyway

>> No.10463827

Weed puts my attacks into fucking megadrive and then I nope even harder

>> No.10463836

he's right though

t. former alcoholic with a benzo habit

>> No.10463839

exercise it is nibba
pussy is so fucking good it makes you feel like god

>> No.10463889

What the fuck haha

>> No.10463892

I just began AA for the first time. I can't live the way I have been. Lost my job and girl and fell into deep depression. Not good. Enough is enough.

>> No.10463898

they suck you just gotta fuck n chuck ya dig

>> No.10463901


>> No.10463922

>tolerating women while sober

>> No.10463925

nothing like having a girl come up to you and offer sex to make you feel WOOO

>> No.10463927


good luck anon

>> No.10464061

Me either. We are special. Look at all these heathens dont you just pity them so?

>> No.10464068

> missing women
> not fucking hookers, visiting strippers & practicing pick-up until you realize all women are the same and the good ones are either pretending or waiting to be activated by circumstance

Concepts such as honor & loyalty are foreign to women. They don't miss you either, only what you bring to the table.

>> No.10464071

>tfw no al/ck/ gf

>> No.10464072

Pretty lame once you realize you don't actually like them when they're drinking, and they always want to quit with you but literally have no willpower and pout like a baby if you try to stay straight. Never lasts.

>> No.10464082

Always see that pic around. It's the perfect depiction of what you think having a gf drinking buddy would be like compared to what it's actually like. Or even a regular gf.

>> No.10464092


>> No.10464094

Yeah weed can practically give you a heart attack if you're on edge enough from toxification and don't have your tolerance built up.

>> No.10464116


>> No.10464131

sugar and alcohol in the garbage quality cider really fucks with my insides

>> No.10464136

>Concepts such as honor & loyalty are foreign to women. They don't miss you either, only what you bring to the table.


>paying literally a cash transaction for sex

>> No.10464146

the virgin redpill
the chad blackpill

>> No.10464172

There are a disturbing amount of johns in al/ck/. It's the real rock bottom. The dark opposite of a chad is a john.

>> No.10464233

>arrive at store 8 minutes before midnight tonight (state cutoff time)
>go inside
>door to beer cooler is locked
>"it locks automatically 10 minutes before midnight"

This is gonna be a tough night. How do you guys power through?

>> No.10464245

Start watching funny videos or basically media distraction. Minimize reading shit that's meant to aggravate you, nothing political or too serious. If you can manage to smile or laugh about something it helps greatly.

At least for me. No drinks tonight for me first time in weeks and I'm okay because I'm watching fun stuff and shitposting happily instead of angrily.

>> No.10464252

i guess i should take advantage of this opportunity to file my taxes. i think they are due soon

>> No.10464279

No goddamnit I SAID HAVE FUN.


>> No.10464290

So when you get so wasted that the next day you are puking your guts out and can’t even keep down water, this resets your gut and probiotics, so you basically have to start all over?

>> No.10464301

You mean start your life over? Yes. Throwing up is rock bottom depending on your age and experience. That doesn't mean binge drinking is okay if you keep it down but you know what I mean.

>> No.10464308

No I mean literally, like all the good bacteria that has been accumulating goes away and you have to restart building it back

>> No.10464359

Nah. As far as I know the only thing that can do that is powerful oral antibiotics like deworming pills. You get sulphuric egg burps when your biome is fucked.

>> No.10464360

Buy CBD candy or oil. They practically sell that shit everywhere now. Gives your body a nice cozy buzz and makes you sleepy

t. former al/ck/ie turned into CBD addict

>> No.10464373

I hurt my hand today. I wasn't drunk or nothing .Totally sober. Ice storm happened here, see. Fell on some ice .Thought I was immune, see, on account of how warm things were afterwards like.
But in the shadows ice prevailed. I was walking fine enough until I walked into a shadow of one them large garbage type bins. Big ones. With rail wheels.
So I slipped on it and slashed me hand up on those wheels. Right from thumb to finger.
Had to walk home for 20 minutes, bleedin all over the side walk.
Din't hurt much though. When I cleaned it out all, all I felt was numbness.
Typing with those fingers now, still feel nothing but cold numbness.

Just wanting to tell someone. Pain feels less painful when you can talk about it

>> No.10464376

I read somewhere that alcoholics have an unusual gut flora, because of all the yeast and acid and puking, and since alcohol kills bacteria. Some researchers then transferred the fecal matter from an alcoholic rat to some non alcoholic rats, and those developed the same symptoms of depression as the first.
Even without ingesting any alcohol themselves.
Before you ask - no, you cannot have my fecal matter

>> No.10464401

Shout out the guy who posted his DJ controller last thread. Anyone here drink cause anime isn't real?


>> No.10464406

You might have nerve damage. It's going to hurt tomorrow. Report back.

>> No.10464408
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, rum-vs-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to move on from Beer to, Vodka or Rum?

What about Gin never really into hard liquor, so don't know where to start.
Looking for less calories basically

>> No.10464416

Nah, I thought about that when I was cleaning it up. Flexed my thumb out. All good.
Flexing it now. Strong as ever.
I've broken fingers before. Doesn't feel like this.

My bitchin here wasn't about damage, but really about annoyance

>> No.10464433


Vodka is less about flavor, but is what most drinkers tend to eventually gravitate towards. My grandparents drank martinis religiously but moved from gin to vodka somewhere in their 70's because there's much less of a hangover.

>> No.10464443

Cool will try the Vodka.
Also..., found this
Drink Liquor Neat or On the Rocks, Avoid Mixers

Straight liquor, though not so tasty, is healthiest if served neat (alone and meant to be sipped) or on the rocks (with a little ice). That means vodka, gin, whiskey, and scotch are all fair game. It’s the clearer types of alcohol, however, that go easier on the body. They also go easier on calories. One serving of vodka contains only 97 calories and zero carbs, while a serving of gin has about 110 calories and zero carbs. Whiskey and Scotch actually have some flavor though, and for the most part, they stick within the caloric range of gin and vodka.

>> No.10464444
File: 60 KB, 600x400, elderly-man-drinking-vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10464455

Throw a bit of water in your vodka and squeeze a lemon

>> No.10464457


>only 97 calories and zero carbs

Don't try to think about alcohol in terms of nutrients. Beer has carbs... but nobody drinks for the nutritional value. Vodka is straight up empty calories, and you just have to accept that.

>> No.10464468

I gained 60 lbs in 6 months drinking cheap cider every night.
Lost it all as soon as i switched to red wine without any change in diet

>> No.10464480

>pickle just sitting on the table with no plate
>still bothers wearing a shirt or pants
This image confuses me.

>> No.10464485
File: 237 KB, 1920x2559, ice or no ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was hoping for this, read it in old thread. But not sure if it was water or Seltzer/ Club Soda.

>> No.10464497

Lol that was me I think and that was a few threads ago. Solid track. Never did the mix but did a nice edit of a house track.


>> No.10464498

club soda is a vodka soda, you can do either but water is just easier

>> No.10464499

I don't see why people care about this. If you're going to be dead in a few hours why does it matter how much pain you're in?

>> No.10464504

Do you DJ professionally or just for a hobby

>> No.10464510
File: 41 KB, 500x383, 1520089167756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize you will never give up drinking no matter the repercussions

>> No.10464512

Nigger you're using fucking children ass memes
Suck my dick

>> No.10464521
File: 133 KB, 750x500, composite-pretentious-spice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna try.
How true are these, thoughts?
Beer ... feel slower and clumsy.
Vodka ... antsy.
Wine ... sleepy and headachey.
Scotch ... calm, happy, and sentimental.
Whiskey ... aggressive

>> No.10464524

Hobby. No network for gigs really. When I think about how many tracks I've tweaked to my liking I'm happy with it. The entertainment industry seems cutthoat as fuck and I'm not really trying to wade into that shit. I want to make music/mixes/edits I really enjoy and if other people like it that's cool but I want the focus to be on what gets me lit up.

>> No.10464546

Beer, maybe cause of all the carbs. The rest all have to do with your environment when you typically drink it. Could be something to whiskey giving you energy that makes you aggressive though.

>> No.10464549

Oh no give me some fresh alpha male memes

>> No.10464557
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, whiskey-stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I wanna try Whiskey,
Always wondered if different types of alcohol, gave you different forms of Inebriation.
Just figured some hit harder than others.

Looking for something that makes you energetic, if possible.

>> No.10464565

It might give you a different drunk but its more based on the rate of alcohol entering your blood stream.

I stick with beer since I tend to over drink when drinking liquor and it fucks up my stomach more

>> No.10464578

just drank my dad's last 5 beers in the fridge. i will pay for this sin, but i needed it tonight.


>> No.10464583


>> No.10464584

Beer hits me harder than hard liquor. No idea why.

>> No.10464587

Beer just puts me to bed, i can drink 3L of beer and pass out, but I can also drink 1L of vodka and stay awake throughout the night

>> No.10464588

it's not funny. maybe i can stay up and buy a 6 pack to replace it before he awakes

>> No.10464591

Where are you from?

>> No.10464599

Booze is a factor but imo not the biggest factor.

Think about what you had just emerged from in your early 20's: 12+ years of 6 hours a day of learning new things, constantly being pushed and tested, always surrounded by friends and peers, hordes of hot girls, every experience is still fresh and new, etc.. Those were by far the most novel years of your life and you come out of it in your cognitive prime.

And what now? Probably in some job where you begrudgingly repeat the same few trivial tasks over and over, or unemployed, losing touch with friends, growing more and more disillusioned every day. Nothing you experience is new, its all just a repeat of what came before, and with each repetition the magic is further lost.

It's nice to think that you can just stop drinking and all of it will come back. I think its comforting for people to hang all of their problems on the booze, because then theres a simple solution to everything: just stop drinking. One of the most terrifying feelings is when you go sober for a while and realize nothing has really changed.

>> No.10464604
File: 136 KB, 2048x1152, SIP_DARK_WHISKEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I tend to over drink when drinking liquor
The one reason I've avoided liquor, but I like the Vodka water lemon idea.
Whiskey energy boost seems interesting but might be harder to control than watered down Vodka (could drink water in between)
Will report back, if there's another thread this weekend?
Thanks again.

>> No.10464608
File: 1.52 MB, 500x222, 1523825761361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colt 45, Bavaria 8.6 and other strong beers and malt liquors are nigh undrinkable because they're so fucking sweet. Olde English is a bit better but it's still pretty bad. It's a shame because it's the cheapest way to drink around here. Any strong cheap beers that aren't sweet?

>> No.10464610

really? i found theres almost no hangover with gin.. like the antioxidants from the forest fruits its soaked in prevent alot of the bad effects

>> No.10464614

Vodka was my liquor of choice because it was low calorie but I have that compulsion to constantly drink when I drink which can be a problem when drinking straight liquor which is why I stick to light beer

>> No.10464619

Same here. If I'm drinking I wanna always BE drinking.

>> No.10464624


>> No.10464631

Just like driving your car of a cliff is a solution to a broken radiator

>> No.10464633

No warm beer outside of the cooler?

>> No.10464634

Yea so I'd probably recommend a nice light beet but you can try out drinking liquor, you won't die (most likely)

>> No.10464642

My social anxiety took over and it hotfooted it out of there. besides, if they locked the door, i'm sure the policy is to not make any sales in the minutes leading up to cutoff.

>> No.10464645

2 more mins till they start selling alcohol, been sober for 5-6 days, gonna get vodka + beer now and stay drunk for 2-3 days

>> No.10464649
File: 128 KB, 600x644, CM-White rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rum and Seltzer? Has a taste so I might not go through it as fast as Vodka.
Beer tends to make me hungry.

>> No.10464665
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Tequila, please recommend me some.

>> No.10464690
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, bagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your 2am meal when you spend all day drinking and forget to eat anything until dinner? For me, it's a toasted mini bagel; one side with peanut butter and pickles, the other side cream cheese and kimchi, with strawberries and whipped cream on the side.

>> No.10464696

How much dollar store generic listerine can i drink before it's dangerous? 1/2 shot right now

>> No.10464697


>> No.10464706

Disgusting but accurate

>> No.10464707


There are enough great women out there. Thing is that they are not attracted to alcoholic degenerates so a significant portion of this thread will never even meet one. When you finally do it is a great feeling though. You fight for each other and can trust each other utterly. Never do you have to lay in bed doubting yourself and your judgement of women feeling like you are being played like a fiddle. Never do you have to feel afraid when she goes out and is surrounded by men who all go for her. Its liberating.

>> No.10464721

Beta woman detected. Go back to /r9k/

>> No.10464728


After years of random skanks from bars I finally got me a good one

>> No.10464744
File: 53 KB, 500x500, A7341933-8DCB-4C15-9619-AC06C55E6F47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone in these threads always mention benzos+alck when literally every source i’ve ever seen says if you mix the two you will die?

>> No.10464755


Benzos are prescribed to deal with withdrawals when you're trying to quit, but most al/ck/s end up just taking the benzos and continue drinking because it feels amazing.

>> No.10464762

isn’t that at least somewhat dangerous?

>> No.10464763

Benzos are trash...and prescribing them is really dumb...i got 15mg of bromazepam when i left detox which is really not much.

If you guys want something really good then look up "phenibut" online. It's even legal and you can just order it online.

>> No.10464766

If I had a benzo prescription I would try to not take them at all except when i get irritated or something, I can go 5~ days without a drink nowadays but still...humanity dissapoint me and i bought 1.4L of vodka today at 10 am after staying up all night..

Also I thought I'd do the same with phenibut (take once in a while when not having a good day) but instead i abused it for 3 weeks then had horrible withdrawals

>> No.10464773


>I would try to not take them at all except when i get irritated or something

I got to the point where my rule was that I'd stop drinking an hour before I had to be at work, and I was always irritated under those conditions so I always went through my benzos within the week. Now I drink literally up until I'm dressed and decked out ready to get in the car for a fun day of wage slaving.

>> No.10464774

Yes. That mixture is especially dangerous because both substances are filtered out through a similar process of the liver. To some, the feeling just outweighs the risks. Since neither are being metabolized as quickly as usual, the feelings of both kind of 'stack,' which is always tempting to those with a tolerance. My uncle died to the combination a long time ago, so I wouldn't recommend trying it if you haven't already done so.

>> No.10464797

I prefer chamomile tea, it affects they same receptors as benzos (Gaba-A), 6 teabags of chamomile, leave them in a cup for 5 mins then drink it. Effect is same as taking 2-4mg of Etizolam

>> No.10464809

thanks buddy the lord knows I'll need it

>> No.10464815

>>missing that woman edition
Anon y u do dis?

>> No.10464825

AA sucks. I went to detox and had to go to AA meetings there, it was pretty gay. I remember we had a meeting with some "important AA guy" there who lectured us, 2 days in a row, the first day someone asked how long has he been sober he said 17 years, next day someone else asked he said 19 years. We alcoholics, the ones from my room went back to our room and laughed at the bullshit

>> No.10464826

>tfw two weeks unemployed means two week bender

Fuck I need a job again.

>> No.10464848

I did but I lost her.

We met working in a kitchen together and lived together for two years but I was more raging than her and would sometimes fly off the wall at her when we would go on benders.
I miss her so much. I miss making her drinks and going on raging benders that ended in raging sex.
She texted me today saying she went through a handle and a case in the past five days and doesn’t remember what happened but was going to get a six pack and I got the biggest boner.

>> No.10464854

Quit my job but ended up getting drunk every day instead of moving on to the work i had originally planned, so now i'm sobering up and figuring out what to do

>> No.10464861

Anyway here's me 5 minutes ago. Fat and alcoholic, back in 2014 spring/summer i used to wake up at 4 am and then cycle 40km every 2 days in the morning but I guess it didn't mean anything

>> No.10464867
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>> No.10464879

Yung lean?

>> No.10464881

first 0.7l is getting empty, took just a lil bit more than an hour, as i said vodka/strong drinks are wird, can drink alot and i'll wake up tomorrow/today at night with heart palpitations at night but i'll still have some more booze before the sun rises, 3L of beer would just make me pass out and it would be much cheaper desu.

>> No.10464888

No. Lil peep and Kurt Cobain

>> No.10464889

really? you get the same effect from chamomile that you do from etiz?

i know they act on the same receptor, but ive had up to 10+ chamomile bags and never got anything remotely close benzos

>> No.10464892

Text her back anon.

>> No.10464913

About to go buy something. What should I get?

>> No.10464922
File: 421 KB, 553x291, Sad-Kanye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spirits are literally the devil.

>be me, aged 26
>always just drank beer casually
>start to become concerned with weight
>discover that the lowest calorie drinks are spirits
>start drinking vodka and coke zero instead of beer
>6 years later
>a raging alcoholic

>> No.10464975

Beer sticks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10464980


>> No.10465018

>drink vodka and carbonated water
>be not an alcohol
don't blame sweet vodka

>> No.10465044

>suicide is a universal solution to literally every kind of issue
>literally every kind of issue

So if I kill myself, my leaky sink will be fixed? At least I won't have to hear you millennials say 'literally' every sentence. Literally.

>> No.10465076

Yes the problem will literally be fixed because you won't have to deal with it anymore you dumb boomer

>> No.10465086

real shit

>> No.10465110

Was at a 1/5 a night, then switched to beer b/c of crippling heartburn, but got tired of going to the fridge and dealing with 20 cans every day, so I'm back to the whiskey.

>> No.10465136


>> No.10465139

>Before you ask - no, you cannot have my fecal matter
not even joking, this is the most effective method of rebuilding damaged microbial flora. shit transplants.
which has apparently been curing chronic, potentially fatal diseases lately.

you could starve your body's microorganisms to death using a dietary approach. only eat stuff which doesn't feed them, and whatever lives inside you atm will eventually (years) die, and be replaced by whatever was on the food you ate.
or intentionally infect yourself with parasites like whipworms, which eat carbohydrates in your small intestine, so they're no longer available for microorganisms to eat in your large intestine. same as using a dietary approach

>> No.10465147

I don't even know who you are or what you look like but I am currently choking the air in front of me. Your stupid legs dangling, fucken arms flailing about. Fuck you.

>> No.10465178

$100 off a $160 case of wine from nakedwines. enjoy because i don't drink. us.nakedwines.com/FLWR17092

code is PRF7172, pw is ASP32XYN

>> No.10465182

ANd I'm breaking down again....

>> No.10465184
File: 52 KB, 625x489, 1523572257695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking honey whiskey for the past hour, I've never fekt so good.,

>> No.10465216

GOod job!

>> No.10465221

I wanna kms too tho

>> No.10465224

I have been in your shoes, I think. One time while going through withdrawal, I felt some major anxiety and took a drink from my emergency bottle. Immediately after, I had a full blown panic attack, hands cramp up and everything. It last for about 10 minutes and dissipated after I closed my eyes and did some breathing exercises. That experience led me to believe that drinking only makes things worse, but that is simply not true. If you are in withdrawal to the point of panic, you need to drink more than just one. You might need three or four. Like back to back. This is only if you are addicted to spirits, I think. You are addicted to that quick high, so get it. If attempting to taper, once you get that quick buzz, don’t lose inhibitions and try to get comfy. When tapering, you must be mildly uncomfortable at all times.

>> No.10465239

Thanks mandeep.

>> No.10465253

GOod job!

>> No.10465261

cheeres laddie

>> No.10465295

Having to pick and choose what bills I pay while living off a food bank because I put myself so far in debt is slowly killing me. Where did I go so wrong

>> No.10465341

good job. i know its hard

>> No.10465381


beer isnt much better if you drink 30 a day

>> No.10465394

go bankrupt?

>> No.10465604

>he thinks good girls are actually good
Poor guy. Hopefully you leave her before she shatters you.

>> No.10465617


>> No.10465641

Woke up sober first time in what feels like forever. 30+ hours no drinks. Feel like I slept 10 hours even though it was more like 6.

Time to try and beat my 6 day sober streak. I've gotten so fucking fat, my face is horrific and my hormones are fucked.

I have to admit I've been killing myself living for the moment. It's not fair to myself or those who have to deal with me or those who had faith in me. It's not fair to little 8 yr old me who had all the light in the world inside.

Wish me luck.

>> No.10465676

You stopped caring about tomorrow. The key is to accept that the future is right now, it's not something approaching that can be avoided, it's a present reality that is perceived through time. You 1 year from now is you right now. Does that thought terrify you? Then you need to change.

>> No.10465885

But time doesn't even exist

>> No.10465947

Exactly. It's a mechanism to witness the path you're on but the person you are further along that path is fully dependent on who you are right now. There is only now, and if you don't care about the future right now your life becomes hellish and dreamlike.

For me at least.

>> No.10465971

Being sober for once, I now see that a large beer gut has started to develop. If i dont eat anything for a while will it go away?

>> No.10465983

Go to /fit/ and ask in either /fat/ or QTDDTOT. They can help you.

>> No.10466002

Will do, thanks

>> No.10466016

Good luck anon, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.10466099

don't stop eating, cutting your intake of alcohol calories should do much of the trick

>> No.10466127

You don't like pickles or pickle juice after a night of heavy drinking?

>> No.10466262

What’s going on buddy

>> No.10466265
File: 87 KB, 1143x577, IMG-20180415-WA0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better whisky reviewer?

>> No.10466284

He likes fireball

>> No.10466406

It's kind of funny how the people who want to die the most, live the longest.

An the people who genuinely enjoy life, Die young.

I walk around drunk 24/7. I call blacks niggers, call spics spics, talk shit to people on the bus and act alpha when I'm drunk, Walk around on busy roads drunk and stumbling, drive my ATV recklessly at high speed, ect.

Meanwhile my only friend was shot and killed by his ex girlfriend in 2011.


>> No.10466408

Ayy brbro, what state?

>> No.10466418

With any luck a 10yo with a stolen handgun will shoot you during a botched robbery

>> No.10466526

You mother whorring irish nigger

>> No.10466578

Honestly I found a good group and it's Men only. I'll see how it goes. At least a period of sobriety is good for me. I got fat and doughy and gained 40 pounds in a years time. My ideal weight is 180 i'm pushing to 230 and feel like shit.

Anyways, something is better than nothing, maybe it will work for me. Who knows. I've hurt a lot of people with my alcholism.

>> No.10466588

I mean you gotta have a bit of tolerance to get the lay. Godspeed.

>> No.10466668

I'd kill

>> No.10466736
File: 42 KB, 846x592, 1419111832544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ate breakfast at a soup kitchen this morning
>tfw quiet room with a bunch of clearly incredibly depressed people, some even on the floor sleeping
>tfw listening to all the homeless people/people living in shelters quietly talking about how awful it is
>tfw that might very well be me come next month
>tfw when my birthday is next month too
Oh well. I've always hated aging another year knowing I've gone no where but spiraling down. I'll miss you guys. Hopefully I finally just muster up the courage to kill myself.

>> No.10466864

Me again here, Passed out and just woke up again, drinking more

>> No.10466981

Get a grip

>> No.10466995

What's a grip? English 2nd language im lithuanian

>> No.10467003


>> No.10467005

You've gone off the rails.

>> No.10467014

A grip on life.

>> No.10467041


>> No.10467090

It's tomorrow now. It's going ok. Easier than yesterday I think. The brain fog is troubling though. I'm hypothesizing that it's caused by lack of GABA produced on my own so I'm trying to eat stuff that promotes that sort of thing. Not sure if it works, but I'm doing better than I typically do now that I'm a few days in.

>> No.10467094

ARe you trying to quit alcohol?

>> No.10467097

Not him, but what's the point? Life is only enjoyable when you're too unhinged to care about repercussions for your actions or take criticism seriously, and when you don't have responsibilities to take up your free time.

Fuck a grip

>> No.10467100
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>> No.10467107

There's more to life than being drunk dude

>> No.10467112

I'm mostly trying to get my brain chemistry back in order and give my guts a chance to heal back up. I'm in a legal state but I'm not smoking either. I just want things to go back to being an occasional event, rather than almost everyday for the last 6 years.

>> No.10467115
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>> No.10467127

Ok cool but remember:

"Winners never quit and quitters never win. - Vince Lombardi"

>> No.10467129

Generally not a good idea to mix any CNS depressants.

>> No.10467179

Where is everyone? :Dd

>> No.10467181

That's gay though.

>> No.10467202
File: 891 KB, 300x300, 1523568477189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better to space out drinking or shoot for the highest ABV / # drinks

>> No.10467245

shots of vodka chased with oj until feeling good then beer = comfy night and i never puke

>> No.10467442

Being an addict to substances is quitting on reality. Temporary escapism once in a while is no big deal, daily drinking or drug use is different.

>> No.10467457

At work. Feels good to be sober for a change. Kind of makes me realize there's no way my co-workers and boss didn't know I've been drinking. I'm so much sharper and bright eyed when I've been sober for a day or more.

>> No.10467467

posting this here so i don't have to sign in to jewtube to get past age restrictions

>> No.10467470

Also, friendly reminder to everyone to be careful about what you browse over company routers. I've been careful to not allow my phone to connect to the Wi-Fi here but I wonder sometimes how many anons have unwillingly exposed themself and their 4chan browsing and shitposting. Probably a hilarious amount, if that many of us even have jobs...

>> No.10467473

>Temporary escapism once in a while is no big deal

I was sober for 5 days now I'm drinking 2nd day in a row (wil stop tomorrow)

is this good temporary escapism?

>> No.10467504


lurking, googling images of booze and crying

>> No.10467551

As ive said I wished it lasted 10 minutes.
It last for several hours.

>> No.10467553

why arent you drinking

>> No.10467574

Cool dude, I usually just get shaking heart in the morning, anxiety, chest pain after drinking for a day or two or three and when i sober up i usually drink 2-3L of beer in the evening to fix things, try to sleep and feel sober next few days (depressed/irritated/anxious)

>> No.10467602


horrible body pains the next

>> No.10467624

So what? How do you cope with reality?

>> No.10467633


Within the perimeters of this world I just don't feel real right


>> No.10467645

Sure why not. 2 days is your weekend quota. 3 days though and you're back to being a piece of shit.

>> No.10467673

That's great to know. I will only do 48 hour drinking marathons/drinkathons/destructhons from now on once a week. Start on tuesday in the morning, chug 0.7l of vodka and pass out, wake up and continue, pass out again, sober up by wednesday, then feel bad for a few days, then when i get truly sober again after 4-5 days(irraited, anxious, depressed) i repeat

>> No.10467689

i dont, i just ignore it

>> No.10467715
File: 34 KB, 800x600, vodke5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the same last 5 days, i watched simpsons seasons 6-10 and avoided humanity, then got bored and humanity reached out to me again so i'm now drinking again


>> No.10467774


Funniest thing is this song and video should motivate people to stop drinking, I listen and watch this only when I'm drunk or when I'm about to get drunk, lmao.

>> No.10467800

I am alone here

>> No.10467836


>> No.10467929

my heart is crying

>> No.10467974

is drinking bad for your teeth

>> No.10468008

I hope it is. I;m trying to destroy myself

>> No.10468016

what do you think

>> No.10468022

i think it is less destructive than other substances, but i have no real data on alcohol's effect on teeth

tbqh i am hoping that posters in this thread can shed some light on the situation so i can inform my views and thinking

>> No.10468134

>tfw summer time so you can't keep drinks hidden in your room or resting on your window sill without them getting warm
fucking hate this shit. drinking room temperature JD right now

>> No.10468161

I went for a long walk, it's a nice day out today. My mood completely changed. I feel happy. Haven't had a drink since Saturday, and have no desire to.

>> No.10468178

drink right now, you'll feel even better

>> No.10468230

Gordon please don't drink so much, We love you on food network

>> No.10468248





>> No.10468619

how much did you drink in the past anon