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File: 51 KB, 700x700, necoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10434086 No.10434086 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10434129

>Word that the country’s oldest continuously operating candy company might shut down has people suddenly hoarding Necco Wafers

>> No.10434166

i mean, they weren't good

>> No.10434214

If people actually gave a shit about them to begin with, they wouldn't be going out of business.

>> No.10434306
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>Candy stores and consumers are trying to get their hands on whichever Necco products they can get, the Journal reported, including Mary Janes, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Clark Bars and Sweethearts, the popular heart-shaped Valentine's Day candies.

I didn’t know there was an entire company dedicated to making awful candy besides Palmer’s.

>> No.10434313
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>Word that the country’s oldest continuously operating candy company might shut down has people suddenly hoarding Necco Wafers
This is going to be Twinkies all over again with Hostess right? Just another FUCKING scam to raise interest in their shitty product.

>> No.10434321
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I have quite the stash now

>> No.10434323
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Necco Wafers are great.

>> No.10434329
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>Necco Wafers are great.
I've never had them but I bet they aren't very good.

>> No.10434337


bunch of low test cock jockeys in here

>> No.10434338

it's sugar flavored chalk
interesting but good is a heck of a stretch

>> No.10434341
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necco wafers appear in Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead and im not sure why

accurate simulation of valentines day candy right there

>> No.10434351
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>They are both storied and divisive, known for their unusually long shelf life and a recipe that’s been unchanged since the days when the indestructible candies fueled Union soldiers during the Civil War.
This candy kills racists.

>> No.10434364
File: 160 KB, 1844x1210, ob7B0rH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally go fuck yourself

>> No.10434717

Rest in piss.

>> No.10434738

More like:


>> No.10434763

They aren't bad, they just have an odd taste like a lot of old fashioned candy can have. It's hard to describe.

>> No.10434773

What about the Sky Bar?

>> No.10434779

Literally the most grandma tier candy ever made

Horrendously bad.

>> No.10434807

Clark Bars are a poor substitute for a Butterfinger but I remember always getting one or two from a bait store when me and my dad would go fishing. This makes me kind of sad.

>> No.10434884

my dad is ordering crates of these to my parent's house. he is distraught.

>> No.10434940

Hi, distraught dad here. Your dad sounds like a smart and reasonable fellow

>> No.10436627


>> No.10436855

My dad and i would share a pack of these on car trips see how long we could make em last.
Gonna get some for nostalgia

>> No.10436877


Same. Well, my dad would buy these for me everyone in awhile from 4 to like 10.

Good times.

>> No.10436885

My dad uses them for target practice, better tell him to stock up.

>> No.10436943

I'm not a Dixie fag by any means but the civil war was not fought over slavery and you know it

>> No.10437370

It was fought to preserve the union which was under threat due to the south's desire to preserve the institution of slavery at any cost.

>> No.10437818

t. Retard

>> No.10437862
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>> No.10437987

It definitely was
Slavery is in the confederate constitution
Meaning they wouldn’t have allowed northern states to have no slavery even if they claimed states rights

The civil war was definitely mostly about slavery

>> No.10438027
File: 125 KB, 899x889, confederate_pepe_will_rise_again_by_doctirderp-d92k7jm.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you damn Yanks!

>> No.10438039

You know them better as the only good (and original) version of valentines "Sweetheart" candy. The Necco Wafers are basically that in a flat disk instead of a heart.

>> No.10438696

Is that a Burzum Album?

>> No.10438716
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, Necco Destruction super slow motion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance.

>> No.10438724
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>> No.10438779

I live in Boston and I haven't eaten one of these things in 20 years. Shit's nasty.

>> No.10438832

>mfw this is the clif notes version of history that kids are being taught these days

If you care enough to educate yourself, here's a nice lecture on the topic.

>> No.10438912

Of coursh!

>> No.10439014

But chalky candies are patrician

>> No.10439036
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only these ones

>> No.10439262

>Sweethearts, the popular heart-shaped Valentine's Day candies.
SO THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE CALLED!? I mean it makes sense..

>> No.10439689
File: 82 KB, 968x681, 1523325320362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donald Livingston

>> No.10439738

Mmm, cigiwet

>> No.10439862

Valentines day hearts are literally just heart shaped necco wafers

>> No.10439874


>> No.10439884

>they're not allowed to call them candy cigarettes anymore
Fucking faggots

>> No.10440061

There used to be gum that came in cigarette like wrap. When you would puff air through it some corn starch or powdered sugar would come out the end like smoke.

>> No.10440081

They're bullshit but they have a neat history. The US government issued them to GIs in WWII because they wouldn't melt and were basically invincible through all sorts of temperature/humidity fluctuations. They're basically MRE candy.

>> No.10440098
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if you mix all the flavors that come in a standard soda fountain it tastes like necco wafers

>> No.10440607

I thought Squirrel Nut Zippers was a 90s ska band. That was almost a quarter century ago. If I can go that long without knowing they were named after a candy then the candy company's been doing something wrong.

>> No.10441564

i bet it's more for adults who are salty that they cant smoke them

>> No.10441568

why are there so many varieties of sweetened chalk?

>> No.10441583

Kind of sad, mainly because I like sweethearts.

>> No.10441678

theyre sweetened with a lot of things that aren't conventional white sugar, mostly corn/potato starch and beet sugar and fruit sugars

>> No.10441705

I remember liking Clark bars when I was in elementary school, but haven't had one since.

>> No.10441752

They are in CDDA because it is set in New England, and NECCO stands for New England Confectionary Co. I guess some New Englander github contributer was inexplicably proud of NECCO's shitty candy and was deluded enough to think it was iconic for the area and not universally hated.

Fun fact, the town names in CDDA are taken from town names in New England. As somebody who lives in Massachusetts it's funny to drive through towns you know, only in game they are just made up of two houses and a gunstore.

>> No.10441778

I knew the DEEP LORE Of CDDA but I didn't know that Necco wafers weren't a UK thing. between that font and the type of candy it is, it always struck me as something deeply british, and probably very old and only available in dedicated candy stores for hipsters and old people

>As somebody who lives in Massachusetts it's funny to drive through towns you know, only in game they are just made up of two houses and a gunstore.
aren't all american towns like that