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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 700x458, arugula[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10455672 No.10455672 [Reply] [Original]

>*ruins your salad/burger*

Heh, nothing personnel kiddo

>> No.10455680 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 430x655, 1arug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the government would just ban arugula so we wouldn't have to keep seeing it in everything

When will this fad end?

>> No.10455688

Arugula is fucking boss, shut up.
>wants to ban a green that's been eaten for thousands of years.
Nigga, you're stupid.

>> No.10455697

Nothing like some ‘la on your ‘za

>> No.10455703

>Arugula is fucking boss, shut up.

>mmm I love peppery urine-flavored weeds! Shove more in my mouth, daddy!

>> No.10455708

Sorry you're such a shitty tastelet. You came from the shallow end of the gene pool.

>> No.10455718

He's right, it tastes like garbage and detracts from every meal it's in.

>> No.10455719

>hypotasters posting again

>> No.10455733 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 639x643, H5FZEHU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do libtards pretend to like noxious, foul-tasting "diversity food"? Would it hurt you just to use iceberg lettuce like normal people?

>> No.10455741

>sweet baby tomatoes
>lemon/dijon/oil dressing
>pine nuts
>dried cranberries
>blue cheese

I'll take your share.

>> No.10455748

That is fucking terrible bait. Try harder.
You are completely wrong in every way. You are a tastelet too. Probably also a manlet.

>> No.10455752

rocket is amazing. im having it in soup as we speak

>> No.10455756

Romaine or bust

>> No.10455757


>> No.10455763 [DELETED] 

Why do you hate America?

>> No.10455765


No need to feel shame and get defensive over your urine fetish, friends. We're all adults here.

>> No.10455774

>liking or disliking it
>not indiscriminately chucking greens into your food so you can take a shit later

>> No.10455796

I had a flat bread recently that had ricotta, fig preserves, prosciutto, and a mound of arugula on top. Olive oil and balsamic. Pretty sure that's a fairly common combination. It tasted fine. I don't see why we're mad at arugula.

>> No.10455868
File: 93 KB, 666x500, 1at34u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard to not feel inferior to everyone else.

>> No.10455885
File: 510 KB, 550x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pizza toppings coming through.

>> No.10455891

itt people raised without radishes

>> No.10455942

Why do retards try to put a political spin on something as basic and banal as food?

>> No.10455946

Different vegetables. We're talking about arugula here. It'd be like me coming into a thread about radishes and saying "itt people raised without watercress".

>> No.10455985

it's a similar kind of "spicy" and when you see someone pick them out of their salad you know they're not worth eating out with

>> No.10455997

Nope. Not even close. Radishes are crunchy and refreshing. Arugula is shit

>> No.10456013

That's true, but some people will reject arugula or watercress not just for the taste but also because they "don't like greens", or the same with radishes. Similar "peppery flavors, but totally different textures. I love all vegetables, so I don't have a problem with anything.

>> No.10456038

you really gotta be a retarded faggot to not enjoy arugula

>> No.10456072
File: 49 KB, 476x599, 476px-CharltonHeston1981_2_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll give you my arugala when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands

>> No.10457516

Arugula literally tastes like poison. Not 'bitter'. I love bitter, sharp flavors. I drink coffee black, I eat radishes and high cacao dark chocolate. I don't even mind raw kale, which a lot of people hate.

But arugula literally tastes like something I'm instinctively meant to reject and spit out. It's just 'wrong'. That's the best way I can put it.

>> No.10457636

Man Arnold's looking old these days

>> No.10458367

Very well said. When will we put an end to the arugula menace?

>> No.10458694

Arugula on a BLT in place of iceberg lettuce is amazing

>> No.10458769

>tfw when you realize after far too long that arugula and rockett are the the same thing

Made me feel stupid lads

>> No.10458920

The fuck is rockett?

>> No.10458937

Arugula has a stale nutty flavor to me.

>> No.10458951

>I usually like some things most other people don't, therefore I'm an expert on some other things most other people don't like

>> No.10458959

I prefer that spring garden shit to iceburg lettuce on my burgers. Had a great burger last night with duck bacon and a serrano pepper sauce.

>> No.10458990

What the rest of the entire world calls it.

>> No.10459005

Like how they call corn maize?

>> No.10459008

more like the whole metric/imperial measurement thing.

>> No.10459051

coffee is literally a poison you simpleton

>> No.10459053

100% BASED

>> No.10459741

Didn't know the UK was 'the rest of the world', bong.

>> No.10459750

not even fucking cooked nigga its raw

>> No.10460170

That really balanced my chakras

>> No.10460181

It looks raw, under cooked and absolutely shocking. Quite frankly it's an embarrassment, and you should be ashamed of yourself. I mean honestly, I wouldn't even serve it to my dog. It's garbage, it's trash. It's fucking abysmal. Is that really the best you can do? Is that the kind of quality you're aiming for? Really? I don't know why you even post here. Why do you even bother. You might as well give up. Though based on this monstrosity, you've already given up, haven't you? What is it, are you depressed? Are you done? Just look at the pepperoni, it's not even cooked. The raw fucking onions. They're not even sliced properly. I mean come on, you know this. You know this isn't good. Yet here you are, posting this shit again. Have you even looked at the crust? Or the cheese? I mean, what is that? They're snow fucking white. The dough has barely been cooked. Did you even put it in the oven? Did you forget to turn it on? It's just sad. This isn't a fucking pizza, it's a travesty. An absolute shambles. I don't know what else to say. It's just not good enough. Throw it in the fucking bin, and just stop. You can't cook. You're useless. Utterly useless.

>> No.10462111

Good poison, retard. Most medicines are poison in big enough doses.

I'm saying it smells like a deadly plant that I should have no instinctive desire to eat.

>> No.10462118


>> No.10462569
