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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 599x485, welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10458563 No.10458563 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically prefer my steak well done

I legitimately don't understand why anyone likes rare or medium rare steak, raw steak is stringy and chewy and has no flavor

I legitimately think people pretend to like rare steak because it's a faux pas to like well done steak, I really cannot imagine people genuinely enjoying raw steak

So, /ck/ since we're anonymous here, can we admit that well done steak is good?

>> No.10458574

You are unironically a faggot

>> No.10458578


>> No.10458581

>it's a faux pas to like well done steak
And why do you think that is?

>> No.10458584

I also like my steaks well done. Even though I don't eat steak like that. Any red in my meat grosses me the fuck out

>> No.10458588

basically people faking being hoity toity

lots of people pretend to like shit that isn't good because it denotes some sort of upper class character

>> No.10458593

why would you pretend to like stringy chewy meat that tastes like water?

i don't understand you people, this reminds me of how people pretend to like the taste of expensive whiskey

>> No.10458596

>raw steak is stringy and chewy
Rare or medium-rare is not the same as raw, close though. And should not be stringy or chewy unless it's shit-grade steak, or you've ground your teeth to flats thanks to bad parenting.
>has no flavor
Cooking things out of meat meats less flavor, not more.

Well-done is only good in certain cuts where you're trying to soften collagen.

>> No.10458600

No good reason. 99% of people don't really care and act scornful only because they think it makes them look more cultured. It's all pretension.

>> No.10458633

>Cooking things out of meat meats less flavor, not more.
that couldn't be farther from the truth, literally eat anything raw and it's less flavorful than cooked

try eating a raw egg, it literally tastes like nothing

>> No.10458687

>I legitimately think people pretend to like rare steak
>I really cannot imagine people genuinely enjoying raw steak
Here is a shocking fact for you, people like different things, even things that you yourself don't like. If you really have an issue understanding or imaging that fact, you might need to talk to someone about that.
>can we admit that well done steak is good?
I'll admit it isn't dog food tier like some people here pretend it is. Would I cook, order, or spend my own money on well done steak? Nope, not a chance. Would I make a scene if my in-laws served it to me at a family dinner? Nope. In my book a well done steak is an over cooked steak, and therefore not good, but that doesn't mean it is inedible

>99% of people don't really care
The VAST majority of people don't give a fuck how you eat your steak. I don't give a fuck how you eat your steak, I assume you eat it the way you do because you like it.
>and act scornful
I doubt even 25% of people outside of 4chan give a second thought to how you like your steak cooked, unless you are in public making an ass out of yourself over it.

>> No.10458710

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.10458718

Heroine will do that to your taste buds anon. I bet you think parsley and paprika are just for colour..

>> No.10458741

>>99% of people don't really care
>The VAST majority of people don't give a fuck how you eat your steak. I don't give a fuck how you eat your steak, I assume you eat it the way you do because you like it.
>>and act scornful
>I doubt even 25% of people outside of 4chan give a second thought to how you like your steak cooked, unless you are in public making an ass out of yourself over it.

lots of people will give you shit IRL, steak shaming is very real

>> No.10458756

>has no flavor
Stopped reading there.

>> No.10458759

honestly unless you have a bad steak, rare/medium rare should be more tender, as heat will cause the muscle fibers to tense up and become chewy.

>> No.10458775

70iq niggers/beaners detected who can't wrap their heads around the concept of pasteurisation/internal temperatures killing bacteria
if you're worried about bacteria, everything is 100% dead at medium well
stop eating leather.

>> No.10458778
File: 196 KB, 610x394, meat-temperature-doneness-meat-doneness-temperature-chart-plot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10458780
File: 61 KB, 557x678, steak-types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now stop overcooking meat

>> No.10458831

this is about flavor preference not food safety

>> No.10458848

texture demands a rarer steak, steak all tastes roughly the same
like seared cow flesh

>> No.10458869

steak is supposed to be on the brink of medium, 55 to 60 degrees celsius, this is the point at which bacteria is killed and proteins are broken down but nothing more

so somewhere between medium-rare and medium, but yeah, rare is too much

>> No.10459219
File: 1.34 MB, 2628x1755, DSC06364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done is dry as fuck. It's totally ruined meat. But at the same time, if the middle is still literally raw it's ruined as well. I really don't care for any of the fucking meme descriptions of steaks because there's only one correct way a steak should end up and that's with a good sear on the outside and moist, pink meat all the way through the inside. If it isn't like that, you fucked up, end of story.

>> No.10459225

That chart is all fucked up though. Medium rare still has a literally raw core and medium has most of the meat completely overcooked and only the core is edible. A perfect steak looks like the blue rare on that chart but with the pink from the core of the medium replacing all the raw meat. Like here >>10459219

Don't post that chart anymore though, it's fucking horrible. Every steak on that chart is fucking ruined.

>> No.10459226

The way I see it is that the best quality meat should be enjoyed with a hard sear on the outside and as little as possible done to the inside. Any quality of meat that wouldn't taste good like that, should be prepared some other way. I'm not snobby, I just don't see the point in making or eating an inferior steak when I could eat something that doesn't require such high quality raw ingredients to do correctly.

>> No.10459254

>I am unable to imagine humans enjoying things that I do not enjoy
That is the definition of being an autistic child.

>> No.10459319


This chart is bullshit.

>rare: 130-135
>med rare: 135-140
>med: 140-145
>med well:145-150

How is a strak going to get HOTTER while resting? Lmao

>> No.10459332
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1515845617805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10459344

>this reminds me of how people pretend to like the taste of expensive whiskey
i think shjt like jamie and johnny walker are fucking vile but I've had decent scotch and whisky at my granddad's house and it's actually enjoyable

I'd never buy it at home but it's not exactly vile

but w/e this is b8 because just like not liking rare steak, dissing whisky will offend all the bearded faux-manly numales

>> No.10459357

I went to a steakhouse and ordered two steaks . I told them to cook me one well done , and cook one rare and throw it in the garbage .

>> No.10459417

>what is outside vs inside temperatures

>> No.10459481

>stringy chewy meat
Sounds like you're getting shitty cuts that aren't meant to be steaks, or really poor quality. A good steak won't be chewy, and won't be stringy.