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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10455508 No.10455508 [Reply] [Original]

>Still using sticks to eat your food

Explain yourself.

>> No.10455517

>Explain yourself.
I want to be Japanese.

>> No.10455519

I get to look cool in front of all my Japanese friends {^_^}

>> No.10455563

I can't explain why, but it just feels wrong to eat noodles with a fork. The chopsticks make it taste better, like ordering pizza at a sit-down restaurant and using cutlery to eat.

>> No.10455570

literally can't eat glass/rice noodles with a fork
chopsticks unironically more efficient for eating most noodles unless your excuse is "hurr u look like mongodongo when u don't twirl your noodles like le spagetti!"

>> No.10455578

.... You think eating noodles or even RICE is easier with chopsticks? Is this bait?

>> No.10455582

>like ordering pizza at a sit-down restaurant and using cutlery to eat.
you are saying this makes it taste better? Does anyone actually do this?

>> No.10455583
File: 84 KB, 300x325, 1522643924405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know what rice noodles are
>has the absolute gall to criticize another person's methods of eating said noodles

>> No.10455597

Maybe it's a work-reward thing, or maybe it's just the fact that you can't eat as fast, but yeah, it's more enjoyable.

>> No.10455605

i feel like you're gonna get a lotta shit for that but really it's a good point
when i go to a really nice artisan pizza place i knife and fork it so i'm not shoveling it down like i normally would pizza

it's pleasant

>> No.10455611

They are inferior in most ways to "normal" cutlery but they aren't too bad.

>> No.10455617

It's really only appropriate at places that give you cutlery with your pizza. Anywhere else and you look like a tool.

>> No.10455632

I prefer the fork and knife but you can use what ever you want with no hassle from me.

>> No.10455643
File: 72 KB, 327x267, Screenshot_2018-04-09-21-47-26-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kinda fun on the rare occasion i do order chinese

>> No.10455648

Ah I simply assumed you were being lax on grammar and punctuation; but now I see it was you who as the elitist assumptive asshole.
Carry on.

>> No.10455654

>It's really only appropriate at places that give you cutlery with your pizza.
Are there places that don't give you cutlery?

>> No.10455658
File: 105 KB, 845x768, chopsticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10455663

(= ^ , ^ =) kawaii desu

>> No.10455834

We call you lot forkwits - someone who likes Asian food but wants a spoon and fork to eat it.

Also, whole bunch of plebbits here who haven't had children - best place for a >2 yr old child is a decent Cantonese joint - 8 treasure duck is a go to.

>> No.10455854

Pizza places that mainly do take-out and delivery.

>> No.10455860

>lax on grammar
>rice noodles is somehow interpreted as rice and noodles
sorry that english isn't your first language, dipshit?

>> No.10455953

Because it's appropriate you fucktard.
Eating ramen with fork is like eating a pizza with a spoon.

>> No.10455964

Plenty of Asian countries use knives, forks and spoons over chopsticks.

>> No.10456058

literally the reddit of cutlery

>> No.10456212

What's it like to be assblasted by a pair of sticks which even downies in asia use but are too difficult for you?

>> No.10456296

Wait, are forks not still sticks? Like... they have more points per stick, but... it's still a stick??