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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10432094 No.10432094 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say /ck/ was going to purchase an underground bunker and had live together in it 5-10 years to survive armageddon.
1. What stockpile items should be bought/hoarded for storage?
2. What would ACTUALLY be brought in for storage?

>> No.10432132
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>> No.10432164

american here. that's a week's worth of food for me

>> No.10432205
File: 1.40 MB, 4032x3024, 54B6A570-D46F-471B-97F6-FD25CDAEDF09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a big difference between 5 and 10 years. What one is it?

Five years it is feasible to use can goods for food. Ten years would be risky just for can goods.

Also the idea of a bunker is foolish. Better off with a house that is well stocked in an area with limited threats.

>> No.10432283
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>well stocked house with limited threats

There's no safe area once the """Zombie Apocalypse""" hits

>> No.10432335
File: 74 KB, 560x346, 1E819EF2-BA87-4B2C-A03F-FE255C37EE39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always limit threats. Can't be totally eliminated, but certainly mitigated.

>> No.10432363


All of the mayo in that pic is going to expire long before it's used. Also, who the fuck needs that much cayenne?

>> No.10432374
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>Also, who the fuck needs that much cayenne?

>> No.10432377

Theres no feasible shtf scenario where a house would protect you from whatever went wrong

>> No.10432597

If every house on this planet is a death trap then your bunker is not helping you.

>> No.10432723

3650x whole chicken in a can for 10 years, half that for 5.

>> No.10432742

A couple bags of rice and a shit ton of water. meditate for 10 years eating 4 grains of rice a day

>> No.10432873

>Not ascending to a higher plane of existence in less than a year

>> No.10433501

Buy dried stuff. It takes up less space and lasts forever. You just need water to re-hydrate it.

>> No.10433514

>not standing right under the nuke when they rain down
Who wants to survive this shit?

>> No.10433540

I live on top of an aquifer with an electric pump providing all the water I need. So assuming I rig a manual pump, I wouldn't have to worry about water. If cost wasn't an option I would go with those pricey freeze dried meals and a solid supply of multivitamins. Otherwise, cheap ass canned goods. Spinach, chicken, tuna, lots of that lite salt for potassium and sodium, potatoes, etc. Basically look for anything that provides a large spread of nutritional requirements.

>> No.10433554

>(((Zombies))) are going to disperse through the countryside and start raiding homes

Yeah, nah. They'll turn to Cannibalism first.

>> No.10433556

Canned goods. Not can goods, you retard.

>> No.10433599

If you want real food security in SHTF you'll have to grow your own food and learn to preserve it.

If you just want to waste money:
>dry rice
>dry beans

In the end you will be much happier and healthier making your own food. You'll save money, too.

>> No.10434032

rice and beans, maybe buckets of freeze dried meals but idk
get a shit ton of vitamin c, i'm always worried i'll get scurvy and my teeth will fall out

>> No.10434040

yeah don't forget salt
>>10434032 is me

>> No.10434050

Cartons of cigarettes
Coffee: instant type one
Crystal light
Toilet paper

>> No.10434053

That brings up the question--how do people have access to heat/electricity in their bunker? You can't very well eat dry rice and beans.

>> No.10434054

Oh and dinty Moore stew and those Lipton instant side thingys

>> No.10434055

Anyone else remember that scene in The Road where they uncover that bunker with all the Spam and Whiskey and Vitamin Water?

Holy shit that makes me froth at the mouth. So comfy.

>> No.10434064

Why did they leave though.... :(

>> No.10434068

I think they wanted to get south so they could farm or something or hope to find a civilization. However I do think they should have spent more time there and just rested for some time.

>> No.10434147

Let me guess, the SHTF event involves alien forces taking over electricity, so if you are inside you are already dead.

>> No.10434157

i have no idea why they left so soon. the reason the dad gave was "its not safe"

well, nothing was safe in that situation. why not enjoy some food and booze?

doesnt make sense.

>> No.10434168

Besides just being a contrived plot point, I seem to remember the father saw some kind of evidence of other people sniffing around, and wanted to get out of dodge before they stumbled upon the bunker.

Tbh, it's probably good the book ended the way it did and the kid got a second chance.

>> No.10434180

I do remember the dad saying it's not safe. That movie is too real when it comes to the End of the World scenarios.

>> No.10434206

I'm pretty sure in the book the father says, "if we can find it then so can they." They found the bunker shortly after escaping the cannibals/human farm.

>> No.10434228

generator with vents

>> No.10434254

>giant cans of tomato sauce
Good luck finishing one before it spoils if you can't refrigerate the leftovers

>> No.10434262

For me it’s the McChicken.

>> No.10434265

He's probably planning on feeding 3 or 4 other people at time. It's fine.

>> No.10434967

They heard a group of people walking above and around the bunker, including a dog. Spoiler, it was the group that takes in the boy at the end of the novel

>> No.10436207
File: 38 KB, 354x354, ae3256ff23d41b86504ce6e04d644795--discworld-tattoo-tattoo-project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans, rice, oatmeal, seeds for farming.

Keep some rabbits around.