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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10452239 No.10452239 [Reply] [Original]

won't be cooking for a while, lads. any suggestions for good microwave or minimum prep meals?

>> No.10452245
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It ain't pretty, but baking frozen chicken breasts on an aluminum-lined pan can get you your protein with minimal effort.
Sorry about the leg, what happened?

>> No.10452246

Kek! What happened?

>> No.10452250

Wow, it's almost like bar stools don't exist.

>> No.10452252

ramen (with frozen veggies)
omlette sammich
proton shakes

>> No.10452263

greek yogurt with fruit preserve

>> No.10452266

literally just tripped on the sidewalk. broke my ankle, but the more serious injury is to my right foot. gotta get an MRI and then possibly surgery. and yeah, just baked chicken breasts sounds like a good way to go, i could add spices or toss them with pesto, salsa, whatever.

these are good suggestions, thanks man

shit, yeah, greek yogurt would be good for protein and calcium, thanks

>> No.10452271

bad halloween costume OP

>> No.10452273

Did you fall off your fixie on your way to the organic market?

>> No.10452280

shut the fuck up you dumb microwave posters

>> No.10452293

>literally just tripped on the sidewalk

>> No.10452294

what the fuck is my alternative? please tell me if you know one. i cannot stand up long enough to cook.

>> No.10452307
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Bro, just shake off posts like that, he doesn't give a shit whether or not you use a microwave, don't feed the trolls

>> No.10452394

I do this but with fresh ones. Roll up the sides to make sort of a ghetto roasting pan, butterfly them, put a small slab of butter on each, then add whatever seasonings you desire. Bake at 450 for about 45 minutes-1 hour, serve with microwave "baked" potatoes(make sure to fuckin boil those shits beforehand, makes a world of difference) as well as green beans. Perfect "fire and forget" food right fuckin there.

>> No.10452409

i've never microwaved potatoes before. couldn't i just stick the potato in the oven when i bake the chicken?

>> No.10452411

Camp stove, electric hotplate, or portable gas burner on a low table.

>> No.10452424

>but the more serious injury is to my right foot.
this is what i'm curious about tbqh

>> No.10452429

Probably the preferred way yes. I'm just an autistic retard that uses the microwave. If you're going down that route, get steam-in-the-bag veggies.

>> No.10452448

my orthopedist is worried about something called a lisfranc injury, which would destabilize the structural integrity of the mid-foot and arch and could lead to long-term permanent damage.

steam-in-the-bag veggies are already on my list, cause they're healthy and low calorie and shit and i've gotta watch what i eat cause i basically can't leave my house for like 6 weeks. ugh.

>> No.10452476

>my orthopedist is worried about something called a lisfranc injury
and this was discovered while tripping over your own feet on the sidewalk? you went to the hospital saying both of your ankles hurt?

>> No.10452490

well this is off topic, but i got both injuries by tripping on the sidewalk. my right foot, which i tripped on, folded (which is when the suspected lisfranc injury occurred.) as i was falling, i rolled my other ankle and in the process hairline fractured the tip of my fibula. i went to an urgent care center mainly for my foot, which hurt more, and was told i broke my ankle but nothing about the foot showed up on x-rays. a few days later i had a follow up appointment with an actual orthopedist, who confirmed the fracture but who was more concerned with the foot injury that the urgent care center glossed over.

>> No.10452502

god i where that were me

>> No.10452574

Post hands

>> No.10452576

You cook with your feet?

>> No.10452584

>just walk it off bro

>> No.10452662

hilariously, i already sleep in a wrist brace for carpal tunnel syndrome and a thumb brace for gamekeeper's thumb. so literally all of my extremities are fucked right now.

>> No.10453267

You should get some calcium. Sucks bout your legs though, good luck.

>> No.10453321

thanks, man. i’ve already stocked up on calcium and vitamin supplements. gonna try to eat lots of protein and dark greens as well.

>> No.10453649


I had a similar situation last year when I suffered a plateau fracture of the tibia. Was still able to do very basic meals in the wheelchair in my narrow galley kitchen. Just get one of those grabby claw things and don't try to multitask too much.

>> No.10453654

You've still got arms faggot. Unless you're nigger killer miller

>> No.10453660
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You look overweight. No wonder your ankle and your right foot receive so much damage. Your lower extremities have to support so much weight. You know what they say, the bigger they are the Harder They Fall.