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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 818 KB, 3000x2000, berry-punch-32148-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10438247 No.10438247 [Reply] [Original]

What should berry punch have inside of her?

>> No.10438260


>> No.10438311


>> No.10438314

my dick, she's sexy

>> No.10438357

Tfw no alcoholic, pastel, fruit themed gf

>> No.10438377


>> No.10438384

Are you assuming my punches gender?!

>> No.10438753

my benis

>> No.10439175

Another casualty of Google translate

>> No.10439228


>> No.10439234

A ladle.

>> No.10439335

no, it's a stealth pony thread

>> No.10439346

make some jungle juice

>> No.10439471

You are just retarded.

>> No.10439478


>> No.10439514

oh, the irony

>> No.10439522

strawberries and grapes make for great punch, and I hear they go great together.

>> No.10439533

copious amounts of the cheapest vodka you can find

>> No.10439564


>> No.10439571

tee hee silly boy

>> No.10439580


>> No.10439582
File: 124 KB, 400x223, paranoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you paranoid fuck

>> No.10439585


>> No.10439628

High fructose corn syrup

>> No.10439641

Whats this got to do with MLP? Quick rundown?

>> No.10439650

There's a pony named Berry Punch who, according to the fandom, is an alcoholic slut who enjoys drinking herself to a stupor and getting all her holes filled with dick

>> No.10439655

And this has anything to do with fruit punch how?

>> No.10439658

Everything is ponies.
Especially when you have the paranoid mind of a hollow headed fuck.

>> No.10439668

Berry Punch is not a slut

>> No.10439672


Oh, so my vodka comment probably made them chuckle, neato

>> No.10439679

Name one mention of "fruit punch" in this entire thread, including the OP, especially the OP, specifically "fruit" punch

>> No.10439697

Read the OP again and tell me you are not dense enough to think this thread was ever about making a beverage of any sort

>> No.10439708

Look at the image OP posted, this is clearly a stealth fruit punch thread.

>> No.10439715


>> No.10439725

All I see is an OP who decides to label his beverages like captains label their ships.
Do I understand why he does it? No, and I am not going to judge an Anon if he wants to consider his bowls of fruity water a "lady"

>> No.10439735
File: 15 KB, 368x399, 1523381825793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually brainlets in this thread who keep believing it's not some /mlp/ fag? Or is it just one guy same fagging?

>> No.10439745

>He still doesn't get it.
I think they are making fun of you.

>> No.10439750

P sure it's the samefag posting over and over again

>> No.10439765
File: 22 KB, 804x743, 1519935261044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, while its pretty funny what happened to my thread can we just discuss some fucking fruit based drinks?

i have a party coming up and i feel like having an alcoholic punch bowl, what should i put in it?

>> No.10439789

fuck off op


>> No.10439797

The sad part is, he probably would get better advice over there.

>> No.10439804

Nah it's really just going to be like this except with pics of ponies too and people furiously posting lewd greentext

>> No.10439817

Like I said, probably better advice.

>> No.10439833

I'm sorry that your thread got hijacked by LOSERS, OP.
Berry punch should have a nice liquor, such as Patron tequila, to accompany the sweet flavour

>> No.10439847



>> No.10439875

Nobody cares you autist

>> No.10439880

calm down brainlet

>> No.10440403

Berry punch? You mean Kompot?

>> No.10440437

ooh gave me the idea to make berry jello tonight. I'll update if this thread is still up.

>> No.10441370

Raspberries are essential.
Sweet, sour and strong tasting which works well with most flavors. Maybe do some raspberry, lemon, lemonade and gin bowl? Needs something else too, thyme or rosemary or rosewater or orange blossom water or something to add another layer.

>> No.10441425

my child

>> No.10441471

>Implying she could stop drinking for 9 months

>> No.10441623
File: 15 KB, 300x300, sweats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10441629

>implying that isn't why he's a fasd retard

>> No.10442264

Go to derpibooru, e621 or rule 34 and search the name bro

>> No.10442289


>> No.10442292
File: 203 KB, 389x810, garchomp suplexing a zangoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every pony, including the males, is a slut that gets all their holes filled with dick

how do people fap to pony porn though
it's TOO simplified, there's chibi and cartoony cutesy stuff but mlp is basically as simplistic as it gets without just wiring down the words "SMALL HORSE" in a square, where's the sex appeal, wheres the details that evoke a fuller image of something actually fuggable

>> No.10442302

Some artists have some CRAZY detailed art

Check out evehly on derpibooru my friend

>> No.10442307

>too simplified

maybe 6 years ago, it's all about detail and anatomical correctness now

>> No.10442308

>Some artists have some CRAZY detailed art
yeah but thats just mlp themed furry porn, i mean stuff that tries to and does accurately replicate the style

though i also mean that for how you wanna fuck a pony in the first place to instead produce that mlp-themed horse porn

>> No.10442343


>i mean stuff that tries to and does accurately replicate the style
it's just not as popular as the other kind, but when people say "pony porn" they're referring to all of it, not the stuff that replicates the style of the show

>> No.10442391

i guess that makes sense but still, i wonder what has to have happened to a man to make them look at the actual mlp show and think "i wanna fug dat horse"

doesnt help that mlp as a show fuckin' SUCKS

>> No.10442428

>it's TOO simplified, there's chibi and cartoony cutesy stuff but mlp is basically as simplistic as it gets without just wiring down the words "SMALL HORSE" in a square, where's the sex appeal, wheres the details that evoke a fuller image of something actually fuggable
It's not about sex appeal you fucking filthy casual. I love my waifu because she's a shining beacon of perfection in an ugly wretched world full of disgusting people like you. Not because I saw her and thought "fugg',go watch your shitty fucking Chink toons you piece of crap.

>> No.10442432

>a shining beacon of perfection in an ugly wretched world full of disgusting people
but those horses bully eachother all the time

>> No.10442437

>doesnt help that mlp as a show fuckin' SUCKS
Literally the only good cartoon on the air since Transformers Animated, and the only one still on the air since Transformers Prime. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.10442448

>Transformers Animated, and the only one still on the air since Transformers Prime.
both of those suck too so i think you just have shit taste

>> No.10442460

MLP sucks from an animation and plot point of view and it’s fan base are pure fucking cancer.

>> No.10442468

wtf, I love ponies now.

>> No.10442487
File: 51 KB, 501x585, 8aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goyi-i mean fellow 4channers. Let's go watch some anime and read some mangoes.

>> No.10442508

Animu fucking sucks as well.
Cartoons are for kids and retards.

>> No.10442606
File: 57 KB, 424x301, 1431225740584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the guy who posted fucking Pokemon, you're some early 20s dumbfuck who wasn't even alive when Pokemon first came out, shut the fuck up brah. Hand over the keys and go home faggot.

>> No.10442794
File: 8 KB, 650x650, 1523367856220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10443506

Alcohol, of course.

>> No.10443524
File: 14 KB, 352x482, 306da0c45eae01a018eedf1cdc6045bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never visit mlp but what the fuck

>> No.10443587

This thread went places, and I like it

>> No.10443841


THAT is horrifying to you?
leave, normie

>> No.10444022
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x768, terror feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is ghost coming back

>> No.10445610


>> No.10447074

Sounds fun.

>> No.10447215

jesus christ

>> No.10447295

You blew it up. Damn you all to hell.

>> No.10447806

I like this thread.

>> No.10447966
File: 35 KB, 380x389, blue-drinks-kid-drinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do YOU know about good fruit punch?

>> No.10448013

>No grapes.
More than you.