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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10449463 No.10449463 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start a vegan diet. I'm specially interested in fruitarian and raw vegan diets but I'm open to all non-animal products really. Do you think I could go with say, 50% fruit?

Gone through a lot of conflicting info but I have a basic understanding, now I want to hear the thoughts and advice of the experts on cooking and nutrition of 4chan.

Antivegans need not apply

>> No.10449484 [DELETED] 
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imo a raw vegan diet isn't ideal but you could probably make it work. Just use cronometer to make sure you're hitting all your nutrient requirements, see example (I like to eat a large volume of cooked food)

if anyone wants detailed advice join the vegan discord


>> No.10449489

OP you're already judged to be stupid, because you said you did a lot of research and still want to try the idea.

This is not a nutrition forum, that's /fit. This is a forum for people who have sense about not eliminating whole food groups from their diet.


>> No.10449497

>food groups

this isn't primary school m8

>> No.10449505

>all fruit diet

Fruit isn't good for you, it's just sugar, citric acid and some fiber. Most fruit doesn't even have any vitamins or minerals apart from Vitamin C and maybe potassium. You will have all kinds of nutrient deficiencies. You will ruin your teeth, get sick a lot, get diabetes and lose all muscle. Just because you want to be part of some meme.

If you insist on memeing irl, do a potato or brown rice diet. You won't wreck your body nearly as bad.

>> No.10449542

you're a funny guy

>> No.10449546

>realize that sugar is bad for you
>eliminate it from your diet
>anon shows up to complain that it's wrong to eliminate "whole food groups" and coke is an important part of a balanced diet

Eventually you'll grow up and realize that just because something tastes good, that doesn't mean that it's good for you. And /fit/ knows absolutely nothing about nutrition and even less about cooking.

Raw fruit is obviously fine but there's no reason not to cook most vegetables. Entirely raw diets are retarded. Yes, you destroy some nutrients by cooking but you also make other more bioavailable and you can simply eat a bit more of whatever it is to counteract any nutrient loss from cooking.

And definitely ignore any idiot like >>10449505 who obviously hasn't read anything about nutrition since 1970 and tells you that fruit is bad for you because "it's just sugar and some fiber".

>> No.10449553

This is good advice and that graphic seems a good resource, thanks, been looking for something like this for ages.

>OP you're already judged to be stupid

>This is not a nutrition forum, that's /fit.

Ok but one would think the food out of all places would now their stuff about nutrition and a few days lurking confirmed that hypothesis.
>This is a forum for people who have sense about not eliminating whole food groups from their diet.

You are not making any sense.


>Fruit isn't good for you

Fucking no

>You will have all kinds of nutrient deficiencies. You will ruin your teeth, get sick a lot, get diabetes and lose all muscle. Just because you want to be part of some meme.

Yeah probably, my biggest concern with it is that I would love to thrive on fruit 100% but I don't think it's realistic.

>> No.10449561

Literally why? You will constantly be riding the blood sugar rollercoaster and you won't be getting much protein or fat at all. Just wash down a multivitamin with some soda.
>raw veganism
It's a retarded meme. Cooking is like the first step in digestion as it "unlocks" the nutrition in many vegetables, and things like mushrooms need to be cooked. Plus there's nothing wrong from well-sourced animal products.

>> No.10449565
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>well-sourced animal products

>> No.10449570

If you're worried about nutrients, just use cronometer like >>10449484. You just plug your diet into the site and it will give you a chart like that and let you know if you're missing any nutrients.

It's very easy to get everything you need from fruits, vegetables and legumes but unless you've done enough research to know the nutrient profiles of everything you're eating, it can be easy to miss stuff unless you're tracking it with a site like that.

>> No.10449573

I think you're going to overload your body with fiber

>> No.10449580

>You will constantly be riding the blood sugar rollercoaster
>being this much of a dummy

>One hundred percent juice does not have a significant effect on fasting blood glucose, fasting blood insulin, or insulin resistance according to a new study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science. The findings are consistent with previous research indicating that 100% fruit juice is not associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and support a growing body of evidence that 100% fruit juice has no significant effect on glycemic control.

>In comparison with sucrose alone, ingestion of sucrose with whole berries resulted in reduced glucose and insulin concentrations during the first 30 min and a slower decline during the second hour and a significantly improved glycemic profile. Berries prevented the sucrose-induced late postprandial hypoglycemic response and the compensatory free fatty acid rebound. Nearly similar effects were observed when sucrose was consumed with berry nectars. The improved responses were evident despite the higher content of available carbohydrate in the berry and nectar meals, because of the natural sugars present in berries.

>Berries reduce postprandial insulin responses to wheat and rye breads in healthy women.

Etc, etc. Anyone who thinks that natural sugars, especially when eaten via whole fruits, are even remotely similar to refined sugar, is a 100% certified brainlet.

>> No.10449628
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>durrrrrr i don't understand the difference between someone's pet and pig farming

>> No.10449633

What's the difference? Pigs are smarter than most dogs

>> No.10449637

one is a domesticated pet and the other is raised specifically as a resource for food. it's quite simple, but your retarded vegan mind won't let you grasp the difference, i guess.

>> No.10449639

>what is the difference between pet ownership and agriculture?

>> No.10449642

If someone raised people as sex slaves that means they should have no rights?

>> No.10449646

false equivalence AND terrible bait. kys

>> No.10449657

Drink lots of zero calorie sodabecause its vegan. Make sure to consider yourself healthy as well.

>> No.10449673
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lol I guess it's fine to kill dogs if they aren't raised as pets then

>> No.10449675

What about the "rights" of the animals whose homes we bulldozed and whom we poisoned, trapped, and displaced so we could plant crops?

>> No.10449678

that's illegal in my non-subhuman country. keep being willfully ignorant.

>> No.10449687

you implied pet status determines moral worth, are you gonna go back on that now brainlet?

>> No.10449707

it's not what you eat, its what you absorb. and cooking helps you absorb. every idea anyone has about a raw vegan diet is flawed, its a trash tier diet. just eat cooked foods dont fall for the meme shit anon


>> No.10449791

you must breathing in your own farts
also do you sprout all those nuts u eat?

>> No.10449798

Western pet status/morality are all that matter obviously. kek

>> No.10449833

yes, unironically

we need to stop pretending that we can escape responsibility for our barbarism by calling it “unfettered trade between consenting rational adults”

>> No.10449885 [DELETED] 
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lel so if dogs didn't have western pet status itd be fine to slit their throats?

great moral system, I'm sure everyone would get on board with that

>> No.10450057
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>> No.10450065
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Ah, the crops which are used 500:1, factory farmed vs human consumed, to make sure our 300 billion animals per year are fed right? Good argument veganon.

>> No.10450070

But if they're raised for food, it's fine according to you.

>> No.10450072
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>> No.10450077
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>> No.10450083

I think the best way to do a vegan diet is to just eat fruits until your cheat day

>> No.10450101


>> No.10450168
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I met someone’s pet pig a week ago, it was smart af

>> No.10450372

>Etc, etc. Anyone who thinks that natural sugars, especially when eaten via whole fruits, are even remotely similar to refined sugar, is a 100% certified brainlet.

What do you mean with natural sugar? Because if you think the few contaminants in say "unrefined" cane sugar make any difference at all you're naive.

>> No.10450543

Good for them. They're entitled to keeping it as a pet and no one is debating the intellect of animals.

>> No.10450550

I never said that, brainlet. kys

>> No.10450714

>one is a domesticated pet and the other is raised specifically as a resource for food
Idk if this was you, but this is what I was referring to. If I raise cats and dogs specifically for food I can eat them no problem by this standard

>> No.10450728


Leave and never come back.

>> No.10451001
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Don't do meme diets anon. I'm a vegetarian and i'm fucking tired of meeting hippies with terrible health because they though it would be a good idea to go with a weird diet as their first step into veganism. So just go with a normal, protein and nutrient rich vegan diet, with beans, nuts and lots of veggies. Eat fruits as snacks and dessert, and if you feel you lack certain nutrients, don't be afraid to take supplements. Just make sure they aren't of animal origin.

>> No.10451174

you can even raise your own children with that plan! it isnt murder because those are bred to be eaten ! they will understand it because its their destiny.

>> No.10451267

>murder is okay for food I like, but not for food you like

>> No.10451485

Tell me how he was smart.

>> No.10451495
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>> No.10451496

It did his taxes.

>> No.10451892

Truly anything can be livestock!!! Carnists are so advanced. How can we compete with this logic

>> No.10451947


he also has to make sure the stuff he keeps in his house, his clothing, and the general use items in his house are vegan friendly. otherwise you're a hypocrite.

>> No.10451950


eating dogs and cats is perfectly legal in america so there's literally no legal loopholes required.

>> No.10452308

no one is stopping you, but only subhumans will agree that it's morally acceptable to do it.

>> No.10452314

wtf i'm vegan now

>> No.10452367

Why are they subhumans though? They're just raising different livestock

>> No.10452517

>why are subhumans from subhuman shitholes considered subhuman?
just stop already.

>> No.10452530
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>my logic is inconsistent with my morals

>> No.10452538

my mistake, subhumans have no morals. they have zero compassion or empathy for others.

>> No.10452542

Says the guy supporting the slaughter of billions of innocent animals

>> No.10452545

here, retard. read this and then kill yourself.


>> No.10452624

This just supports the argument of inconsistency
The entire article just says "it's different in the west!" And references one native culture here that needed them due to their regions climate and terrain.
>muh family member
Says people who have never raised livestock and if they did they wouldn't be able to kill that pig or cow either. The disconnect when it comes to food in the west is absurd.

>> No.10452652

just end your life

>> No.10452657


>> No.10452689

alright, fine.

>> No.10453311

I want to eat more raw hard foods like carrot. Not necessarily go full raw vegan but i notice after eating raw carrot my teeth feel stronger

>> No.10453313

ok but in 20 years when your life is still shit, this advice could have saved you a lot of trouble.

>> No.10453326

I know who you are, stop spamming your gay fucking discord, Marco.

>> No.10453348

Retards usually have trouble understanding many things. He compares directly eating table sugar with eating berries plus table sugar and thinks this means foods with sugar that don't grow on plants are bad. A full display of being disconnected with logic and rationale.

>> No.10453352

potato chips and fruit dog

>> No.10453446

Just like a bigass handful of nuts

>> No.10453462

>agree that it's murder
See you at whole foods anon

>> No.10453463
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So veganism alone isn't hip enough for you anymore, oh no, you have to take this one step further. You have to be a unique special snowflake who can even feel smugly superior to other vegans, because in your heart of hearts, you KNOW that your diet is a bigger meme than their own.

This isn't even fucking about ideology anymore. If it was, you would stop at veganism. 'Antivegans need not apply' - Yeah, fuck you, I'm not antivegan, I'm antimoron. Just admit you want to be able to brag about your stupid fucking dietary bondage and develop yourself a case of high velocity lead poisoning, you windowlicking ball of broken chromosomes, living testament to the failure of your parents, definitive proof of an uncaring god.

>> No.10453475

fuck off autist

>> No.10453518


Also no cash, no plastics and oils. So cars, trains and public transport in general are off limits.

Because, you know, veganism.

>> No.10453525

not how veganism works m8

direct harm =\= indirect harm

>> No.10453538
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>> No.10453545
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>only vegans can negligent parents

>> No.10453549
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>> No.10453559
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>> No.10453619
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>brainlet tier argument

>> No.10453677

>Taking an argument based in part on moral superiority
>Crying when people think you're a morally superior cunt
Was it autism?

>> No.10453850

I would guess some fruits are good? I didn't eat much fruit when I was vegan, I would stay away from Oranges and high acidy fruits. Apples and bananas seem fine but what do I know?

>> No.10454980
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>fruitarian and raw vegan
LOL enjoy your brain damage

>> No.10454986

Read the Vegetarian Myth and thank me later.
t. some guy that wasted 5 years being vegan and 5 years being vegetarian.

>> No.10454994

You can’t /thread your own post

>> No.10455001


>> No.10455014

I'm content with my life

>> No.10455038

Here’s my advice:

>> No.10455044

I understand that it's easy to get emotional with animal issues, but unless you're a vegan and only have herbivorous pets, you're either a hypocrite or neglecting your pets by withholding animal protein from them.

I love animals but I also recognize that animal products are good for us in some ways and they're natural for us to eat. But I still support the development of lab-grown meat so we can eventually have animal products without killing, and try to not overeat and minimize waste so that less animals have to be killed in the meantime.

>> No.10455046

Raw Keto Vegan Fruitarian here, ama.
No trolls please :)

>> No.10455049

have fun dying of malnutrition if you don't live in the tropics

>> No.10455056

Wrong. Animals are killed during the harvest. Also the pests on the crop. There is no life without death, this is reality and everyone needs to accept it already. Perhaps in the future we can generate death free food, but for now there is no vegan food, and even if you could grow food death free, you would still be dependent on fossil fuels for fertilizer(which is made of dead animals) and when that runs out you will be screwed. The obvious solution is to use animal manure. Which is really easy to get if you are already farming animals.

>> No.10455063

What's wrong? I didn't say veganism is 100% death-free, but that argument isn't very good because less animals are killed during crop harvest than how many are intentionally slaughtered for meat.

I'm not a vegan, btw. I just recognize that vegans see real problems with current farming but disagree on how to fix it. They want to stop eating animal products altogether, but I think lab-grown "animal-free" animal products are better.

>> No.10455069

>eliminate sugar from diet is eliminating a “whole food group”
The rest of your post sounds ok but in light of that how do you NOT realize that sugar is NOT a food group?! Sugar itself is wholly unnecessary to eat - unlike salt and fat. You need fats, you need sodium, you could live fine without eating sugar but at the same time, foods naturally containing sugar (like fruit) are fine to eat in their whole form because unlike what >>10449505 thinks, it is some sugar packed with water, fiber, and nutrients. I think anyone who goes full fruit only is retarded. I don’t know why someone wouldn’t go full vegetables only - most vegetables being “all you can eat” even for diabetics whereas fruit intake still requires some limitations.

>> No.10455079

I'm saying all vegans are hypocrites, no exceptions. Also to go into the gray area, your body kills any pathogens or anything else that gets inside of you which definitely counts as killing. Also plants have been proven to learn, communicate, and they are definitely alive in many more ways than people give them credit for. Vegans conveniently ignore this and I know I will be called a troll for even saying this, but I know vegans aren't exactly pursuing truth anyway so that doesn't really bother me.

>> No.10455085

Eating large amounts of fructose will destroy your liver. Eating normal amounts of fructose from fruit is a-ok but if you eat JUST fruit, you are still punching your liver with massive doses of fructose.

>> No.10455091

Fruitians are literally retarded but there's no such thing as "too much fructose from whole fruits". You can eat as many mangos as you want.

>> No.10455096

That is simply not true. The human body is designed to eat almost exclusively fruit. I'm sorry sir, but you have been lied to.

>> No.10455097

That's only for vegans who act like they're perfect and anyone who eats meat is a MURDERER WITH A GRAVEYARD FOR A STOMACH!!

There are vegans who will say it's not perfect but it's the best they can do since they're reducing the number of animals being killed, even if they're not totally eliminating that.

>> No.10455100

>Animals are the same as humans
If you were with your spouse and your dog and you were all in a life threatening situation - you got out and you were going to have time to go back and save just one- would you have to stop and think?

>> No.10455113

You don’t seriously believe this

>> No.10455114

Not him but I agree. The vegan argument is equivalent to a serial killer who killed 5 people pointing at the serial killer who killed 15 and saying, "See how much better I am than that killer over there"?

>> No.10455124

Enjoy your diabetes, retard. Sugar is sugar. Some are better than other, but it's not like fruit sugar is some magic free for all. Why do you think HFCS is so bad? Yes I recognize that you said whole fruits(which I don't see how mangos could possibly count as since most people don't eat the seed or peel), but fiber isn't a magic bullet proof vest for sugar either.
I see your point, but those vegans are wrong and I feel sorry for them. I was one of them for several years. There is simply no current sustainable way to fertilize plants without manure. Maybe they minimize death right now, but at what cost to the environment or their own bodies? Grains are some of the worst things from the environment to eat and that's the majority of most vegan diets. There is no guilt free food and to try to eat that way is asinine and counter productive for everyone involved. Eat pastured grass fed meat, that's the best anyone can do.

>> No.10455133

>Enjoy your diabetes, retard.
So you're just shitposting. Got it, enjoy this (You).

>> No.10455140

>killing animals for food is exactly the same as killing people out of hatred or jealousy or for theft, etc

>> No.10455159

Exactly. Nature or God(whichever you prefer) obviously never intended for death free existence for anything. Even plants need animals to die or poop to live. And if it poops it has to eat something alive. Nature is a big interconnected loop of everything preying on everything else. It's just how it is. Maybe one day we can separate ourselves from that, but today is not that day.
Please explain how eating a lot of sugar won't give you diabetes. And no "muh fiber" doesn't count. You said you could eat as many whole fruits as you wanted. Unless those fruits are avocados then that's complete bullshit. Feel free to prove me wrong. If not, then you're obviously the shit poster. Good luck, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for you to show me a reputable source that says unlimited sugar won't give you diabetes.

>> No.10455172

Dogs serve purposes other than meat. They grow emotional attachments. Etc.
Same for cats.
Cows and pigs are big meaty animals whose purpose is largely for food. You care for them well while they are alive and kill them quickly when they are ready to go. You value the food that they provide.
I do agree that the factories treat these animals terribly and THAT in itself is bad. But I don’t think that raising an animal and treating it well and then eating it when it’s dead is terrible in and of itself.

>> No.10455173

>literally every piece of science conducted on fruit intake has found no negative effecs
1/10 fuck off.

>> No.10455201

If we didn't eat cows and pigs then they wouldn't exist. If I were a cow I'd rather live a short good life than no life at all.
I never said anything like that. I would recommend eating fruit only as a treat, plants made fruits in order to trick animals into carrying their seeds and propagate the species. I said pretty much the opposite. Fruit intake should be minimized. I don't know if you quoted the wrong person or something, but if you aren't even reading my posts then you need to fuck off.

>> No.10455209

>I never said anything like that
>"too much fruit gives you diabetes"

The state of shitposting is embarrassing.

>> No.10455235

You're an idiot. That's not how you use greentext. It looked like you were quoting me. Please either be clear and actually talk to me in a coherent way or stop wasting both of our time. Too much sugar is bad period. You can't just repeat the same unsourced argument over and over again and then call me a shitposter. That's called projecting. If your next reply is as dumb as your previous posts have been then I'm going to stop answering you.

>> No.10455278

>literally doesn't understand the point

>> No.10455289

Then explain it. You haven't posted anything of substance in several posts and yet you act like I'm the dumb one. It's really sad that you don't realize you are the ond embarrassing yourself. You really need to do some self reflection.

>> No.10455307

Logic isn't transitive. If you can't go from there you should probably go to highschool again.

>> No.10455323

OK you obviously have no point or you would have said it by now. This is not a discussion, it's just throwing words at each other. Enjoy your last (You) from me.

>> No.10455360

Look up what transitivity means, then think about what you said and put it together. If you did it right you'll feel stupid, if not you are stupid.

>> No.10455403
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>I'm so smart that I don't even have to make actual arguments; if I just keep talking about anything except my argument and then get the last word in then that makes me right.

>> No.10455494

I would avoid the fruititarian thing. I would stick to a high protein and high fat vegan diet. Some people can do the high carb vibe, but I can't
I really wish I could live as well as a factory farmed pig or cow, even if just for a short while before being brutally killed

>> No.10455502

Some people don't take very good care of their pets(or children), but that doesn't mean no one should have them. No one in their right mind would ever argue that factory farmed animals live in anything even remotely resembling humane conditions.

>> No.10455598
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This blatant lack of self awareness.

Let me make this simple for you dipstick.
>Too much sugar causes diabetes
>Fruits have sugar in them
>Too much fruit causes diabetes
Is not true. It's what you've been suggesting for most of this thread, and your specious transitive logic has been rightfully called out as retarded, you're just to proud to grasp it, hence your wojackposting and being to petty to quote the anon who schooled you. Get over it and close the thread.

>> No.10455783

Look into fermenting shit. It's fun and supposedly makes some of the nutrients in the veggie more bioavailable. I like vinegary shit so I'll do it anyway. I want to look into tempeh but it seems a lot more complicated.
Look for fatty foods like nuts and oils.
Don't listen to the soyboy meme

>> No.10455794

Factory farming is basically a tangential issue that I can actually stand in support of the vegan moral protest against. Not for the reasons that they would like, but I can support it.

Factory farmed meat tastes like SHIT. I love meat, but I will never buy shitty quality meat. The factory farms won't get a single fucking cent out of me. Same for eggs.

It's not an ideological thing for me, I am basically a high functioning sociopath, I couldn't give less of a fuck about the animal's quality of life from a moral or ethical standpoint, but the fact of the matter is that a low quality of life creates an inferior product. Animals which have a good life and diet create good meat and eggs, so I support giving animals a good quality of life. The more supply of superior product, the cheaper it is, and so I can 100% throw my support behind the downfall of factory farms in favour of organic and free range meat and animal products.

>> No.10455983

Not really, because a serial killer isn't doing anything out of necessity. You should just try to refute the arguments instead of coming up with equivalents.

It's unfortunately currently necessary that animals have to die for us to eat, even during crop harvests from machinery or to stop them from eating the crops themselves. Reducing the amount of death from your lifestyle isn't a bad thing. Saying "well you can't make it 0 so you might as well not try at all" is just retarded. It's really fucking retarded if you can't understand why reducing suffering and death is a good thing even if it isn't totally being eliminated right away.

>> No.10455994

>the downfall of factory farms in favour of organic and free range meat and animal products.
There's still a limit on how much can be produced this way which will keep prices high. You won't get this at current prices of factory-farmed meat because of that. Lab-grown meat is probably a better solution. It's currently just a soft mass of protein at the moment but as the technology develops they'll probably be able to create animal products of the highest quality for a lot cheaper.

>> No.10456128

>animals has the same rights as human
>animals are the same as humans

>> No.10456138

I get that, but I'm okay with the average price of meat increasing if the price of high quality meat drops a tiny bit, since I only eat the high quality meat anyway.

I agree that the lab grown meat is a better option, long term, but I don't think it's going to be feasibly competitive in terms of quality for decades.

>> No.10456140

Why not? It's totally justified to kill any ferals.
Those who spent time to 'neuter' them are just faggots releasing a rabies time bomb.

>> No.10456157

You are correct. But I wouldn't eat my pet pig if I had one. But I'd sure as shit have some bacon while I pet him.
I've owned cats and dogs, and I'd try the meat. I cant imagine it's very good, being an obligate carivore and the other primarily carnivorous. Bioaccumulation, gaminess, and all that. The same argument could be made in favor of a vegan diet, I suppose.

>> No.10456159

>they grow emotional attachments
Stop this bullshit, I bet you're one of those rejected airline passenger who bring 'muh support animals'

>> No.10456160

I'd love to try dog

>> No.10456203

Well retard pets only being breed and kept domestically. It's human creations.
If you care about animals and still feeding other animals to your pet you don't love animals-you just love your pets.

>> No.10456405

another guy, mate if you think eating 50% fruit as your diet is even remotely healthy you are a brainlet. did you even think about how much fucking fruit and sugar that is each and every day? no abstract about
>postprandial insulin responses to wheat and rye breads in healthy women
is gonna change the fact that youll completely overload on sugar and basically eat again every 30 min

>> No.10456639

Humans are not part of mother nature, we are on the other side and trying to get back into it. That's one of the reason why we're not part of food circle.
Vegans aren't eliminating deaths, but reduce it.

>> No.10457685

Thanks for repeating one of my points