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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10428662 No.10428662 [Reply] [Original]

Feeding fruits to your pets. Do you do it?

>> No.10428722

no only carrots and peas

>> No.10428724

my dogs like it sometimes,
one was fully engulfed in fascination eating an apple once and ate it all. hasn't touched one since
sometimes they will be for a bite when they see me eating, but only eat it for guilt after I give it to them and they don't like it.
I just make noises and point at it until they reluctantly eat it.

>> No.10428728 [DELETED] 

The cats in my neighborhood love hotdogs in an antifreeze sauce :^)

>> No.10428827

I'm not a primate... obviously I do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1g0LN_ygVU

>> No.10428937

I like to cook eggs for my cats on the weekend.

>> No.10428944
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>me eating da pussy

>> No.10428957

I had a cat that shared apples with me. My mom got rid of it because it kept pissing in front of her office

>> No.10429186
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Dogs here would go nuts for avocados. Never seen this reaction with fruits on dogs.

>> No.10429200

I feed diced fruit to the crows which live in my garden

Does that count?

>> No.10429209

Good to know Kay. Can Lee still not have cheese?

>> No.10429333

Do they bring you cool shit now?

>> No.10429334

Yeah I freeze grapes and give them to my miniature dachshund in the summer for a cool treat

>> No.10429395

Two of my lizards love fruit. Bananas, raspberries, and blueberries are some of their favorites.

>> No.10429435

You better be cutting them up right

>> No.10429440

My dogs love bananas

>> No.10429441

Why would I cut up a tiny grape

>> No.10429473

Is that Al Bundy?

>> No.10429474

They can easily get lodged in their throat. Same with kids...one if my friends daughters died (was 2) from inhaling grape. It's common knowledge around mothers to do this. Also grapes are not healthy for dogs in general as it fucks with their kidneys

>> No.10429479

>feeding your dog foods that are poisonous to them

>> No.10429480

I think the skins fuck with their digestion tract

>> No.10429528

Stop that right now. Avocados will kill your dog -

don't listen to kids on the internet folks

>> No.10429677

My dog isnt a retarded kid and chews them up.
She seems fine

>> No.10429847

My sister sometimes would feed her pet chickens watermelon or cheese.

>> No.10429887

My dog eats guavas,peaches, and some citrus. He will sit while im picking fruit and eyes me almost begging for a piece of it. He will not eat the drops. The dog hates pineapples, cucumber, carrots, and apples.

>> No.10430114

it's a build up over time. if you feed them grapes consistently, they will most likely experience kidney failure.

>> No.10430138

I give my dog apple slices. He used to eat orange pieces too but I think the rind fragments bother him too much now.

>> No.10430148

Cats are carnivores so no, obviously not.

>> No.10430159

Cats eat grass.

>> No.10430163

Is grass a fucking fruit?

>> No.10430644
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>this thread again, same OP image

>> No.10430658

It’s like you‘re here forever or something. It’s someone who really likes my works.
I know one of you /v/irgins lurks this board to steal ideas for your own threads go hang yourself you uncreative fucks.

>> No.10430665

Actually the grape itself is fine, it's the skin that's bad for them

>> No.10430674
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>> No.10430675


>> No.10430681
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>> No.10430685

No, you're a fuckin' fruit!

>> No.10430688

I like to feed the neighborhood cats hotdogs in a nice antifreeze reduction :^)

>> No.10430690

>steal ideas
How can I steal ideas when you still have them? Dumbfuck.

>> No.10430705

You‘d like to know them don‘t you? fuck off to your underage r/gaymen shithole.

>> No.10430708

Get over yourself you freakjob, nobody gives a shit about your so called "ideas."

>> No.10430709


>> No.10430714

This is /ck/, /v/ is /a/'s boogeyman. We're all crossboarders here.
>steals your ideas and doesn't give them back

>> No.10430718

Some of these freaks need to head back to /mlp where they can get some horsie pr0n.

>> No.10430760

When they need to throw up they eat grass

>> No.10430861
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do you chocolate coat them too before you freeze them

>> No.10431495

Yes chickens actually eat just about anything.

>> No.10431597
File: 428 KB, 600x397, Coon_Chicken_Inn-Restaurant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking savage chicken bastards!

>> No.10431642

My cat used to love apricots. She died recently and we're burying her under an apricot tree. I feel like I failed her..... Fuck, I miss her ;-;

>> No.10431653

cats piss too much. and they also shit in the rose bushes.

>> No.10431666

My sister's cat is a fiend for strawberries. Never seen an animal so happy as when it gets to eat one.

>> No.10433386

My dog really likes watermelon. I'll use it as a reward

>> No.10433405

Home chicken farmers have to be careful because if an egg breaks and the hen tastes it, she may start cannibalizing eggs. What's worse is that other hens may start imitating her.

>> No.10433723

Its too late man... although my sister doesnt care cause its already too many eggs for her to eat anyways.

>> No.10433823

>she may start cannibalizing eggs.
i thought birds did this naturally

i know its already a thing with both pigeons and parrots; they lay eggs no matter what, but know they're unviable without lots of fucking, and will just eat their own unfertilized eggs

>> No.10433891

Can you feed pets high amounts of dairy?

>> No.10434331

>burying her under an apricot tree
No, this is right

>> No.10434383

I thought that was a James Bond song, but it's Mango Tree.

From Dr. No?

>> No.10434974

>chicken and watermelon

>> No.10435026

I like to feed my dog chocolate covered raisins

>> No.10436928

When I was a kid I would go blackberry picking and take the dog with me. If I didn't pick them fast enough to fill a bowl and give him his share he would start picking them himself right off the bush.

What I walked home he would be with me with bleeding holes on his tongue from the thorns and be as happy as a pig is shit.

>> No.10436965

My cats like grapes and onions.

>> No.10436984

Nigger spotted

>> No.10437013
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I assume every fruit mentioned in these threads is deadly poison to pets.

>> No.10437113

My dog loves cheese, its like a big mac or a pizza to her, and too much would be fattening. So I use it as a reward.

>> No.10437290

My dog fucking loves carrots for some reason. She also likes kiwis but I don't keep them in the house too often.

>> No.10437308

My dog thinks he likes fruit, but he just wants my food. I'll throw him a piece of fruit he'll lick it or pick it up, shake his head all funny like, then look expectantly at me for another piece while the original piece sits on the floor.