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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10437246 No.10437246 [Reply] [Original]

When will there be a temporary cure for food allergies, similar to that used for people allergic to pollen?

I really want to try lobsters and crab legs, but I'm allergic to crustaceans. I don't want to use an epipen everytime I eat them because epipens are expensive.

ITT: food allergy thread

>> No.10437257

The same cure already exists. It's just that hardly anyone bothers with it because it's easy to avoid eating the food you're allergic to, whereas it's not easy to avoid pollen.

How severe are your allergies? If they're fairly minor you could just load up on Benadryl.

>> No.10437260

God doesn't want you to eat sea bugs, so I suggest not doing so.

>> No.10437262

Eating crustaceans results in my eyes swelling up, my taste buds starting to burn, developing skin rashes and difficulty breathing.

They're pretty severe

>> No.10437269

But the white meat from lobster tails looks so juicy and succulent.

I've heard they taste like chicken but better.

>> No.10437337
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It's to die for.

>> No.10437399

Onion, Ginger, Walnuts, Eggplant, and Soy Allergies reporting in. Yeah it all sucks and only wish there was a cure.

>> No.10437418

The only cure is if people with food allergies just keep killing themselves.

Eugenics, it works.

>> No.10437441

Its weird because I could eat tons of crustaceans as a lil boy, but one day I developed an allergic reaction.

>> No.10437444
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I'm unsure if this would fall under the category of "food allergies" but its super related and I guess could add something to laugh at.
>be me
>period of time where was obsessed with chocolate milk
>Used to do wood work with father in the summer.
>Always "charged" up my energy with a fuck ton of choccy milk
>went outside in 30 degree Celsius heat to chop wood and pile it with father
>get done and it's all good
>dad proud
>my bowels are apparently not proud
>stomach feels like I've got a guy punching me
>feeling mega sick
>decide best course of action is to sit on the toilet and wait out the pain
>stomach is making me repent for every person in the worlds sin
>sweating and in pain on toilet
>2 hours pass
>period of calm.
>lie around for a bit
>making sure the "water has settled"
>figure everything is all good
>celebrate with a L of choccy
>all out of choccy
>walk to store so i can resupply
>about to buy milk
>in line
>mfw stomach pains return
>rush to store bathroom
>get into position for the long battle
>time passes and pains still going on
>it's been a half hour
>Knock Knock
>Oh shit oh shitohshit
>Quick, respond "uh, o-occupied!"
>guy stops knocking
>relief time
>more time passes.
>aggressive pounding followed by "ARE YOU DONE IN THERE"
>Freeze up
>Oh....god. He's still there. "give me a minute!"
>I panic and pull up pants.
>flush toilet to make it seem like I actually used it.
>guy sees me walk out holding two big jugs of choccy milk
>Shamelessly walk by
>get home
>father says it's probably the choccy milk.
>Depression commencing
>no chocolate milk
>few months later is fall close to winter.
>fuck it
>drink ton of choccy
>nothing happens
>find out the heat and milk plus working with physical labour was fucking me up
>mfw gave up choccy for nothing

>> No.10437452

allergic too seafood except mollusks and not allergic to eggs but can't eat them without puking and shitting myself to death so i just call it allergic for simplicity

>> No.10437570
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Scrub or remove the outside of the fruit/veggies to remove pesticides (apple skin, orange peels, bananas, leafy greens, etc). Use soap, water, and a plastic pot scrubber to do this. Then rinse it well. Wash your hands after doing either so that you don't transfer anything to your mouth/face. Systemic pesticides can normally be cooked out since they are normally not heat stable (carrots, corn, tomatoes, leafy greens, etc). Organic pesticides can still be a problem.

The best thing you can do is avoid all foods that you didn't personally raise/grow and cook. Some people can't do that, but whatever. Growing crops without any type of pesticide will normally go a long long way to preventing allergic reactions with your food. I became a farmer for this very reason.

>> No.10437604

That has nothing whatsoever to do with an allergic reaction.