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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 800x800, 1StickButterDishGlassSHF16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10422825 No.10422825 [Reply] [Original]

In the fridge or on the counter?

>> No.10422829

counter, obviously

>> No.10422834

most in the fridge, at least 350g on the counter, at least 250g in the fridge at all times

i don't wanna wait hours for butter to warm/freeze because i wanted to make a recipe that requires it suddenly

>> No.10422838
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>> No.10422839

at least 250g in the freezer*

>> No.10422840

salted; on the counter.

>> No.10422846

Doesnt it get bad on the counter?

>> No.10422857

3 pounds in the fridge and two sticks right by the range
gotta have some soft for family toast and some random dishes every day, but having some hard butter is useful for baking sometimes if I have to cut cubes or sticks
t. professional cook/baker

>> No.10422866

>Buy 4 sticks
>2 in freezer
>1.5 in fridge
>.5 on counter
Rotate from coldest to warmest as you consume.

>> No.10422875

Salted Butter will eventually spoil on the counter, but if you use it regularly you won't have issues.

I buy a 4 pack of my favorite butter and do 1/2 in the freezer (For pie or later use), 1/4 in the fridge (For sauces and recipes) and 1/4 in a covered container for spreading.

>> No.10423084

Last year I finally started having a butter dish on the counter. I like it. I mean, it's just like, why not.

>> No.10424437

/ck/ is the only place you'll find people contrarian enough to not even keep their butter in the fridge.

>> No.10424463
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Enjoy your cold nonspreadable butter fridgefag

>> No.10424465


>> No.10424472

It's a fridge, not a freezer.

>> No.10424474

The contrarian here is you, my cold friend.

>> No.10424480

Wow you're retarded

>> No.10424506
File: 50 KB, 320x272, c909e888f39a3dfbc106462a3d30e11c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe it's not summer!

>> No.10424558

I've never heard of people keeping their butter on the counter before. How long can you keep it on the counter before it spoils? A few days? A week? I've always kept my butter in the fridge, never used it for spreading on bread, just used it for stews and frying meats or eggs.

>> No.10424573

If it's under like 70°F then you can keep it in a container on the counter for like 2 weeks maximum. If it's hotter than that or not in an air tight container you have a few days.

>> No.10424599

in the larder

>> No.10424607

up mein butthole

>> No.10424618

I keep all of it in the fridge except the stick that is in the glass dish. The whole point of the glass dish is to leave the butter on the counter so it is soft for bread or whatever.

>> No.10424661

Spoken like someone who has never even owned butter. It doesn't matter if it's a fridge or a freezer you sperg. Oils like butter harden to a completely solid, unspreadable state when put in the fridge. It doesn't require a freezer to solidify.

>> No.10424697

on the fifth day god created the fridge
on the seventh day he gave us the microwave

>> No.10424719

not him but I keep my butter in the fridge and have no issue spreading it when it comes to room temperature

>> No.10424737

>when it comes to room temperature

The whole point of putting it on the counter is that you don't have to wait for that to happen. It's convenient.

>> No.10424751

but then it goes bad faster

>> No.10424797


We're not selling fuckin drugs buddy. Just call it a stick or a half a stick or whatever you eurotrash

>> No.10424829
File: 33 KB, 460x502, grate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have TEN FUCKING SECONDS to explain why you don't keep your butter in the fridge and use one of these devices you cu/ck/s


>> No.10424833

pretty much this but whole stick on the counter

>> No.10425222
File: 116 KB, 837x980, 1522697367922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a stick on the counter, the rest in the fridge

>> No.10425245

fup bup

>> No.10425254

Are you straight out of a Beatrix Potter book?

>> No.10425285

i do

>> No.10425317

I don't have to spend money to have a device pre-chew my butter for me.

>> No.10425774

Takes more time to go bad than it takes to use the portion I leave out. If you can't use even 1/2 stick of butter in two weeks why are you even buying it?

>> No.10425780


>> No.10425790

Do you actually cook on an every day basis? Counter
Are you some retard who only has butter for the occasional bath of Kraft Dommer? Fridge

>> No.10425810

>not refrigerating dairy products
is /ck/ fucking retarded?

>> No.10425817

>tfw you try to spread cold butter and it rips the bread

>> No.10425837

butter, especially salted butter, takes many days at room temp before it spoils.

Leave it out, but only as much as you expect to use within a few days. If you use a little butter then just leave out a quarter or half a stick. If you use a lot of butter then leave the whole stick out.

>> No.10426142

>He doesn't buy both spreadable and ordinary
Do Amerimutts really do this?

>> No.10426310

My grandma keeps the butter on a dish in the cupboard cause she's old as fuck and must know some secret to baking that I don't

>> No.10426314

I keep it frozen so it lasts longer. Then, before I use it, I wrap it in tinfoil and microwave it so it spreads easier. Best of both worlds.

>> No.10426385

Surprisingly enough butter can stay for an extremely long time on the counter.

>> No.10426398
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>> No.10426417

Do you know how long it takes to go bad? I live in the desert if that makes a difference.

>> No.10426433

One stick on the kitchen counter, covered/in a dish. The rest in the fridge. If you leave your butter in the fridge and claim to be able to easily spread it on room temperature food your fridge isn't cold enough.

>> No.10426723

Most countries dont

>> No.10426776

i warm mine by the toaster when i need it

>> No.10428538
File: 63 KB, 600x1147, u wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wrap it in tinfoil and microwave it

>> No.10428553

spoken like a true fat american that has to eat butter every day.

>> No.10428557

I live in phoenix and have never seen anybody just leave butter out wtf is this shit? It's a dairy product, how the fuck doesn't it go bad?

>> No.10428565

>he doesn't eat big to get big

>> No.10428580

>if you want big, smooth shits, you've gotta lubricate
I find butter to be the tastiest and most effective dietary fat. It feels so satisfying to get up in the morning and just let it all shoot out like a cannon.

>> No.10428610

I don't know the science behind it (other than the obvious one: salt), but butter takes many days to go bad at room temp.

>> No.10428647

Excess in freezer.
Soon-to-be used this week in the fridge
In-use in the butter dish.

>> No.10428654
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>go to friends house
>their mom makes us breakfast
>nearly burnt toast with a square of cold butter on top

>> No.10428658
File: 189 KB, 1280x960, 1456195143094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a cheese slicer


>> No.10428670

dude change your bongwater already

>> No.10428672

For a second there I thought that was a handheld rice cooker

>> No.10428690

I keep my butter bell ful at all times. Two sticks in the fridge. Something a four pack or big brick in the freezer.

>> No.10428709

Whats recorded on those vhs tapes?
I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.10428734

Stone Masonry, ET, Red Dawn, Steel Magonolias, and some Moon Runes. Can't you read?

>> No.10428748
File: 16 KB, 250x187, 657389160063__70825.1392580536.250.250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10428776

>Moon Runes.

"Hard-Boiled," at the far left.

>> No.10428828
File: 179 KB, 1280x960, 1456194948121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this,

1 – The Mummy Returns
2 – Labyrinth
3 – The Perfect Weapon

1 – Crocodile Dundee
2 – Crocodile Dundee II
3 – Crocodile Dundee in L.A.
4 – Warning Sign

1 - National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
2 - National Lampoon’s European Vacation
3 - National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation
4 – Nothing but Trouble

1 – Alien
2 – Aliens
3 – Day of the Dead

1 – Close Encounters of the Third Kind
2 – Spy Hard
3 – Unbreakable

Steel Magnolias
Red Dawn
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
The Art of Slipform Stone Masonry

The numbers at the end of the titles are probably the time where the movie starts or how long the movies are, I can't read them in that image. The cassette tape in the tape deck is, "Country Nights", which you can get off etsy for like $10. You'd know all this had you been around a few years ago.

>> No.10428831

I can make out Crocodile Dundee one of them, no idea about the rest.

>> No.10428868

how do you know if it's bad?

>> No.10428871

Thank god this fat, pretentious fuck doesn't post here anymore.

>> No.10428903
File: 571 KB, 737x394, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10428940

First step is it smelling and tasting rancid. This won't make you sick but is unpleasant for sure.

Second step is actual spoilage: mold, rot, putrid smells that will make you gag.

>> No.10428947

>This won't make you sick

Rancidity increases carcinogens.

>> No.10428960

Piss off mate, phs guy was legendary

>> No.10428975

Yeah fuck I miss coming to this board every day to see his ridiculous posts

>> No.10429242

Fridge, i'm only using it for cooking aka melting it first.

>> No.10429272

Salted: on the counter
Unsalted: in the fridge

Salted is mainly used for spreading etc, so being instantly spreadsble is handy. Unsalted butter is for baking and it doesn’t keep as long at room temperature.

>> No.10429392

>americans are this scared of numbers and using their brain
no wonder your politicians think you're cattle

>> No.10429419

>he said as any measurements that aren't cleanly divisible by 10 makes his brain explode
Unless you're talking baking recipes, he's right.

>> No.10429602
