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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 490x417, 4ECB3E06-8C31-487C-81A6-B210610CA54D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10460162 No.10460162 [Reply] [Original]

Hey lads, heading to McDonald’s for a delicious breakfast. What can I grab you? For me, it’s an Egg McMuffin, hash brown and a large McCafe.

>> No.10460236
File: 104 KB, 677x995, 1475942877878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcdonalds is actually shilling on 4chan
It seems they've hit rock bottom

>> No.10460240

toilet paper

>> No.10460394

he just wanted to post a pic of mac tonight


>those comments

>> No.10460407
File: 281 KB, 655x902, 1522521023012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks McDonyae's would waste time shilling on a slow ass bored like /ck/
It's not shilling anon. It's bait. Everyone replying is part of the problem. Including me.

>> No.10460452

>Implying its not the dream job of some 19 year old intern getting his bachelors in business to shit post on reddit and 4chan and be paid to do so

They don't even have to really pay them since they're interns and tell them they can put "Social media outreach intern" on their resume.

McShit burger place shills on here, the poison burrito police shills on here, the crab sub place shills on here, that shitty regional Italian food place shills on here, and I'm sure there are other, but thats just off the top of my head.

>> No.10460464

when is monopoly coming back?

I want some free food

>> No.10460478

The point still stands, why the fuck would they even bother to create shill threads on fucking /ck/, a slow, irrelevant board in the ass end of the internet. You're retarded if you think huge corporations do this, it's obviously just shitposting

>> No.10460500

4chan is one of the most popular sites in the world. Its not 2004

>> No.10460513

It really isn't. Marketing suits probably don't even know what 4chan is, let alone think about shilling there, and even if they did know about 4chan they probably wouldn't want to associate their corporation with it since mainstream news about the site is always negative

>> No.10460556

4chan is not your secret club and hasn't been for nearly a decade

>> No.10460562

Thats also the point of hiring interns to do shit work like shit post on reddit and 4chan. They know what is really popular

>> No.10460573

He's not saying it's a secret club. He's saying that the higher ups in massive marketing companies for places like McDonald's don't know/care about this site. Why shill here when you can reach a wider, less hostile audience on twitter?

>> No.10460585

What makes you think interns don't shill on all the major sites everyday? You can make a thread on 4chan and have some shit thread about a McFish constantly be on the first or second page for over a week before recreating it the next weekend, simply by posting in it 2 or three times in a day. This site perfect for shilling since there is no visible posting history so if a thread crashes and burns you just make the same exact thread or a slightly different one the very next day.

>> No.10460596

It just seems like a fruitless effort to me. This site is so anti shill that no one is going to be convinced to buy something based on a shitty thread they see.

>> No.10460600

A gun

>> No.10460614

I saw this thread and now I’m going to grab a 10 piece McNugget meal. I’m lovin’ it!

>> No.10460631

Hostility itself is a great marketing tool. It causes non-shill white knighters to flock to it's defense.

>> No.10460645

>is a great marketing tool.

Yeah worked out for steelseries recently

>> No.10460756

That's fair I guess. I'm sure there's at least a few anons here who bought 'vark sauce just to shitpost about it.

>> No.10460765

can i get uhhhhhh
sausage mcmuffin

>> No.10461280
File: 317 KB, 1360x462, 5fc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we didn't pull of pic related
you really have no idea where you are, do you?

>> No.10461296

Moonman moonman can’t you see

>> No.10461315

>tfw there's a mcdonalds across the street from me
I barely get food from there but when i do i almost always regret it, i just stick to their ice cream every once in a blue moon

>> No.10461341


>> No.10461354

Breakfest burrito plox