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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10446848 No.10446848 [Reply] [Original]

Haha for real

>> No.10446849

Haha for real

>> No.10446868

Haha for real

>> No.10446874

Haha for real

>> No.10446876

Ayo fo real doe nigga!

>> No.10446877

Haha for real

>> No.10446883

Haha for real

>> No.10446889

Haha for real

>> No.10447000

Fries doubled

>> No.10447306

Normalfag humour.

>> No.10447381


>> No.10447383


>> No.10447385

Haha for truth

>> No.10447395

Haha for real

>> No.10447396

lear rof ahah

>> No.10447435

women aren't hungry when they go out to eat? lma

>> No.10447437

You must be 18 to post on this website

>> No.10447439

Haha for real

>> No.10447448

Haha for real

>> No.10447449

Where I eat the fries are usually unlimited.

>> No.10447471

Based Red Robin poster

>> No.10447474


>> No.10447478


>> No.10447512

Haha for real

>> No.10447527

What if I'm not a breeder?

>> No.10447543

My girlfriend orders off the kids menu. No charge so we go out pretty often.

>> No.10447568

ummm... no, just no, sweetie

>> No.10447586

Probably tylo b chillin

>> No.10447589

for real haha

>> No.10447607

3 extra onion rings

>> No.10447618

Haha for real

>> No.10447631

Everyone fuck yourselves

>> No.10447635


What do you find funny?

>> No.10447649

kek but 4 reel

>> No.10447709


>> No.10447744
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>current year + 3
>having a gf

>> No.10447751
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Imagine letting a passive aggressive roastie eat half of your food

>> No.10447771

Where the fuck is the like button on this stupid site?

>> No.10447773


>> No.10447784


>> No.10447802

t. virgin

it's not passive aggressive, it's literally just a cute thing girls do
>b-b-but muh tendies and fries!
three words lad: get some puss

>> No.10447829
File: 67 KB, 375x471, 1495544394270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. virgin
>muh vagina

>it's literally just a cute thing girls do
>three words lad: get some puss
Whatever you say cuck

>> No.10447837

anime was invented by cucks for cucks. fact. when we nuked japan back to the stoneage they regenerated without their gonads intact and they passed this deformity on to all future generations of jap kids.

>> No.10447841

>it's literally just a cute thing girls do
gee, I wonder who's the virgin

>> No.10447856

yeah. when she says shes not hungry she means she's overwhelmed by the size of the menu and wants you to man up and order something she'll like. fact. if you're too socially inept to pick up on this then your pennance is losing a few fries.

>> No.10447859

>expressing attraction to females makes you a virgin

>> No.10447867
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Are you a women or this effeminate as a man? I genuinely can't tell

>> No.10447877

>soy memers are all virgins with rage because they're too stupid to figure out how women think
it's all starting to make sense. it's just an outlet for their sexual frustration.

>> No.10447878

>Letting a woman walk over you because you want to fuck her
Consider self respect and stop putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.10447894

>losing 4 or 4 of your precious frenchy wenchies is letting a woman "walk all over you"
lmfao. anime culture has created a generation of overcompensating losers who can't get any because being nice is too difficult for them.

>> No.10447921

>You're a virgin
>Third times the charm
Your GF spending the night at Tyrone's? Very progressive of you to give reparations to the black community

>4 or 4
I know maths is hard for a woman but do please try to keep up, sweetie

>> No.10447924

rara for heals

>> No.10447927

not an argument

>> No.10447928

>Reminder that anime is highly cancerous, and should only be posted or referenced in its designated containment board

>> No.10447932

this but unironically

>> No.10447941
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Not an argument

>He saids on the cooking board of an anime imageboard owned by a japanese person

>> No.10447963

fallacious reasoning. 4chan isn't an anime imageboard. it's an american imageboard that happens to have an anime board. reddit is an american site. reddit surely has countless anime subreddits. is reddit an anime site? no.
in short, kill yourself.

>> No.10447965
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>> No.10447967

you never posted an argument in the first place brodie.

>> No.10447969
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>t. redditor
You have to go back

>> No.10447978

>he mentioned a website in his post that means he's from there!!!
fallacious reasoning. i can't tell your cartoon characters apart.

>> No.10447986

>I have familiar knowledge of reddit
>B-but I'm not f-from there
They're the same character, retard

>> No.10447987

not an argument.

>> No.10447995

>knowing that reddit has subpages and speculating that weebs use that site
>familiar knowledge
they must all be the same character because those no talent gooks all draw the same

>> No.10448008

>knowing that reddit has subpages
Go back, you're not fooling anyone

>they must all be the same character because those no talent gooks all draw the same
If you're going to be racist go all the way, tell us the 14 words

>> No.10448019
File: 439 KB, 680x798, racist4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racist website.

>> No.10448020


>> No.10448026

>website have more than one page on them
>familiar knowledge
you've lost the plot

>> No.10448064

Ha ha for real!

>> No.10448077

>Pussies out on the 14 words
Reddit tier cowardice, I bet you don't even say nigger

>> No.10448082

i can't be arsed to go back and look up what they were and i don't have a photographic memory dipshit. somethin somethin purity of the aryan race.

>> No.10448085

Haha for real

>> No.10448095
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>somethin somethin purity of the aryan race.
Completely wrong redditor

>I'm not from reddit
>Can't recall the 14 words
>Not even the gist
Really makes you think

>> No.10448101

only redditors go on witchhunts like this. give up my dude. everyone in this thread is cringing at your awful posts.

>> No.10448106
File: 101 KB, 219x210, 1498269514264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha for real

>> No.10448110

girlfriends usually order one of the most expensive entrees; eat 1/4 of it; bring the leftovers home and leave them in the fridge until they are moldy

>> No.10448119

Haha for real

>> No.10448124

most of the time the girl I go on a date with orders a boring salad then eats some of my food

>> No.10448127

>posting the same exact anime female this many times

>> No.10448129

Not him, but...
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

>> No.10448130

Girlfriends and wives really do do this. They say they're not hungry because they don't want to seem like slobs. If your significant other says they ARE hungry, it means they are slobs. Sorry.

I know the /r9k/ folks won't relate, but I can live with that :^)

>> No.10448131
File: 65 KB, 632x1024, REA L JOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about irl girls

>> No.10448138

>They passed this deformity on to all future generations
>without their gonads intacts


>> No.10448143

everyone knows japanese """"people""""" breed by releasing a cloud of spores

>> No.10448144

i think he meant that japs have weird balls

>> No.10448193

I guess he would know this through personal experience. Fair enough.

>> No.10448209
File: 92 KB, 1060x404, 1499629246839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having someone who would be happy to see you and do this cute shit with.
hahaha what losers, amiright lads?

>> No.10448224

>tfw have a gf who can't eat solid food because majority of her stomach was removed due to cancer
>she's still excited to go on dinner dates because she thinks it's fun to go to nice places anyway

She makes me want to cry bros I dunno how she manages her bullshit life and is still adorable and loving

>> No.10448243

I'm not sure weather to envy or pity you. I really hope I end up envying you anon.

>> No.10448246

just get a gf lad it's easy, i met mine just by trolling outside the hospital looking for colostomy bags

>> No.10448261

I don't think there's anything to envy or pity my dude. I have someone to love/love me, and I'm happy. I guess you could pity me if you think it's gay to be a softie or whatever.

>> No.10448368

Haha for real

>> No.10448378


>> No.10448389

holy fuck shut up

>> No.10449141

Haha for real

>> No.10449152

Go back to 4chins, nazi. We reddit now.

>> No.10449174
File: 768 KB, 1280x1172, stroke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going out to eat and not cooking a meal guaranteeing you get to smash that night

>> No.10449269

When I eat out with my girlfriend she never eats anything at all and usually some guy from a large group comes over and asks if they can take her chair and gives me a strange look when I say someone is sitting there.

>> No.10449340


>> No.10449343

Haha for real

>> No.10449345

>girlfriend not hungry
>order something for her but pretend I'm ordering two things for myself
>she knows what I did and doesn't eat a single fry from either plate
>spends the whole meal asking why I ordered two things but can't finish one then withholds sex for two weeks
5D chess.

>> No.10449351

Do people really go out to eat with someone who isn't hungry?

>> No.10449352

Why not just have sex with one of your other girlfriends? What's so special about this one that you can't go two weeks without touching her?

>> No.10449391

>having sex with women
Haha for real

>> No.10449409

>3.29 dollars
> plus tips
> for 3 onion rings and one extra fried potato

>> No.10450140

I see this here a lot.
Is it a regional spelling?

>> No.10450153

this but unironically

>> No.10450176

It's safe there.

>> No.10450257

go back to Facebook

>> No.10450276
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>> No.10450280

Haha for real

>> No.10450282

eh, seems reasonable at a non-fast food non-chain place

>> No.10450377

idk why ppl spell it that way. It is not a regional spelling. The folks in Avery Island spell it "Tabasco" where it is made.

>> No.10450634

It's not uncommon for someone who has eaten to accompany someone who hasn't, before doing something else together. But the joke involved in this thread is that the girlfriend is at least peckish, refusing to acknowledge it, and is going to eat enough of the boyfriend's meal that he'll miss it.

At some places the onion rings are huge.

It's also the name of a region in Mexico.

>> No.10450729

Haha, for real

>> No.10450854

Haha for real

>> No.10450865

Spelled "Tobasco" it's a little town in Ohio - they acknowledge the misspelling, though.

>> No.10450892

My gf orders off the kids menu too. 10 and under eats free!

>> No.10450929

Okay, this is epic

>> No.10450997

Haha, for real.

>> No.10451016

haha for real

>> No.10451088

Haha for real

>> No.10451098

Haha for real

>> No.10451105
File: 80 KB, 1402x256, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real haha

>> No.10451126

haha for real?

>> No.10451151

Haha for real
This is why this thread is raided
For real, haha

>> No.10451164

Haha for real

>> No.10451165

Good thing there's no haha for real
Otherwise it could become a birth of another shitty meme

>> No.10451227

>At some places the onion rings are huge.
wow, that's at least 5 cents worth or onion

>> No.10451236

Normieposting is ruining 4chan

>> No.10451466

>This whole thread
Haha for real

>> No.10451640

Haha for real

>> No.10451656

laughing emoji
crying emoji
100 emoji
100 emoji
ok emoji
lips emoji
eggplant emoji
peach emoji
wet emoji
wet emoji

>> No.10451816

Haven't seen a more BASED thread in a while

>> No.10451870

Isnt this kind of sexist? You're suggesting women are too dumb to order their own food or too weak willed to make a decision.

>> No.10452009

Haha for real

>> No.10452274

>falling for the bait this hard

>> No.10452370

>Complain about women and how they’re bitchy and will never be with one and it’s their fault
>Also complain about muh genocide

>> No.10452535


>> No.10453738

Haha for real

>> No.10453740

Haha for real

>> No.10453792

Haha cunny feel

>> No.10454324

>implying aut-right weebs have any fucking braincells to begin with
The presidential election on /pol/ was hilarious but the newfags it brought in are pure cancer

>> No.10454330

Haha for real

>> No.10454376

How cone it's only 3 onion rings

>> No.10454400

Haha for real

>> No.10454422

Haha for yeah

>> No.10454598

Haha based muzzie

>> No.10454629

Let's keep the mockery going and make s4s style threads a thing, better than whining about declining quality and obnoxious gf posters.

>> No.10455636

I wouldn't expect someone who's never had a girlfriend to find this funny.

>> No.10456477

Haha for real

>> No.10456504


>> No.10456708

Haha for real

>> No.10456714

>based onion ring check

>> No.10456715

>>10446848 (OP)

>> No.10456731

Haha for real

>> No.10456737

>it's verkingk

>> No.10456761


>> No.10456770
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>> No.10456790


>literally trending on reddit

>> No.10457173

fa fa hor laer

>> No.10457177

haha for realsies

>> No.10457208

lol fr

>> No.10457296

Haha for real